The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shattered Opinion

 I don't hate Kristen Stewart.
I'm disappointed.
I'm confused.
I'm trying to wrap my head around all of it.
It's not working.
I feel sorrow.
Sorry for the innocent people this has hurt.
Sorry for the hatred that this fandom is seething with.
Sorry that sometimes sorry
isn't enough.

Kristen didn't betray me.
Everything I did for and about her...
I did for me.
No one forced me to go to her movies
or buy her magazine covers...
Or rush to her defense.
And contrary to popular opinion
No one made me love her.
And him.
I did that on my own.
And I have no regrets over the last 4 years.
I would do it all again.

And guess what?
I still feel protective over her.
Can't help it.
I get if you feel betrayed.
I get that you are mad.
I even get if you don't like her anymore.
But the violent hatred I have seen online
makes me nauseous.

I don't condone having affairs with married men.
It's wrong.
It's destructive.
It's completely selfish.
And it makes no fucking sense.

I admit that I'm overly invested in this.
I loved both Rob and Kristen.
But my biggest clue was that I was physically ill this morning.
As in throwing up.
Over this.
Over two people's relationship.
And I'm not one of the people.
It shouldn't affect me this strongly.
But it does.

I will always be a fan of Robert Pattinson.
I fucking adore him.
As for Kristen...
I can't turn my back on her.
Even now.
I need to see how this all plays out.
I need to know ...
That they are BOTH OK.
I will still care about Robert and Kristen
Together. Or apart.

Kristen released a statement today regarding this whole thing...

I'm deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment 
I've caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected.
 This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life,
 the person I love and respect the most, Rob.
 I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry.

I love him.
I love him.
I'm so sorry.

What was left of my heart... shattered.

What remains to be seen...
Is how Robert handles all this.

I wish that they could just figure it out on their own.
Without the whole fucking world watching them.
Judging them.

I feel protective over Rob... too.
He loved her so.
She made him so happy.
And that made me happy.
I can't imagine anyone doing this to him.
Especially Kristen.

Kristen is flawed.
So is Robert.
Human. Imperfect.
We have no idea what is happening with them...
or why.
We see tiny glimpses into their lives
Glimpses that we probably don't deserve.
Are you without flaws?
Have you never hurt someone you love?
Whether Kristen is forgiven or not
isn't up to you.
Or me.
Just Rob.
This is their relationship.
It's between them.
Only them.
We are outside... looking in.
We don't belong inside.

This post is brought to you by my heart.
It aches for Robert.
It's sad for Kristen.
It's hurting for this fandom...
who have loved Rob and Kristen
so well for so long.

Where do we go from here?

Will they find happy again?
Will we?

One last thing.

Don't make me choose.
It will be him.
It's always been him.

Bye for now


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Sue said...

Someone posted this on a blog and I agree with every word:

"Finally, about the treatment that KStew is getting. Look, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate cheaters. I do. I never watched
another Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie movie after they cheated. Dropped
them like a bad habit. I get it, what she does for a living is
separate from who she is. Maybe some people can compartmentalize like
that. But not me. I was her fan because of who I thought she was, what
she represented.

(...) Cheating is a deal breaker for me it. For me, cheating is no better
than being a racist, or homophobic. It speaks to the very foundation
of a person's integrity, their moral fiber. Cheating isn't an
accident. An accident is running a red light and hitting another car.
cheating is not a mistake. A mistake is putting on two different shoes
that look similar but aren't the same. Cheating is not a 'momentary
indiscretion'. A momentary indiscretion is picking your butt and
smelling your hand after when you think no one is looking. Cheating is
decision. She didn't get drunk and fall onto his dick. Kristen
intentionally met him, alone. She made out with him, touched him and
let him touch her, she invited him inter her car so that he could go
down on her. All of this in public, broad daylight where anyone could
see at any time. That was not a mistake, or an accident. It was a
decision. A decision made without regard to her career, the people
invested in her career (Twi SWATH franchise, OTR), Rupert's family,
her relationship with Rob, her fans. Cheating is a slap to the face of
anyone that stood up for her, defended her, trusted her, believed in

My heart aches for Rob. I've seen this side of cheating too many
times. I feel awful for him because at the end of the day, Dude
probably didn't even do anything wrong to deserve this."

I'm still trying to understand why a person supposedly so private (so private to the point we hardly ever seen her being affectionate with her long time boyfriend)and that supposedly absolutely hate the paparazzi chose to cheat on his uber famous boyfriend in a car (HER car, recognizable by everyone) in the middle of the street, in broad daylight. It's like she really wanted to get caught.

bostonmed said...

This past 3 nights had been tough.I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried.
I've been a closet lurker of your blog,with no intention of ever posting a comment or speaking out and its so sad that the very first time I'm doing that is because of the heartwrenching news that K cheated on Rob.
Work used to be a place where I can literally lose myself helping patients feel better even if they're in the middle of painful treatments and stuff but for the past 3 days, all I wanted to do was lock myself in one of our exam rooms and bawl my eyes out.
Why K did what she did will always be a mystery to us.But lets not forget the fact that she is young.We've all done some stupid stuff at some point in our lives whether we admit it or not. Its just heartbreaking that in the case of R&K its playing right in front of the public eye.
What K did was hurtful but who are we to judge her and even worse is why kick her when she's already down.
Rob is the only person who's opinion counts.We could put our ten cents all we want but at the end of the day the decision lies in his hands.
I just hope that their love is strong enough to get past all this heartache and have a fresh start. It may not happen just yet but I'm hopeful that when everything has calmed down they will both be willing to talk rationally and work things out. Please God.....

Kathy said...

Today was horrible at work. I cried. Alot. Some co-workers thought I was nuts, but I don't care. I am SO heartbroken. We ALL watched this romance progress into something so beautiful, and beautiful it was, while it lasted. My heart hurts SO much for Rob. He moved out. NOT that I expected him to stay. Of course not. But it makes it all so final. I'm not done crying yet. I don't know when I will be. All the time I've spent in the ROBSTEN BUBBLE, will now have to be directed toward something else. I DON'T want to leave the "bubble" we've lived in for so long. This is just one of THE hardest things to accept. I feel SO empty inside. I can only imagine how Rob is feeling. I hope he is surrounded by his family and friends. I will NEVER understand Kristen's actions. NEVER. You DON'T do that to someone you love. You just don't. How can she wear all of Rob's gifts while screwing around with Rupert Sanders? AND she had the nerve to wear his clothes too. She has RUINED so much for me by her actions. The whole Twilight Saga for one. No more Twilight marathons for me. I just can't do it. The thing that made it so wonderful to watch was knowing they were together in real life. I don't even want to see BD part 2. My friends think I'll change my mind, but I don't think so. And I'm sure Rob will be dreading it altogether. He will. The promotions, everything. I don't blame him if he chooses not to do it. I hope that his heart heals quickly and he can move on from this. As for mine, I don't know when it will heal. I'm just glad I have this blog to say what I need to say, otherwise I think I'd go crazy. Thanks to all of you for helping me through this. xo

Rogue said...

I have seen the 49 extra photos everyone is talking about. It's at foforks website. After looking at them, it's my firm OPINION that Rupert Sanders sold out Kristen Stewart (maybe to a rival studio, or a rival agent, or anyone who wants to ruin Kristen/Rob/"Robsten"). Sanders was probably promised future directorial projects for his piece of work. In the series of photos, Rupert Sanders LOOKED at the camera six (6) times, twice while hugging Kristen from behind at the fence (#16 and #17 of 49, as if saying to the photographer, "Are you getting all this?"), once (#47) while kissing Kristen in the car and in three photos (#1, #36, #37) where he seems to make Kristen look in the direction of the camera so that her face can be clearly photographed, as Kristen seems unaware of the prying photo-lenses. There's no denying to Sanders' expert seduction to which Kristen fell hard for. You can see that her body was responding to him while they hugged by the fence. Also, there seems to be no hesitation in Kristen's part. No pause. Her interaction with him was familiar and sexually charged all through out. Kristen was clearly into Sanders and took his bait hook, line, and sinker. She looked so swept by him that she submitted to him completely. The photos are incriminating and puts into question Kristen's state of mind when Rob is not around and she's with someone she's attracted with. It also puts in to question whether this was a "fleeting one time thing" or it was going on for a while. I'm sorry, but I'm seriously grieving for Rob right now. Because after seeing those photos, I feel in my heart that Kristen would have continued with this affair had she not been caught. Of course on Sander's part, that's not the plan at all. He was there to complete a "mission" and was never going to leave his wife and children for Kristen.

Unknown said...

Am I in denial or just naive ? Could this be some Summit PR ploy to stir up interest in BD2? Why would Kristen let herslf get photographed out in public in broad daylight making out with RS and then make the public apology via People magazine on the internet? It just doesn't add up.

30 said...

I agree with Rachael and PL, there is no way that was their first time no matter how Kristen tries to spin it. I hope Robert can find peace. Sometimes we can find peace when we let go.

30 said...

Honestly after looking at the other 50 pics it would not surprise me if that dick director did set her up. I saw him looking at the camera. I don't want to conspiracy theory, but it does come off that way. Beyond that I am seriously thinking Kristen is either the best actress in the world or has some depression and or manic disorder or maybe just a fucken good ass actresses! She had me fooled, I have to keep my 12 year old from seeing this news all over the Web, she looked up to her. Real shitty and someone I will not have my child look up to anymore.

ali mac said...

I have to say when you look at all the pics it's stomach churning. They are very odd pics!! Maybe it's seeing her with someone who isn't Rob, I don't know. If Rob sees these pics it will make it even more difficult to forgive her......

BubbleeChick said...

This is the only place I can share my feelings. Every day as I hear more details I feel like I've been punched in the gut. It hurts so much. Her behaviour was so sickening and I keep torturing myself more by checking out new articles and posts. I want to know how Rob is doing and from what I heard so far he's completely devasted. I'm at the point where I'm resolved that their relationship is over. If they somehow make it back to even friends I'd consider that a miracle. I can't believe Kristen was so careful to not be seen so much as holding Robert's hand for years but she was out in a public area in broad daylight getting rubbed up on. I also think this wasn't momentary. The degree of intimacy shown in those pics was not new. I think this has been going on for weeks maybe months. If it's true that Rob found out like the rest of us did that is a kick in the teeth. Kristen always seemed to pride herself on being real. How could she do something so underhanded and look right in his face. Does this mean that three years is her limit in a relationship and at that point she cheats. This whole thing is just grimy.What she did was so low. THe only way I can believe she was caught up in the moment was because the pics were like they were putting on a show. If not caught up she wanted to get caught. As a Rob fan first I have to put aside my selfish desires and be okay if what I thought was a beautiful relationship may have been a hot mess. Kristen was very careless with someone who truly loved her.

wig4usc said...

I think as upsetting to me is the idea of not coming here, not sharing thoughts, observations, opinions here, losing this community. I don't have RL relationship with any of you, but I've so looked forward and enjoyed getting to know many of you regs. I do hope, Rose, that you'll continue with your "Robert Pattinson Intoxication", regardless of who he's with. Knowing that would help me some!

50Shades said...

Beautiful words. I couldn't agree more with this. Tkank you for your voice of reason.

50Shades said...

I couldn't agree more... This is exactly what I'm feeling right now. Thank you for your voice of reason.

LJ said...

Rose <3

My stupid little English brain does not understand any of this....and really has no right to try, as their private lives are none of my business. All I know is no-one is perfect, least of all me.

I just want them both to be ok.

Kristen I love you.


beacullen said...

So I gotta say, at first I felt bad for Kristen because I knew she was going to be skewered. BUT after seeing all those pics...there is no way this is their first hook up, she looks totally comfortable, she's lacing her hands with his, he's grinding on her ass. In the car he's all over her, and she's holding his face, they're very very intimate. I have no pity for her, I feel like she made her bed. And to make it even a little bit worse she was wearing one of Rob's LA hats and it looks like his sweat pants. I think she's sorry now that she got caught, not so sure she would have thought twice about it if she didn't. I really like them both, but I have lost respect for her. I feel bad that Rob has to see her bad judgement splashed all over the TV and internet. It was even on Nightline.

Annie said...

IB: I will try to be here later this evening.
I just don't know.

PL: I'm not upset with you. It is your opinion. I just don't agree.

I took a break from all of this because I knew in the first news of it I couldn't be objective.

I mentioned earlier that I was cheated on. (It happened to me twice)
I know how devastating it can be to be on the receiving end of betrayal and just being completely and totally wrecked by it.

