The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Birthday Wishes

You may or may not have noticed that I was  'out of touch'
this past weekend.
OK... so you probably didn't notice
But it does seem that whenever I have limited access
to the internet... Stuff happens.

Well this time it was the Academy Awards.
Kristen was invited to present.
She showed up looking lovely
Perhaps a bit disheveled because she was struggling
with crutches... and nervous...
But lovely just the same.
How could she NOT be beautiful?

Kristen exists
therefore the same lame tired 'jokes'
make an appearance.
Thing is...
Kristen didn't do ANYTHING wrong.
She gamely showed up...
She smiled and did her part
(and yes... she DID smile. A lot)
But yet...
She got attacked by the low level
Z listers looking for attention.
I guess that is what happens.

Attention seeking 101
Criticize Kristen Stewart 
and have your 5 seconds of attention.

Here's what I learned from the Academy Awards.

1. It doesn't matter what Kristen says...
Doesn't say.
Doesn't do.
There will always be people who want to put her down.
Was this Kristen BEST look ever?
No. (Cannes still wins that one for me)
But she still looked lovely.
You try hobbling around on crutches in front
of millions of people with all eyes watching
and analyzing and criticizing your EVERY move
and tell me how you would do?
I can tell you.
You would fucking FALL APART under the intense
scrutiny that tiny girl gets every day.
Every fucking day.
And for what?
As far as I know...
Kristen has NEVER criticized another actor 
or said a bad thing about anyone personally.
She's not committed any crime
Or failed to show up for work.
In fact...
Anyone that actually KNOWS Kristen
The one person who would ever have any right
to be personally affected by what Kristen has said or done
has chosen to love her and be by her side.
What does that tell you?

2. There are dozens of pictures of Kristen looking beautiful
and smiling.
but what pictures do the hags and rags focus on?

“People have decided how they are going to perceive her,” Rob says.
 “No matter how many times she smiles, 
they’ll put in one picture where she’s not smiling.”

And Rob should know... shouldn't he?

"That whole system of Internet journalists,
 where no one is called to account, is almost entirely about hate. 
All these people get away with doing it
 because they have no responsibility to anyone."
With Stewart by his side during in the interview, 
the 24-year-old Brit adds angrily, 
"There are so many little nerds behind their computers, 
on their little blogs."

Let's face it...
Most of these low level comedians/actors/nerdy bloggers
use the 'comb your hair' and 'Smile' bullshit
to get noticed...

And as far as insults go... 

 They are insignificant.

"The strangest part about being famous is you
 don't get to give first impressions anymore. 
Everyone already has an impression of you before you meet them."

3. I realize the hags and the rags have enjoyed these moments
of trashing Kristen for EXISTING...
But the people that matter?
They don't care what low life scum have to say.
In fact...
It just makes them all the more protective.

"It's OK."

“I felt so bad,” Daniel said. “I just wanted to pick her up,
 put her in my arms and carry her onto the stage.”
“I probably would have dropped her and opened her wound again,” Daniel joked.
Kristen and Daniel obviously have a mutual friend…Robert Pattinson. 
But interestingly enough, this was the very first time the two met each other.
“I felt like this was a long time coming,” Daniel said.
 “I feel like we've been meant to meet.This was the perfect way.
 And you know what? She is so nice—really, really nice.”

“I think that it’s awful when people misinterpret my being uncomfortable as,
 like, ‘I don’t want to be here.’ 
It’s really the opposite- I’m too concerned."
She then added: "I absolutely love it so much. 
I don’t expect to seem cool to everyone;
nor do I want to be. 
I think that’s the opposite of the definition of cool.
 So I don’t care at all"

"It's not a terrible thing if you're either loved or hated. 
But honestly, I don't care 'cause it doesn't keep me from doing my thing.
I apologize to everyone for making them so angry. 
It was not my intention." she said.

4. Jennifer Lawrence and Kristen Stewart LIKE each other.

When Jennifer Lawrence spotted her fellow actress hobbling along 
with the walking aids, she rushed over to hug Kristen, 
exclaiming: 'Hey, what happened, Dude?'

They both say "DUDE"
They are both young and gifted...
gorgeous and talented
They are both a bit clumsy and awkward
And say things that are misinterpreted and misunderstood.
One is cherished for being 'adorkable' and cute
One is crucified.

Jennifer Lawrence flips the finger in the press room
at the Academy Awards...
It's charming and cheeky
She's graciously goofy.
When Kristen does it?
She's a spoiled ungrateful brat
who needs to smile more.
See what I mean?
Can you imagine what would happen if
Kristen had flipped off the press at the Academy Awards?
Boggles the mind.
But no matter
she does gets persecuted for looking 'bored'
It's all about perception, I suppose.
Which is rarely... reality.

This is most definitely Jennifer Lawrence's time to SHINE
and she is glowing brightly.
She deserves all her success and awards.
But her success has nothing to do with Kristen.
They are friends.
Deal with it.

5. Last but not least...

Robert Pattinson.

Do you think the vitriol being spewed about Kristen
has affected Rob and Kristen's relationship?
We all know how protective Rob is
(Let's ask Nikki about that... shall we?)
Even when he's thousands of miles away...
You can be sure he is taking care of his girl.
Don't you worry about that.

And here's the bottom line.

Kristen is still prettier than you
Skinnier than you
Richer than you
More famous than you
BETTER than you.
And guess what?

Robert Pattinson loves her.

So laugh on about her hair...
or her lack of smiling
or whatever obsessive bullshit you need to spew
(because let's face it...
You can't go 5 minutes without talking about her)
At the end of the day
None of that matters.

Robert loves her.
And that's really what this is ALL about.

That is what REALLY matters.

The lame jokes will fade.
The insults will disappear...
Robert and Kristen

Chew on that.

I don’t care about the voracious, starving shit eaters
 who want to turn truth into shit. 

this post is brought to you by the shit eaters.

Enjoy your shit.
I'm sure it's as bitter to swallow
as it is to spew.

Final thoughts.

1. Stop telling me to change the name of my blog.
Go write you own blog and you can
name it anything you want.
Write about anything... anyone you want!
What a concept!

2. I often get asked what I will do IF
Rob and Kristen ever break up.
I will do nothing.
What should I do?
I will continue being a fan of BOTH
Robert and Kristen.
Regardless of their relationship.
But I'm not worried.
At all.
The force is strong with them...

3. Yes.
It's my birthday.
Happy Birthday to me.
I'm older.
And one step closer to death.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
It makes me smile

4. As long as I'm having fun
I will continue to write about
Robert, Kristen and Thomas.

Especially Thomas.
I fucking adore him.

I made some pretty fantastic birthday wishes...
Let's just wait and see which ones come true.

Until next time.

Bye for now


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Unknown said...

