The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rob and Kristen- Maybe I'm Amazed

I know some people would like to pretend that this
fandom is all unicorns and rainbows...
But... well...
It's not.
 I don't always like to focus on the negative.
Far from it.
(Rob and Kristen are big time positive)
It's just that I comment on what's happening
on any given day in this fandom.
And come on...
The lunatic fringe are massive entertainment.

So without further ado...
Let me share some of the questions I get in my emails.
Some are just random regular questions...
Some are SHOUTY ALL CAPS questions
But all deserve an answer
Am I right?

Q. Rose, what do you think of what Stevie Nicks
had to say about Kristen and the whole scandal?

A. I think Stevie actually meant well... but sometimes people
just need to stop talking about Kristen's personal life in public.
Stevie has had her share of romantic drama in her past
so I'm sure she thought she was being helpful and supportive...
but 'famous' people should just stop making statements
that usually do more harm than good.
I did enjoy the Lunatic Fringe ranting on and on about what a whore
Stevie is and no wonder she would defend Kristen...
All the while gushing over Kelly Osbourne's attack on Kristen.
You do see where the hypocrisy lies?
Now... say... If Kelly Osbourne 
(Who has NO right to judge anyone in any capacity)
had defended Kristen on that Fashion show...
The Fringe would have said she was a famewhore
and squealed about how Mrs. Oz publicly talked about
how she broke up Ozzie's previous marriage and she
was proud of it and would do it again.
Glass Houses.
We all live in them.

Q. Kristen will never get an Oscar or any other kind of acting award!
You sheep are delusional! Do you really think she will ever get
any kind of award for twitching and stuttering?

A. Hahaha. That burns doesn't it?
I loved the meltdown over Kristen's attendance at the 
Governors Awards.

You see... Kristen was invited. They wanted her there.
And she looked gorgeous.
Will she get any kind of nomination for OTR?
I have to say its a tough field this year
but just to be MENTIONED in the same company?
Lets you know what people in the industry 
think of Kristen's acting ability.
So... if not this time?
Soon enough, dearie.

Q. Do you really think Rob and Kristen are together?
Why would he take her back? What kind of man would forgive
 someone who cheated on him?
She had an affair and fucked that guy in her car!!
She humiliated him!!
She's a home-wrecker and she doesn't even care!

A. Not only do I think Rob and Kristen are back together...
I think they are stronger than ever.
Why would he take her back?
Because he loves her.

And it wasn't really taking her back... 
because I don't believe they were broken up.
Not really.
And please with the home-wrecker bullshit.
She didn't wreck any home.
Ruperv gets the blame for that.
Besides the fact... that they didn't do 
ANYTHING in that car but kiss.
That's all those pictures show...
That's all anyone knows.
Except Kristen.
And Rob.
And Rob has no problem forgiving her
and taking her fully back into his life.
(Including his family and friends)

Any relationship is hard work.
Can you imagine one under constant scrutiny
by gossips rags, paparazzi and lunatic fans?
But yet...
They are working on it.
Not taking anything for granted...
Because when you almost lose something
that's important to you
You do whatever it takes
to never lose it again.

Q. Anyone who is a fan of that girl after what she did to
Rob in public is as much as a whore as she is.
How can you still admire her?

A. Kissing someone in a car doesn't make her a whore.
And making mistakes when you are 22 years old...
Doesn't define who she is.
People make mistakes...
Kristen has had to live hers out in public
and has paid the price.
I'm sorry you don't think she was PUNISHED enough
 for her heinous crimes!
She is the root of ALL evil!
I'm sure you and the rest of the Lunatic Fringe
would be first in line to throw rocks at her public stoning.
Perhaps some burning at the stake would appease your
disgusting desire to see Kristen suffer?
Gossip Rags and Bitter Hags
(Hey! That rhymed!
I kinda like it...
Gossip Rags and Bitter Hags...
Repeat it a few times... it's catchy!)
are the only ones hanging onto this.
Rags because they like to dwell on gossip
and will say anything for the hits...
And the Bitter Hags?
Well because this is all they do.
Kristen is their life.
She owns them.

Like I said before...
No one knows all the facts...
To spread vile bullshit lies and speculation
 to further some bent agenda
only shows your character...not hers.
Rob is the only one in their relationship
who has any right to judge her
on her behavior and actions...
as he is the the one it affected.
Guess what?
He remains by her side.
They are closer than ever.
Living together.
Sharing their lives

Enough said.

Q. why do sheep always have to manip Rob and Kristen together?
Because they never get those pictures in real life!
The pictures sheep make are so so sad. Poor you.

