The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Birthday Wishes

You may or may not have noticed that I was  'out of touch'
this past weekend.
OK... so you probably didn't notice
But it does seem that whenever I have limited access
to the internet... Stuff happens.

Well this time it was the Academy Awards.
Kristen was invited to present.
She showed up looking lovely
Perhaps a bit disheveled because she was struggling
with crutches... and nervous...
But lovely just the same.
How could she NOT be beautiful?

Kristen exists
therefore the same lame tired 'jokes'
make an appearance.
Thing is...
Kristen didn't do ANYTHING wrong.
She gamely showed up...
She smiled and did her part
(and yes... she DID smile. A lot)
But yet...
She got attacked by the low level
Z listers looking for attention.
I guess that is what happens.

Attention seeking 101
Criticize Kristen Stewart 
and have your 5 seconds of attention.

Here's what I learned from the Academy Awards.

1. It doesn't matter what Kristen says...
Doesn't say.
Doesn't do.
There will always be people who want to put her down.
Was this Kristen BEST look ever?
No. (Cannes still wins that one for me)
But she still looked lovely.
You try hobbling around on crutches in front
of millions of people with all eyes watching
and analyzing and criticizing your EVERY move
and tell me how you would do?
I can tell you.
You would fucking FALL APART under the intense
scrutiny that tiny girl gets every day.
Every fucking day.
And for what?
As far as I know...
Kristen has NEVER criticized another actor 
or said a bad thing about anyone personally.
She's not committed any crime
Or failed to show up for work.
In fact...
Anyone that actually KNOWS Kristen
The one person who would ever have any right
to be personally affected by what Kristen has said or done
has chosen to love her and be by her side.
What does that tell you?

2. There are dozens of pictures of Kristen looking beautiful
and smiling.
but what pictures do the hags and rags focus on?

“People have decided how they are going to perceive her,” Rob says.
 “No matter how many times she smiles, 
they’ll put in one picture where she’s not smiling.”

And Rob should know... shouldn't he?

"That whole system of Internet journalists,
 where no one is called to account, is almost entirely about hate. 
All these people get away with doing it
 because they have no responsibility to anyone."
With Stewart by his side during in the interview, 
the 24-year-old Brit adds angrily, 
"There are so many little nerds behind their computers, 
on their little blogs."

Let's face it...
Most of these low level comedians/actors/nerdy bloggers
use the 'comb your hair' and 'Smile' bullshit
to get noticed...

And as far as insults go... 

 They are insignificant.

"The strangest part about being famous is you
 don't get to give first impressions anymore. 
Everyone already has an impression of you before you meet them."

3. I realize the hags and the rags have enjoyed these moments
of trashing Kristen for EXISTING...
But the people that matter?
They don't care what low life scum have to say.
In fact...
It just makes them all the more protective.

"It's OK."

“I felt so bad,” Daniel said. “I just wanted to pick her up,
 put her in my arms and carry her onto the stage.”
“I probably would have dropped her and opened her wound again,” Daniel joked.
Kristen and Daniel obviously have a mutual friend…Robert Pattinson. 
But interestingly enough, this was the very first time the two met each other.
“I felt like this was a long time coming,” Daniel said.
 “I feel like we've been meant to meet.This was the perfect way.
 And you know what? She is so nice—really, really nice.”

“I think that it’s awful when people misinterpret my being uncomfortable as,
 like, ‘I don’t want to be here.’ 
It’s really the opposite- I’m too concerned."
She then added: "I absolutely love it so much. 
I don’t expect to seem cool to everyone;
nor do I want to be. 
I think that’s the opposite of the definition of cool.
 So I don’t care at all"

"It's not a terrible thing if you're either loved or hated. 
But honestly, I don't care 'cause it doesn't keep me from doing my thing.
I apologize to everyone for making them so angry. 
It was not my intention." she said.

4. Jennifer Lawrence and Kristen Stewart LIKE each other.

When Jennifer Lawrence spotted her fellow actress hobbling along 
with the walking aids, she rushed over to hug Kristen, 
exclaiming: 'Hey, what happened, Dude?'

They both say "DUDE"
They are both young and gifted...
gorgeous and talented
They are both a bit clumsy and awkward
And say things that are misinterpreted and misunderstood.
One is cherished for being 'adorkable' and cute
One is crucified.

Jennifer Lawrence flips the finger in the press room
at the Academy Awards...
It's charming and cheeky
She's graciously goofy.
When Kristen does it?
She's a spoiled ungrateful brat
who needs to smile more.
See what I mean?
Can you imagine what would happen if
Kristen had flipped off the press at the Academy Awards?
Boggles the mind.
But no matter
she does gets persecuted for looking 'bored'
It's all about perception, I suppose.
Which is rarely... reality.

This is most definitely Jennifer Lawrence's time to SHINE
and she is glowing brightly.
She deserves all her success and awards.
But her success has nothing to do with Kristen.
They are friends.
Deal with it.

5. Last but not least...

Robert Pattinson.

Do you think the vitriol being spewed about Kristen
has affected Rob and Kristen's relationship?
We all know how protective Rob is
(Let's ask Nikki about that... shall we?)
Even when he's thousands of miles away...
You can be sure he is taking care of his girl.
Don't you worry about that.

And here's the bottom line.

Kristen is still prettier than you
Skinnier than you
Richer than you
More famous than you
BETTER than you.
And guess what?

Robert Pattinson loves her.

So laugh on about her hair...
or her lack of smiling
or whatever obsessive bullshit you need to spew
(because let's face it...
You can't go 5 minutes without talking about her)
At the end of the day
None of that matters.

Robert loves her.
And that's really what this is ALL about.

That is what REALLY matters.

The lame jokes will fade.
The insults will disappear...
Robert and Kristen

Chew on that.

I don’t care about the voracious, starving shit eaters
 who want to turn truth into shit. 

this post is brought to you by the shit eaters.

Enjoy your shit.
I'm sure it's as bitter to swallow
as it is to spew.

Final thoughts.

1. Stop telling me to change the name of my blog.
Go write you own blog and you can
name it anything you want.
Write about anything... anyone you want!
What a concept!