Ginger, girl I will have to disagree with you on this one....this media will not turn on Jen Lawrence. She has 2 more Hunger movies to make/promote, she's doing X-Men?, and another movie with that guy from SLP, forgot his name, the public loves her, not one bad word online about her, plus, she is not Kristen Stewart in terms of beauty, so nothing to be jealous about you know what I mean?, you can't be too ugly and too pretty, you must just be average. So I just don't see it happening, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - right now she is doing everything Kristen does or has done or whatever and the people that bashed Kristen are like it is ok she is young - WTF ever. I mean honestly I don't care that either did it but please with the fake two faced people and you are right - Kristen makes them so jealous they see green and red like they are at a Christmas Party with a red and green disco globe in full swing.

@Liz - there are new pictures of both Jen and Josh H smoking weed on their hotel balconies - such rebels - LOL

Anonymous said...

Lizzied I hope we are right, fingers crossed!

Ginger - I didn't know about Ann, except for the giant fuss they were making about her dress. Yeah, she used to be the darling - guess that is over now. The rag media sucks!

Arleen. - walking in all that snow seems brave to me, good for you!

I know I said I wasn't going to come visit the blog today, but I just have to. LOL!

Unknown said...

Jen Lawrence smoking weed? Quick, let's bash her, j/k. Maybe she is feeling the pressure now who knows? I have never smoked in my whole life, but weed smells better than tobacco.

Unknown said...

Ann Hathaway came a long way , don't you think? Have people forgotten she made the Disney movies The Princess Diaries part 1 and part 2? I guess people forgot. I personally never liked her acting, but rags need to lay off of her.

Anonymous said...

Hey I don't drive. I have a fear of driving. You see last time my husband taught me how to drive. I almost kill him. He was teaching me how to pull up. He was standing between the car and the garage. The garage had a brick wall. I accidentally press the gas little fast. Hit his leg. But he is alright. That is when I swear to myself never ever drive again. So I decided to a bus or walk. That is why I love living in Logan, Utah. Everything is almost close. That is why I don't drive.

Pisteuo said...

Happy Birthday Joe South! RIP!
He was one of the greatest song writers ever!
He had so much insight on humanity.

PamH said...

Hello everyone

@ Ginger
I totally agree about the double standard, I like Jennifer alright, but everything she has done lately is things Kristen has done and been repeatedly hated for my the media and the haters. I'm sure they've both realized this themselves and who knows maybe Jen is doing what she wants just like K does and showing the world Kristen isn't the only one who doesn't give a shit what people say or think of them. It's definitely not fair to Kristen though.
I watched the Perks/Walflower last night and I really liked it also, it had some pretty good music in it.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - great movie - I liked the brother so much in it - he just stuck out.

PamH said...

@ ginger
He was my favorite too, the Rocky HPS was great :) for some reason I kept thinking if they ever make a movie about Marilyn Manson he'd be perfect LOL

gargamel said...


PamH said...

@ gargamel
Last year I pre ordered a copy from Best Buy of BD1 and it arrived by mail a day before release date so I'm praying that happens again for one of my copies of part 2 .

Anonymous said...

Ginger - Was there a time in the beginning of Twilight where Kristen was in favor with most of the media? I know I've read that she is a favorite with the indie film people. Or did they start on with the hate right away?

Holy said...

Hello guys.

@Ginger- -hello there.And according to the ninnies it is cool for JLaw to smoke weeds because she was on a balcony. Not Kristen, because she was on a porch.HAHAHAHAHA.

gargamel said...

I didnt pre-order it this time. I want to see what's the best one. But i know i will just end up getting ALL the versions.
TWILIGHT did something to me...and my FAMILY is hell bent on finding out...because i wouldn't even fall for a buy-one-get-one free toothpaste or shampoo but with any TWILIGHT stuffs...i dont look at the price tag.

Holy said...

@artemisluw-hello, they hate Kristen because she remains the same and didn't turn into the HW standard girl that everybody wants her to be.

tufenuf55 said...


A few of my friends who had seen performances by Jennifer, Jessica, Sally and Naomi, said that it was a shock that Jennifer got the Oscar; that her performance was good, but not great in comparison to the others. And they like Jennifer. They said they didn't know how Jennifer persuaded the Academy to vote for her against the others. I told them that the others may not have campaigned as hard as Jennifer.

I did see the pic of Jennifer smoking pot and the salute to media. I don't understand the double standard against Kristen either, but pretty sure you have summed it up adequately.

tufenuf55 said...

From The Rover website:

Cannot see newspaper date but twitter says yesterday...

tufenuf55 said...


Love the comparison. lol


My family is the same about me. I never really paid much attention to celebrity news until Twilight. There was just something "magic" about the books and then in the movies--the chemistry between Kristen and Rob was just overwhelming. When the hatred of kristen began, my "mama bear personality" took over and I have been a staunch supporter of them both from that time on.

LizzieD said...

TUF & GARG --- This is my 3-year anniv. of discovering Twilight ... saw the 1st movie on cable and only watched to see what the "hoopla" was about. Life hasn't been the same since. I just finished counting out quarters to use for the new DVD, LOL... I would live on peanut butter sandwiches if necessary, to have money for Twilight movies and other stuff Twilight.

Barb said...

@gemnoir I can't stand that gaggle of bitches either I had to get up for over time in the morning so I didn't watch. Now I'm glad I didn't 'cause I would have been so pissed! They were nasty enough to her at the Oscars. I have new respect for Ryan Secrest for giving "The Purple Haired Bitch" (no need to name her you know who I mean) a bit of a shut the hell up about Kristen.

@Frannie I only found this blog a couple of weeks ago myself and I already don't know what I would do without it! Don't forget to go back and read the older posts and the ones from years past too! Have fun!

@ Ginger Know what you mean about the press and Jen but I still like her. Not as much as Kris but that kinda goes without saying if you know what I mean!

@ Lizzied I so wish she would go for a visit! The haters need a black eye! ;p

Hugs and smooches everyone!!

PamH said...

@ gargamel
My hubby pre ordered a copy of each DVD for me also, he even ordered the box set that has all 5 movies, I told him he didn't need to do that but he said it's the end and I could pick what I wanted to keep and we could always sale the extra on eBay or something. He's pretty great like that :)

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Hi dear girl!!!! I miss you and am excited for you and your family for the new arrival soon to come!!! Email me sometime and let me know how you are and what else you are up to. And I'm assuming Sigmund is doing well.

Take care:)))

Barb said...

btw watched "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" last weekend LOVED IT!! MY HUSBAND LOVED IT! (BIG shock there he thought it was going to be a chick flick) If you get the chance watch it!

Anonymous said...

If Jennifer Lawrence are smoking. I say that is her business. Its not like they killing anyone or at least illegal.

Anonymous said...

Or they get a tattoo, ears or body pierce which I think that is cool. Or color their hair.

Cassie said...

Hi, Roseland. I'm a long time lurker. I posted on here once, maybe a year or two ago. I know it sounds stupid, but I'm kind of shy, even on the internet.