A. Personally... I never got the manip thing.
And the pictures I've included in this post pretty much
shut your shit right down.
Lots of pics of Rob and Kristen being sweet and adorable
and of course...
Holding hands.
If someone wants to manip a baby in their arms? Who cares?
How is that any different than taking out Kristen
and putting in Jen Lawrence or Emma Watson?
Big Fucking Deal.
It doesn't really matter.

Q. Why do you sheep hate all the women Rob has worked with?
Why so jealous of Jennifer Lawrence?
Why can't you admit that Nian is so much hotter
than Robsten will EVER be?

A. First of all...
I don't hate anyone that Rob has worked with.
And most of the people I follow on twitter don't either.
Sure..there are some Fringe who will be all needy and weird
when Rob works with or is seen within any proximity
of another human female...
But that isn't the majority by any stretch of the imagination.
Although I've never been shy about my feelings
for Mrs. McDonald...
I don't hate her, either.

It is fun to poke at her now and then
but lord knows I don't write endless blog posts
or flame forums/tumblr/twitter
hating on her...
That's what the Ninnies do to Kristen.
As for Jennifer Lawrence?
I like her.
And I think its hilarious that Kristen and her
are probably friends.
Nothing against "Nian" either.
Except the name itself.
I think they are cute together.
But Nian is just as bad...
if not worse than Robsten.
In fact...
Now I've see "Haylor"
for some boy band guy and Taylor Swift.
All combined names should be outlawed.
Stupid shit.
You get my point.

Q. Why don't you ever say anything about the real victim 
in all of this, Liberty and their two children?

A.  What's to say?
Hey...I'm sorry if she's married to a slimy perv
I really am.
And I've not criticized her in any capacity
when it would have been easy to do so.
But to put her on some sort of pedestal
as some sort of Heroine...
Is ridiculous.
What happens in their marriage
is between her and her creepy husband.
I'm pretty sick of Kristen getting all the blame
for this 'indiscretion'
When the twice her age married father of two
seems to be skating by...
Typical women.
taking the side of the man.
Boys will be boys... Right?
Blame the girl.

I will be happy when both 
Liberty and Rupert go back into obscurity
where they came from.
They've gone way past their 15 minutes.


This post is brought to you by
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
Who remain together and in love...
And continue to show the world
that they don't give a fuck about 
what anybody thinks.
They are living their life...
Their way.

And by Thomas Sturridge

Whom every post is dedicated to...

Until next time.

Bye for now

To Lou and Bert.
Amazing love is amazing.

Paul McCartney said it best...
(he always does)

Baby I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you
Baby I'm amazed at the the way you pulled me out of time
Hung me on a line
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

Baby I'm a man and maybe I'm a lonely man
Who's in the middle of something
That he doesn't really understand
Babe I'm a man and maybe you're the only woman
Who could ever help me
Baby wont you help to me understand

Baby I'm amazed at the way you're with me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I leave you
Baby I'm amazed at the way you help me sing my song
You right me when I'm wrong
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you


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Ginger with a Soul said...

@Freddie - Oh I am not worried about their futures - in fact I think what their futures hold is noting less than great and they are both so young - hey can do pretty much anything they want at this point

olivia said...

Just a quick peek in....thunderstorm going on and I just checked doppler radar...then hopped over here.

Kristen and Rob breathed life and soul into the characters that were created on the page by SM. Kristen nurtured and protected, as much as she could, her instinctual interpretation of Bella. Over the years, she and Rob have invested their intrinsic and intuitive emotional heart and being into these two characters.

Everyone is affected differently by art, some more than others. For me, the movies were worthy and very satisfying interpretations of the books. I will always feel that they are a positive, valuable and rewarding part of both Kristen and Rob's careers as serious actors.

Rob and Kristen have matured with every film in their onscreen skills as actors and their off screen growth in the knowledge, expertise and seriousness needed to become writers, producers and directors in their own right one day.

I have faith that these two young actors have been able to show the right people - the ones who really count in the serious movie world - through their dedicated and sincere commitment to the Twilight Series, and also through the many other films and projects that they have been involved in, that they are truly talented actors with exciting, brilliant and positively promising careers ahead. I truly believe that the best is yet to come, and it will be a mountain of spectacular goodness for both of them.

Have a lovely evening.
Hugs for y'all.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
Respect Rob and Kristen.

Pattybg said...



Freddie said...

Olivia - so perfectly said. Thanks.

Hi Kami - hope you are well and not facing the bad weather that Olivia and Hope are.

Hi to Pam H, Pattybg, stella, Holy and anyone else that I missed.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I had no idea who she was either but they started blasting twitter when her plane went missing then when the wreckage was found. Very very sad

Holy said...