2. I often get asked what I will do IF
Rob and Kristen ever break up.
I will do nothing.
What should I do?
I will continue being a fan of BOTH
Robert and Kristen.
Regardless of their relationship.
But I'm not worried.
At all.
The force is strong with them...

3. Yes.
It's my birthday.
Happy Birthday to me.
I'm older.
And one step closer to death.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
It makes me smile

4. As long as I'm having fun
I will continue to write about
Robert, Kristen and Thomas.

Especially Thomas.
I fucking adore him.

I made some pretty fantastic birthday wishes...
Let's just wait and see which ones come true.

Until next time.

Bye for now


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tufenuf55 said...


I bought my BD2 this morning at Target. No display; movies were behind the counter. Same situation there. I asked the guy to let me hold both offers and was able to read, but he sure kept an eye on me. I got the 2 disc DVD. I didn't know there was a three-disc...they only had two kinds at Target. Let me know if the 3 disc has more. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Arleen - You have such a nice husband who was going to buy the DVD for you right away!

I'm in love with the 3 disc version from Target! And the box is so pretty, with nice pictures inside. Your Target sales guy did not know what he was talking about!

Target has the "Exclusive extra disc with 52 plus minutes of BTS that no one else has! The rack at my target has at least 4 different versions (maybe more) including the Blue Rays.

Even at Walmart, they ran out of movie posters last night, and when I was there this morning the guy said to me "Oh we found another box of posters we didn't know we had." So I showed him my receipt and I got the "Twilight Saga Mini Set of All 5 Theatrical posters"! Now all I need is a Twilight keychain and I will be set for life! LOL!!

tufenuf55 said...

Thanks, arte. Will go back for the 3 disc. I haven't opened my movie yet.

Anonymous said...

P.S. The new BD1 and the Target Special Edition disc both have "Lionsgate" Brand Logo showing as the manufacturing more Summit...kinda sad.

Barb said...

@Pattybg Are you in the Northeast by any chance? We are looking at a bunch of snow too!

tufenuf55 said...


Got it. It was the last one they had. Finally, my Irish luck paid off. Thanks, again.

Anonymous said...

tufenuf - I'm so happy for you! Good for you that you went back, go Irish! I just watched the 3rd exclusive content. I have tears in my eyes! We've seen some of it before, but not all of it, very nicely done.

Pattybg said...



Anonymous said...

Barb & Pattybg - Hope you don't have too bad of a snow day.

Tufenuf - I found the Green Day Music Video "The Forgotten", it's on the Special Features Target Disc 2, Yay!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Good afternoon ladies

@Patty - probably but you will have our good weather next - 61 today even though there is still snow - I died laughing at how many people had shorts on - my kids included. Heat wave !!!!

Anonymous said...

Well we haven't buy it yet. Just waiting to die down. Plus, got bills, rent, and food to pay first. Then I will buy it. I have my priority first.

tufenuf55 said...


I was ok with not getting The Forgotten as I had it saved from YouTube and watched it many, many times while working. Love that song.

tufenuf55 said...

I'm not familiar with comic, Adam Hill, but thoroughly enjoyed his message to Joan Rivers (in reference to Adele and others). Her comments are first and then his rant.

For those who are upset with Rivers (FP), this is great!

Barb said...

@Pattybg Wow we are really close! I'm about 20 minutes above I 80 close to Bloomsburg! Guess we'll be dealing with just about the same weather (YUCKIE DREARY SNOWY MESS!). Oh well spring is right around the corner. We have been seeing chipmunks and skunks and ground hogs AND I even saw a huge flock of geese. They were circling to land on the Susquehanna river to have a bit of a rest before heading north again. Haven't seen any Robins yet though but that will happen soon. :) No snow yet :)

Anonymous said...

tufenuf Wow excellent video put down to Joan Rivers!!!!! Thanks for the link.

I had never seen "The Forgotten" video, not sure why. I've loved the song for a long time, and I had no idea the video was so Twilightishly beautiful! Still catching up with you all I guess. :)

Holy said...

Hello ladies and gents.I hope everyone are having a good weekend.

Just got my BD2 DVD,will be watching it tonight.Some of the Target stores run out of the Exclusive Extra Disc.I'm glad I ordered mine earlier.

@Ginger- how are you girl.

Pattybg said...


DreamerKind said...

Farewell, Robsten Love Forum (closing as of 3/15/13). You were one of the first and best.

Hello, Roselanders!

Caroline said...

Tutenuff55, thanks so much for posting the link about Adam Hills and Joan Rivers! I hadn't seen it and it makes me proud to be an Aussie! Hills is a wonderful comedian who used to host a music show here, and he is passionate about music. I have never seen him swear or behave like this so I think he was well and truly angry at Rivers.

gargamel said...

Watching the special features...COUGAR scene and KRISTEN. Whoever said this woman couldn't act is a class A moron or a morbid hater.
Fantastic expressions and fighting stance...her arms and legs are kung-fu ready and here i thought she was a NINJA. I wanna see this girl in a full ACTION MOVIE.
Well let me get back to my drooling (over the legs).

gargamel said...

"Most of the actions were TIED in with KRISTEN'S performance"
-senior visual effect supervisor.

Anonymous said...

Why is Robsten Love are closing? Don't tell me they broke up. :(

Anonymous said...

Why is Robsten Love Form are closing? I hope it stay there. Don't tell me they broke up. :(

gargamel said...

Hehehehe...seriously? Lalalalala.

gargamel said...

Ive never seen a movie disappear quickly from a shelf so fast. I like the hunger games but i won't buy it. I will wait til it's free.
Jennifer is alright and nice and good. I couldn't DISLIKE her because she is the brand new thing...BUT KRISTEN STEWART will FOREVER be IT for me. AMAZING...RARE BEAUTY...UNHOLLYWOOD ACTRESS!

LizzieD said...

Arleen, what is Robsten Love Form? And no, they didn't break up.

gargamel said...

Show me where the excitement over the HG parallels with TWI. It boils down to the leads. STEWART has MAGIC!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lizzied. Robsten Love Form is another website.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way I got my movie today. Didn't go to Walmart or Target. We don't have Target in Logan, Utah. Only in Salt Lake. I got from called Hastings.