Anyway, Rose, I love your blog and your staunch support of both Rob and Kristen. The haters really need to give it a rest already.

Pisteuo, you mentioned Joe South and linked a really good song. Might I suggest another of his songs that fits the current discussion:

Walk A Mile In My Shoes

I don't know many people who could walk a mile in Kristen's shoes with same grace and fortitude she shows. I, personally, would fall on my face in those heels :).

Turns out Joe South played guitar on Bob Dylan's iconic album, Blonde on Blonde (I love Dylan, btw). He plays the bass on this one.

Visions of Johanna

Possibly Dylan's best song ever.

Birdie said...

I know the media loves to stir up shit,but I think so much of this hate is fan(or not fans)driven. The hits, the comments, the drama, the love to hate and the over invested keeps it going. Fans of anyone in the public eye used to be just that, they supported actors, athletes, musicians etc.. and followed their careers. It took such a strange turn with the internet and escalated everything. It became "OK" to hate and tear people down. People became "celebrities" just for the sake of fame(i.e. Paris Hilton). Then the whole "reality" thing happened. The boundaries were gone and the media treats all celebrities like a reality show,whether they want it or not. It made money and there is no stopping the mighty dollar.
Anyway, I think the hate and drama surrounding Kristen and Rob is driven by the public and the media has jumped on it.It is happening to Anne H. Unfortunately, there are alot of pretty sick, hateful people behind those computers and many unscrupulous people in the media. Not fair, not much is anymore. I think you can look for the positive, support their careers, and maybe, just maybe the little weasels will get tired and move on.
Sorry for the rant. It makes me tired and sad for our f---ed up society.

I remember that song. True then,true today.

tufenuf55 said...

Hi Madison

Lay, Lady Lay is one of my Bob Dylan favs.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute I thought this was Rob and Kristen Blog. Not Jen Law.

tufenuf55 said...


Was walking a show this morning where hosts were talking about the Movie "Bully" and that it is going to be played in a number of schools. Wanted to tell them that a "Adult Bully" movie needs to come out; that kids learn from parents, adults as well as from each other kids who have learned it from their parents, adults.

Anonymous said...

I love watching reruns of Seven of Heaven. They got meanings and which I love.

Birdie said...

Funny how these"adults" don't see what they are doing as bullying. How clueless can they be? Even though many do it behind computers, you can't hidethat kind of character(or lack of).

Birdie said...

Thanks for the tunes. I didn't remember Dylan and Baez together. That video had some very cool old photos.

tufenuf55 said...


I love Joan Baez. One of my favorite albums was about old-time tunes. Her voice was hauntingly mournful singing "Here Blue (you good dog you)". I cried the first time I heard her sing it.

Pisteuo said...

Hey Madison. Thanks for posting Walk a Mile in My Shoes. I was gonna do that. I think it applies to humanity as a whole. If only people could stop and "think" before they say stuff about other people...especially people they don't even know.
Hope you comment more often.

Birdie- AMEN!! Thank YOU!

Okay so yesterday I was really being a sarcastic bitch. I confess...I do NOT obsess over neck moles, warts and stuff. And Gossip Cop sucks along with any and ALL gossip sites that report on celebrities. Sorry if I mislead anyone. I guess those that know me, knew I was being bitchy.

PamH said...

OOHHH poor Kelly, spraining her ankle. KARMA IS A BITCH !!!! Hahahahaha

Cassie said...

@Tuf - you're right about children learning behavior from their parents. When my son was in 1st grade, there was some kind of issue between his teacher and another parent. I don't remember what the issue was but the teacher was trying to pull rank, basically telling the mother to back off and let the teacher teach. The mother said something that's stuck with me. She said, "I am my child's first and best teacher." It's true. It's also scary to think what these hateful people are teaching their children through their words and actions.

I like Lay Lady Lay. In fact, I like the whole Nashville Skyline album. It was certainly a change from his earlier work.

@Birdie - Dylan and Baez teamed up early in his career, both musically and romantically. His was not the easiest voice to duet with, but Joan managed to do it quite well, imo.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Evening Ladies - sorry was absolutely slammed with work then had kiddo time

@artemisluvv - I think it kind of goes with what Birdie was saying. Critics adored her and the media left her alone. She became a target when her and Robert got together and refused to play the game they felt they were owed. This was coupled by her getting him and women's vapid jealous turned into on line bullying. It made a perfect cocktail for tabloid sensationalize. The women that wanted to be her would eat up the stories of her demise because it helped push their fantasies that one day they could have him. Was this ever a reality ? No but this comes from people that would read a tabloid that would say those things and tell you about a big foot sighting on the next page.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Madison - some of the worst of the worst are moms and if they judge a stranger that way can you imagine the pressure these kids will grown with just from subconscious stuff they are picking up in all this.

Birdie said...

You know your Dylan!

You are right-fandom driven with media riding on their coattails until it became a runaway train. How's that for a few cliches?

I got the sarcasm,but you are going to have to do a whole lot worse to be a bitch.Haha!

Good night ladies. Very early shift tomorrow.

Pisteuo said...

Yep PamH, it is said "what goes around, comes around."
Like Birdie pointed out...sadly most are cluless and never "get it."

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Birdie - it is terrible and honestly i though she was getting the worst of it until I saw what was happening to Anne and was taken back a bit by it. This is going to sound terrible but I wonder how much of it is because they are not the blonde haired blue eyed size zero blink blink stereo type of Hollywood, are people honestly that afraid of change or people being different / themselves? That I can't even blame on the media because the peanut gallery attack for someone putting on weight, not doing their hair the way they feel is right, wear the clothes they feel is right, date who they feel they should, or live how they feel they should. I saw a really good article that I saw earlier that I have to find that fits into this

Ginger with a Soul said...

I know this is about Anne but it applies to all of them

Holy said...

@Ginger- thanks for sharing that to us.And this is true.

"Anne Hathaway is an actor. This is not a synonym for "Homecoming Queen" nor "special friend." She does her job better than most. That should be enough."
Same goes to Kristen and every actors in HW.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - waves :)

Yep it very much applies to Kristen and every person in Hollywood

PamH said...

I didn't watch the whole Oscars show, only watched long enough for K, so I missed the We saw your boobs performance but my hubby received a video on his YouTube account and showed it to creepy was the guy leering at Naomi's chest during that song ? and the look on her and CTs faces ... they were not impressed. I'm surprised they didn't pan to Kristen

tufenuf55 said...

This is an amazing video about Kristen and what she has to say about media, paps and how much she appreciates her fans. Please notice that her very first interview was when she was 13 and it was done by none other than Ryan Seacrest!

tufenuf55 said...

I meant "first on camera interview"

tufenuf55 said...

Access Hollywood report on Kristen:

First Published: February 28, 2013 11:58 AM EST Credit: Getty Premium

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Caption Kristen Stewart arrived at the 2013 Oscars on crutches –but not even a painful hobble could put a damper on the actress’ classy look. Now, a look back as we break down her ethereally elegant fashion!