Rose-I love your new banner.

I really need to see The Master.Too many good movies to see.

Holy said...

Our prayers to the family of Jenni Rivera.

DreamerKind said...

Hello All!

Back home from a short time away. Good to see so many, sharing ideas, opinions and news. Tis the season to be jolly and such. :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

2Heya DK :) smooches

Kami said...


Kami said...

Thanks FREDDIE, the storm hasn't reached here yet, we expect it around 2 in the morning.

How are you?

parker said...

@olivia, Freddie, Kami, Ginger – i like all you had to say about Twilight & R/K.

to me, Twilight, along with HP and LOTR, will always leave an indelible mark on the pop culture landscape of the new millenium. but i think Twilight is unique because it was spawned from a source material that was considered by many critics as intellectually inferior yet defied all by its exponential growth of popularity in all strata of society proving that what captivates people’s imaginations can’t always be predicted. what i find amazing about it is that those who never gave the books a chance before were subsequently drawn to it because of rob’s & kristen’s chemistry on- & off-screen. these two actors did something right – to be able to captivate so many that only grew, not diminish, with each installment, is a credit to their skills & charisma given the simple plot & limited opportunities to stretch their acting legs. i think success in the business isn’t just measured in terms of good acting skills but charisma as well and in both departments, rob & kristen have plenty of it, which i have no doubt will take them far. some critics may continue to dismiss it as just a forgettable teen movie series but there is no denying that Twilight will forever be a part of pop culture. i think that 30 years from now, people will talk about rob & kristen & refer to Twilight as that cult movie series that sealed the careers of two great actors.

hello to DK, Holy, Patty, Pam and everyone else i missed in Roseland posting and lurking. have a good night and a great week ahead !!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

I am so functionally illiterate when I type it is not even funny

@Parker - I will agree that Twilight will go down in pop culture history - good and bad. It's mass appeal is largely directed by Rob and Kristen and their on screen chemistry more so than the story line. It is not even a debate if the movies are good as people will find what they like or don't like about entertainment. Most critics loath the movies and I am sure have eye twitches at the revenue it brings in. Then again I also don't think they view the viewing audiences with high regards as is by a lot of their statements (movies in general not just Twilight).

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Patty/Kami - hmm I guess I will be absent from the blog on the 16th since you guys are playing my Bronco's although since we clinched our division I am not sure who they will have playing.

Kami said...

Ginger, LOL I am not a Raven's fan, but Patty and I congratulate and commiserate over our respective teams. I am a Cowboys and but my husband...hold on to you will hate a huge Charger fan

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami LOL - I bet your husband has gritting his teeth more than once recently

@Patty - will be interesting - we are still fighting for home field and we will be on your turf.

ladyevenstar22 said...

went to see BD2 for the 5th time today, i'm very sad because its more than likely the last time i saw it on the big screen !!!
as i left the theatre one of the employees was changing the hrs display for current films and now BD2 is only playing at 6.50 and 9pm until today there were also four showings in the afternoon !
thing is i don't have a car and its pretty far from where i live on my island and i hate bothering people so i can get a lift to and back !
at any rate, this is my personal best for the entire saga! so i did well ,guess i'll just have to wait for dvd in a few months grrr

does anyone know when rob is leaving for his next film?just wondering if he gets to spend the holidays with family and friends first

Kami said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kami said...

Ginger, I've heard Phillip Rivers called every name but a human being lately. My husband has screamed out profanities I did not even know he knew. He is so angry that he has now jumped ship and is now calling himself a "Texans" Fan. One of his friends works for a company that has box seats at all Texans games for their management team and we've been invited for the day before Christmas Eve....I think...and he is BEGGIN me to go. lol

ladyevenstar22 said...

yes i knew who jenni rivera was,very sad news! i used to watch a lot of spanish tv a while back and she use to be often in their gossip show , i wasnt a fan of her music but recently she did sing the theme song of a novela "eva luna" which i fell in love with as it wasnt her usual regional type of music!
it reminds me of when aaliyah died in an airplane accident same situation after take off, plane probably too heavy we'll find out soon enough what the problem was!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - Texans are a good choice as they are #1 right now

@ladyevenstar22 - very very sad - always a little worse this time of year to. Her poor family

RC said...

Kerry Washington just defended the hell outta Kristen without actually mentioning her name. I knew I loved her!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@RC she was with her at the Variety event the other day too.

Pattybg said...



Pattybg said...


Ginger with a Soul said...

@Patt - Read it - was a really cute article

Holy said...

Here's another quote from Rob,that I love.I think it's from one of his interview during BD2 promo's.