DreamerKind said...

You can read on this link, about why the Mods and Admins are moving on from blog hosting, due to personal choices. No problems with anyone there. Perhaps some of their posters will come and visit us here. Fans of RK are always welcome.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone!

Arleen, don't worry, it's just a forum that is probably closing down the site, maybe because the administrator doesn't have time to maintain it anymore.

Gargamel, hubs and I really did not like that movie. The concept is not new. The roman gladiators fought each other in the arena to entertain the elites of Rome during that time. There was one scene where Katniss was taken into to a large open room to demonstrate her archery skills something. In front of her were a bow and maybe 5 arrows. Now, supposedly in the movie, Katniss is an expert at bow and arrow and she never misses a shot. At a far distance straight ahead of her standing on some sort of raised platform/stage were the elites in suits who looked to be dining. Here is her opportunity to stand up against tyranny for being enslaved into poverty and oppression. So what does Katniss do? She shoots an apple. What was Suzanne Collins thinking? My Katniss would have taken all five of those arrows and shot each and everyone of those bastards in the head, then my Katniss would somehow make an escape route to freedom through some tunnel or something. Then later in the movie, just like the roman times, she gets paraded around in a chariot. Is she a hero or is she obedient to the state? What happens in the last book?

Anonymous said...

Hi Lizzied, Arleen, DreamerKind and Gargamel!

Dreamerk Thanks for the heads up on Robsten Love Forum. Sorry to see them retire, such a good vibe place.

Arleen Have fun with your DVD, hope you like it!

Gargamel Your last couple comments were amazingly close to what I was just feeling. I ventured onto JustJared thinking it might be an okay website. Read a few comments about JL & KS, and I felt sick. Why did I read that stuff? Stupid me, I should've learned my lesson by now. You are right about the whole JL & KS thing! KS does have magic. I am beginning to seriously believe that it is a bully mentality, pick on anyone who is different. Too awful.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Topaz Emerald. I need to hear that. And what movie do you hate.

Anonymous said...

I will on my spare time. When I do my laundry on Monday.

Anonymous said...

What is the longest time you all have had to endure a RP&KS drought?

They are both are both hardworking, so they must have been separated because of work before. Does the time period usually last this long?

tufenuf55 said...


I know exactly what you're saying about HG. The first book was soooo boring until about half way through that I almost gave up. I was talked into see the first movie in the theater and didn't really care for it either. It was okay, but I did not get a feeling of chemistry between JL, JH or LH. The little girl gave a good performance but she was not as I envisoned her in the book. I'm being told by younger people in the family that I need to read the second book. I will if I can borrow it from someone or the library. If I see the movie it will be on DVD. No hatred against the stars or those who enjoy it. JMO

tufenuf55 said...


I don't think it's ever been this long, but Rob has never been filming in such a desolate area. My understanding is that they are to complete filming in the Landers around mid-March and then all post-production will be in Sydney. Maybe Kristen will visit him then. I'm more than ready to see them together. It has been a tough withdrawal from constant pics we used to get. But, I am happier for them than sad for me.

Anonymous said...

tufenuf Thanks for the info. That makes sense about the desolate area. Wouldn't be the same if he was filming in US or Canada. Which just might be fine by him.

He has so many movies lined up, and two more of them are to be filmed in remote locations also. Guess I just have to suck it up!!

Unknown said...

Arleen, I am talking about a series of young adult books called The Hunger Games. Jennifer Lawrence plays the supposed heroine Katniss. But in the first movie, Katniss spent the majority of her time sleeping on the limb of a tree.

tufenuf55 said...

This from Sara Gordon interview in Real Style Magazine, Spring 2013 about Rob:If Sarah's critically acclaimed role as the wife of Fassbender's Carl Jung got the industry's attention, her second Cronenberg role as Robert Pattinson's wife in Cosmopolis cemented her rising star status. Not only did a second collaboration with Cronenberg mean she'd joined the ranks of the director's Jeremy Irons and Vincent Cassel, she became the focus of the Twihard sets' curiousity when she got close to Pattinson on screen.

"I kept mt distance, knowing that there might be backlash," says Sarah of working opposite Pattinson whose Twilight fan-base is comparable to Beatle mania or Bieber Fever. "Caitlin, David's daughter, received more backlash because she was tweeting a lot of photographs from the set, and people were speculationg about their relationship and proximity. I think too that I kept such a distance that they thought, 'We're not going to find anything with this one! We'll pin it all on that one!' It's terrible that that happens too. It's terrible for him because I take my work seriously, obviously, and so does he. It's not like you would ever compromise the integrity of your work by doing something... at least I never would. I'm boring that way."

Maybe I'm just too sensitive but the next to last sentence seemed like a "dig" to Kristen. Like I said, maybe I'm just reading too much into it. I tend to be very protective over Kristen & Rob.

Anonymous said...

Topaz Emerald
Thanks is great you are young adult reading novel. She is cool.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - waves - i have a sick kiddo with strep :(

Cute new picture of Kristen at a roller derby match floating around from tonight - should be up the usual suspects soon

Anonymous said...


I see your point, it could be interpreted that way, but I read it as a more defensive type comment regarding Twilight fans assuming she was another woman in his life. Especially since she also says she felt bad for Caitlin, David's daughter who received backlash from the fans.

I don't know..she also makes a joke about how she only "accepts rich famous actors as her husband". In print it's so hard to tell because you can't hear the person's tone or laughter.

Unknown said...

Tuf, you really know how to prompt me to respond to your comments, LOL :) REgarding Ms. Gadon, I saw that article on Robsten Dreams. You can go over there if you want and read my comment. Since you mentioned this article, I went over to RD to check out the comments section and I saw that someone responded to my comment, and so I replied back to defend my previous comment. My second comment won't appear until the admin folks approve it, so you would have to wait awhile to see it. To make it short, she comes across in interviews as fake both inside and out, subtly concealing her arrogance with her academic intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginger! That's too bad, strep is the worst pain.