The former “Twilight” star, who presented an award with former “Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe at the show, turned up at the Academy Awards in a stunning Reem Acra gown.
The mermaid cut strapless dress appeared to be white in photos, but is actually a pale blush hue.

With her hair down in loose, glamorous waves, the 22-year-old beauty shone brightly on the red carpet in the hand-beaded gown (complete with pleated tulle inserts).

DreamerKind said...

Trust that you can

How Can I Be Sure Of You

Harry Nilsson:

The other day
A friend of mine said
He said the sun's
Not really yellow
He said the sun
Is really red

I said, my friend what do you mean
You read that in some magazine
Next thing you'll say
The earth's not green

How can I be sure of you
When you know
In a world that's always changing
Always changing

I said my friend how do you do
And what you're saying isn't true
The next thing you'll say
The earth is blue

He said my friend
You're in a dream
And things are never
What they seem
Oh things are
Never what they seem

How can I be sure of you
In a world
Always changing

Thank you/eatmoregrapes

DreamerKind said...

Hear within


Delirium & Sarah McLachlan:

Give me release
Witness me
I am outside
Give me peace

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe
That I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave
I am sinking
In this white wave
In this silence
I believe

Passion chokes the flower
'til she cries no more
Possessing all the beauty
Hungry still for more
Heaven holds a sense of wonder

I can't help this longing
Comfort me
I can't hold it all in
If you won't let me

I have seen you
In this white wave
You are silent
You are breathing
In this white wave
I am free

Thank youALNcaos/

DreamerKind said...

It's not far he's left already

Don't It Make You Want To Go Home

Joe South & The Believers (1969):

Don't it make you wanna go home now
All God's children get weary
When they roam
Don't it make you wanna go home do

Oh the whippoorwill roosts
On the telephone poles
When the Georgia sun goes down
Well it's been a long time
But I'm glad to say
That I'm doin' back down
To my hometown

Goin' down to the greyhound station
Gonna buy some one way fare
Good Lord's willin'
And the creeks don't rise
Watch it for I'll be right there
Don't it
Make you wanna go home now

There's a six lane highway
Down by the creek where I went
Skinny dippin' as a child
And the drivin show
Where the meadow used to grow
And the strawberries
Used to grow wild

There's a drugstore
Down by the riverside
Where my grandma's cow
Used to grace
Now the grass don't grow

And the rivers don't flow
Like they did in our childhood days
Don't it make you
Wanna go home

Thank you/futykoolz

DreamerKind said...

Just some fun, lovelies!

A mother of the groom, matador styling, dancing with castanets, possibility for me. Vote yes or no.

DreamerKind said...

Vote on the shoes, too, which I like and are the highest that I would wear, due to fear of heights, depths of falls.

DreamerKind said...

Hat or no hat! It will be a lovely June summer's day or else!

DreamerKind said...

That was a hat?

Unknown said...

DK, i vote yes on the dress and shoes.

these two are beautiful too, but of course you want to choose a color to match with your groom and bride's colors.

but i like the first one more, has more details.

Unknown said...

Dk, here's a similar one in blue...

DreamerKind said...

Picture me, picture you

Dancing In The Moonlight

King Harvest (1973):

We get it on most every night
When that moon gets big and bright
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody's dancing
In the moonlight

Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark and they don't bite
They keep things loose
They keep things light

Everybody's dancing
In the moonlight
Dancing in the moonlight

Everybody's feeling warm and bright
It's such a fine
And natural sight
Dancing in the moonlight

We like our fun and we never fight
You can't dance and stay uptight
It's a supernatural delight
Was dancing in the moonlight

Dancing in the moonlight
Everybody's feeling warm and bright
It's such a fine
And natural sight
Everybody's dancing
In the moonlight

Thank you/jermyang

Unknown said...

DK, wow, look at this one...

DreamerKind said...

Oh, good! You like it. The bride doesn't care what color I wear (except not black), but theme is mint green and red/orange.

DreamerKind said...



Nice but not exotic enough for me nor so dance swaying worthy.

DreamerKind said...

If you're buying, then this!

DreamerKind said...

Helping each other choose good shoes

Walk A Mile In My Shoes

Elvis Presley (1970):

If I could be you
If you could be me
For just one hour
If we could find a way
To get inside each other's mind

If you could see
You through my eyes
Instead your own ego
I believe you'd be

I believe you'd be
Surprised to see
That you've been blind

Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes

Now if we spend the day
Throwin' stones at one another
'Cause I don't think
'cause I don't think
Or wear my hair the same way you do

Well, I may be common people
But I'm your brother
And when you strike out
You're tryin' to hurt me
It's hurtin' you
Lord have mercy

Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes

Now there are people on reservations
And out in the ghetto
And brother there, but, for the grace of God
Go you and I,

If I only had wings of a little angel
Don't you know, I'd fly
To the top of a mountain
And then I'd cry, cry, cry

Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes

Thank you/SoundAndArt2010

DreamerKind said...

Dare I? Would you?

Unknown said...

wow, mint green and red/orange, an interesting combination! I'm sure it'll be beautiful, esp. for summer.

DreamerKind said...

Would You?

Emma Wallace (Skip Ad-Watch Video):

Thank you/vespersaw

Unknown said...


very classic looking, but I too prefer the first one you chose, the gold exotic one...

DreamerKind said...

I'd need a robust butt for that Tadashi shimmery gown, wouldn't I! Got, not.

Unknown said...

i got married in the summer too, in July! I chose Bella's dress to wear (yes, i really did, ha ha ), and sugar plum for my sister (bridesmaid) and tea rose for my beautiful neice. I love weddings. I hope there will be a wedding in my family/extended family soon, I just love to dance and eat.

Unknown said...

DK, ha ha I would have to hit the gym for a robust butt!

DreamerKind said...


Unknown said...


I agree, wow! mint green? DK, i wish i could stay up later and have fun with you on fashion. My hubs is pressuring me to go to bed.

Good night fairy lady!

DreamerKind said...

Dear Lurkers,

These are the wee small hours of the morning, here on Roseland, and we're making some fun with these dress choices.

It is still Rose's blog and we honor Rob (always) and Kristen (ditto) but have lives of our own to share with them, too (peek a boo, you two).

DreamerKind said...

Bella's gown was exquisite, and I'm sure you were also, wearing it. Love the color scheme you had. Wasn't your wedding 6 months ago?

DreamerKind said...

Night, married lady with husband who wants you!

Unknown said...

DK, yes last year July 21, 2012!

Ok, Hubs is turning the lights out and saying he has to sleep now cause he's in pain......

DreamerKind said...

I just might do a few thousand squats or the brazilian butt lift routine to wear that mint gown! I'll do it for Lent.

DreamerKind said...