I also know what it's like to talk, really TALK to the person who cheated on you, it's the reason why in many cases couples are able to continue a relationship that people on the outside of it feel they should end and many succeed in making that relationship stronger.

The love you feel for someone does not end because they cheat..........You are allowed to scream, cry, throw things, shake them and on and on.
You realize that life and situations cannot always be viewed as black or white, there is a lot of grey.

I may be back later.

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

For all of my wonderful freinds I have made in Roseland... hang on..

R.E.M. Everybody Hurts…………

The night is yours alone
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on
Don't let yourself go
Everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes

Sometimes everything is wrong
Now it's time to sing along
When your day is night alone (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go (hold on)
When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on

Everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts
Don't throw your hand. Oh, no
Don't throw your hand
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life
The days and nights are long
When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on

Well, everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody cries
And everybody hurts sometimes
And everybody hurts sometimes
So, hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
(Hold on, hold on)

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Please let us hear from you. I'm worried about you!

Robert said...

i have something i would like to say, like most of you i spent yesterday in a fog, but today things are much clearer.
1. first and foremost i need to stop spending so much time on this couple. i need to get busy with my own life and let them get on with theirs
2. rob. i just love rob. and oh the difference between 22 and 26. you listen to your girlfriend say she's cheated on you, you cry you scream you move out, oh hell yes you move out, but for god's sake you don't just throw away the greatest fucking thing in your life, at least not without a fight. you guys do realize that every guy in the world at one point or another goes to a movie and falls on love with the girl on the screen and says "i wish i had that girl" rob actually lived every guys fantasy and guess what she loved him back and she was just as incredible in real life.........and then she kicked him in the teeth i read where they talked for the first time since it happened and they cried and things are still a big mess but at least they are trying we need to know why. i think i know why remember charlize saying "i don't know how she does it especially at her age. she had a perfect life rich famous talented beautiful and i;m not going to list all of her attributes we would be here all night. add to that the pressure of being so perfect and at the same time having half of the world hating you, could you handle it? because i know i couldn't something had to give and boy did it ever give. i truly believe she did it to keep from going insane
4. i was raised a certain way and in my world there are just certain things you don;t do. you never hit a woman, you never sleep with a married man. kristen will have to live with the shame of that forever. but i was also taught that you don;t kick a man when he is down and kristen is down right now and it breaks my heart .listen to that apology. this is a girl who never ever spoke about her love life and now she says "i love him twice. the internet and twitter have blown up with hatred and people making fun of her and it needs to stop. but the worst is more pictures are coming out on monday. my god its like you hold her down and ill kick her in the stomach

to be continued

Aeden said...

Pl, where did you see the new photos?
can you send the link to my email

I would really apprecate it-thanks

Dottie said...

LIZA, It's good to see you here.

I've been forgiven many times, especially when I was younger, so I'm the last person who would withhold a 2nd chance. I'd feel the same if the tables were turned and it was Rob who messed up.

Whatever happens next is up to them. I love and support both.

Dottie said...

Robert, I posted before I read your's. You make me want to cry! There is no denying what was done was awful. More than the hugging and kissing, the deception and the pain caused to innocent people. But when I weigh that against the HUGE price Kristen is paying and will most likely continue to pay for a long long time, I cant help but feel compassion. Her reputation and career, her relationship with Rob and all the people she loves who have come into her life because of him just to name a few. Yes, she brought it all on herself and I hate what she did, but I don't think this one thing defines who she is. Life is long and she has many years ahead (God willing) to hopefully learn from this and become an even better version of herself than she was before.

Please don't take my compassion for Kristen as a sign that I don't feel for Rob. I can't think about him w/o wanting to squall like a baby. He is the least deserving of that kind of treatment. But it doesnt erase their history and what they have built and meant to each other. Like I said life is long. They can get past this if they want to and go on to have a beautiful life together. It's been done before. It's not up to us. We just need to support them no matter what.

*I*Believe* said...

@Annie~Thanks for stopping back.

I agree with Super....Barb...where are you?

I saw the 50 other pictures and wish I didn't. My heart breaks for Rob.

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

@ Dottie.. youth is wasted on the young.. growing up on the mid 70's I did alot of stupid things..

Unknown said...

feeling sad...sad...i want to shout and angry 2 kristin..but i cant....i was thinking is something fishing happen there....i truly love rob....i mean both rob/kris....i want to fight of them to evil media and jelueos human being for there carrer....why always kris blame....plz rose dont leave rob/kris...lets tell them all the fans who love and support rob/kris whatever unity all...we need it truly...2 reborn our self and our baby.....

crying fan

DreamerKind said...

Bless you, darling man. You sound very well after recovering. So good to see you here today.

DreamerKind said...

Amen and hallejah! We're still present and accounted for, and loved.
Loved the song, and play it for myself often so I remember that truth.

tufenuf55 said...

I kept checking your website because only you could make me feel better. I am heartbroken for them both. Rob for loving her so and for her throwing a real love away for a moment of lust. Sanders is the worst in all of this because he is married and has children. But I know that people make mistakes. I made my fair share. I'll just bet that oregano and nikki are having a real laugh now. But please, fandom, let Rob and Kristen work things out. They will find the path that is best for them.

LizzieD said...

So glad we have each other here on Rose's site without the haters. I know, Kristen really screwed up. I saw the latest pics and makes me sick thinking about Rob looking at them.

I was cheated on by my first husband and I did everything I could to get over it and we did make it a few years before he got killed at the young age of 32. BUT, I didn't have to look at photos of the two of them together over and over like Rob will have to for the rest of their lives if they stick together. I don't think he'll throw them away without trying and I think she's going to put forth 150% to salvage things. Seems like she realizes what she lost, though a bit too late.

As one of my Twilight friends said today, she's only 22, only had 2 boyfriends in her life, she's bound to make mistakes. Just a shame that the world has to LOOK at her mistakes over and over again.

I still love her and support her no matter what. I will support and try to respect whatever THEY decide to do. But, I'm so hoping they'll stay together, somehow.

I just saw the following tweet from Rob's sister, Lizzy, which I think is a good sign, at least she doesn't seem to be "hating" on Kristen.
Lizzy Pattinson ‏@LizzyPattinson1
Would greatly appreciate the love, support, and the respect you all show to my brother and Kristen at this difficult time.

Rose, thanks for being the voice of reason for so many years. Please don't go away, we need you!!!

DreamerKind said...

Shout out to:

And all of you who come to share, cause it's awe inspiring.

Barbara Fenwick said...

Rose, I have been so upset over all this and refused to believe it until today. I am sick also and I just want to cry all the time.

I love Rob, and I love Kristen. I have no idea why this happened, and I feel there has to be more to it. I am glad she didn't have sex with the my mind that makes it a little better.

I will not turn my back on Kristen.I will always support her. My heart breaks for Rob, because I know he is hurting. I will support him also.

My prayer is that they will work it out. There is so much love between them, and hopefully that will count for something.

Take care everyone. I hope we will all feel better.

DreamerKind said...

Beautifully put!
Heard that sweet tweet was from a fake LizzyP but no matter, it's a lovely one.

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

@ DK ... hello my whitical friend and to all that remember the good ole daze on here,... in Roseland, Rob & Kristen..

Know matter what happens I support them both.. I have 3 grown children and they have thier own love stroy issues... Life does have a way of getting real sometimes.. ( hugs ) to Rose to have such a place to come and hang with good folk... peace and love and I'm waiting ..a hopeful... romantic................. Love will conquer all...

Barbara Fenwick said...

@Super RN Gas Passer Thank you for your concern. I am barely holding myself together. I am really trying to think positive and hopefully they will be ok and make it back together.

I feel so badly for Rob, who is the innocent in all this. I just wish I could understand why this happened. It just does not sound like Kristen.

I still feel like I should defend Kristen, and I hate the way some people are talking about her.

I will probably back off from some of the sites for awhile, but I will never leave this site, because of Rose and all the others on this site. This site and the people who come here are special. We need to stick together.

Take care --

Anonymous said...

For three long years this young girl has been told she is unattractive, not talented, told she is dirty, trailer trash, and not good enough to be with Rob or good enough to be the lead in Twilight and called a lesbian. Did Rob support her? I do not think he did or could enough. Death threats and even personal attacks were waged against this girl. Yes, some of you kind ladies defended her and some fans but the hate was beyond horrific. Now, she has pulled this stupid stunt to get away from Robsten. Why? Maybe, she thought it would take pressure off Rob and her. Instead, she has lost Rob and all those people who hated on her are tearing her to shreds and the people who said they loved her are walking away. Do your really feel she needs anymore hate? Yes, she did something stupid and hurt a family. That she will have to try to rectify and live with the guilt. The people who said they cared need to pray for her and Rob and try to refrain from making anymore hateful comments. These two kids are human beings who are hurt and not characters in a movie.

LizzieD said...

DreamerKind .. didn't realize Lizzy's tweet was fake as I've followed her for awhile and she tweets every now and then, usually only pics. Just checked and yea, it was fake. Well, I still hope that his family is just angry with her and will forgive her IF Rob forgives her. That's a difficult thing for families after a spouse/partner has been unfaithful.

Those latest pics appear so intimate to me. Doesn't hugging seem more intimate than kissing? Can only imagine Rob's pain at looking at them. Hopefully he's not looking at them.

DreamerKind said...

Take care.

Considering the alternative to love, is it wise to hope for that, ever? Not us romanticals, lol.

Such pressure on an individual would be unbearable, I agree. Like a pipe ready to burst and soak everything, needing quick repair, if that's handy.
I, too, love those "two kids", as many have before and do still.

DreamerKind said...

1 or a million pics? The trick is to look and learn and then find the tiny space where the light comes in.

Yeah, I spend too much time researching tweets and silly stuff, but that is my delight in my twilight time of life.

Holy said...

Hi Rose,how you're feeling today.I know that everybody are still mourning about this,I just hope that R/K will have the strength to work this out.And I pray for them both.

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

@ Dk dare we all .... to forgive... and love... I have done so.. I will always choose LoVe

DreamerKind said...


Leonard Cohen:

The birds they sang
at the break of day
Start again
I heard them say

Don't dwell on what
has passed away
or what is yet to be.
Ah the wars they will
be fought again

The holy dove
She will be caught again
bought and sold
and bought again
the dove is never free.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

We asked for signs
the signs were sent:
the birth betrayed
the marriage spent

Yeah the widowhood
of every government --
signs for all to see.

I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.

But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud
and they're going to hear from me.

Ring the bells that still can ring ...

You can add up the parts
but you won't have the sum
You can strike up the march,
there is no drum

Every heart, every heart
to love will come
but like a refugee.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack

A crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.

Thank you/tubedweller5

LizzieD said...

Hey all,

Check out this link. This was written by a fanfic author and it's such a great message, please read, you won't be sorry!!!

DreamerKind said...

We ARE love, in the purest sense but the world is chaos. One must still the moment, when deciding, and choose it. Almost impossible, almost, but not absolutely. Sometimes, it's very easy when the heart opens up as a surprise gift.

I was leaving a store, holding the door going out. A man walked forward from the outside to hold it open for us both. We looked into each other's eyes.
I was stunned with the intense flow of love I felt for that man, in that second.
The feeling and memory has never left me. Yet, we passed each other by, glancing back a couple of times. We knew.
The presence of love is absolutely real and the power of it staggers the mind, and there stillness lies and light.

Sydney said...

Dear God, my emotions are all over the place. But I'm in a place where I also must say that I do still love Kristen. I just do, at the heart of it all. I love them both and hope they can work it out, because in the end, I think what they had was real. Either way, at this point, it's their private business. I thought at first I wouldn't be able to see her movies, but I think I will be unable to do anything but support her. Support them both.

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

thanks for the link Liz..ditto.. and I'm still waiting to exhale... I am a huge skeptic of the media I posted that yesterday.. in this way....

Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.11

DreamerKind said...

What a noble and fierce defender that person is on your facebook link. Again, emotion for GOOD is powerful! Thanks.

Here's another thoughtful blog post:

From: Thoughts That Last As Long As A Cup Of Tea

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

@ DK ...yes we are LoVe .. I think the world is chaos and in the midst of this.. we need to have the doors opened.. if only for a moment..

@Sydney just show loVe and support for two talented human beings .. we all fell in LoVe with Rob and his Kristen...

olivia said...

Keeping all in my thoughts and prayers. May they be surrounded with family and friends, be given privacy, time and space to begin working through this very sad time in their young lives.

30, So very happy for you. Congratulations! Wishing you, your husband and daughter every joy in the world.

DK, you made me think of this Leonard Cohen treasure.