"If you love someone, you believe she is the best person in the world. She doesn’t see herself like that,and that’s the only thing he wants to show her. That’s love. He wants her to love herself the same way he loves her.” — Robert Pattinson.

DreamerKind said...

Best In You And Me

Gene Anthony Ray, Erica Gimpel, Valerie Landsburg & Carlo Imperato:

To your far tomorrows fly
To the horizons that shines
In all our hearts

In that endless, empty sky
There is a promise
That's calling to us

Now I burn like the sun
In celebration
Each distant star
Is an invitation

To discover what is yet to be
So join me in my quest
To find the best in you and me

Walk through fire
Walk through rain
Walk till you're further
Than you have been before

Learn from joy
And learn from pain
Learn from the questions
That make you want more

Your far tomorrows flight
To the horizons
That shine in all our hearts

In that endless, empty sky
There is a promise
That's calling to us

Come join me
In my quest to find the best
In you and me

Thank you/famechannel

DreamerKind said...

Peponi (Paradise)
African Style

The Piano Guys:

Thank you/ThePianoGuys

DreamerKind said...

Always A Way

The Beast In Me

Johnny Cash:

The beast in me
Is caged by frail and fragile bars
Restless by day
And by night
Rants and rages at the stars
God help the beast in me

The beast in me
Has had to learn to live with pain
And how to shelter from the rain
And in the twinkling of an eye
Might have to be restrained
God help the beast in me

Sometimes it tries to kid me
That it's just a teddy bear
And even somehow manages
To vanish in the air
And that is when I must beware
Of the beast in me
That everybody knows

They've seen him
Out dressed in my clothes
Patently unclear
If it's New York or New Year
God help the beast in me

Thank you/Faerdhinen

DreamerKind said...

Joy Comes Rushing In

It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

Josh Groban:

It came upon a midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold

Still through the cloven skies
They come
With peaceful wings unfurled
And still the heavenly music floats
O'er all the weary world

Peace on the earth
Good will to men
From heaven's
All gracious King

The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing
Hear the angels

Hear the angels sing
Hear the angels sing
On a midnight clear


DreamerKind said...

Wake To Love & Peace

Bach Cello Suites

Yo-Yo Ma:

(Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007
Suite No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008 16:34
Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV 1009 35:35
Suite No. 4 in E-flat major, BWV 1010 55:09
Suite No. 5 in C minor, BWV 1011 1:19:44
Suite No. 6 in D major, BWV 1012 1:43:29)

Thank you/messer citraz

DreamerKind said...

So long, dear Family.
Being carried away to a restful place.
Happy day!

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Morning ROSELAND

Just getting caught up on all the comments!

GINGER.....You are incredibly interesting! I just wish my neurons could fire at the rate of yours!! Haha. I went to see BD2 twice more this week...I "snuck over " Thursday afternoon and this makes about 7 times so far! I'll admit that to the world but not my family. Lol..

All I can tell you is the books affected me deeply....especially Midnight Sun which SM may never complete. I saw the improvement in her writing skills as she moved into the other books and as to whether the franchise would have been what it was without R and K I guess we will never know. We unfortunately don't have Alice to show us a different future, do we?

I am blown away by the vampires in BD2.... What an imagination SM had!!!! My favorite is Benjamin as I was very attached to him in the book and he and all the other vampires exceeded my expectations as did the entire movie and I'm still choking up over it all a little bit...a combination of satisfaction, sentimentality, and gratitude for having the experience of the books and the movie as well as a group of like minded...relatively speaking...ahem...individuals to share it all with.

My dear friend with cancer is not doing well so I was with her on Friday and she is at the hospital now. So to all of you dear cyber friends, I wish you great health and happiness throughout the rest of the holidays and the New Year. When I put my patients to sleep I ask them what is their favorite thing in the whole world so they can think about that as they go under. I get some interesting answers! Go enjoy doing your favorite things with your favorite people! HUGS

Robert said...

sorry to hear about your friend. one of my closest friends [we've played in several bands and known each other since the second grade] is dying due to complications from having cancer. the doctor said we will likely lose him this week. so i sympathize.

@RC, @ginger
where can i read Kerry Washington's defense of KS? Is there a video?

i love it when people do that

Pattybg said...



Pattybg said...



Ginger with a Soul said...


@Super - my fingers never work like my mind wants them too but there are times that I am way over analytical that I leave emotion out of it - not always a plus but we all work with what we have LOL. I am sorry for your friend and I have to say I admire you and others in the medical industry - you get to help so many people or be around it yet still come back when not everything turns out for the best

@Robert - I believe it was in her interview with Oprah (I haven't seen it) but that is what is being posted all over the place. If I find a link for it I will let you know if RC doesn't get it first.