Oh, yes, I remember it well.

DreamerKind said...

Others do, too

I Remember It Well

Maurice Chevalier/Hermione Gingold (1958):

M: We met at nine
H: We met at eight
M: I was on time
H: No, you were late
M: Ah, yes, I remember it well

M: We dined with friends
H: We dined alone
M: A tenor sang
H: A baritone
M: Ah, yes, I remember it well

M: That dazzling April moon!
H: There was none that night
And the month was June
M: That's right. That's right.

H: It warms my heart
to know that you remember
still the way you do
M: Ah, yes, I remember it well

M: How often I've thought of that Friday
H: Monday
M: night when we had our last rendezvous
And somehow I foolishly wondered if you might
By some chance be thinking of it too?

M: That carriage ride
H: You walked me home
M: You lost a glove
H: I lost a comb
H: Ah, yes, I remember it well

M: That brilliant sky
H: We had some rain
M: Those Russian songs
H: From sunny Spain

M: You wore a gown of gold
H: I was all in blue
M: Am I getting old?
H: Oh, no, not you

H: How strong you were
How young and gay
In every way
M: Ah, yes, I remember it well

Thank you/tiziana fato

DreamerKind said...

Well, enough, for now.

Got to fly my route skyward and scatter the fairy dust windward.

Smile. It's Friday after all.


Birdie said...

I thought I liked the first dress (gold) best but, the last mint green was elegant. How did that hair turn out?
I'm off for another day of fun and games so I may catch up later.

Have a wonderful day, Roseland!

Sue from Holland said...

@Tuf, Lay, lady Lay is my fav Dylan song, it's from the album 'Desire' isn't it?

@Topaz, I agree with you about JL. Kristen is more of a threat for her beauty & having Rob.

Something completely different now, it has nothing to do with anything said but I have to share it with someone.
I'm reading a story that has me so enthralled, it is so intense. It's one of those you want to savor, never to end, read again, like 'Last Tango in Forks' or 'EP' were for me aswell.
I thought it was lost forever, been looking for it for ages as she pulled it a long time ago and I was so damn happy to have found it in a very round about way.
Hell knows why I'm telling you all this as you might think I'm of my rocker, my brain goes to dangerous places sometimes.
Well, anyway back to concentrating on work again. Ha, yeah right.
Shit, the phone. Bye.

Annie said...

Good morning all.

The internet is over flowing with hypocrisy. There are not enough words to adequately describe it.
I had said before that my sympathies will go out to whomever the delusional would focus on next.
Kristen didn't buckle under the pressure and showed how not to give a fuck.
I wish JL and Anne strength and fortitude.

Rob's statement about the tabloid media continues to ring true.

Today is March 1st...BD2 is due out tomorrow and damn it look, no appearance by Rob and Kristen to promote said DVD (If I could insert an eye-roll here i would) ...... I won't have to ask Ginger what's going on with Twitter. I can just imagine the meltdowns, the sinking ships and the forever excuses.

Have s great day all.

Robert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert said...


hang in there for hart of dixie. it gets a little better every episode

it is my favorite show now or at least it is in a 3 way tie with criminal minds and good wife

oh, and new girl

Robert said...


i think "Lay Lady Lay" is from the Nashville Skyline lp. But i could be wrong about that.

Intruth said...

Fun reads this morning, catching up on all the comments before I have to run for work.

DK== I LOVE the first Bolero jacket/metallic choice. I worn a metallic mauve shutter pleat at my girl's wedding last June. Being not the slimmest, I didn't think I could wear something so sleek, but the shutters were so flattering and forgiving!
The mint "mother" dress is stunning, too. I have a friend with a not so robust butt that wore that dress for her son's wedding, and it was stunning, seriously.
Good luck and enjoy making the choice. I know you will... you just show a heart that loves to enjoy life <3
Loves to everyone!!!

Pisteuo said...

ALL tabloid media should be required by law to have a WARNING:

This is your brain--> O o <--this is your brain after reading this article.

katy said...


In the words of Robert Pattinson:

Pattinson said, “Media culture is a monstrous thing,” explaining, “You can’t win.”

“The annoying thing is that you can’t attack them, but you can’t defend yourself. The best thing you could possibly do is punch a paparazzi and give them their big payday,” admitted the Twilight star.

He said, ”The tabloid industry does terrible, terrible things for the world. It makes people stupid.”

katy said...


Yeah, why would we go buy DVD, just because we loved the movie. We have to have some incentive. Pics of Rob and Kristen holding hands and Kissing are required. #sarcam

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies

@Katy/Pam - actually twitter was pretty funny and really sappy lately. So many jokes about people not buying the DVD because they did not get their fill of PR hand holding or pictures then everyone went into picture spam mode and quotes - was really a nice change

Anonymous said...

So what is the latest scoop. Oh I will be going to work won't get home til dinner time. Keep me posted on how they are.

Pisteuo said...

Rob is very smart, katy. Too bad his fans won't listen.

The really sad part is...some folks can't decipher fact from fiction anymore. And what is even more disturbing is, they don't care as long as it's entertaining.

gargamel said...

Hope that R&K will produce and star in their own love story movie. It Will be a SMASH-HIT.

tufenuf55 said...


On interview with Bill Condon on the BD2 DVD, he says Kristen should be a director; Rob a writer and Taylor a producer. Can you just imagine what the three of them could do together? Instant box office hit!

tufenuf55 said...

Since the DVD is being released at midnight, I thought maybe we would get small video of R&K&J thanking fans, etc.

katy said...


Sad, but true.

And, they don't care, even if some of the things might hurt people's rep.

Pisteuo said...

katy, Yep!

gargamel, A Bonnie and Clyde type maybe?

Robert, I think Ali has abandoned us.

Oh and DK, I think, your first choice, for what it's worth.

Pattybg said...





Sue from Holland said...

Thanks Robert,
I couldn't remember anymore, I used to listen To Dylan a lot in my early teenage yrs, with my treasured cassetterecorder. I come from a family having a mother and older siblings listening to anything under the sun. Pink Floyd,Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Lou Reed, Charlie Parker/Jazz, Japanese music, classic, reggae, blues, Indian/ Ravi Shankar, you name it I heard it. Pink Floyd is still very dear to my heart.

tufenuf55 said...


How about an action/comedy? I think they both have killer senses of the comedic!

tufenuf55 said...

Or a musical? They are both talented in music.

Angela said...

I'm new here and I just want to say I love this blog.

katy said...


Hey, Bonnie and Clyde type of movie, it's actually an interesting idea.

Tuff, I also think, they would be great in comedy.

It has to be something perfect.

katy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PamH said...

Hello everyone

@ Angela
Welcome to our happy place :)

@ DK
Great choices, you will look great in whatever you choose I have no doubt . It sounds like it'll be a beautiful ceremony.