It seems fitting for today.
Hugs for y'all.
Rose, take care.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
Life is good....but sometime it just sucks!
But with time, it will be good again, maybe different, but good.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


We will all get through this together...Thanks for posting.
I want to attempt to answer your question as to WHY...

She has been an actress since age 9 I think and she may have missed some key developmental milestones that most teens experience. Such as making out in the back seat of a car with someone you know you shouldn't be with!

A deep seated insecurity is possible because of all the hate in the fandom directed toward her. I Know of no other actress EVER to have such smut flung in her direction, none of it deserved....and not now's normal for us fans to be disappointed, but there are people out there saying some seriously bad stuff. That should never be said to anyone!

Being that she is soooo young and a older very sucessful man expressed an interest in her...possibly head turning for many women but a young girl with insecurities.....a deadly combination....deadly

I have read all these comments and am taking it all in...Please don't misunderstand me...I AM NOT CONDONING HER ACTIONS, however I can understand it especially because of her age.

I don't think any of us can possibly wrap our head around the Twilight franchise and the level of fame that came with is incomprehensible how a young girl such as herself has been able to take this all in stride...especially in the face of unparalleled scrutiny..and it happened very FAST..

Did she do this on purpose? Surely she knew the paps would catch her...she certainly did not even try to hide it!!!! She could have set up a lemonade stand on the side of the road for the photographers!!!! I think the speculation that the " director" set her up is an interesting thought to ponder. God, I hate to think he would do that to her....

This is going to be interesting as more light is shed. It's all over the news. I said nothing to my family yesterday about this and I got a text from my 25 year old this morning who was watching the Today Show and a text from my 21 year old son this afternoon who saw it on the Internet and then tonight I come in and the first thing out of my husbands mouth is" What did Kristen Stewart do"???? I hate to say this but it reminds me of when John Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Christ! of course that was taken out of context...he didn't really mean it the way the media made it seem but still...THIS IS BIG!!! We are all hurting because we know this...Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are deeply in love with each other! Yes, this is almost totally unbearable for THEM and US!!! Will they be able to put the relationship right? I don't know but there was and is DEEP LOVE there. We have seen it and yes it's painful but we will all have to wait this one out.....

Until next time....

Dottie said...

A good friend and loyal fan of R/K, Gillian (angelsslave) who is a psychotherapist wrote this to a friend who was dealing w/anger towards Kristen. She gave me permission to share a portion here. Hope nobody minds.

"I do not condone Rupert Sanders actions in all of this trust me, i haven't yet started on him. I do believe he pursued her, i do believe he used his influence and in some way was almost acting like a predator - she is still very young and very naive and to fall for the director's charms...

I do believe that this was done (publicly) as a cry for attention. Yes she could have got a motel room, yes they could have done it anywhere but in public. This is a person who has always valued her privacy so to do this, she broke that very rule and there can only be one reason behind it - the need for help.
Maybe she entered into this not thinking, rationality gone out the window, maybe he refused to allow it not to continue, so she put them both in a dangerous position? Either way, that momentary lapse of judgement has created this mess.

Her words 'this momentary indiscretion' leads it to be believed that it only happened once - please god let it be so. It has been worded carefully, cheat not affair, which can place it as a one time thing and not a long standing thing.
I refuse to read gossip and tittle tattle, as far as i am concerned the media has an agenda now and that is to crucify Kristen Stewart.
IF Rob only found out a few days ago, he needs time to process this. Yes Kristen has publicly come forward and admitted for really the first time in 3 years that she and Rob are a couple. This is a step in showing that she is not ashamed of the relationship, but has put the relationship in jeopardy. Again the use of the words signifies that there may be hope in salvaging what exists between them.
Of course i am upset for Rob, my heart goes out to him. My heart goes out to the kids, Kristen's parents and indeed Rob's family - the people that mean the most to you
are always the first to be hurt. I have gone past the anger, there is no sense in dwelling in such a hurtful emotion. I am deeply saddened it has come to this, especially in light of what she has had and trust me, Kristen will now know how cold Hollywood can be, when you do something so disrespectful as cheat on someone you supposedly love?
IF she has any shred of emotion left, she will put her career on the back burner for now. Most likely the director of Cali will allow a delay in the start of filming. Although it will cost Kristen in penalties but that's the least she can afford to let happen in light of what has happened.

She needs to now prove that action speaks louder than words. If she truly loves him, then she needs to damn well get on her hands and knees and show him she is genuinely sorry for what she has done.
It's not going to be easy for any of us in this, but think of the fallout on that end and multiply it by a billion emotions.
Of course people are rallying around Rob now, they will fill his mind with their decisions but at the end of the day,
it's entirely up to him, whether he can understand why this has happened and allow her to still be part of his life. Kristen knows this and can only pray he makes a decision that will allow her to do so. She will be one very humble person if that may be the case and will do what is needed to ensure this NEVER happens again.

Acting is a terrible world to work in, people around you want to be your friend and those who are genuine are harder to find amongst those who aren't.
Rob has a small circle of friends who know him for what he is, Kristen has made judgemental errors in the past (Nikki Reed), this is why i believe she should listen to what is right over what is easy."

Holy said...

Thanks you guys for the kind words for Kristen.I know that this will hunt her forever and will not recover from it.I followed this girl since she was 10yo,and she's pretty much a grounded person,then all of the sudden this happened.

@Sydney,I'm with you,it seems to me also that she was being setup by this director guy.She have a lot of things to lost than him.

DreamerKind said...

I read your Bella quote many times now. There are so many odd doings quivering in the air, during darkker times especially. Time reveals.

I ♥ You!

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

@ Dk good link as well ... there are alot of " unknowns" as Rose posted it's up to them and we really dont' know.. jack.. so we support each other and hope for the best..

DreamerKind said...

I remember when Liz Taylor mades some shocking choices, that rocked America back in my olden days. She was scorned but still ended up greatly loved by outstanding men, great women and her fans, until the end of her life.

Anonymous said...

After all of the horrible pictures, and the realization that Kristen wasn't as innocent as she has appeared has me wondering if there every anything we thought was true about her actually was.
Were the people we thought were so vile and disgusting because they said unkind things about her, were they really vile or were they tapped in to a side of Kristen we NEVER got to see. I mean it's a SAD, SAD world when I have the thought running through my mind of "Wow Nikki Reed doesn't seem so bad today, does she?"

The last few days I have questioned who exactly the true Kristen is. I know a lot of people want to give her a free pass and that's your call, as for me, it would take a lot for me to do the call.

I know a lot of people feel like it's none of our business, and up until Kristen released the statement maybe that was true. When she made the statement PUBLICLY she invited people into her business. and it is a sad, sad day indeed when I am wondering if Nikki was actually as bad as we were led to believe!

Anonymous said...

I've read a lot of the posts here. Most of you are having the same problem that I have. How to cope with everything?

I'm not a twi hard but I'm a big fan of Rob and Kristen. I'm so hurt and confused right now. It's kind of starting to interfere with my real life. That never happened before.

I'm working and everything is fine but when I have a break and think about what happened it's like someone just punched my gut. If I'm alone I cry.
I realized that I need help. My real life friends don't understand what they mean to me so they can't help me out.

I guess I'm asking if anyone call help me deal with this. Give me a piece of advice or maybe share how you're are dealing with your own pain. Thanks in advance.

DreamerKind said...

I follow angelsslave also and have been waiting for such a statement based on her professional experience. Thanks for posting it.

Kristen would be comforted if she would put herself first, in this way, in my belief.

Oh, dear one, we share Cohen love, and that song version was thrilling. Listen to it, folks. I'll post the lyrics.

♥ ♥ ♥

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

@ Dottie good read..

I only lived a small sample of a young rock n roll musicans wife and that lifestyle in a small town... back in the 70's and it was not a easy life.. I can't imagine Hollywood and that pressure..
@ Dk ABC news did a story tonite on the famous hollywood copules and they were of course on the list.. you know I love Liz...

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

(( hugs )) to you ADD just read the other comments on here and know you are not alone it will get better..

Sydney said...

ADD- I'm sorry to hear about your pain. I know, I feel the same way with my friends making fun of me over how this personally affected me. I didn't sleep a single wink Tuesday night. Wednesday was my birthday and I was miserable. I went to see Florence and the Machines and Could not STAND to see couples loved up.

But I let myself think about all this...and I just have to have faith in my judgment of Rob and Kristen. A lot of people love Kristen because they have a lot in common with her. Well, I don't. I've never been awkward, I'm never at a loss for words, I dress up to go to the grocery store and wear heels to everything. I'm the opposite of Kristen, but I loved her anyway.

I am slowly getting to a place where if I saw her, I'd give her a good shake and an even bigger hug. I will never understand the pressure she's under, and the kinds of self-destructive tendencies that can come from growing up in the industry.

She's getting her fair share of shit, I don't need to add to the pile anymore. I had my angry hateful thoughts, but they've morphed. The thought of people screaming obscenities at her at the Breaking Dawn 2 premier was the thought that brought tears to my eyes. I still see in her what I loved. So I will wait to see the real Kristen again.

P.S. Nothing Kristen could EVER do would ever, ever, ever make me think Nikki Reed is better than her. Ever.

Freddie said...

Hi to the regulars and all the newbies. I’m sorry I missed you all today, but real life was calling (and was probably a healthy distraction, even if I was having a hard time concentrating). IB, PL, Sydney, 30, Liza, Robert, Wildhart – nice to see you all pop in. Long time no see. I wish it was under different circumstances.

I know that none of this mess is really my business – I understand that on a logical level - but I confess that I’m still feeling dazed and confused and somehow feel the need to make sense of this.

I’m in the same boat as you, ali mac. I just can’t seem to get my thoughts out easily. It’s taken me forever to write this. But like others, writing sometimes helps me think things through (not that I’ve figured this out by any means).

Since coming home, I’ve read a number of twitlongers and blog posts from people in the fandom offering their take on things – some well-considered and non-judgmental and others not so much. There are so many different hypotheses and my feelings about the whole thing tend to vacillate depending on the theory.

Some speculate that Kristen was discontented in her relationship with Rob and didn’t have the courage to break it off with him, so she “blew up the relationship” to end things. Others suggest that it was a basic physical attraction to RS that she couldn’t resist (eeeww) and that she just flat-out selfishly cheated. Others have observed what they deem to be “out of character” behaviour, speculating that the pressures of her life have overwhelmed her and that she is effectively self-destructing, with Rob an unwitting victim. Another thoughtful opinion suggested that Kristen has feelings of self-hatred and that she essentially hurt Rob away to drive him away – to demonstrate how “messed” up she is and save him from greater pain down the road.

I don’t know.

All I can say is that I want to believe that it is some reason other than the first two hypotheses because I really don’t want to believe that she did this consciously, causing Rob such pain.

It’s unfortunate, but the most recent set of pictures isn’t going to make it any easier for her – and I feel absolutely sick at having looked at them. I so wish I hadn’t. They will definitely call into question Kristen’s assertion that this was a momentary indiscretion, which I regrettably now doubt. And I hope she really, really does love Rob.

I don’t want to kick a lady when she’s down, as you suggest Robert. I do really hope she gets the support to get through this, or the help that she needs to heal. But somehow I feel like I need to understand why she did this before I’m ready to give her a pass.

DreamerKind said...

Let the feelings flow, luv. Feel it all. You are a loving person, why should you not feel?

You are not ill, crazy or lost, when you can truly FEEL for yourself and others. I embrace your sorrow and add it to my heartfelt feelings for them and us.

In this difficult world, we need to be alive with feeling, not indifferent, not cold.

I'd be happy to email with you, if you'd like. Click on my moniker and there is my address.
(Anyone may contact me for mutual comfort.)

LizzieD said...

DreamerKind -- that LJ link was wonderful, just great.

ADD -- Ditto on this affecting real life. I haven't been able to sleep well for 3 nights and basically almost feel the same way I felt when my husband cheated on me 30 years ago. It's a pain in the gut that just won't go away. If possible, I'd like to just curl up in a ball and wait until it gets better.

BUT, on the other hand, I feel like I have to do my part on Twitter and try to keep people positive. I can't believe some of the websites that are "taking a break" and disabling comments, etc. NOW is the time when we fans that are left need to stick together, not take a break.

Okay, I need to try to get some sleep.

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

waving bye for now ...need to tune out and turn off for awhile..

peace and love and the world will still turn ..

Would you understand what I meant if I said I was only human?

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.263

Super RN Gas Passer said...

DK. ( HUGS)......I'm going to sleep....catch you later... .. .

Kathy said...