Robert said...


could it be something else?
i watched the whole thing and it never came up

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert - here is a really good interview Kristen did that I think you will enjoy

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert - Not sure that is all I saw was people posting her Oprah interview - I never saw anything I just knew she was at Variety with Kristen so RC would have to let you know where she saw it....sorry :(

Robert said...

thanks for trying

Tbell said...

Hey Rose love the banner ;) makes them look so ordinary non?

Hey all...1 hour and counting down till tavis. Had my oatmeal, got coffee in hand and watching the view to pass time. I wish someone would explain to me the attraction of joy behar? She's not even funny. Oh well....hope I dIdnt offend any joy behar fans lol.

Very freaking cold here. Wats up ladies?

Tbell said...

Uh my comments just caught and realized people are on..

Hey ginger, Robert, super, patty and anyone else on this morning. Wats up?

@ginger - I thought of u this morning. Living well network advertised they are carrying 12-12-12 benefit and remembered how you posted about it :) do y'all get LWN? Love mirror/mirror, deals, motion...pretty good network.

One good thing about the view Jason mraz getting ready to sing. Really wish he would cut that hair. Ages him bout ten years imo.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tracybell - I haven't heard of LWN so I am not sure. I know someone posted that maybe yahoo was going to do the coverage as well. It is cold here too - this morning with the windchill it was 2F.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert - I will keep looking for you too in case something comes across I will post it for you

Robert said...



ladyevenstar22 said...

@super my fav other witness vampires in BD2 were alistair,benjamin,siobhan and garrett the actors really embodied who ther vampire counterparts were!

ps : garrett actor is superrrr sexy grrr

RC said...

Waiting for the clip of Kerry to be posted on youtube. She didn't say much but she said enough & it was great to hear especially when you love & know who she's talking about.

Kinda raging right now at DirectTv. I overpay $200 a month & the ish doesn't have a PBS channel only a PBS channel for kids. Now I have to call & have them charge me for a channel I should already have. Idn understand these people.

Tbell said...

@ginger - Google living well network and see if your cable or satellite provides it. I get it on receiver box in my area. Tavis getting ready to start.....omg it's not Kristen it's Michael fox? Wtf? I even watched his freaking promo the other day advertising the 10th what the hell? I stayed home and didn't go Xmas shopping for this...

Tbell said...

@rc - hey girl it'd be cheaper to buy a receiver box. I get the second pbs channel on that. But I'm pissed because it ain't even Kristen on tavis right now it some author must be tonight instead.

Tbell said...

@rc - hey girl it'd be cheaper to buy a receiver box. I get the second pbs channel on that. But I'm pissed because it ain't even Kristen on tavis right now it some author must be tonight instead.

Tbell said...

@ginger - Google living well network and see if your cable or satellite provides it. I get it on receiver box in my area. Tavis getting ready to start.....omg it's not Kristen it's Michael fox? Wtf? I even watched his freaking promo the other day advertising the 10th what the hell? I stayed home and didn't go Xmas shopping for this...

Pattybg said...


Tbell said...

@patty - I get the network and he advertised the interview with her but nw they're showing Michael Connelly instead. Did the say what the holdup was?

Pattybg said...


RC said...

Tracy & Patty - Kristen's interview is listed for 11pm on my tv guide.

Pattybg said...



Kami said...

Robert, I'm so sorry about your friend.

Super sent you a message my friend calls it..."Devilbook" Here if you need me, here if you don't!

Tbell said...

@rc thanks always watch him at 11:30am had no idea he was on at 11pm lol . I guess morning show is reruns ;). Anyway I was getting ready to flamethrow something or someone haha!

Have a good day everyone...for starting out at 16* it sure has turned into a beautiful day!

Tbell said...

@rc thanks always watch him at 11:30am had no idea he was on at 11pm lol . I guess morning show is reruns ;). Anyway I was getting ready to flamethrow something or someone haha!

Have a good day everyone...for starting out at 16* it sure has turned into a beautiful day!

Kami said...

My Uncle sent this to me and it's very sweet so I thought I would post it here. Certainly worth the look even if it has nothing to do with Rob and Kristen

Christmas Flash Mob by Journey of Faith at South Bay Galleria - official video - YouTube

benny said...

love the new banner!!

talking about awards, I see that Daniel Day Lewis is the front runner for leading character, but I loved so much Sean Penn in "this must be the place"! best movie I saw in 2012!!

Mary said...


I loved that video. Can you imagine being in a mall when something like that happened? Nothing like that ever happens around here.