Just checked my Best Buy order and it says it's out for delivery...I'm so excited :)

@ Pattybg
Hope everything works out with your Kindle. I'm going to use my code in the DVD to download to my iPad and pray I still have some memory left afterward, I will have all 5 movies then and they really take up a bunch .

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody!

Working from home today, and I just saw a show called "Planet 360" where a fashionista name Cujo just gave super raves about Kristen's fashion history saying she has transformed to a "beautiful woman" on the red carpet looking "never forced" but always stylish, put together and lovely.

Always, nice to hear the positive. :)

Holy said...

Happy Friday everyone.

@gargamel- hey there.

@artemisluw- Cujo used to work with ET in CBS.He's right about his assessment with Kristen. "beautiful woman" on the red carpet looking "never forced" but always stylish, put together and lovely.

@Ginger- hey girl.

Robert said...

sue when i was younger i used to complain because i missed elvis [suspicious minds was the first elvis song i got into];i was too young to really appreciate the beatles, so my first band i was really into was the monkees....
yeah i know
dylan was over my head, of course, but i started to really appreciate music in high school in the seventies. i don't think i realized how good i had it; consider this: led zeppelin, al green EWF jethro tull, pink floyd, the who, bruce, eagles, black sabbath deep purple, rod stewart, elton john,, cat stevens, fleetwood mac, steely dan, the allman brothers lynyrd skynyrd, neil young, CSN and i'm probably leaving ouy some really good ones. can you believe that john denver made records aat the same time as barry white, or the sex pistols and the bee gees

tufenuf55 said...

Happy to have you here, Angela.

tufenuf55 said...

Holy and Arte

I remember Cujo very well. Haven't seen him in a very long time. I remember his needing a kidney transplant back then.

tufenuf55 said...

Just read my post and realized I spelled his name incorrectly. It's Cojo...not Cujo. Cujo is a rabid dog in a Stephen King novel. I really need to read my comment before posting...damnit!

Holy said...

@tuf- yes, he did get the kidney transplant and chemo and was not doing well for a while.I think he's in remission right now. I spell his name wrong also. LOL

Holy said...

@tuf- yes, he did get the kidney transplant and chemo and was not doing well for a while.I think he's in remission right now. I spell his name wrong also. LOL

LizzieD said...

ANGELA, WELCOME!!! So glad you found us, we who all love R & K.

HELLO EVERYONE!!! Doing a "drive-by" and getting ready to leave on vacation tomorrow. Will travel on Sat. & Sunday and hope to be here lurking by Monday, LOL ... Stopping at Target in the morning to get my DVD's!!

LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING!!! I believe R & K will be together soon!!!

Unknown said...

Is it true that Harvey Weinstein bought Lionsgate? He is now the owner of Lionsgate, the studio that bought Summit? Please anyone, confirm?

Anonymous said...

So much to catch up on, but it's wonderful reading everyone's comments and experiences.

Holy & Ginger Thanks for letting me know about Kristen & media in the past. I can especially see the women turning against her, there is a girl at my work who has that fantasy type problem.

Tufenuf cool articles about the Kristen & The Rover, and the video you linked about KS really touched my heart!

Pisteuo LOL! I didn't even know you were being sarcastic. :) I'm so intoxicated by Rob that all sarcasm is well deserved. I freely admit it's out of control! :) No worries.

Ginger great article on Anne Hathaway, it has all turned for her she used to be liked and now hated, it's too bad.

DreamerK Dancing in the Moonlight, written by one of Rob's favorite artists, love that song so much.

katy inspiring Rob quotes, I had to copy those quotes for future use.

Pisteuo what you said is very profound "The really sad part is...some folks can't decipher fact from fiction anymore. And what is even more disturbing is, they don't care as long as it's entertaining." That is the thing I can't comprehend, that they don't care, to me it shows a lack of personal honor.

Welcome to you Angela!

Holy & Tufe Sorry about spelling his name so badly! Cojo looked great on the show Planet 360. He looked very handsome & healthy and had such a positive attitude as he talked about and praised the styles of Hugh Jackman, Ann Hathaway and Kristen.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I was home today. I have to go to work. Then didn't get home til about 7pm. Actually I volunteer with my church store. Mostly stocking and take inventory. Didn't get out til 4pm. Plus was shopping for my mother in law's birthday present. I had a busy day. But I slip in the snow.

gargamel said...

@Holy. Hi there. Happy BD2 viewing in your 3-D TV.

@Liz. Have a nice vacay.

@Topaz. I should subscribe to your newsflash. I get the freshest bits from you.

To everybody else wishing for another R&K movie together...we need to make a noise.

tufenuf55 said...


Have a great vay kay

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try to stay up until midnight and buy the DVD from Walmart tonight.

Went last night the last movie theatre showing of BD2. Lots of couples, maybe 18 people in the theatre. But surprise - it's not closing, even after the DVD comes out they are playing the movie next week.

The movie has been out for 15 weeks and has almost made a Billion dollars.

Total Lifetime Grosses BD2
Domestic: $292,184,928
+ Foreign: $536,900,000
= Worldwide: $829,084,928
Domestic Summary In Release: 105 days / 15 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Lizzied have a great time skiing! Be safe too.

Hi Arleen - sounds like you had a big day. Is it still snowing there?

Anonymous said...

Not snowing. But freezing. Still have snow on the ground. But they are slowly melting.

Unknown said...

Gargamel :) LOL, I got this piece of news from Do I dazzle You site. If it's true Mr. Harvey bought Lionsgate, then Ms. Jen Lawrence's Oscar makes so much more sense, Hahahahahahahahahaha! I'm no hater ok people, but if that is true, then it's just too obvious now. Good luck to the Hunger Games franchise. It will probably make more $$$$$ than Twilight now?

Holy said...

@gargamel- yep,I'm getting mine tomorrow.I order 3 actually, my daughter and my nephew will get 1 each.By the way SWATH will be in HBO March 30th.

Unknown said...

Why do people order? I find it easier to drive to Walmart, Target, Costco, Best Buy. That way, I can pick up some treats for myself: candy, chips, soda, ice cream, pickles....

Anonymous said...

Topaz so he influenced the Oscar going to JL? I don't know too much about him.

Anonymous said...

Topaz OMG that is a good idea! Going to Walmart tonight and Target tomorrow..will get popcorn and chocolate to see this movie on my very own TV. I hope they have extended the vampire on vampire scene, LOL!

Unknown said...

Arte, I have no idea either. I just have heard enough rumors about this man buying his actors/actresses Oscars. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true though. I was lurking over at the comments section and the last comment said Harvey is now the owner of Lionsgate. I tried to look for confirmation online, but I haven't found anything yet.

Also, Arte, I keep hearing about different versions of the DVD. Is that true? Because I want to make sure I get the best version, you know with all the juicy BTS scenes. Do you know which store to go to for the best version?

Anonymous said...

Topaz hmmm buying Oscar rumours, wow. It will be interesting if it all comes out in the news tomorrow.

