The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Fools for LOVE


April Fool's Day.
Not a fan.
At all.
Like fools need a day glorifying their foolishness?
Just an excuse to be mean and play tricks
on people...
Get their hopes up...
And while 10% of the 'jokes' might be funny
That leaves us with a big 90% that sucks.
Yeah... sounds like FUN!


I sat down this morning...
Trying to ignore all the fools
but let's face it...
Near impossible to do in this fandom.
Remember the 90% that sucks?
That goes for the Lunatic Fools.

But I sat here... thinking about why
I believe what I believe...
(Prepare yourself I'm in a writing mood...)

One of my very favorite pictures of Robert.

Years ago...
When I first started writing this blog
I used to just talk about Rob.
It was pretty easy to do.
I would write a paragraph going on and on
about how gorgeous he was...
add a couple of pictures.
An easy post.

Then it became blatantly obvious
that Robert and Kristen were fast becoming an item.
Things got complicated.
I really didn't know that much about Kristen at first...
and I was initially hesitant to accept that
Rob was falling in love
(for the last time)
right in front of my eyes.

One of my very favorite pictures of Kristen.

It became interesting to watch.
Seeing them together...
Getting closer.
And more intimate.
It was fun to see how happy they were together.
It made me happy that they were happy.
You could look at Rob and see how completely smitten
he was with Kristen
(and vice-versa)
It was so adorable.

And so "Robsten" was born.
The fandom became divided.
Those who were happy for Rob and Kristen
(The good side)
Those that were angry and bitter.
(The Lunatic Fringe)
And immediately after came the hate for Kristen.
What was her crime?
"She's a bad actress, I'm allowed to not like her"
That's what they started with.
Then it was she didn't comb her hair...
or she didn't smile enough...
It didn't really matter WHY
They just wanted to hate her.
But the truth became clear.
Crystal clear.
They hated Kristen...
Because she had Rob.

Another of my very favorite pictures of Robert.

Kristen was the one Rob fell in love with.

It has nothing to do with 'Epic Love'
It has nothing to do with Edward and Bella.
It has nothing to do with selling a movie.
Two people met on a movie set and fell in love 
with each other.
It happens.

We all know the Lunatic Fools want to pin
their hopes and delusions on some PR contract
that doesn't exist...
But just think about it.
If Rob and Kristen were going to do any sort of PR for this...
It would have been during Twilight.
That's when it would have been needed.
It was a low budget film
with relatively unknown actors...
They didn't even know if New Moon was going
to be made until seeing how Twilight did at the Box Office.
Then some PR would have made SENSE.
But no...
Rob and Kristen went out of their way to not
draw attention to their relationship.
Even then.
If they had been under some delusional lunatic contract
We would have seen Rob and Kristen all over the place together.
That's what PR is.
That's how PR works.
You don't tell 2 people to hide from cameras
and be famously private about a relationship
you are trying to promote.
You want them to be seen in public.

Love. Love. Love.

And let's face it...
Even if you factor in the 
"Is they-- Is they ain't"
curiosity of their relationship...
You really think it would go on for over 4 years?
Who does that?
And better yet...
Who fucking BELIEVES that would happen?

It always amazes me that people who claim 
to be Robert's fans are so eager for him
to be some shallow dishonest famewhore.
That he would willingly prostitute his personal life
for monetary gain.
That he would continuously deceive his fans... for years.
Do material things seem incredibly important to him?
How many millions does someone need anyway?
Does he come across as a liar only out
to make money no matter the cost to his 
personal integrity?

Why is this so damn cute?

I've been told that we never see Rob/Kristen
doing anything 'normal' couples do.
Holding hands... kissing in public... being all coupley and cute.
But we do.
We have.
Many many times.
Dinners. Dates. Concerts. Weddings. New Years.
Vacations. Set visits. Baptisms. Parties. Golf.
Etc... Etc... Etc...
The list goes ON and ON.

The Fools just scream "FAKE-STAGED-PR"
every time it happens.
They have to fall back on those excuses
They have to BELIEVE that...
It's the only way they can rationalize what they see.
What they know.

I remember back after New Moon came out...
And the Ninnie Mantra was 
"We give it ONE more movie!"
Then they thought Rob and Kristen would be over.
And when that didn't pan out...
It became
"Just one more movie again"
And when Rob and Kristen
continued being in each others lives...
"Well. After the DVD comes out it will be over!"
And of course...
We all know where that led.
Now its some mysterious date in August.

Then what?
Christmas Box set?
5 year anniversary issue?
How far forward will they keep pushing it
when another DEADLINE comes and goes?

Their best shot was in July.
They thought they had it all.
But the FOOLS were proven WRONG once again.
(How many times have they been wrong now??)
Rob and Kristen came through it together.
Robert proved to the world
what matters most to him.
Moving forward.
With Kristen.