Your link didn't take me directly to the video so let's try this one.

Kami said...

PL thank you for posting the link for me!

tufenuf55 said...

I saw a post that there were photo stills of Kristen in On The Road. Clicked it on and it was pics and small snipets of the movie. She is more than topless, folks. In one she is completely naked lying against Garrett, also naked, in the back seat of a car. I was prepared for topless, but not for full frontal. Also, snipped is of her giving Sal and Dean hand jobs. Now, I'm really not a prude, but didn't want to see Kristen totally frontal. Please, someone help me out of this, because I really want to see this movie. I can see now why Rob went to see her on set. I know they are actors, but I still think it's better when something is left to the imagination. And why is always the ladies that are required to do full frontal and not the men...even after all these years. I still love Kristen...just was surprised. Sorry if I have offended anyone.

Robert said...


the photos you were looking at were not her; they are a manip of some other girl. kristen as i understand it goes topless more than once, but she never goes completely naked throughout the film

Robert said...


thank you so much

tufenuf55 said...


That's the best news I've heard today. It did seem to me that was not in her character, but I know how directors have been known to talk young actors into a lot of things. Thank you!

RC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RC said...

@tufenuf From what I heard she did go completely nude, but those shots were left out of the movie so topless is all you see. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a bunch of those stills being leaked over the next few months.

tufenuf55 said...

I really don't know what the totally nudity achieves. I don't believe it is necessary for any movie other than porn. OMG, now everyone will get to see what Rob sees all the time. Jeesh!!!

Second Chance said...

You do not see Kristen completely nude in the film, only topless. I wouldn't even consider those scenes very gratuitous. Her character simply comes across as someone who is very comfortable in her sexuality. I got the sense that Kristen was in a really safe environment while filming those scenes. Kudos to Walter Salles.

Kami said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kami said...

Tuff, the book is, uh kind of sexually charged, so there are a lot of rumors out there. But this is a movie that is a contender for a lot of awards, it has Francis Ford Coppola behind it, Kristen is getting a lot of buzz about being nominated for a lot of awards, including an Oscar, so rest easy that the rumors you've heard are most likely....BULLSHIT people have posted on the web. I could be wrong, but I don't think you will see a picture of Kristen giving two guys a handjob in this movie.

Second Chance said...

No, you do not see Kristen giving anyone a hand job. That rumor is TOTAL BULLSHIT. You do not see any penises in that car. Relax, it's not even half as risqué as some are trying to make it seem.

Kami said...

Second Chance, exactly! Someone is posting bullshit about what's in the movie, trying to make Kristen look bad or even to get more notice for the movies. Something like what a lot of sites have been talking about, would give the move a NC-17 rating, considering how long they've been waiting to make this movie. I can't see them going smutty.

Second Chance said...

It's not even close to an NC-17 rating. Walter Salles is not a perv.

tufenuf55 said...

I don't have a problem with topless at all. I guess I'm still naive about the bullshit. Need to remember not to believe everything I read. I guess I was hoping that people were going to see Kristen as a "real" actress and committed to her craft. I have read the book and was not shocked by it at all.

tufenuf55 said...

I don't know if I really expressed how upset I was about the OTR pics when I first posted but I was nearly tears that pics of Kristen naked were being posted. Thank you all for bringing me back to saniety. I feel Kristen has already been through more than the average woman of 40!

Freddie said...

I’m just dropping in quickly to say hello. I hope everyone is well.

Super and Robert – I’m so sorry to hear about your friends. I’m sure this is very difficult, but I don't doubt that they are taking great comfort in your friendship and support. Hang in there.

Hi to Kami, PL, tufenuff, Second Chance, RC and everyone else.

Holy said...

Hello,good evening/morning to everyone.

Wow,Kristen is beautiful as always in Craig Ferguson show.

@Ginger/Parker-hey there.

Mary said...


I have to apologize as I completely missed your comment concerning your friend. Such a difficult time of year to have to deal with something as devastating as that. I can only imagine that with your wonderful wit you are a blessing to your friend, or if they are no longer in a place to appreciate it, then most certainly the family.


I want to offer you the same apology because I missed your comment too. I skim when I've been away for a bit and don't see everything. I'm sure you are being a comfort and as your trip to NY proved, you are a dear friend.

Holy said...

@Patty-yes,that's the best quotes from him.How can you not love this guy.He's honest and very loving.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Why is it when I take a day off I feel like I do more work than if I was at work - I guess it is all the kids

@Holy - waves - she does look beautiful and he apologized to her. This makes me believe even more so that Jon Stewart will be a fun show.