Thanks for the heads up about the pic of KS. I was just complaining/worrying about the drought with tufenuf. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oooo Topaz Emerald very perceptive comment. I felt that from the article too, like intellectual snobbery wanting everyone to do the "good" indie type movies.

Still I don't trust writers. They twist things to create an impression for their article. I'll never forget when that woman published that comment Rob made about "hating vag****". I mean after that crazy photo shoot he was probably in a weird space,and she didn't have to print the comment that was obviously an off the cuff joke.

Anonymous said...

I'm checking out for the evening, good night to all you Roselanders!

Unknown said...

what is roller derby?

Unknown said...

Night night Arte. By the way, I went to Target today and got the 3-disc DVD, yeah! It was just 5 dollars more than the 2-Disc one, so yeah, I got it! Boy, I really those 2 :(

Holy said...

@Ginger-hey,sorry to hear that,which one is sick?

New FanPic of Kristen at a Roller Derby - Mar 2 View Post

CJ was their too-

Unknown said...

Arte, you're missing out. Come back! New pic of K at derby match. Is this how she got all those bruises? Ginger, Holy, thanks ladies. She's so cool. And that looks fun.

gargamel said...

I attempted to read the first book of THG while on vacation in May 2011. Hoping and expecting another 'great read' after the twilight series. The book failed my expectations...but i didnt stop there. I willed myself to finish the series for the sake of the 'hype' and was more anxious to return the books to the owner as soon as i can. So i skipped a few pages.
A far cry experience when i was reading the twilight books. And i just got done with SHARON K. PENMAN'S that time which was THE BEST BOOKS IVE READ YET. Then entered TWILIGHT and my world went UPSIDE DOWN. I remembered coming to work feeling suicidal after the "break-up" in NEWMOON.
There's no point of comparison between the two series TWI and THG. IMHO.

Unknown said...

Gargamel, at least you read the series, ha ha :) Everyone here seems to be avid readers, I feel so bad about myself, ha ha. I am........well, a lazy reader, ha ha. Well, maybe I just read boring ass books. Like in the past year and a half, I only read two books:

1. The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan

2. The Sheer Ecstasy of a Lunatic Farmer by Joel Salatin.

gargamel said...

Do i believe that JL is a good actress? Absolutely. Do i dislike her. Effin' NO. Do i think she's pretty? The ground will swallow me if i say NO...she is a hollywood beauty. And that's where it ends. But i could go ON and ON and ON describing Miss Kristen Stewart and how she is DIFFERENT from the rest of them.

gargamel said...

@Holy. Hey there.

@Topaz. Lol. I'm a lazy reader too.

Unknown said...

gargamel, ha ha ha...."the ground will swallow me if I say no".....did you know, last night, I saw on the 10'oclock news or something that a man who was sleeping in his bed got swallowed by a sink hole inside his house. This was in Florida. The ground just collapsed into a hole and the man fell inside. He was screaming for help, and his brother tried so much to help him, but to no avail. I was so upset hearing about this, especially because his brother was in tears talking to a reporter about it. He was in such pain talking about the helpless ness he felt while his brother cried for help. I felt so sad for him, I was about to cry. Also, I was so upset, the stupid police said it was too dangerous to go inside because they didn't think it was safe yet until engineers examined it. I thought that was just bullshit. You know, they can at least tear the damn house down first and see how bad hole is cause maybe there is a chance he is still alive.

Unknown said...

well lovely night. I am going to watch BD2 now.

gargamel said...

@Topaz. Yeah we have a lot of those . Actually the house behind me was believed to be built on a potential sink hole. It never got sold. It has this huge crack across the front wall by the door. That's why when i'm compelled to tell the truth...i swear it to the ground below me.

DreamerKind said...

I just love you guys! You are fascinating.

Listen People

Herman's Hermits (1966):

Listen people to what I say
I say everybody's
Got to have their day

And don't you know
That everybody's got to love Somebody sometime

Everybody's got to win a heart, everybody's got to love somebody sometime
When you do, I hope you never part

I once found love, found love just like you
But then he came, he might come to you

And don't you know that, everybody's got to lose somebody sometime
But everybody can part, everybody's got to lose somebody sometime
So take care that you don't lose your heart

Take my advice and you'll always find, you'll be happy all of the time
Take my advice and you will see, you'll be happy as you can be

Listen people to what I say
I say everybody's got to have their day

And don't you know that, everybody's got to love somebody sometime
Everybody's got to win a heart, everybody's got to love somebody sometime

When you do, I hope you never part, you never part
Listen people
Listen people

Thank you/rwells47

DreamerKind said...

Those lyrics are a mess, just like me. But I am happy.

Not in the mood to make the revisions, so listen to the song, darlings.

Wasn't K at a Roller Derby?

I have a skating song handy.

DreamerKind said...

Rob & Kristen skate holding hands
(Believe this, still skating desert or not)


Joni Mitchell:

It's coming on Christmas
They're cutting down trees
They're putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace

Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
But it don't snow here
It stays pretty green

I'm going to make a lot of money
Then I'm going to quit
This crazy scene
I wish I had a river
I could skate away on

I wish I had a river so long
I would teach my feet to fly
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I made my baby cry

He tried hard to help me
You know, he put me at ease
And he loved me so naughty
Made me weak in the knees

Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I'm so hard to handle
I'm selfish and I'm sad
Now I've gone and lost
The best baby that I ever had

Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I wish I had a river so long
I would teach my feet to fly
Oh I wish I had a river
I made my baby say goodbye

I'ts coming on Christmas
They're cutting down trees
They're putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace
I wish I had a river
I could skate away on

Thank you/sherrylynn70

DreamerKind said...

I got your back

Loan Me A Dime

Duane Allman & Boz Scaggs (12:45 mins):

Somebody loan me a dime,
I need to call my old time
Used to be

Somebody loan me a dime,
Mmm, I need to call my old time, used to be.
Oooo, little girl's been gone so long,
You know it's worryin me.
Hey, it's worryin, worryin me.

I know she's a good girl,
But, at that time I just didn't understand.
I know she's a good girl,
But, at that time I just didn't understand.

Oh, you know I didn't.
Somebody loan me a dime,
You know I need, I need a helpin hand.