I just looked at ALL those pics that everyone is talking about and I am SO disgusted. My stomach just literally dropped and I felt so nauseous. She does NOT love Rob. How can she say she loves ROB and then act like that? The smile on her face makes me sick. She is clearly NOT thinking of Rob. AT. ALL. I just DO NOT get it. What was wrong with Rob? She doesn't even deserve a second chance. I can only imagine the look on Rob's face when he saw these pics. I hope he doesn't shed anymore tears over her. She doesn't deserve it. And when he finds someone else I hope it makes HER sick to HER stomach to see him happy. She could've had that, all of it. With ROB. But truthfully, I don't believe she ever wanted that...marriage, a family. I shouldn't have looked at those pics because I see another sleepless night ahead of me. I hate this all so much. It's SO wrong and should NOT be happening. Praying for Rob again tonight, like I've done practically all day. xo

DreamerKind said...

Sleep well tonight. The past rears its ugly head when we are low, but empty your vessel and it will fill up again with a fresh perspective. ♥ ♥

DreamerKind said...


Hope There's Someone


Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die
Will I go

Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold
When I'm tired

There's a ghost on the horizon
When I go to bed
How can I fall asleep at night
How will I rest my head

Oh I'm scared of the middle place
Between light and nowhere
I don't want to be the one
Left in there, left in there

There's a man on the horizon
Wish that I'd go to bed
If I fall to his feet tonight
Will allow rest my head

So here's hoping I will not drown
Or paralyze in light
And godsend I don't want to go
To the seal's watershed

Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die
Will I go

Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired

Thank you/Qrique

*I*Believe* said...

Freddie! I am so happy that you posted. I too have been caught up in real life but now I need to be here to help make sense of things. Your post was well thought out and well written. I am so glad that we have each other here in RL to lean on.

DreamerKind said...

May you find some little peace and comfort with us, here.

Freddie said...

IB - great to virtually see you. I hope you have been well other than the emotions of the past few days.

Yes, it seems that a lot of people are flocking to the sanity of Roseland for our own form of healing. We are lucky to have each other.

Stay well.

Ginger with a Soul said...

I come here to read your blog a lot because often I agree with you and get a good laugh on most occasions. I have re-written my post 4 times now trying to express what I want. I start with I refuse to flog, stone, kick, or be her judge or jury. I am not this person who was born without flaws or has not screwed up myself. I can relate to the story without the gory details.. I was the cheater. I won't get into reasons as I am sure I will get judged enough by making that statement. I am not a bad person, whore, slut or whatever creative names I have seen today. I also never told my spouse because I was afraid to face my own music - I wanted it to all go away but there was no rewind button. I finally left said husband 2 yrs ago after 17 yrs of marriage (and no it wasn't for another guy - it was for me and I remain single with no intention of changing that anytime soon). I was selfish and had much more to loose when I did what I did. I can understand when something happens in the moment and you think of none of that until it is all said and done. I fell in love with them as a couple and my interest was in this all consuming love I saw and was lacking in my own life. I made imperfect people perfect for my own selfish need to believe it existed and that maybe one day I can find that too. That selfish part of me wants them to make it out of this together and stronger than before, for my faith that 2 people who truly love each other can work it out no matter what (I would say this exact thing if the shoe had landed on the other foot and it had been him). I understand being saddened and angry but am choking on the immense hate being tossed around for a imperfect girl that may appear to be hard as nails but I doubt is anywhere near that. I feel bad for him too don't get me wrong and my investment in them has been as a couple but I now fear for them as individuals as this pans out in a very public and embarrassing way. I am still in my head on this whole thing as it feels like I am missing several pieces to very complicated jig saw puzzle, one I have no right to know but none the less has me stuck. I hope they make it but will not pass judgement on either as it is for them to decide and them alone. I just wish people would stop cheering such a devastating personal thing for both and stop slinging mud as I am sure you wouldn't want a public stoning for the wrongs you have done no matter how big or small. I am also sorry for posting a novel, I guess I had more to say than I 1st thought

DreamerKind said...

Oh, how you so very beautifully summed up what I have been reading for 3 days! Wish you would call me and when Super and I start traveling, oh, Canada, here we come.

Sense of things? Some things are so insanely complicated that the exact opposite happens=pure nonsense, don't you think? Finding some way to heal together is the ticket.

Beware! The red wine has begun to flow and my face is flushed. Music and silliness may emerge. Feel free to slap me like in the Moonstruck scene, "Snap out of it!"

Kathy said...

@DreamerKind....thanks. This is the ONLY place I can come to and find a small bit of peace. I've commented several times already because I think of more things to say. If I don't get my thoughts out, it will jut eat me up inside. I hope Kristen realizes this has changed her life forever....and definately NOT in a good way. She not only lost Rob, but all the friends that have grown to love her BECAUSE of Rob. Why couldn't she have just told Rob that she wanted out? That she didn't want the same things as him? Why stoop to humiliating him? That's NOT love. He couldn't have adored her more. There was ALWAYS SO much love in his eyes for HER, and she threw it away like garbage. Well, Kristen remember this ONE WOMAN'S GARBAGE IS ANOTHER WOMAN'S TREASURE and ROB IS DEFINATELY A TREASURE. XO

Dottie said...

I have commented more today than ever before! One more link and I promise I'll take a break. Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys hear yourselves? You're reaching for some kind of explanation that will somehow absolve her of her responsibility in all of this. Your favorite seems to be the fact that she is "young and will make mistakes".

So which do you want her to be? Old enough to be involved in a committed, equal, loving, mature, adult relationship with someone or be childish enough to make a mistake of this proportion? You want her to be in this very romantic, very grown up love story with Robert, even to the point that you wish they'd get married, yet you've given her the loophole of youth and naivety.

How many of you are parents? How many of you would make so many excuses for your children if they behaved in such a self destructive and selfish way? It's only enabling the behavior when you try to find reasons to hide away her burden of responsibility that she must carry from this. This guy, the director, he has his own guilt and responsibilities to answer for and I'm sure he will face his own consequences.

I don't hate Kristen. I think she has made a string of bad choices. I know it's been shocking and upsetting to the people who invested so much of themselves in this relationship. Can't say that I completely understand that one, but people did.

Again though, youth is not an excuse. Lack of experience in relationships is not an excuse. Not everyone goes through multiple long term, serious commitments before they find the one they're meant to be with. For some, they meet them early in life and have managed to stay together for a lifetime, for others, they make mistakes and detours along the way before they find what they're looking for.

The thing you should take away from this? Life isn't perfect. People aren't perfect. Stop pretending they are and stop making them the example under which you compare everything else.

She made a mistake. A huge mistake. And it wasn't a childish mistake, it was a very grown up mistake to make. It wasn't a momentary indiscretion, it was thought out and she went through with it. Was it a cry for help? Did he manipulate the situation? Who knows. But things have been done that can not be undone and it's up to those few who were actually involved in this to figure out where to go from there.

Another thing to take away from this is the lesson that it's not healthy to be so obsessed over someone's personal life, the good or the bad of it. It's not just fun and games to banter words and trade barbs with the opposing side. These are real people, with real lives and real emotions who are under enough pressure to just get by without the added stress of having to be something impossibly perfect.

DreamerKind said...

That's fine, you are welcome. I think Kristen knows, luv.

DreamerKind said...

Pondering your thoughts and coming up with this:
She will learn. She is already paying her dues, as we all must. She suffers, like all of us do and have. Rob, too. Not one is spared in this world. Although I'm feeling some relief being around this place. And having some delicious wine..

Anonymous said...

i did something somewhat similar to Kristen.

though not with a married man and technically i didn't cheat.

like kristen, i had been with my bf from the ages of 17/18 to 22.

like kristen, i had never been single.

you forget that kristen dated Michael from age 15 to 18. then basically right after dated rob for 3 years.

she's also homeschooled. she's inexperienced in love and in men.

not excusing her actions, she's very very very very wrong.

but i feel for her because i did something very similar.

I went abroad during college and i was tempted. i loved my bf with all my heart but our relationship wasn't perfect. He wasn't calling as often, i felt neglected and i used that as a pretext to break up with him when in reality i wanted to go have fun and have some freedom.

so i broke up with him. broke his heart. a week or so later i hooked up with someone else and a month later slept with someone else.

so i did it the right way, which was made easier by the fact that we weren't in the same country.

so i understand the impluse, not the married man part. I can't even remark on that it's so horrible.

i'm not being very coherent but basically i too broke my bf's heart for my own selfish reasons.

someone who for all his faults loved me with all his heart. i too did it because i wanted to do someone physical with another person. although we technically broke up and were no longer, i lied to him about what i was doing because i did eventually want to get back together with him. afterall i loved him. he found out and we didn't talk for months. eventually becuase we loved each other, i was forgiven and we're getting married soon.

true love always finds a way.

DreamerKind said...

More shifting of our perception adds clarity to this experience. That's what I got from your link. ♥ ♥ ♥

And, here's a psychic's POV (which I'm liking cause there's less suffering in it):

DreamerKind said...

What strength and clarity you found within you to make those choices! Happy wedding thoughts! You, brave, sharing, caring you.

Freddie said...

Ginger with a Soul - thank you for your well considered comment.

DK - so you and Super are going on the road!!! You ladies will have a riot. If you're coming north to the Montreal or Toronto area, let me know. I'd love to meet up.

Dottie - thanks so much for posting Angelslave's comment. I've read it twice and will likely look at it again. You're comments throughout this post have been very calming. Thank you for that.

Have a good evening ladies and Robert. I hope everyone finds peace in sleep.

DreamerKind said...

Another POV

We love K & R (@DrownInIt)
Posted Thursday 26th July 2012 from Twitlonger

SueBee said...

Where to start?

It's been a long while since I've been here. Hello, to those who remember me.

So, let me be blunt--what the hell just happened?
How is this for real?

Did Santa Claus just shoot the Easter Bunny?

Let me preface this by saying this is not my relationship and my opinion means diddly squat.
Even so, I'm going to open my big mouth.


Did an alien take over her mind? Did she lose all sense of right and wrong?

Say what you will, cheating is wrong. If the relationship is unsatisfying, end it. Do so quietly and with as much respect to the other person as possible.

Do NOT humiliate your boyfriend in front of the world.

I've read some comments blaming Rupert since he is an older man. Yes, the dude is slimy for cheating on his wife and two kids but it takes two to tango.

They got caught outside in broad daylight! For a woman who walked a block behind her actual boyfriend during a lunch date, dinner date, concert, etc. In order to keep private things private, this makes no sense.

I'm not bashing but I'm not going to make excuses for anyone either.

Who is this person?

I spent countless evenings defending her character on this blog. I rooted for the romance. I rooted for their careers and happiness.

Part of me hopes for something, anything, good to come from this. Will Rob forgive her? In a perfect world, he would. In a perfect world, this never would have happened.

DreamerKind said...

@Ginger with a Soul
ITA with Freddie about what you wrote, and ginger is also great for the digestion of good things, for the soul and body! Come on in, the water's scalding but it will cool down.

Anonymous said...



i'm still so torn up about it. i guess this is why i do feel for kristen. i never cheated in deeds but i did in thought. i knew i had a man who loved me and i knew i loved him but some part of me thought. fuck it, i haven't ever been free or kissed anyone else. so i broke the love of my life, my only love's heart.

I still feel sick over it.

i feel cruel and horrible.

i'm not a bad person but i had that impulse. i don't know how to describe it but i had that impulse.

the guilty need our compassion too.

I like everyone, feel sick over rob but a little part of me is saying a prayer for kristen tonight too.

Dottie said...

Freddie, I always enjoy your comments so the fact that you enjoyed mine is high praise indeed.

I don't necessarily agree w/every link that's posted but I think it's interesting to read different points of view. And yes, we are in some way trying to make sense of it because the girl in those pictures isnt the Kristen we thought we knew. Some of us have been watching her for over a decade. When a person does something so contrary to anything you've ever known them to do before it's only natural to look for a reason.

I'm tired and feel like I've been way too chatty today. Thanks for the company and comfort.

Take care everyone.

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DreamerKind said...

You'll Pay It Forward

Easy To Be Hard

Three Dog Night:

How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold

How can people have no feelings
How can they ignore their friends
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no

Especially people
Who care about strangers
Who care about evil
And social injustice

Do you only care about bleeding crowd
How about a needing friend
I need a friend

How can people be so heartless
You know I'm hung up on you
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no

How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no

Come, on, easy to give in
Easy to say no
Easy to be cold

Easy to say no
Much too easy
To say no

Thank you/rockwithstone

Anonymous said...