She is only topless in OTR and Tuff I think the most shocking thing I have ever heard will be coming in a movie soon if they actually follow through. Shia La Buff is going to have actual sex (No the scenes will not be graphic) to keep it real. I am so far from prude but there are lines and that is porn period. I don't understand the need for it at all - that is a trend I never want to see catch on in Hollywood - EVER.

tufenuf55 said...

From the moment I heard that Shia was going to have actual sex in the movie, I wrote him off! He is disgusting. So sorry he has taken this wrong road.

Mary said...


I have to agree with you on the Shia L. Movie where he is actually having sex. Is that not the definition of porn? If millions of women through the years have perfected the art of faking an orgasm, I think an actor ought to be able to pull it off without having to actually have the event happen. If not, perhaps he needs another profession.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@PL / Tuff - I just can't think of what actress would ever sign on to do this - he is taking things way too far as is any director/producer that stands behind this.

PamH said...

@ Ginger, PL & tuff
I found it gross enough that Shia says he sent video of him and his GF having sex to get this part, not sure what this girl was thinking to agree to that, which according to the tabloids he has split from to be with his co star ( who knows if that's true ) but there is no way that is a film I'll watch, I'm no where near being a prude either but there's a line between sex scenes and porn. When some friends and I where talking about this movie and SL they said there are at least two movies out that show people having sex and they couldn't believe I'd never seen them.
I know it's becoming more common to see male full frontal now so it's hard to imagine what they will find exceptible in another few years or do for shock value.

Kami said...

Ok I've just GOT to ask this...kind of a silly question but I'm asking anyway...where are you all watching these movies with full frontal male nudity? I have been missing those movies! lol

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - Michael Fassbender did it in a movie called Shame. I know Shia did it in a music video as well. Wow kinda hanging my head in shame that I know this

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I had no idea there is a movie that the people had actual sex - I mean the only movies I have seen that I really questioned if things were really happening were Monsters Ball and Blue Valentine

RC said...

Watched the preview of the Craig Show with Kris & he looks so guilty which he should. He was one of those that talked shit about K & now he sees what an amazing person she is & he spent most of the time apologizing.

I love how she's doing his show & then Jon Stewart its like a big fu. So proud of her.

RC said...

@Ginger Monsters ball I was like why am I seeing Billy Bob's balls, is he the Monster.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@RC - that was probably the most realistic sex scene I have ever seen that was not porn - I just kept saying um are they uh - hmmm

PamH said...

@ Kami
Most of the ones I've seen you don't really expect it but my hubby loves comedies so I know Saving Sarah Marshall, Zack and Miri make a Porno, Shame, A Good Old Fashioned Orgy....just some that come to mind but usually it's guys you don't want to see anyway.

@ Ginger
One of the movies my friends thought I would come across because of the title and my love of music
1) 9 Songs
2) Lie with Me

I've seen both Monsters Ball and Blue Valentine but I wasn't to shocked at what was in either of those but have never watched the two my friends talked about. They were saying I should watch with the hubby but I never have.

PamH said...

@ Kami
Didn't think of this earlier but we've seen most of these on DVD so not sure if they are edited on TV or other DVDs

Kami said...

Ok that's it I need to see more movies, although I think will pass on the Billy Bob's monster balls. Nice guy I'm sure but...shudder no thanks

Ginger with a Soul said...

Oh I remember another frontal nudity - Hang over 3 but not anyone you want to see either.

@Pam - I hadn't even heard of either of those.

PamH said...

It's either Forgetting or Saving Sarah Marshall with Jason Segal.

PamH said...

@ Kami
Yeah, I can't really think of any frontal of a guy that just made me want to hit pause or rewind, usually I'm covering my eyes and laughing.
Sometimes we get a good butt shot that's worth a second look.

Holy said...

Kristen was giggling the whole time with Craig.It was a good show.

Karen in NJ said...

So L2P but there is a full frontal of Kevin Bacon in "Wild Things" - at least in the one shown on Encore.

Kami said...

Pam, truthfully, I have no real desire to look at full frontal nudity on the silver screen either. I was really just kidding around, because sometimes I am left wondering what in the world is wrong with people, so it's easier to laugh than get upset about stuff that I cannot change. lol There are of course a WHOLE list of people I do not want to see full frontal nudity from..

As for wanting to see real life nudity, well I'll simply say that being married has it's perks.

Pattybg said...



Kami said...

PATTY. Yep the Texans got their rears stomped. BUT they still have the best record in the AFC so they will be fine. They have made the playoffs and all you need is for the Ravens to win this weekend and they will go in as the conference winner. IF the ravens lose then they will still make the playoffs. So it's all good

PamH said...