Yeah, she's a good girl,
But, at that time I just didn't understand.

Oooo, I know she's a good girl,
But, at that time I just could not understand.
Whoa, no.
Somebody better loan me that dime,
To ease my worried mind.

Now, I cried, just cried,
Just like a baby, all night long.
Ooo, you know I cried, just cried,
Just like a baby, all night long.
Whooo, somebody better loan me that dime,
I need my baby, I need my baby here at home.
Oooo, yeah

Thank you/xonr8

DreamerKind said...

Bad proof reading and no correction continues..improvisation rules, like blues does.

DreamerKind said...

Find yourself in revelation

Isn't It A Pity

Eric Clapton & Billy Preston (2010):

Isn't it a pity
Isn't it a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain

How we take each other's love
Without thinking anymore
Forgeting to give back
Isn't it a pity

Some things take so long
But how do I explain
When not too many people
Can see
We're all the same

And because of all their tears
Their eyes can't hope to see
The beauty that surrounds them

Oh isn't it a pity
What a pity
It's a pity

Thank you/optumusicalover

DreamerKind said...

Soon the sun will come up for you

Here Comes The Sun

George Harrison (1971):

Here comes the sun
Du du du du
Here comes the sun
And I say
It's all right

Little darling
It's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It seems like years
Since it's been here

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say
It's all right

Here comes the sun
And I say
It's all right
Sun, sun, sun
Here it comes

Thank you/iamthebeatlesno1fan

katy said...

Hello Roseland,

Topaz, your insight about Sarah Gadon, is the same as mine. Fake and arrogante.


Kristen was at a Roller Derby?? What is that?

Hope you are all having a great weekend.

DreamerKind said...

Oh, but you will see me and I, you

If Ever I See You Again

Jamie Carr (1978):

I've wondered all my life
How I could ever let you go
There's not a lot of change
In my life
But one thing that I know

If ever I see you again
Maybe this time it
Will work out alright

Maybe this time
We won't say goodbye
But only goodnight
With a love that won't end
If ever I see you again

Warm sleepy mornings
Waking up next to you
Feeling you close by my side

Nothing on earth
Has ever felt better
Then the feelings
I've felt deep inside

Sometimes it seems
That I never lost you
And that you're not really gone

Cause I had this dream
This wonderful dream
It just goes on and on

And If ever I see you again
Maybe this time
It will work out alright

This time we won't
Say goodbye
But only

With a love
That won't end
If ever
I see you again

Thank you/Trueromance100

DreamerKind said...

Didn't Rob say he made a good fried egg? I think I need him to fry these Milo's eggs which are brown, white and purple, depending upon which chicken laid them, when they felt like it.

Since I bought them as is, I have no choice, but my technique lacks luster, and Rob would add that I'm sure, since he would giggle, well, he would embellish them there eggs.

I ate the eggs now, without luster, and am saying, goodbye cruel world, I'm off to join the circus! Water for elephants will be my job.

DreamerKind said...

Don't forget mean & fickle chickens

Goodbye Cruel World

James Darren (1961):

Thank you/VinylNostalgia

DreamerKind said...


Sixteen Reasons (Why I Love You)

Connie Stevens:

Thank you/lizardsy

DreamerKind said...

Someone send in the clowns..don't worry, they're here. Farce or farts. It's all illusion. Night, bright stars.

Send In The Clowns

Frank Sinatra (Skip ad):

Thank you/kiradeek

DreamerKind said...

Head a whirl truly unruly & madly in love

I'm Falling In Love With Someone

Nelson Eddy/Jeanette MacDonald (1935:

Thank you/MacandEddyMagic

PamH said...

Good morning all

I hope everyone is enjoying their BD2 DVD :)

Looks like the Brit boys are still in town according to CJs Instagram , Hope they stay till Rob gets home. Kristen at roller derby is so cool and would love to see her do a Whip It kinda movie but with her luck shed probably get injured really quickly.

PamH said...

I'm wrong maybe those are just who the photo was sent to ? Not sure, Marcus and Jack could be gone

Anonymous said...

I just woke up the worst headache. I just took Alieve. I am suppose to go to church today. And I am still going.

katy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katy said...


The boys are still in twon. They have a gig in the LA area or whatever, then tomorrow they have to be in San Diego, then back to LA for a another gig.
They will still be in the US when Rob comes back, just not sure where in the US.

There's weather Red alert here. It's raining a lot and the wind is SO strong, that I think if I step outside little ol' me is gonna be blown away by the wind.

tufenuf55 said...

Topaz and katy

Glad to see that others agree that Ms. Gordon is such a snob and "B" with her innuendo comments.

Roller Derby is where women skate against each other while punching, fighting and triping--whatever it takes to win. It was great to see pic of Kristen and know that she was out with friends having fun!

I used to be an avid roller skater until I was about 26 or so. Went every Sunday night with girlfriend.
Then a move South, marriage, children, school did away with "spare time". lol

tufenuf55 said...


Here's a favorite song from my roller skating days. The music was so great to skate to:

Lyrics to I've Got A Brand New Pair Of Roller Skates :

I rode my bicycle past your window last night
I rollerskated to your door at daylight
It almost seems like you're avoiding me
I'm OK alone but you've got something I need, well

I've got a brand new pair of rollerskates
You've got a brand new key
I think that we should get together and
Try them on to see
I been lookin' around awhile
You got something for me
Oh, I got a brand new pair of rollerskates
You got a brand new key

I ride my bike, I rollerskate, don't drive no car
Don't go too fast, but I go pretty far
For somebody who don't drive, I been all around the world
Some people say I done all right for a girl

I asked your mother if you were at home
She said yes, but you weren't alone
Oh, sometimes I think that you're avoiding me
I'm OK alone but you got something I need, well


If you'd like to hear the music and singer, it was played to commercial with baby:

tufenuf55 said... gives this update on The Rover:

March 2013

Adelaide has been a very busy place for the past few months but Wolf Creek 2 wraps on March 7th and The Rover is due to finish on March 16th so we will have a lot of crew available again. Sam Fox: Extreme Adventures has started production and going through till mid July.