@ sue bee

maybe she wasn't thinking? maybe she's been looking over her shoulder since she was 18 with the entire world watching her and she decided to throw caution to the wind?

i really have no idea. this is quite simply the stupidest thing she could have possibly done. with a married man with two kids whose family she knows no less.

she's fucking stupid that's for sure.

BUT! please keep in mind that pictures can make it seem worse. one or two smiles in 50 pictures.

that hug seems longer because we're staring at it but it could just have been a hug from behind. i think it is because if it had been extended we'd have more than 50 pictures.

DreamerKind said...

You have very strong feelings and insight, and as usual, my respect.

Moving on is at our own particular pace though. I'm lingering here for something, whatever I find. And, I find lots to admire and inspire.

The old 3 Musketeer's motto: All for One, and One for All bit, seems apt.
♥ ♥ ♥

Anonymous said...

Lady Luck, Nicely said, you're right it's time everyone stop acting as if Kristen is perfect, she's not perfect. You're right, youth does NOT excuse this kind of behavior. There ARE no excuses for this. I know a lot of people are talking about their own personal stories whether they were hurt or they were the ones to hurt, and in a perfect world Rob would forgive Kristen and life would go back to normal. BUT like Kristen, Life isn't perfect.

Once you lose trust in someone, it's hard to ever get to the point where you trust again. I am sure there are those amazing and wonderful people out there who could never think of it again. But for the rest of us, while we might forgive, we never ever forget.

I think that like Lady said, it's time for us to quit making excuses, looking for reasons, trying to blame others. Let me ask you all this. The Kristen we all adored, would SHE have ever done this to Rob? NO. There has been a change in her, whether it was curiousity or arrogance feeling she can get away with anything, because when she makes mistakes people make excuses for her.

The road to forgiveness and recovery is for her to TAKE responsibility for her own mistakes, figure out why she acted that way make the necessary changes and try and never repeat this mistake again. She does not NEED A FREE PASS she's had too many of those and look at what it's led to.

Anonymous said...

@Boggie with Stew @Sydney @LIZ @Dreamer Kind
Thanks everyone for making me feel better!

I was suffocating. I had to talk about it with people that can understand why I'm so sad. It sucks to suffer in silence feeling like a creep.

I won't judge Kristen. I believe she's living the hardest days of life. She hurt a lot of people.

I wish I could hug Rob and tell him everything will be okay. Everything is so heartbreaking.

DreamerKind said...

Night Dottie.

Sleep tight, Boogie.

Sleep Super, you beauty.

Freddie, stay ready.

Anyone else tired, well, goodnight zzzz's to you.

I'm sticky like honey, and just as hard to wash off.

SueBee said...


I understand where you are coming from. It is what it is.

While some of us are merely thinking WTF? Others are getting physically ill and crying themselves to sleep.

What a mess.
I feel compassion for everyone who is hurting. (hugs)

Even so, it's not our relationship. I can't stress that enough.

DreamerKind said...

Rob will feel the hugs, for how could he not? He needs lots of our love, and will receive it. You, too. Me, too. We, all.

michele3d said...

Hi All,

I think what makes this so sad is that Kristin and Rob almost made it. Rumor had it he was going to propose, and she looked really happy with him.

But the sad truth is, Kristin wasn't ready. She might have wanted to be ready, but clearly she wasn't. And with all that wealth and fame, well who really deserves that? For an insecure person, it must have seemed really crazy. Kristin had the best of everything and she threw it all away because she didn't feel she deserved it.

michele3d said...
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michele3d said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DreamerKind said...

I agree with no free pass and at 62 years of age, I haven't even had one, nor has anyone else I've ever known. Rest assured about that fact.

Justice will be done but not by us nor for us. By them, and only them with themselves.

Holy said...

@Dottie,thanks for sharing that post.

@Sydney,I agree with you,Nikki is no way better than Kristen.

DreamerKind said...

Off topic

Anyone going to see the Great Gatsby or looking forward to the new Les Miz?

*I*Believe* said...

I've been thinking about Bear. Dogs know when things are not right with their humans....hope the little guy's ok.

*I*Believe* said...

Hi SB! Long time no see.

bcaceres30 said...

@PL I agree with everything you said. There were some things that Kristen did that I did not like because they were things that I could never do, mostly due to the way I was raised, like flipping the bird or swearing but I never critisized her. However, there were some actions of Kristen that showed that she is immature and sometimes a little selfish. I think she was very attracted to RS and she decided to act on it. I do think the attraction is mostly of a sexual nature. I feel very sad for Rob because he does not deserve this.

DreamerKind said...

Yes. Dogs are so loving and see the pain and lick us silly to make us better. My cats do, too.
He is surely with the one who needs him most, imo.

DreamerKind said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@funloving blonde

i don't think she's gettinga free pass. he moved out.

every paper in the world has pictures of her cheating.

shes been humiliated and embarassed more than anyone else who has cheated IMO.

think of every celebrity who has cheated?

the list is waaaay too long but who has been more crucified than Kristen?

Anonymous said...

@funloving blonde

i don't think she's gettinga free pass. he moved out.

every paper in the world has pictures of her cheating.

shes been humiliated and embarassed more than anyone else who has cheated IMO.

think of every celebrity who has cheated?

the list is waaaay too long but who has been more crucified than Kristen?

SueBee said...

Hello IB! :o)

DreamerKind said...

Damn, these suddenly twice appearing comments forcing us to read them twice but then delete. Mine, too.

Many have been called but few answer.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ DreamerKind - thx the name is a complete pun on the fact that I have red hair and south park saying gingers have no soul - things my kids tease me about all the time.

@ PL I know I am not making excuses for her because really it is not my place too, this is for her to own

I think I just shared a part of my story because I can sympathize with being young (I was around 22/23), being completely overwhelmed (I had 2 kids by 21) and making a rash decision to escape my reality (one I completely put myself in). I never planned to be that person that I myself said I would never be, do something that I deemed 1 of 2 things I said I would never forgive if my husband had done to me (hitting me is the other and I left that by the way side too). I became my very own hypocrite in a blink of an eye. I learned very real things from my actions and when I take the time to reflect on it now can see the writing on the wall that allowed me to do this - hindsight is 20/20 and I should have left before this happened or learned to stop internalizing things and speak to the person about the issues. Call it karma or what you would like but I have 4 daughters and one who is 19 going on 30. I have watched her be so in love with one guy then a week later be in love with her now fiance. I have spent countless hours telling her to cool her jets and not get married so young ... My exact speech was somewhere along the lines of the way you view the world at 18 will not be the same world at 21, the same planet at 25 or the same solar system at 30. I explained money and other real problems can tear a relationship down like no ones business and maybe you should allow yourself time to grow as a person (stay together with him) but not rush head first into something until you have your feet on the ground and your head firmly out of the clouds (I really am cynical about love and all that - hence why I was looking into 2 people that I honestly know nothing about). I don't feel like I need to make excuses for her since her actions are for her to own just like my life mishaps are for me to own. I think twittering her mother, threatening to kill her , stalking all the people they know is just as shameful as some of the things that these people are flogging her for. I don't care how old she is - she is a human being, with real feelings and is worthy to breathe the same air I do. I also don't think it is fair to be completely mad at her for the pedal stool she was placed on by the fans, she was going to fall one way or the other as no one can live in a fishbowl and not screw up - big or small (as I said in my earlier post I raise my hand cause I did that too but them as a couple). I think the measure of a person is not the fall from grace but how they get back up. I think she is paying for this in ways that I could only imagine. I also think being famous does not give a right for people to think they own these people or that they owe us anything but the entertainment we pay to see from them. I live in Aurora, CO a mere 5 mins from the theater. My oldest child was supposed to be in that movie, she lost a friend and 3 others that were shot. She had a small group of friends that survived because 1 guy was late and they were outside waiting for him. Yet this story was the headline. I also apparently like to write novels.

DreamerKind said...

We love novels here, even ones as long as War & Peace. Feel free.

Sydney said...

Maybe I should be looking for the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll but I truly cannot shake the suspicion that RS somehow had a hand in this. For what reason, I do not know, but his creeper eyes looking right at the camera several times while Kristen seems oblivious does not sit well with me. If this was truly the only time, and he did set this up, and she totally fell for it...that's just even worse.

Either way, we know she is to blame in this. I just can't reconcile this with what I've seen from her in the last 4 years. Maybe I'm grasping at straws justifying all this. I just can't help it.

Rhonda said...

Kristen made a mistake, but I refuse to turn my back on her. She still has my love and support, same as always, maybe even more. I'm not excusing what she did, it was wrong and Rob didn't deserve it, but who can say they have never made a mistake, never lived with regrets, or hurt the ones they love the most? Yes, she messed a big way, but she's also paying the price for it. I'm disturbed at how much higher some people feel her price should be :(

PL- I don't think continuing to pour salt on the wound is helpful either. Maybe it's time to show/find some compassion for all those who are suffering, including Kristen.

Rhonda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SueBee said...

If she is being crucified now, who built the cross?

I saw the pics. I was disgusted by the display. Pretty cozy for being a momentary indiscretion. Lots of smiles for a "whoopsy" moment.

Rob is the one who was wronged.

DreamerKind said...

Hold fast! I felt that the shootings must have been a huge factor in us having such an intense reaction to R&K's distressing event.
In relation, well, we all want to feel for our loves, hurting hurts. No comparison though and I am grateful for all who were spared that day and your family.

DreamerKind said...

Too much salt isn't good for anyone!

ITA, something's rotten in the fridge and it won't be found for a long time either. It will reek!

Rhonda said...

Sorry, didn't mean to post that twice, but I'm using my iPhone and don't know how to take one of them away ;)

Sydney said...

Ginger, I live in Denver...and I too felt that with all of our emotions already so raw...this just tipped the scales into madness.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Dreamer Kind - I think it helps me rationalize things more. Life is too short for so much hate and judgement that is honestly not for us to own on their private relationship.

I hope they work it out and make it through this. I certainly am not setting up the nails for her to be crucified, I am looking for a more positive outcome (selfish me again). I will also agree with some of the people on here - there is something so wrong with the whole picture that it makes it hard to add it all up. I think there will be more coming to light in the next few days but honestly I wish it was not everywhere - this is entertainment news not headline news.

DreamerKind said...

Could be. Agree about the media but they smell $$$$$. We don't have to buy their take on it, nor any products they sell online or otherwise. That's another way to limit their $.

angelica1 said...

Hi Everyone.

This is an incredibly emotional subject because everyone tends to form an opinion or base their perspective on their own life experiences. The fact is we can and no doubt will, speculate publicly and privately for weeks to come about people's motivations and mindsets but we don't and probably never will, know the whole story and why should we? It isn't our business. Although I do think there is something deeply shady about Rupert Sanders whole part in this but that, again, is simply my perspective, I've never been keen on the guy.
This is going to be spun every way possible because there are huge sums of money to be made and the press are going to do everything they can to add fuel to the fire. The media couldn't care less about the feelings of anyone concerned in this whole mess or the true facts for that matter, they'll go with whatever gets them the most hits, in fact they'd love nothing more than a spectacular public meltdown by either Rob or Kristen.

At this point I am literally cringing inside at the thought that Rob, sooner or later,will have to meet his professional commitments and face the sh*tstorm that's ahead of them as for Kristen, yes she f*cked up spectacularly and I don't think it's possible for anyone to hate her as much as I'm sure she hates herself right now, she's made a monumental mistake for which,she could end up paying for the rest of her life but it's for Rob, who hopefully is by now in full possession of the true facts of the matter, to either condemn or absolve her.

DreamerKind said...

Darkest before the dawn, however, dawn changes with the seasons and can take a long time. It is not selfish to choose happy results! Erase that thought, sweets.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Sydney - yeah it was so unreal. My ex woke me up cause he had turned his police scanner on heard the police response and thought that our daughter was there. They were supposed to go to the Regal theater but was sold out so they decided to go to Century but she had a mid term the next day and felt unprepared and decided not to go 3 hours before. I think she is one of the few that can say she was spared due to exams. I think I love Bel Rea school a little more now. I get the extra dose this did on top of that news because we were all a nation that lost our rose colored glasses about people and then you lose faith in another thing you felt so certain about

Sydney said...

Ginger - I am so happy for you that your daughter was not there. I actually saw SWATH and Breaking Dawn at that theater. So surreal.

Well I'm going to bed ladies. It's been a helluva week. I'm sure I will ruminate on this further and be back to discuss with you.

Anonymous said...