There are different versions of the DVD. Like Target has 52 extra minutes of commentary, Walmart has the full extended version of BD part one on the DVD.

It's not my favorite website but Robsessed has a great buying guide that details the differences

Anonymous said...

Barnes & Noble has a special picture and Twilight frame with Bella and Edward shown, Best Buy has a locket key chain with the Blu Ray version. Target has a beautiful movie poster, some have a Green Day Music video that the others do not. It's crazy actually!

Unknown said...

Arte, oh my god, there are so many versions. What a way to try to get us to buy every single one, right? I don't know which one to get now. This is kinda frustrating, ha ha. Which one are you getting?

Anonymous said...

Arleen glad to hear it's not snowing anymore there.

Are you going to buy the Breaking Dawn Part 2 DVD this weekend?

Unknown said...

by the way, I pass on the robsessed site, i never go to that obsessed site again, too many K haters.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Evening Ladies

@Angela - welcome

@Holy wave :)

Unknown said...

I just want to make sure that I have all the behind the scenes from BD2 and anything left over from BD part 1 that's worthwhile (for example, anything to do with RK), other than that, the other little accessories don't matter much to me.

Anonymous said...

Topaz the 52 minutes of extra extra content really appeals to me from Target. They say "along with hours of additional BTS features" is very tempting.

Also at Best Buy they have "CinemaNow download of 25 mins of behind-the-scenes footage".

Unknown said...

Evening Giner :) Which DVD version will you buy? Arte just said there are a lot of versions.

Unknown said...

Evening Ginger :) Which DVD version will you buy? Arte just said there are a lot of versions.

Anonymous said...

Topaz sorry about that, I agree about the Robsessed site. They are too far gone into the realm of pretending that Rob is single.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginger! waves...

Unknown said...

Arte, oh my god, then I must go to Target and Best Buy, thank you in advance! So the Walmart one is not as good then?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be sure about that. My mother in law said it will snow again. It probably snow this April. So I wouldn't worry. As long as it doesn't snow in May. On mother's day. Because I want to bbq on Mother's Day.

Unknown said...

Arte, it's ok, I don't go but I don't judge anyone for going :)

Unknown said...

Be right back ok, I'm gonna shower real quick!

Anonymous said...

Topaz it looks like the Walmart version is the only one that has the "The Forgotten" Green Day Music Video, but they don't mention any additional BTS features.

But I haven't been to see then in person and I'm just going by the website's info Hope they are right about it all.

Anonymous said...

Arleen Yeah, if it's snowing, you might as well stay cozy inside your home. I'm sure the DVD will be on sale for years to come, so there is lots of time to buy it.

Unknown said...

Hubby is taking so long in bathroom, locked himself in there.

If Walmart doesn't have BTS then, I will pass on Walmart. I can go without Green Day music video. By the way, Green Day folks are from my hometown in the Bay Area, CA. When they got popular, I was in 6th grade, ha ha, and on multi-cultural day or something these rocker skater boys from my school tried to play one of their hit songs, "When I come around" and it was just a disaster, ha ha. I love some of their songs though. Ok, gotta shower now.

Anonymous said...

Topaz oopps I just noticed that the Walmart version has the new extended version of BD1, so that is something that the others don't have. It is really confusing.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - The Walmart with the extend part 1 has the the BTS, commentary and all the filming stuff so it is the winner

@Arte - Waves back :)

DreamerKind said...

Good evening, faithful fans!

Again, I've been shopping and only stopping to demand that we eat. My new neighbor friend has energy to burn! People come into our lives when we need them, right?

I am waiting for the Twi Saga boxed set or all in one BD DVD, however long they take. My midnight partying is standard on a Friday. Have fun!

Thanks for the votes on the MOG gowns, those who did. I agree.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginger! So you think the Walmart one is the best then? Yeah, I see your point because the Walmart DVD has both movies on it and the others don't have that.

Anonymous said...

Topaz I think Ginger is right about this because with the Walmart DVD you actually get both movies.

I see a tie here for me, I might HAVE TO to get both the Walmart and the Target one. Ooo I hate making decisions!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dreamerkind - Happy Friday to you!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arte - I have seen a lot of people that are for sure getting the Walmart version and then getting the Target one later. I am only getting one because while I think the BTS are cute I will probably watch them once and that is about it.

@DK - evening princess :) I will probably get the box set when it comes out - did it with potter and the older movies always get scratched or damaged in some way from the kids

DreamerKind said...

Hey there, babes, Arte & Ginger. So long we've waited for all things Twilight! Worth the time and $$$.

Anonymous said...

DreamerK dreaming here too, so long we've waited, it's true. Hope I make it til midnight...I'm trying. :)

Anonymous said...

Ginger - well for sure I'm getting the Walmart one now that I realized about the two movies (thank you).

I know what you mean about the behind the scenes, but I have to admit I covet every single little extra minute, especially if R&K are in them. LOL!

It's like gargamel said earlier, we need another R&K movie, this can't be the end of it. :(

Unknown said...

I'm back! Ok, then I must go to Walmart tomorrow. And I will check out Target too :) Thanks ladies.

Holy said...

@Ginger- hey,it seems Kristen was spotted at Universal today.Do you think it's for SWATH2 already?

PamH said...


My DVDs from Best Buy came today my hubby ordered the Blu Ray w/ locket and the box set. Don't much care about the locket but it has the BTS 7 part making of, Bill C commentary, Green Day video and Digital and Ultraviolet copy.
The box set was a little disappointing because it has no extra footage only the movies and seemed very plain to me, I'll probably end up giving it as a gift to my niece her BD is this month.

Like Ginger I want the WalMart DVD the most so I'll probably get it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Topaz I'm so glad you came back, I was worried I steered your to the wrong DVD. Thanks Ginger for helping out!

Anonymous said...

I won't get mine til April. Because April is my birthday. Especially when I my birthday money. I can use it. Plus I am kinda patient person.

Anonymous said...

Holy was that a Tweeted sighting of Kristen at Universal?

PamH thanks for the information about your DVD set. I really want that locket too, but I can't buy that many dvds! LOL!

Unknown said...

Isn't Robert gorgeous? Even with the flat nose, he's still so handsome, ha ha. And his face has filled out now, chubby chubby, ha ha!



Breaking Dawn

Unknown said...

So so pretty! When I first saw her face, I thought, what a fresh looking face! I was hooked right away. At that time, I didn't know K had green eyes because Bella had chocolate brown eyes.

Unknown said...

oh my god, cries....I miss them so much, it's been so many months already since BD2 promo! When is Robert coming home? Skype is overrated :(( sorry.

Holy said...

@arte- yes,I hope it's true.

Anonymous said...

Topaz I know, me too!!! It's been so long. I keep hoping for the Australia trip, but after what Holy just said about KS at Universal, I despair. Oh well, patience.

Anonymous said...