Hurry, hurry home, Rob. We miss you, but we know someone who misses you a whole lot more! lol

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies

@Pam - Jack posted a instagram from the game too - they all were there

@Katy - how cool is that right - roller derby is fun to watch

@Topaz - My sister and her girlfriend play derby - the GF was on the team that one the nationals in 2011 the Rocky Mountain Roller Girls. It is a bunch of girls that are in skates and gear that have to get around the track to score points. Each team has a jammer and the first one to brake the pack is the one that scores - she gets points for every person on the opposing team she passes. It is a rough sport and they get hurt a lot but they have fun

tufenuf55 said...

Hi Ginger...

I used to watch Roller Derby on TV and it was a lot of fun!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tuf - I go to a lot of their bouts - it really is fun to watch. @ of their derby sisters are doing the Amazing Race this season - tough chicks

PamH said...

Thanks for Marcus and Jack info. I hope Rob gets to spend some time with the boys once he's back and before they have to leave.

@ ginger
Kristen at the derby was so cool, if it weren't for her getting hurt so much she'd totally look good doing that.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - LOL I agree, I could see her doing it but she would hurt and that would be no bueno

PamH said...

@ ginger
Do you know if there were any tweets about her being there and if she was getting around on her foot better ?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - no tweets other than seeing her and the instagrams Jack, CJ and the girl that took the picture posted but my guess is she is better - she didn't have crutches in the picture and the derby arenas are usually bleacher or floor seating with lots of walking in deep crowds

Anonymous said...

One thing I am happy is that Kristen's and Rob's friends are keeping Kristen company while Rob is working. That is one thing I am happy. Hopefully Rob comes home Austra. He can join them. He must be tired.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone!

So glad you're happy you bought the DVD. I spent pretty much the whole day yesterday watching everything. I'm missing them together also.

I hope the child's strep has started to go away?

Yay! March 16th!!! I'm doing the happy dance, maybe I'll try twirling too! Thanks for the info.

Thanks for the KS Roller Derby pic, & also for the links to CJ's Instagram, & Strictly Robsten, two more to add to my bookmarks. I love having the Instgram links for the real people that count. LOL! It was great to everyone having fun.

Speaking of fun, I have to get off the internet today, and go have fun in RL. I'll check back in tonight. Have a happy Sunday everyone.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arte - they gave her a shot of penicillin instead of doing the pink liquid which she wouldn't take - it is amazing how fast the stuff works because she woke up this morning bouncing off the walls like nothing happened. Thanks for asking :)

Unknown said...

Ginger, Tuf, if I had the opportunity to play that when I was in my teens, I would totally play! Punching, fighting, and tripping, ha ha, that looks like fun. I'll probably get all bruised up though, ha ha. And I don't fair too well on skates. As a kid, I played a lot of dodge ball, but it wasn't the kind with players all geared up in a gym, but just a bunch of neighborhood friends playing outside in a grassy area, that was so fun.

DK, lol, I only buy organic eggs now:))

tufenuf55 said...

Just watched North Carolina whoop Florida State's a**. Go Tarheels!!!

Now watching NASCAR.

Robert said...


just the fact that you even know about "Somebody Loan me a dime" and that boz scaggs recorded it with duane allman playing lead guitar makes me all giddy

Holy said...

Hello guys.

@Tuf/Arte/Topaz- hello,you're welcome.

@Ginger-hey there,I'm glad she's feeling better today.

Kristen is cool and athletic,me and Ginger saw a picture of her a while back skate boarding.

Time goes fast,Rob will be finish filming 3/16/13 already and be reunited with his girl.

Anonymous said...

My headache is slowly going away. I had the worst headaches this morning. I even took Alieve and rest.

PamH said...

@ Holy and Ginger
I'd love to see Kristen skateboarding :) was she using the same board Rob had when he visited her during SWATH promo or was it a different one ?

If you get a chance to check in just wanted to say I hope your having a blast on your trip.

Holy said...

@Pam-hello, I don't know if it's the same skate board that Rob have,but I'm pretty sure they both skate board together.

PamH said...

Maybe sometime we will see or hear about Kristen body surfing/boarding. They do have a lot of things they do together skateboarding and bicycling, probably tons of other things to.

Anonymous said...

Its raining in Logan, Utah. First we had snow. I can hear it. Too bad I don't hear thunder and lightning. Mine kinda of rain always comes with thunder and lightning first. That is mine kinda of rain.

Anonymous said...

And I am enjoying watching rerun of seven of heaven.

tufenuf55 said...


Glad you're feeling better.

I watched mini-series, part 1 of The Bible. Watching end of Celebrity Apprentice (what a bunch they are--especially Gary Busey). At 11, I'll watch The Walking Dead's new episode.

Good grief, what a TV junkie I've been all day and night.

tufenuf55 said...

Haven't watched my BD2 I bought yesterday. I'm kind of dreading watching it. I guess I feel like when I watch it, it really will be the end of Twilight for me and I will be so sad.

What a sap I am!

Intruth said...

Aww, @tuf, I know what you mean. I watched the extended BD1 today...loved the extra bits BC put int. I got part 2, but I'm saving it for some reason...

@artemisluvv, I was doing a little checking and the longest time apart I could see we endured since I got in the fandom was about 5 weeks while Rob was filming Bel Ami. They were together for the NYC opening of Remember Me the first part of March, with Kristen walking the red carpet (thud) and then apart until her birthday (April 9) when she went to Budapest where he was finishing filming. Of course, we never know when they might be together and we didn't see pics cause they were perfect ninjas!

Anonymous said...

Thanks tufenuf55. The other part I am not feeling well is personal. You know what us women get every month. Maybe that is why my head hurts. The other part I am use to it.

Holy said...

@Pam- Kristen definitely knows how to surf,her brother Cameron is a good surfer.And I think the Stewart's are all athletics.

tufenuf55 said...

Rose has new banner up

Ginger with a Soul said...

Live Feed of Marcus's show if you all want to hear it

Unknown said...

oh my god, Marcus cussed......he said shit, fuck, fuck, ha ha! I didn't expect that, ha ha.