@ sue bee but her cross seems so much bigger than everyone else's.

i know that rob and liberty are the victims and tehy have been incredibly wronged and i feel so bad for both of them.

but still i can't help but feel that kristen has been so disproportionately shat on by everyone.

she cheated, rob knows. rob's left her.

that should be the extent of her punishment not having the whole world call her a whore/slut.

again i'd like to point out that a picture is but a moment in time. i too have seen all the photos. They kissed in the car and he hugged her from behind and she smiled a couple of times.

yes it seems intimate but they have known each other for awhile so thus the comfort.

if we believe reports(from sources close to kristen and rupert's father), which to be honest, i do. Since lying would only make things worse and the turnaround was so fast plus if there was any other time there might be other pictures. and that would be worse! it was a fling, it was brief and it wasn't sexual.

BUT still, it's cheating. she's very very wrong and if it feeds people sense of justice. her world has been rocked she's humiliated and yes even though she's caused this all, guilt, heartbreak and humiliation are horirbel emotions to feel and she is suffering.

P.S. i also feel very very bad for rob and my heart truly goes out to him

Holy said...

@PipDancer,I'm with you. I'm not excusing Kristen actions, but I think she was setup by RS.He was using/seduced her to get publicity.If not for SWATH,I never heard about this guy.Now everybody are talking about him.I don't think this guy cares about his family.From his father interview it seems that he had done this before.Kristen makes a big mistake of trusting RS and I know she will pay for it fort the rest of her life.I just hope that she can salvage her relationship with Rob.

DreamerKind said...

In the end, that's what will be.

Anonymous said...

Since the beginning of this blog there have been people who have come and gone. Friendships have been made and lost. This blog is about Rob, and because everyone loved....loves Rob we all, for the most part embraced Kristen, but the true BEAUTY of this blog and what has made it a safe haven for a lot of people over the years is the friendship with each other.

I will give you that there have been several people who have done drive by comments, crazy comments...How is Honey by the way? There have been trolls, there have been rabid fans supporting Rob but not Kristen, Kristen but not Rob. But the core group of people who have remained on the blog long after some of them got to the point to where Rob and Kristen and even Tom were not the reason they continue to visit, came for Rob and stayed because of friendship.

They came to visit their friends. People that they knew in passing, people that they knew by email and in some cases, people that they felt close enough to, to share their 'real' names. And in the special cases, phone numbers and addresses were exchanged, Facebook friends made.

Baby gifts sent, birthday presents received and Christmas gifts exchanged. The friendship have endured in most cases, people have tried to stay in touch with those people who they have a real connection with. Of course some of the friendships faded away, people drifted apart, things like that happen.

Rob, Kristen, and Tom are NOT the heart and soul of this blog, the people who post are. People who have been here, defending Kristen, defending the blog, defending those of you who were attacked in a Troll driveby.
I find it a huge betrayal whenever someone who has been a loyal friend to everyone on this blog, has defended Kristen, Rob and Tom even when maybe they didn't deserve it, has someone who they have called their friend, enjoyed their conversations and has offered an ear, or a shoulder. Is told that it's time to show compassion, to a person who is nothing but compassionate.

A real friend stands by you even when you're wrong and defends you in public and gives you hell in private, a real friend, after you've hurt them once, gives you another chance, even when you've proven you're not worthy.

DreamerKind said...

Let's Tap Our Blues Away

Puttin' On the Ritz

Fred Astaire:

Have you seen the well-to-do
Up and down Park Avenue
On that famous thoroughfare
With their noses in the air

High hats and Arrowed collars
White spats and lots of dollars
Spending every dime
For a wonderful time

If you're blue and you don't know
Where to go to
Why don't you go
Where fashion sits
Puttin' on the ritz

Different types who wear a daycoat
Pants with stripes
And cut away coat
Perfect fits
Puttin' on the ritz

Dressed up
Like a million dollar trouper
Trying hard to look
Like Gary Cooper (super duper)

Come let's mix
Where Rockefellers walk with sticks
Or umbrellas in their mitts
Puttin' on the ritz

Tips his hat just like
An english chappie
To a lady with a wealthy pappy
(very snappy)

You'll declare it's simply topping
To be there
And hear them swapping smart titbits
Puttin' on the ritz!

Thank you/xoxosamilove

Unknown said...

Before I still had hope for their love. But today, after I see all the photos, my hopes fades away. Like a big hole inside my chest consumed all of my energy.

Kristen, I don't know you anymore. You have the most rare & beautiful love from a man and you throw it away for granted.
Rob, I know its hard time, but this too shall past. Give yourself the time to heal.

Agree with rose's quotes on new moon: "Don't make me choose" (obviously Kristen made me choose) "It will be him. It's always been him"

Unknown said...

Rose..........thank you for the perfect post. I need this. This fandom needs this. You have my heart....
I feel sick inside, it feels like someone ripped my heart out, and left a big hole inside

my heart goes to you. You are a man with a big heart. I know you can get trough this with graciouness.

You have to face it with the world watching over you. This is the lessons of a life time. Get it right this time.

I believe in love
And what is love? Robert Pattinson it IS

Best regards for everyone here
We will get trough this eventually......together

Love a.m.s

Kathy said...

Another thought from some of those pics, it looks like Kristen knows she's being watched and she seems to just not care. But God foribid (until recently anyway) she gets caught showing affection for Rob. She feels the need to walk behind him. Yeah she may have been set up by RS but she's clearly enjoying herself with him. Makes me sick. I'm tired and wish I could just turn my brain off. This is getting to be too much. I'm SO worried about Rob. I wish he was able to release a statement to let us know he's ok. Once again, so thankful to be able to vent my frustrations here when I need to. xo

DreamerKind said...

HAHAHA-lyric should have been "tidbits" but "titbits" was cute.

Some folks are saying they are losing weight these past days. My hips have grown 3 inches, I'd bet a hundo on that. It's the sitting of course, not the eating or drinking, certainly not.

DreamerKind said...

"In times of trouble, let it be."

Fare thee well, all.

May the sandman dust your lids, as they close peacefully for sleep or the sun warm you, on this new day.

gemnoir said...

I've enjoyed your site for a couple of years and never commentd. I usally agree with your insight ans I partially agree now.
However I'm having a hard time giving Kristen a pass on this.

I feel Sanders, old enough to be her father, is mostley at fault. He was in a position of power and should have had hjs family at the forefront of his mind.
While Kristen is young, she lost her moral compass. I think she fell into that star attitude that she can do as she pleases with no consequences.

Well there are repercussions and she should feel them. She broke Rob, she broke his fans and she broke her fans. I wonder if she gets it or does she expect a bye.

I don't wish her ill but she deserves round of boos. She needs to realize the depth of her behavior and I for one don't believe she does.

Last, I pray for Rob and hope he is surrounded by family and true friends.

Fans, protect him from the Paps.

faa said...

Hi to all.
This is the 3rd time I write in Roseland.
For the past few days, I'm handling all this alone. This is the only place where I can feel like coming home to. Reading all the posts and noticing the familiarity among each of you makes me feel comforted. At least, when the world around us started spinning wildly out of control, we are all find shelter here, in the fandom that we so adore.
I also need help. Or at least words of advice and comfort to make me normal. Weirdly, all of us are affected by this. I am a criminal attorney for 5 years. Nothing could shake my gut, not until this. Which is definitely not works related.

I am so sad, to begin with. More sad when I'm thinking of Rob. If we are this brokenhearted, what more he himself. May he has all the support that he needs and as days pass, perhaps he can makes better judgment on all this.

As for me, I can't stop crying if my mind wander to those good days, I cant look at their pictures coz it will makes my heart feels so heavy. I dreams lots of dreams and I can barely sleep. Surprisingly in my 5 years career, I took 2 days leave and I cant think straight. I ask for cases postponement coz I cant even concentrate on any arguments in court, what more to argue myself. I constantly pray so that the best for them will happen; no matter which way it will be. Because living and hanging indefinitely like this, is torture for us all and them both. Ppl at court and office thought I'm having my moment of work depression. I just keep my silence coz they will never understand me. Not the way all of us understand each other. Today, I took another 3 days leave and go for a peacefull countryside rest. Alone. How I wish I can meet you guys and demand a hug from each and everyone of you. Honestly, I really need comfort. For the first time since I fall in love with this fandom, I am no longer that outspoken young attorney who always put justice above all. I am simply a sad and confuse girl who really love Robsten as if they are my siblings..

So Rose and the rest of you, thank you very much for always been here. Please please do not unable thr comments like othet site did. We neef to stay together coz this is what makes us stronger and perhaps, if only Rob ever read all of our ramblings, he knows that we are not just a bunch of fanatic of Twilight. We are more than that. We are always be here to support him. Having said that, I again pledge to everybody, please stay together thru all this. I definitely need you guys to help me being normal again.

Till then, thank you Rose for this wonderful site.

ali mac said...

I think it will be interesting to see how Kristen handles herself over the next wee while!! I think I will let that lead me in whether I will still have enough respect left in her to still follow her career.

Sending out lot's of love to Rob as he comes to terms with it all (Liberty Ross aswell) but I know nothing about her. Also for Robs family and friends if he does decide to take her back that they will also be able to forgive her, because that is not an easy thing to do either.

DreamerKind said...

((Big HUGS)) and 2 XX's on your cheek a la Francais, for you.
You are not alone. I wish I were where you are, but in a way we are together.
My husband was an appellate defender and he rarely took time off either, he so loved his work. Some things need to be taken slowly, and the clock to stop ticking. Hope to see you later.

DreamerKind said...

@ali mac
We sure know, all about what's not easy, I believe. Wishing you a better day, cuttie.

30 said...

Hi Olivia! and Thank You. :)

Girls please let us not forget who brought us here that is Robert Pattinson, he is the victim not Kristen she did this and she has to feel her consequences. Rob is the victim I will remind you all again.

*I*Believe* said...

Today is a dreary day which matches my mood......

Rogue said...

I think Rupert Sanders seduced Kristen with words like, "Let's meet at the park...somewhere totally out in the open! I don't understand why your boyfriend never takes you out in the daylight. If I were in his place, I'd be out with you all the time so the world will know that we're together. I will never deny you. I will shout it to the whole wide word that you're mine!" LOL! Kristen, of course, who is constantly being publicly denied by Rob over and over must have been so taken that a mature man, a director at that, is not afraid or ashamed to be seen with her. I bet Rupert went on to seduce her with, "I will even kiss you in public every chance I get." And that he did. And how can Kristen resist someone who's NOT ashamed to be seen with her? How can she resist someone who readily hugs her in public? Please. The only times Rob is openly affectionate to Kristen is during the premier of his movies. Outside of that, he plays both sides of the fandom. Everytime Kristen comes out to give hints that Rob is her boyfriend, Rob would say something to the press that would throw the fans off and fuel the nonstens' wish that Kristen's not his girlfriend. Rob would never even readily hold her hand in public. I think the only reason why Rob openly held Kristen's hand during their recent outing to a Bobby Long concert and at the TCAs is because Kristen started becoming distant and withdrawn, no doubt after Rupert showed her public affection that she would never get from her own boyfriend unless he has a movie to promote. Do you think there's any chance that Rob would sneak around with Kristen in LA, make-out with Kristen in her car while it's parked in some ditch during the day? Do you think Rob will take her to a hilltop overlooking LA and hug her from behind and rub her like a typical horny boyfriend would do?Fat chance that will happen. Maybe Kristen wants to feel wanted and lusted after by her own boyfriend. Don't we all? So before casting stones at Kristen, try imagining having a boyfriend who would never want to be seen being affectionate with you in public and who constantly denies you to the press. How would you feel?

Victoria said...

I still think this was a photo shop deal. Why in the world would Kristen get caught out in public with Rupert when she has had years of practice hiding from pictures with Robert. And as far as the emotional statement of Kristen..... she doesn't speak to the press and I think if there was a statement for what ever reason, it would have been a phone call to Rob, not some full blown press statement for the world to see. I am sorry I have more faith in them than to just readily accept this kind of BS. And as far as Rob leaving the house, this happens all the time because of prior commitments. All I am saying is don't believe everything throw out there by the same press that stays mad at Kristen all the time because she won't have anything to do with them, except give them the one finger wave. You know Rob and Kris would not address this kind of crap. They are better than that.

Dottie said...

Hello Roseland.

My wish for all of us (including Rob & Kristen) is that today is better than the day before.

Unknown said...

Dear Rogue,

Just saying, in my perspective, all this time is always rob who wears his love on his sleeves. He praise her, says they pratically married, answering BIG YES when asked Does he think she's the fairest of them all during cosmo promo, Holding her hands in cannes, I can go on and on and on.

But it's just my perspective, we can have different perspective in seing things.