Totally agree with the married perks :)

Robert said...

my friend mark passed away last night and its not okay and i don't care if he is in a better place, because right here beside me is the best place...

tomorrow, after the wake we are all going to the local mexican restaurant and raise our margaritas to him

mark did a lot of things really well, but he was an excellent guitarist and pretty funny teller of jokes.

he loved mitch hedberg and he used to call me every morning and tell me the same joke over and over day after day and laugh out loud like it was the first time he had ever heard it

so i went to visit him yesterday and his wife and kids and his mom and dad were all there so as we were getting ready to go i put my hand on his arm and said "hey buddy, i heard a joke i think you would like...i think that everyone should be limited to 3 honks of the horn per month, but then you'd get cut off in traffic and you'd be like shit i wish i had not seen ricky on the sidewalk"

yeah they all laughed and yeah they were also all crying

thank you to everyone who has been so thoughtful about this

Robert said...

i just want to add that i become more and more impressed with kristen stewart everyday, last night she faced craig ferguson who said some pretty mean things about her last summer, on thursday i am pretty sure she's going to have jon stewart eating out of her hand. not to mention going back on letterman and even though he was a bigger dick the second time around i thought she held her own and more importantly she faced her fears. she is really good about that. she reminds me of a young boxer and when the the tale of 2012 is written she is going to be able to say that she topped year end lists for "inspiring" "fashion" "beauty" and she has oscar buzz going for her and she had two movies make over 400,000$ and she has a movie with ben affleck coming up and let's not forget, she got the guy

Robert said...

and finally, about the nudity. i do agree with kristen when she says we can be pretty prudish about it in the states, but i also draw the line at full frontal, [which is basically porn]

but the main reason for this line of thinking is "the psycho effect" the scariest scene in movie history is usually considered to be the shower scene in Psycho, Hitchcock always said that this was because the audience never sees the knife actually touch her body and it is more powerful because the imagination is much wilder than reality

same thing applies to nudity

ali mac said...

((((()))))) Robert sending you a cyber hug.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami/Patty - Bronco's vs Raven's will be interesting - I was cheering the Patriots on last night (Although I am not a fan) because well I want the Bronco's to pile on top - we have not had a great year since Elway.

@Robert - Big fat hugs to you. It is so sad that no matter how much time we get with people we love it is never enough. He will always be with you and his family will always see a part of him as you carry him with you. I bet you were an amazing gift for him to have with him in his journey.

ali mac said...

In a totally unrelated topic, has anyone seen the new Angel fragrance advertisement with Eva Mendes singing "The windmills of your mind" I loved it :)

PamH said...

So sorry for your lose and your friends family. It sounds like you had an amazing relationship and that will always be with you.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


I'm so sorry to hear of your friends passing I know you are right. He needed to be among the living for many many years to come but alas it was not to be. Such will be the misfortunes of too many

About OTR. I saw it and Kristen's frontal is very brief and maybe it's because I work in the OR but nothing about it bothered me in the least. Now Garrett has a sex scene that is rather disturbing. And it's not with K!!!

To ALI MAC, PL, KAMI, PATTY and anyone I may have missed thanks for your well wishes and concerns for my friend At this point comfort is what we are working toward

LADYEVENSTAR. I'm with you all the way about the vamps!!!

Have a lovely afternoon / evening everybody )

tufenuf55 said...

Super RN

You said you've seen OTR, so which nudity is it? Full frontal or breasts only?

Sorry for the lost of your friend. Good friends are so hard to come by at any time. I also said that leaving something to the imagination is better than seeing it all. Guess that's why books are so great...our imagination can run wild!

tufenuf55 said...

Just watched the Kristen interview on Ferguson. She was just super and I felt he was sincere in his apologies about her and to her. She seemed relaxed and happy and really quite funny. She's the best, isn't she!!!

Kami said...

Robert, having lost a large number of the people I love, I know that the only thing that you really want to hear from someone is what I Offer you right now. I'm so sorry for your loss.

I am so sorry about your friend, I know we don't know each other that well, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm a good listener and my email is on my profile.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


You are a wonderful support person and I appreciate you very much.


Upper only as I recall. Like I said, I wouldn't get all up in arms( no pun intended) about it. It was tame in my mind compared to most everything else in that movie...Believe me:)

I liked the movie very much. I would watch it again but now it's not the typical blockbuster movie. This is a period piece...

Ginger with a Soul said...

New Post up

DreamerKind said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Super RN Gas Passer said...

DK !!!!!

You are the BEST FRIEND :))))

Hope said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Mark. Sending you my heartfelt thoughts and prayers.

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