Ginger, who is the guy playing piano, Jack?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - yeah that is Jack on the keyboard

Ginger with a Soul said...

All I have to say is Rob and Kristen have a great friend in Marcus and the other way around - that group is family

Unknown said...

Ginger thanks for the link. Marcus is kinda funny, ha ha. I noticed as soon as they stopped playing and have to speak to the audience, he and Jack both touched their hair, ha ha, just like Kristen. It is interesting that they look nervous when they stop playing and talk to the audience but relax and get into character as soon as they start playing. He and his band also reminded me of my church youth group band when I was growing up. Just his voice and the style of music sounded so much like the christian music my pastor and my youth group would sing and play. I used to play the tambourine at church and every wednesday night our youth group band would practice playing songs for Sunday service. I play a little piano too. Also, I didn't recognize Jack, I thought he played the guitar, not keyboard/piano. Also, I agree, he seems such a good friend to RK, and he even thanked his friends in America/LA.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - yup and the fact that he referred to them as friends for life, I guess earlier in the show he was talking about Roller Derby last night :) I know a few people that like to perform more than anything but don't like crowds - you could tell he was super nervous which makes him so relatable - even more hyped to see him in a week and a half now

Ginger with a Soul said...

Topaz - they are tweeting Kristen and all the friends were at that show - no one wanted to say until after the gig but the paps are waiting for them out front of the venue

Anonymous said...

They need waterballoons for the paps. You know they say about water and cameras don't mix.

Unknown said...

Ginger, oh yeah, he did reference the last night thing, like you said probably the derby thing, ha ha. Yeah, he seemed nervous, but when he sings, all that is gone, it's an amazing transition to witness, for me at least. But now when I really think about it, not only did I play, I also sang, and when I started singing, I concentrate on the song and the lyrics and the moment or whatever it is, and the nervousness disappears and it's like I don't see the congregation anymore, they just disappear, it's weird. Maybe it's the same feeling for him, I'm guessing. It's great you will sing him soon, have fun and enjoy the music. He has a nice voice and they have good beat, and he ENUNCIATES! Sorry Rob, ha ha. Robert is good too, I just think Marcus is better at singing, ha ha.

Unknown said...

Ginger, oh no! Hopefully Kristen can escape the damn paps! If not, give them the middle finger, or cover her face and body with a towel like Katy Perry. Update please.....

Unknown said...

Arleen, Ha ha!!!!!! That's right, water balloons. I would SO throw one at them.

Anonymous said...

Too bad it doesn't rain or snow there where the concert is at. Paps won't take pictures or harassing them.

Anonymous said...

Or too bad they don't have water guns.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - I will let you know - I know there are a lot of R/K fans there that are probably cussing the hell out of the paps right about now

Unknown said...

Arleen, Ha Ha!!!! You keep making me laugh. Water guns = definitely better than water balloons.

Ginger, please keep updating, bring it on.......:)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - nothing yet if they got out pap free but my eyes are closing - here's to hoping I don't wake up to a bunch of pictures of them leaving

Unknown said...

Ginger, yes, it is midnight for you and you should get some sleep, sociologists call you the supermom= working lady + second shift. That is only something to admire greatly. Nighty night sweet lady.

DreamerKind said...

It's been a fun night reading about Marcus and everyone's happenings.

Best wishes, all.

You are sweet.

DreamerKind said...

Love that roller skate song, too, and have sung it thousands of times, out of tune.

Unknown said...

DK, if you're still awake fairy lady, check out this youtube best wedding dance! Ha ha!

Unknown said...

I loved the music to Prince William and Kate's wedding. She looked so calm and happy walking down that long isle.

katy said...

Hello Roseland,

Wonder why we haven't got the pics of Rob on the set of The Rover, yet? Everyone was all excited to see them, and they never came out. :(

Glad, Kristen went to Marcus gig. Hope she had lots of fun.

Take care everyone.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies

@Katy - my guess they were unauthorized and I will take a huge leap of faith and say he wouldn't want a picture of his hand down his pants out - part of the movie or even caught in a candid moment - I think he really dislikes that. Marcus's show was really good and he was super funny when the equipment malfunctioned a time or 2 - he rolled with it like a champ :)

@Topaz :) thanks . Oh they got her going out but it looks like it was brief :(

tufenuf55 said...

Yep! Paps got pics of Kristen and friends coming out of concert and getting into car. Kristen still wearing necklace and ring. Yea!!!

PamH said...

Hello everyone

@ ginger
Thanks for the feed to Marcus show :) I think you are going to have a good time when you see him. To bad the gang couldn't be at the show when you get to see them.
I wonder were Suzie has been ? I didn't see her at Roller Derby or at the show...maybe she couldn't get out of work.

At least Kristen didn't look to upset by papz, she still had a smile on her face getting into car. I'm glad she's had all these friends to keep her company while Rob is away it has probably made it easier for her to keep her mind off missing him so much but I bet Robs been a little envious missing some fun, though I'm sure he loves working, he'd like to see all their friends I'm sure. He'll be home soon and they can all get together and have some fun....after him and Kristen have made up for being apart :0

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I think she was working at Derby time but she was at the show last night, I think she left 1st so the others could get out since it always her they are after

katy said...


Yeah, you right most definitely were unauthorized. They do sound spoilery. As for the pic with his hand down his pants...he wouldn't want that one,( though I think he is just itching/scratching) or any other to come out. Wanting to see the set pics, is just me being selfish.
Bummer, i didn't know about the live feed for Marcus gig, would have love to watched it.

Holy said...

Good morning ladies and gents.

I'm glad that Kristen are her friends had a good time last night while supporting her friends Marcus and Jack.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Katy - I didn't either and then all of sudden it was there so I threw it up as fast as I could so everyone could get a chance to watch him play - he has great stage presence once he gets going :)

Anonymous said...

I just got home from exploring my town. I look at new places. I just look at Just Jared comments. Some think Kristen is a Lesb. Is that true? I couldn't believe all or some haters. Say about her. I am glad she is out having a good time.

katy said...

Ginger, you're lucky that you will get to see him play soon!