But let's not discuss other things, at the end, the result is awfull. damaged is done. Every parties is hurt and devastated. Rob, Kristen, families, fans, everyone.

*I*Believe* said...

PR Pro~Please check in and give us your take on this terrible situation...we need words of wisdom....

DreamerKind said...

For Today Is New

On A Clear Day

Johnny Mathis:

On a clear day
Rise and look around you
And you'll see
Who you are

On a clear day
How it will astound you
That the glow of your being
Outshines every star

You'll feel part of
Every mountain, sea and shore
You can hear from far and near
A world you've never heard before

On a clear day
On that clear day
You can see forever
And ever
And evermore

Thank you/wildpoppies

Mary said...


You are so right. The name of this blog is Robert Pattinson Intoxication.

Who did nothing wrong yet is being publicly humiliated? Rob.

Who created this whole situation by her actions yet who are you all talking about and making excuses for? Kristen.


Your theory is so full of crap that I shouldn't even be dignifying it with this response.


Thanks for pointing that out. I'll try to put a bandaid on those wounds from now on so they won't look so ugly.

ali mac said...

Thanks Dk, hope you have a better day too. I hope you are getting some sleep, I know you don't sleep alot ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Rose and you guys. It is my first time posting here. I enjoy your blog very much, read your posts all the time. Today i feel like I have to speak out. I cant take it anymore. Im in shock. I hope this would be a big joke, but unfortunately it isnt. What an ugly way to end a great relationship, because yeah, as hopeful as one might get, it is over folks. My point is, even if Kristen wasnt happy with rob anymore, she should not have chosen this disrespectful, ugly, selfish, inconsiderate, low, disgusting way of ending it. If she wasnt "in love" with rob anymore so be it, but given what they have been through together, friendship formed, the unique bond they shared and 5 years of knowing one another, becoming the best of friends, falling in love, living together, I thought she at least would care enough not to hurt and publically humiliate him this way. In some of those horrible pic looks like she is saying "i dont give a shit", "i do what i want" "fuck you all". what an immature and childish attitude. Well finally it got in her head. Kristen Stewart had it all, the money, career and fame, the ideal bf, the hottest, sweetest, most wanted man in the world who truly loved and adored her, she had loyal friends, great family and support, she had loyal fans who fiercly stood by her all the time. But no, that wasnt enough, because what was missing to make her life complete was the forbidden scandalous secret affair with a married boss, double her age, married with kids. Can’t get more exciting than that huh? Well Kristen, this is what happens when you are too selfish and blind to see that what you had was more than enough. You have lost it all now, so no public apology can make it better. I hope you grow up, learn the lesson and try to find happiness in life other than by cheating, hiding and lying. I’m sure this is going to hunt you for a long time. You lost your true love, your soul mate. Men come and go, Rob Pattinson doesn’t. Good luck with that!

*I*Believe* said...

@Adrianna~Gotta agree with a lot of what you said.

IMO......RS is a gross excuse of a man *shaking head*

ali mac said...

@ Robstenaddited The reason I took the Kristen apology as fact and not something People made up was because sites like this and Robstenation accepted it as fact. Otherwise I too would have thought it was just more tabloids writing what they want to make a story more juicy.

However the pics speak for themselves when you have seen all of them you will realise they could not be photoshopped. Apart from those two things I'd take most of the other stories with a pinch of salt cos I don't think anyone knows anything about whats happening now.

Freddie said...

Hi ladies,

I’m just stopping in quickly before tending to real life.

Rose – while I absolutely love that picture of Rob on the banner, all I can see at the moment is sad eyes. But I guess that’s why you picked it. So sad…

Oh and Rogue – are you for real? What world have you been living it? I couldn’t disagree with you more vehemently.

Have a good day ladies – as best as possible.

angelica1 said...

Morning ladies,

Rogue - With all due respect you're a moron

Robstenadditted - Delusion helps no one,the apology from Kristen is genuine and she would not have issued it over fake pictures so you need to face facts

IB - I have to agree on RS

Freddie said...

Oh and 30 - Every happiness, on the wonderful news of your marriage.

*I*Believe* said...

Angelica! I hope you are well. How's the back? Sorry to see you under these circumstances, though. Are you going to go to the Olympics?

Annie said...

Kristen is a victim just as much as Rob is.
He is suffering, so is she!

Yes, this blog is called Robert Pattinson Intoxication but I came here because of THEM.........Rob and Kristen TOGETHER!

I don't condone what she did but I WILL NOT abandon her........I

I feel for her
I feel for him
I feel for them!

Excuse me while I let those of you who want to turn the knife in her chest further, do it.

Groovie said...

I wish all this repeated psycho-analysis and lecturing would stop. Its just going in circles at this point.

To PL & some others:
We get it, you hate Kristen.
Well you are of course entitled to your opinion but there are still many, many others, myself included, that DO NOT.
You are just being vicious at this point.

Because guess what? Rob loves her.
You don't share 4yrs with someone and build a life with them and have all of that evaporate on spot just because they hurt you.
Yes, Kristen fucked up, she is paying the price on so many levels. Regardless of how you feel about her, why do some of you insist on just kicking her when she is already as down as she can be?
Do you think Rob would be cheering you on? Because I can assure you, he wouldn't.
He'd probably be disgusted.

This is a shitty situation for all involved. It doesn't matter what any of us feel or have to say. It is between Rob and Kristen.
HE is the one that has to forgive her. HE is the one that decides how to move forward. Will he walk away from 4yrs of love because she kissed another guy? That is HIS decision.
If he doesn't, if he gives her a 2nd chance, will you hate him as much as some of you hate her?

I've just had enough of the self-righteous judgment and meanness. These are 2 very real people hurting.
And I would bet any of you that fucked up and hurt someone you love would seek forgiveness and a 2nd chance too.
If you don't have a big enough heart for compassion and are so filled with hate, then I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

It's been a while. I wasn't going to comment on this mess. It's not really my business. BUT, after reading everyone's comments I have something to say.

I don't hate Kristen Stewart. I also have no sympathy for her...and that is just fine. Now pity on the other had I have plenty of. I save my sympathy for Rob, Liberty, and those precious children. Fact of the matter is what she did was wrong. On so very many levels. There is NO EXCUSE. He was and is married. Now not to say he's blameless in this situation. The only people who truly have that distinction are the children.

As a wife, mother, and woman this is something I could never to to another person. That is a line I could NEVER cross. It wouldn't be ok if I did. There would be no excuse if I did. There shouldn't be an excuse for Kristen Stewart. I'm not saying call her names or put her in the square and stone her. I'm sure she is suffering enough for her decisions. It's not up to me to decide if she has forgiveness. That is up to Rob and those that she truly hurt with her actions. I don't judge her. I'm not perfect. NO ONE is. We all make mistakes. Granted ours aren't played out in front of millions of people. For that fact she does have my sympathy.

She has a long road to travel in front of her. I truly think she needs help. I don't think making excuses for her will help. She either needs to learn to deal with the stress of this life she has created or just get out. My hope for her is that the people who love her can see this and get her help. Because the self destructive behavior will eventually destroy her if it hasn't already.

Life isn't perfect. It is ugly and messy. It's what we do with the mess that defines who we become. Good luck Kristen. You have one hell of a mess. I hope Robert finds peace and forgivness, for himself more than her.

Once again I say, I don't hate Kristen Stewart. I also don't make excuses for her. You shouldn't either.

angelica1 said...

Hi IB - It's actually not bad at the moment, Thank you. I don't know if we'll go to the Olympics, it's going to be packed, expensive and I think we've decided we'll see more at home :)

Hi Annie, Groovie, Leigh

*I*Believe* said...


Leigh~It has been a's the moonshine still?

*I*Believe* said...

Hi Annie!

Has anyone heard fro PR Pro?

*I*Believe* said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Angelica :)

Anonymous said...

Haha, IB. The contents of that still were gone long ago. Lol. Life has a way of doing that. Ya know?

*I*Believe* said... could have really used a swig right about now! What a mess, huh?

*I*Believe* said...

@Angelica~I hear you...we ventured to the Lake Placid Olympics way back in 1982 and they were expensive, crowded and you couldn't see much...the best part was the pin traders :)

Rhonda said...

PL- you made comments based on your opinion, I did the same. I think we know each other well enough that we should be able to do that without it turning into a war of words.

Rob has my support, but so does Kristen. She's hurting too. I won't give up on her...

Rhonda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sydney said...

Come on guys...we're all friends here, or we used to be. Can people maybe stop telling each other how they should feel? If I want to see the good in Kristen, that's my prerogative. If others want to see the bad,that's theirs'.

Rhonda said...

Sorry, I posted twice again. Clearly, I need to learn how to use this phone lol ;)

Dottie said...

I understand people being angry at Kristen for hurting Rob but at this point I think she is being so severely punished it's to the point of abuse. I can only imagine how much she is hurting right now. The weight of all the guilt, loss, and hate that is being thrust on her must be crushing down on her young shoulders. The girl needs help not more hate piled onto the mountain of hate that is already out there. The worst part of it is, the one person who could probably help is most likely not speaking to her. All of this over a kiss and some cuddles. I'm not making light of Rob's pain or her betrayal, but when you compare her offenses to what other's have done to people they love and been forgiven for it seems so minor.

I have probably offended some of you and I'm sorry for that. There is enough hate and blame out "there". We don't need to add to it here.

Dottie said...

Just to add to my comment, I dont mean to sound like I am trying to tell anyone how they should feel. I just hope that even in our anger we can have compassion.

Mary said...

I have never once said I hated Kristen. I have never called her names here or personally attacked her. Go back and read my comments if you don't believe that.

You all need to let her fall off that pedestal you have put her on. She did a horrible thing, in public. She got caught. No excuses. For herself she needs to acknowledge it, atone for it and then find a way to pick herself back up.

We shouldn't even be discussing this anymore. It's done and it's now up to Rob and I'm sure he doesn't want or need any of our input. So I am going to respect that and say nothing more here about this.

You all of course are free to do as you wish.

Groovie said...

That's exactly what I was trying to say! Thanks Dottie!

Sydney said...

I wasn't talking about the people who are simply stating their feelings and providing reasons for them. I was talking about the people who are literally saying "you should..." I feel how I feel and that's it.

I have gone through all the feelings of anger and disappointment. They're still there. But there are stages in grief...and I'm in forgiveness. She didn't do this to me. We are so ridiculously over-invested in this that we're taking it personally. At least I did. But if Kristen was a real life friend, I would be disappointed in her decision and all the bad adjectives I can think of to describe it would be said...but I wouldn't abandon her. I know she's not a real friend, but back to that feels like she was.

ali mac said...

I agree maybe we've all said enough now, let's get Roseland back to our happy place to go.

Did anyone go to see the New Spiderman movie?

Ginger with a Soul said...

So after lurking forever and never writing, I feel like I just can't stop after posting last night. I think people will heal over time and I agree with what PL said about talking about it but probably different then what she means (I have no idea so I will never assume what your words are for). I think as long as you can go to places like People and the 5 top stories are all based on this , people will not start to deal with this - Rob and Kristen included. I think the saddest part in this is that he not only has to deal with his own feelings but the pressure of the media spins and public unfolding of this. I remember Hugh Grant and Eddie Murphy (2 names that just pop in the forefront) and the coverage on both were minimal compared to this. Hell Pee Wee Herman jerking of in public while doing a childrens show on the side didn't even scratch this (he still creeps me out to this day)They both were placed pretty high on pedestals and have been elevated to something short immortal (no pun intended) while neither is perfect (thank god for that). This shall pass and I find myself hoping something happens to divert the overwhelming attention this is getting. More than anything I wish the viscous comments (not here but dear god some other places and I thank my lucky stars I don't have twitter and my Facebook is riddled with people who would mock me for being invested in this) , death threats, rumors (cause now everyone knows seems to have an inside to either side)and in general ill wishes (I mean that on both sides of the fence cause it is from both). The most emotion I have shown is while reading comments where people are laughing, cheering and gloating about this - WTF. I am pretty sure Rob does not share the feeling nor do I believe he appreciates it. It is sad enough to watch someone fall from grace but I am a firm believer in karma, sometimes the right thing is to lend a hand and not a kick to the teeth.

I am not saying change your opinions, god knows I am sticking to mine and reserve the right to change how I feel at a moments notice. I just say sometime it is better to sit in the sun the under a rain cloud.

Hope said...

RHONDA, ANNIE, GROOVIE, DOTTIE, and other Roseland friends...

I completly AGREE with your thoughts and feelings. I do not condone what Kristen did, but it is NOT my place to JUDGE her. I am praying for BOTH ROB & KRISTEN. They need our love & support as THEY DECIDE what to do.