Topaz oh the pics...beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Topaz do you know how I can save a gif image to my computer. When I try to save it it just becomes a photo instead of a staying as moving image.

Unknown said...

Arte, you do the same thing as saving a non moving photo, just right click and go to "save image as". Then after that, you actually have to go to the place where you saved it, like for example, I save mine in the "Downloads" folder, so you actually have to go inside the folder and click on the green looking tumblr icon. Because if you shuffle the pics with the gifs, the shuffling feature does not open the gif, you have to click the gif from inside whatever folder you saved the gif under. Hope this makes sense and helps.

Anonymous said...

Topaz Emerald ~ it worked! I was trying to open with the photo program, but when I clicked on it inside the folder and opened w/IE it worked perfectly! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Arte, let me try again....

when you go to "save as image", a window will pop up, at the bottom it says "save as type", you want to make sure that you save it as "gif", so go to the pull down button and click on "save as gif", not save as "file."

Unknown said...

Arte, awesome!

Anonymous said...

Topaz I had saved it as a gif, I was just trying to open it the wrong way. Then when you said open from inside the folder that worked and it was all giffy!

Unknown said...

Arte, enjoy your gifs! I have a lot of RK love gifs, ha ha.

I really miss them, don't think they have been away from each other without seeing the other for this long! I know I'm pathetic, I'm starting to feel it now. I miss them together. Announce a movie project together or something! I guess we will have to get used to this, sigh!

Anonymous said...

Topaz I think you are right, although maybe the Australian film location is too difficult, or maybe KS has too many commitments that we don't know about. Now that we see she went to the Oscars we know that she couldn't leave before then?

Anonymous said...

Here is a nice teddy bear pic

Unknown said...

Arte, I don't know, honestly, I don't know how they do it. Me personally, I couldn't part from mine for that long. Hubs and I used to work for four years straight in different cities 2 hours apart. We would re-unite every weekend. But we couldn't sustain that, sometimes it was hard. For example, if an opportunity came up where hubs had to work overseas for a couple years, he wouldn't take it unless he can take me along with him.

Unknown said...


Arte, nice pic. I think they put too much white vampire makeup on Rob, ha ha. Thought they did a much better job with Kristen's, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Topaz I know what you mean! Although, there is someone that comments here who says a lot of the military families do it successfully. But, it worries me too, it's been about 6 weeks now hasn't it?

Anonymous said...

Topaz yes the white makeup scenario, remember how it was in Twilight? I think that was the worst of the white makeup.

Anonymous said...

Topaz I didn't realize what time its is! It's 11:23 pm, almost midnight my time. I'm off to my local Walmart to buy the movie! YAY! Bye sweetie, goodnight to you. Have a great night with your hubby, you lucky girl!

Unknown said...

Arte, yes of course! Being married to a military man must be even more difficult. My former co-worker has a son, he's an engineer in the Army for many years now. Wherever he was stationed, that's where is wife and kids were, but sometimes he would get deployed overseas for 7 months to 1 year. The last time I heard he had to leave for Afghanistan to work on some project there. It must be so difficult for military wives.

Unknown said...

Goodnight Arte, lovely chat tonight. Hope the lines at Walmart will be good to you tonight, have fun! I'll get mine soon!

Anonymous said...

Topaz On my way out the door, but I had to say I love, love Twilight, didn't mean to say anything bad when I said the make up was white. Who cares! The story, the film and actors were amazing and that's what counts. Okay, bye again..

Unknown said...

Arte, yup who cares! Rob will look good even with green makeup, lol.

gargamel said...

I get my twilight soundtrack fix from Pandora. The app is free and is compatible with kindle. I bookmarked the TWILIGHT station and it plays ALL twi soundtracks and scores.

Unknown said...

Gargamel, awesome!

I just had to post this with you guys....look at here, this video of Joey King (she will be a future star someday) and of course the lovely Mackenzie Foy.

Nail tutorial and fun...LMAO! Ha ha ha

Sue from Holland said...

@Robert, sorry for the late reaction, I'm not the quickest to respond plus I'm in a different timezone.
You're not gonna believe this but when I was about 11 I was a fierce Elvis fan. I had my bedroom plastered with his posters, made scrapbooks of aricles & any pic I could find, tried to buy all his albums, my mother put my name down in Graceland when visited the US, made my bestfriend listen to me sing and believe that is just torture.
I was 12 when he died and found out in school, I was devestated, could't believe it and cried my eyes out when I was home.
That was the first and last time I was ever idolstruck. His music now, no it's not for me anymore, I'm more of a rockchick, I like it hard. Damn that sounds suggestive.
Oh and I'm forever gratefull for having such a liberal/curious mother and an older brother who was mad about his Hendrix/Reed/Zeppelin etc.

Pattybg said...






katy said...

Hello Roseland,

Topaz and Arte

As far as I know, Rob has two more weeks of shooting of The Rover, so he will soon be back home.

And, Yes Topaz, Rob is gorgeous...sinfully gorgeous.

Going to buy my BD2 DVD today...who would ever thought, I am buying it, even without having had pics of Rob and Kristen being lovey dovey with each other.

Have a great weekend everyone.

tufenuf55 said...

Good morning, Roselanders!

Going to Target to get my BD2 in a few minutes.

I also read a tweet that Kristen was spotted at Universal Studios. I'm more than ready for SWATH 2 and for the story line between Snow White and Huntsman to be developed further.

I've seen several celebrity relationships end because of couples being apart for so long. Brad and Angelina; Naomi and Liv (sp?)say that they don't let more than two weeks go between their time together; that sometimes they are not filming at same time and can be together with their kids on set.
Hopefully, Rob & Kristen are the exception. They both have more movies scheduled this year. Can't wait to see them together again.

Anonymous said...

Going to step out soon. Have to grocery shopping soon. And run errands. I will leave at lunch time.

Anonymous said...

Morning Roselanders!

I purchased my DVD last night at Walmart. Surprisingly there were about 75 - 100 people there to purchase the movie, and that was fun.

The bad part was they didn't have the movies set up on a display, they handed them out from the Customer Service, so I didn't get to read the details of the DVDs.

The two movie set which has BD1 Extended Edition & BD2 has NO BTS features & NO Green Day video. BD1 Extended Edition doesn't have the Jump To feature either. Both have Director Commentary feature.

The Walmart BD2 single movie DVD has everything - the 7 Part BTS Documentary, the Jump To features & the Director Commentary.

So, I went to Target this morning and got the 3 disc DVD that has everything plus the additional exclusive 52 minutes on it (but no extended edition of BD1.)

I didn't realize how attached I am to the BTS features until I got home at 12:45 last night and realized I didn't have anything but the movies on my DVD. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I told my husband about that. You wanted to get last night. It was about almost midnight and I told him next month. With him he's got to have it asap. Me I am patient. I told him no. Men why don't they listen sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Especially husbands. They are so stubborn sometimes.

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