Arleen, they call her gay as a mean to insult her, which says a lot about the type of nasty people they are. Sexual orientation should not be used as insult, because there is nothing wrong in being gay.

Ginger with a Soul said...

OMFG I am laughing so hard right now !!!! So if there is anyone out there that needed to be shown the light of how stupid and utterly fabricated tabloids are the mothership has landed. I just saw a picture of Famous Magazine (Australian trash mag) cover on twitter (I was spared clinking a link to the trash)and it has shown that CJ is Kristen's new man. That my friends is how a picture that means nothing is twisted to fit an agenda with no facts at all. I will bet there are tons of info from juicy insiders telling all except that he is her gay BFF. Makes you think about a lot of stuff or at least it makes me - sorry but a picture is just that, a picture - the story comes from someone who wants you to believe what they want to sell.

barbara said...

@Ginger with a Soul.Greetings from Australia.Famous trashmag has to be the worst of the all the trash mags,put them all in a mixer and and mix on high speed,and you couldn't turn out anything as bad as Famous,this is the same trashmag that printed the pics of Kristen and that crotch scratching slime ball.The sad thing is peoople will swallow up this tripe and take it as gospel. lve from

Barb said...

@ Robert I love Boz! I sold a car and accidentally left a favorite cassette in the deck. Dates me I know. I was so sad :(

@ Ginger lots eye ball rolling here! The poor girl can't catch a break!

katy said...


Famous never fails to prove how laughable and embarrasing they are. They are famous for being trash.

PamH said...

@ ginger
I guess I missed Suzie posting pic so hanks for sharing, I seen CJ's and your right usually they always manage to get Suzie in photos.
That cracks me up about K & CJ but last week I posted seeing DailyMail which I think is a UK webloid that posted the same crap of CJ being Kristen's new BF but the stupid people kept referring to him as Marcus Foster...I mean how bad is it that hey can't even identify MF...I cracked up so much. I kept thinking how much of a laugh both R K & CJ MF would get out of seeing that post.

Is there a pic of Rob with his hand down his pants that people are making a big deal about?

tufenuf55 said...

Robert Pattinson Australia had this comment regarding pics of Rob during filming:

"I'm going to say this re: the pics from's about damn time Rob is protected by a studio instead of exploited by one."

I definitely agree with this comment.

tufenuf55 said...

Pics posted on The Rover movie fan site of props used (not sure who is in last pic as it is from far away and at night):

Stella said...

Well, Tuf, that figure on the right seems quite familiar...
Can't be sure, of course, but it could be Rob...

Thank you, you wonderful ladies! You keep me posted all the time. Even if I don't post all the time saying the
"thank you's" I owe you, just know it that I am grateful for your feedback and your nice conversations.

Take care, all!

Unknown said...

Who owns the media?

Unknown said...

I think these are the cunts who write garbage for that Famous Mag in Australia.

Unknown said...

It is kinda impossible to stop them unless you stop buying/reading their articles, stop watching TV and stop watching their movies (which means you can't support actors big studio movies/shows anymore)......people have become so dependent on these things. Hopefully they don't start censoring the internet, probably already censors some search results. But on the internet, at least you get to search about what you're interested in.

Unknown said...

....what you're interested in like this blog, ha ha.

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Media Control

Unknown said...

“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws.” ~Baron M.A. Rothschild (1)

“The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our constitution… if the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
~ Thomas Jefferson (1)

Holy said...

I hope everyone are having a good day.

Famous mags was the one that released an article that Rob was pregnant. Hahahaha.

I'm glad that they didn't release that pics of Rob from the Rover set.

@Ginger-hello girl.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - waves

@Barb,Barbra, Katy - I just cracked up laughing - I mean it is fucked up without a doubt but the lengths and the lies these people will publish get more and more incredulous every time. God at least do some research to make it half ass believable.

Hi Pam, Topaz, Tuf and anyone lurking or that I missed !!!!

Unknown said...

Ginger, waves and thx for the photo, and oh my god, that is not Jack! What an intimate photo! Suzie sitting on his top? Who is the real man is Suzie's life? LMAO, ha ha ha!

Unknown said...

i meant sitting on his lap? looks like it, and what is written on her neck i wonder...

PamH said...

Was anyone besides me and my hubby disappointed with the Target DVD packaging ? We received it in the mail today and thought at first they sent us the wrong one, usually they have the thick folding case with the tree design on the cover but this was very flimsy and thin, it did have the trees in the white background but the look of it was just a let down to me for some reason. glad it didn't cost us anything since it was from a gift card we had from Xmas .

PamH said...

@ topaz
Yeah, I hope Jack doesn't get
I tried making the pic bigger but still couldn't tell what he wrote on her neck, it just got blurry. I liked how Christina Perri wrote OMG as a comment to the pic :)

Holy said...

This is so cute- …

Holy said...

@Ginger- hey,when are you going to see Marcus?His good looking in person and shy and his voice is amazing.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - LOL I think Jack is ok with Marcus signing her neck - they are such a hige family ;)

@Holy - 3/13 at the Hi Dive

Unknown said...

Ginger, lol, they are probably playing around but still, doesn't Marcus have a girlfriend? I wonder how she would feel seeing Marcus kiss Suzie like that. Like hubs and I have a close circle of friends too, but our guy friend would never kiss me on the cheek like that and likewise my hubs wouldn't do that to his wife either, lol. I guess they are a more intimate and loving group of friends which is nice. I have a couple good guy friends too, but I only allow affectionate hugs, that's about it, ha ha.

Ginger with a Soul said...

New Blog is up

Unknown said...

And with Kristen and CJ with him carrying her that night, I can understand the dynamic there, lol, but what if K jumped onto Jack or Marcus' arms, like how would Robert feel if he saw that? Ha ha ha. Would he text his friends and say "Hey, what do you think you're doing? You fellows are having too much fun without me. Get your hands off her ass and put her down." Same thing with Suzie and Marcus kissing pic. Switch it around and replace Suzie with K, so Marcus is kissing K on the cheek. If there is no problem, then I guess they are a really warm and intimate group of friends. I am not trying to imply anything, I just find this group of friendship dynamics interesting.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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