ANNIE...Me too...I came to Rose's blog as a fan of BOTH Rob and Kristen.

RHONDA....I hope you are enjoying the beach. I wish I was at the beach too because I find it to be a healing place.

ROBERT...I loved your post too. Thank you.

DK....Thanks for the links, songs and calm.

SueBee said...

I agree with PL. It is what it is. Nothing we say will change the facts. No excuses or conspiracy theories will erase the pain and devestation that has resulted.

All we can do is move on with our lives, one day at a time.

Em said...

I can't even read most of this stuff but the only thing Im thinking is ppl like to jump real quick n bash n judge n forget everything that's good in a person n if life were to get like that for alot of us it would really be fucked up! Its amazing to have ppl believe in u when no one else does n trust me i know. I get it everyone has n opinion n wants to talk but really does no good cause words hurt n I always say ppl don't care or don't know how powerful their words r n how they can affect others just stop plz? I gotta go bye

Monica said...

@Rhonda, @Dreamerkind, @Annie, @Tired, @Super RN Gas Passer, @Dottie, @Sydney, @Bletiffanyxoxo, thanks ladies for your input, especially with your personal stories, article sharing and kind words.

To all others who may see things slightly differently from me, I understand your strong emotions thus your strong puts. I know I appear to be a Kristen fan, defending her in a way that she shouldn't be defended. But I promise you my heart arches for Rob too. After the incident, I cannot eat and sleep for 2 days. Count 3 after today. Crying and murmuring in my sleep that "Why? Why Kristen you did such s stupid thing?"

What Kristen did is really really wrong. No one is giving her a free pass here. I assure you. However, I do not believe she did that SOLELY out of heartlessness and selfishness. Some raised underlining reason like being in great pressure for so long thus drives her to do things self-destuctive and out of her character. Some being brave share their own stories to remind us that humans do do hurtful things to the another half they care, simply out of impluse instead of malice. Some suggested that the director initiated it and Kristen was actually oblivious to the pap. These are possible driving forces, NOT excuses. We need not think the lowest of Kristen in every possible way. While acknowleging these potential drives does not mean Kristen has less share of her responsibility. However, these lead me to reasonable sympathy. This is my view. If you don't agree, I understand. Still it's good to do exchanges and let you know we do not say those due to blind trust and love to Kristen.

Yes, Kristen and that director are caught in compromising positions. Those images are plastered in my head too, showing again and again. I still think it's a flirty moment and Kristen's mind was clouded. It was so wrong and ugly but it does not mean there is zero possibility that it's momentary indiscretion. You and I are not in the backseat of the car afterall. But everyone out there assumes the lowest already.

Like @Sydney, I still see in her what I love too. Yes, she screwed up big times. Yes, describing it as a mistake may put too lightly. Nevertheless, we are all human, imperfect, weak sometimes. Wrong doings cannot be undone but forgiveness can be earned. If someone should call her names, it is her families, Rob's families and their friends. If she has to beg for forgiveness on her knees and hands, it should be in front of Rob, not us, not the cameras, not the world.

People out there is ready to skin her alive. Are you happy to put a nail on the cross too? No people should receive such level of moral condemnation IMO. That is simply brutal. Their private incident, unfortunately occur in the public eyes, doesn't entitle you and me to be judges and death executors.

I'm sure that Kristen cares, deeply sorry, regret and hurting a lottoo. Guilt probably eating her up now. Did you see how she put her palms together and beg the papz give her space? Are you genuinely happy seeing her like that?

Along all these years following Robsten, I really am not capable to believe Kristen is a complete cold hearted bitch. The repeated "I love hims" in her statement broke my heart into thousand pieces. There are sincereity and desperation. Maybe some of you don't see that, but I do.

I know you all have your own opinions. But I beg you, I beg you all from the bottom of my crying heart, not to throw stone anymore. Even criminals are given the chance for rehabilitation.

I state again, I respect you all ladies. I feel for your heartbreaking for Rob. I really do. Out of my selfish self-comforting, I beg you try to be not as harsh to Kristen. Give her a chance for repentance and improvement.

My head is a mess and sorry for my poor English.

Monica from Asia

t. from MN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Litmom said...

Good Morning, Roseland,

Wow. I haven't posted since Tuesday after all hell broke loose, but I've been following.

I have a few things -
#1 This place is a haven for Rose's followers to come and console, support, debate (respectfully), and grieve. Thank you Rose, and thanks to all of you who have made me feel a part of this fabulous group.

#2 - We don't KNOW what happened. We know what we see, what we feel, what we can speculate - but we don't KNOW what really happened. Maybe I don't WANT to know.

#3 - We all love Rob. And have all grown to love Kristen. They are both hurting in very different ways right now (as we are), and we need to respect and understand that. But we don't all have to like what happened.

#4 - I really, really want to believe the conspiracy theories. Naive? Yeah, maybe - but I want to see the good in people. We'll just have to see.

#6 - I said this elsewhere, but I sure do hope RS's castration has been scheduled.

isis said...

It's the first time that i'm going post here. I have being post in robsessed.
It's friday and i'm still feeling sad and sick. I can't sleep well and i am eating very little, i don't have appetite. This could be ridiculous for a lot of people but this is how i feel. I don't know them and i never tought that i would fell this way.
This is a nightmare that you can't wake up.
If i feel this way and this is nothing about me i can imagine Rob. And nick, steph, ruth, tom ,marcus, sam, rob's parents, rob's sisters, kristen patenst and brothers. People mag report that he move out from the house and is heartbroken and angry. I think the reason that we the fans are reacting so emotionally and deep sadness is because we know that he is completely broken. I don't need any pic of him right now to get this conclusion. She was in the pedestral for him. No one was more beautiful, cool, best actress, honest than her. This is why her fall is so huge and devastated.
The trust is lost forever, there will never be the same. It's impossible even for a true love. There are things that even a deeply in love person can't accept and deal.When i stop for a second to think about this i still can't believe. And i'm sure that most of his angry and heartbroke is because not even him believe that she did that, he didn't saw the signs, he didn't knew nothing. Like us he never saw this coming.

isis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
isis said...

Peopel mag said that he don't have any contact with her, so i believe that Monday when he found out, he and his team nick, steph, all come to seclusion.And ever since she doesn't have news from him. I believe she is desperate. She can't talk to him, explain what happened. So her statement "i love him, i love him.i'm so sorry." is the way she try to get contact to him. But nick and steph will not give this to her. In this moment looks like she is alone with her team to do damage control.

isis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
isis said...

About the premiere in November:
I don't think kristen will be on the premieres, not US, maybe europe but i don't think so.In NOvember the fans will be more calm, not so deep broken like we all are now feeling. I'm not saying that we will forgive her and want to take a pic with her.But you all know what i mean.
I believe she will going to make a statement, telling that she is very proud of the movie. But i don't believe she will be on the red carpet smiling for the cameras, with rob and taylor by her side and signing autografs.
I can be wrong, but this is what i believe. One more time i'm letting my sad feelings talk because this is the way i feel in this moment. But in 4 months, November, i don't know what will be my opinion about her presence in BD part2 promotions. Maybe in November i feel different, we don't know what will happen between them.

Even tata no one is telling this i truly believe that they are over. Not people mag or gossipcop said they are over. But i think any fan not going to be surprise if in this next days we read on people mag or gossipcop that they are completely done. To me is the best solution in the moment.
There are too muchpain, angry and the feelings are completely confuse.

isis said...

next week they will be in every cover magazine. In the next weeks will be tories about them giving a second chance, rob saying that he hates her, rumours, false quotes. Until something happen and the media attention moves on. look the example of tom cruise and katie holmes, now the things are more calm.
Rob is going to fim a movie about irake.kristen has Cali to do this year,i think.They will have to greeve their pain and go back to work.
And then countdown to November, BD part2. They have 4 months until the premiere.
In this 4 months, millions of things will happen. The drama will fade away. We the fans gonna calm down too and prepare to be excited for BD part2. I'm writing this last part and the sadness coes to me like a rockete. But deep we know that is true, this will pass away. We all have or had big problems in our lives and we survive.

isis said...

If they will back together, this will not be in the next 4 months. There are too much pain, angry, disappointment, even with the love that they have for each other, would never work.
They need to heal the pain first, they need to move on from the cheating.Rob has to forgive kristen and kristen has to forgive herself. They need to know what they really want and their feelings foe one other. Kristen need to see what is wrong with herlife,what she is missing and what she really wants.And Rob special, when all this fade away and everybody had move on from the story, only him alne can know if he still have strong feelings for her. If he still loves her deeply. If he can go out has a date with her and not fell embarassed. If he can move on from the cheating and still deeply in love with her. If YES, he can make his mind to give her a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance.

isis said...

If they will back together, this will not be in the next 4 months. There are too much pain, angry, disappointment, even with the love that they have for each other, would never work.
They need to heal the pain first, they need to move on from the cheating.Rob has to forgive kristen and kristen has to forgive herself. They need to know what they really want and their feelings foe one other. Kristen need to see what is wrong with herlife,what she is missing and what she really wants.And Rob special, when all this fade away and everybody had move on from the story, only him alne can know if he still have strong feelings for her. If he still loves her deeply. If he can go out has a date with her and not fell embarassed. If he can move on from the cheating and still deeply in love with her. If YES, he can make his mind to give her a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Ginger with a Soul said...

I made a grave error in judgement and looked at Gossip Cop - after literally losing my shit on someone there I think I will just stick it out with you guys cause no matter if you have different opinions you are respectful. I am shocked at some of the reactions, makes me wonder where we as human beings are going and that makes me cry more than anything. I have no more words....

JMF said...

I went to the grocery store and staring me in the face was US Weekly. I made a mistake....a big mistake, I picked it up and looked at the article. Now I have seen it on the internet, but somehow holding that paper in my hand made it "real" if you understand what I mean. I feel like I have been punched in the gut. I had tears in my eyes and the checkout lady actually asked if I was ok. All this emotion hit me right in the stomach. So I guess what I am saying is if you feel looking at this hurtful information is bad on the computer, don't pick up the magazine. I wished I never touched that filthy rag.

SueBee said...

Sorry you had to go through that JMF. I'm doing my best to avoid all of it.

MLH414 said...


I haven't commented since Rose put the new post up the other day, so I thought it was time to again. While everyone has differing opinions, I just wanted to say, please do so with respect...we are not the same, so of course there is going to be a multitude of opinions.

Please DO NOT believe everything you hear in the media. Nobody knows anything but Kristen and Rob. Their loved ones and best friends are not talking to every media source out there. Right now, they are with them, concerned about them, not running to some gossip place and spewing things. Remember, the media and gossip columns are only stir and want to make money. That's including GC. Like you, I don't know the full story and yes the pics are upsetting and sad. But some of you didn't believe what GC said yesterday...are you going to believe what they said today? I'm not trusting ANY source of media, maybe except People, since that's where the apology came from.
Kristen made a huge, monumental mistake. She is paying dearly for it now. I don't know of ANYONE who has been raked over the coals as she is being now. There are celebs who have done this and worse! And they didn't even get this much attention. It breaks my heart. She needs help...something just doesn't add up with this self-destructive behavior she exhibited. And don't even get me started with Rupert. I think he's a slimebag. Just keep this in one really knew who he was, now everyone does. People would do just about anything to have fame. I don't think this was the first time he stepped out on his wife...prob won't be the last either. And if you look at the pics in order (yes, they are hard to look at) they tell a story. Him looking at the camera repeatedly. She looks off in some of them (not saying that it was alright for her to kiss him) and when she seemed to notice the paps, she put on her shade and hat, and they left. Remember, I'm not condoning her for what she did. It was horrible and lacked poor judgement...but we are not ones who should judge her.

Not everything is black and white.

I don't think that Rob would want her to be berated and judged by everyone. I think the thought of it makes him sick. My heart breaks for him. But I do think that he is surrounded by good friends right now and that makes me smile. I worry about him, but I worry about Kristen too. Something is not right...this is not her usual behavior. I hope that she has loved ones around her too...she needs to talk to people. Being by yourself at this time is not a good thing!! Please remember that.

I love that pic of Rob on the blog. If I remember correctly, someone who comments here at times Loves that pic too. It's her favorite one of him :)

Remember, have compassion...they need to work this out themselves. Hopefully, sometime soon, they can come together and talk...which is much needed. Whether they get back together or not. I think that when it all cools down, Rob will. He's a great person...understanding.

I love Rob. I love Kristen. I will not turn my back on her


Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

Word of the day...

H E A L.....

Peace and Love

Boogies with Stew aka MJ

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