We know the truth.
It's right in front of us.
We realized it when these pictures came out.
Everyone did.
These are two people who fell in love
For the last time.
They are ALL IN.

Robert and Kristen
Always end up together.
Over the last 4.5 years...
That much has remained the same.

No one can predict the future.
All we have is today.
But the future is looking pretty fucking bright.

This post is brought to you by my 
complete adoration of Tom Sturridge.

Sorry Sienna. But the SMILE!

I've been hearing WONDERFUL things
about his part in ORPHANS.
Not that I'm surprised, mind you...
But I'm glad other people are seeing 
what I'm looking at.

Until next time.

Bye for now
Stay pressed Lunatics.


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Litmom said...

WOW - TWIRLING so much I'm dizzy! I've been glued to Twitter and elsewhere, just had a sec to pop over here.

Pretty awesome, huh Roseland???

Holy said...

@Ginger- hey there,how are you today.The looks on Rob/Kristen face are obvious this two are happy with their life together.

Yep Roger E just died.He suffered from cancer for a while now.My he rest in peace.

@Gargamel-hello,Prozac will not help them.LOL



Anonymous said...

I am glad they are out spending alot of time. I just got done with my house cleaning and putting all my winter clothes for next year winter. I need to do something and now I am taking a nap. Later. Keep me posted on Rob and Kristen. Sorry about earlier I was just emotional, crampy, heavy, and tired mood. Part of time of month. I guess you get the picture. later.

DreamerKind said...

Roger Ebert was a Chicago icon. He'll be missed so much. Shocked.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DK - someone said something that made me catch my breath (you know I am not a big crier) - They said Gene Siskel was sitting in a theater waiting for Roger to join him to watch a great movie

tufenuf55 said...

Sorry to see that Rob has adopted wearing pants over his butt and showing his underwear. Why do guys think this looks good? I still love Rob, regardless.

gargamel said...

How are you? I'm giddy happy right now. Like im the one with a pretty girlfriend walking down a street.

Annie said...

Rest in peace Roger Ebert.

DreamerKind said...

Quite the analogy. I've been teary-eyed since I heard about Ebert. Another memory to cherish.

Hasn't Rob mentioned trouble with pants fitting properly due to having wider hips? Then, he would need wider waisted pants which could slip down.
A small problem to have in life!

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Thanks on the photo heads up : )

They look so happy, I LOVE IT, CJ and Scout doing a little dance is adorable.
In one photo it looks like Rob has a hole on the shoulder of his shirt so maybe the photo Arleen put up is of the same day ?

Take that Lunatic Fringe !!!!!!

The Pattinsons Always End Up Together

Anonymous said...

PamH- I notice that too. I just checking on twitters too. I was checking how our couple was doing. I was just hoping that they are ok. I have been praying for them. That is all.

Hi everyone else. I just woke up from my nap. I was tired, and I am sure explain how I am feeling today. I just checking on our couple.

Unknown said...


Geez! I just read his Wikipedia to hubs last night and the numerous surgeries he's had due to cancer. It is such a terrible disease for anyone. My grandpa died from liver cancer. Hubs and I thought he was a good film critic, so rip to him. I liked gene siskel too. I think he died of brain cancer. And when he died, I remember watching the show and evert said he'd promised siskel that he would take his son to go see I believe it was one of the Star Wars movies. I usually don't pay any mind to what film critics say, but in the past before renting a DVD at blockbuster, I always looked for a thumbs up for siskel and Egbert on the DVD.

Birdie said...

Chicago has lost a legend, right DK?
I like to think of the two of them together again.
They were really the only critics I would take seriously. I think they truly loved film. Two thumbs up!

Well,what a day in photos? More to come I hear...
They certainly look happy and normal to me. Was there ever any doubt?
I cannot tell you how impressed I am with your list. It chronicles my life. I saw only a few live, but did have their albums.Haha!

I need a magnifying glass for the number verification,damn!

DreamerKind said...

Yes, another Chicago legend gone, and he was planning to host his downstate Eberfest for film 4/17-4/21:

His wife posted about him here:

DreamerKind said...

Few are in your league of live band performances attended. Lucky you. Lucky us having you here. You sound better.

Custom made is still an option and being considered. :)

Birdie said...

That was lovely and made me teary,DK.

DreamerKind said...

Quotes a la Monroe

"Nothing lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances & never have regrets, because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted."-Marilyn Monroe

"The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space."- Marilyn Monroe

DreamerKind said...

Yes, I felt the same but now hearing he smiled and passed peacefully is comforting.

KStew Krew said...

And the walls come tumbling down!!!!!!!!!!!! Just saw the pics of Rob and Kristen with friends....holding hands!!!!!!! Together!!!!! All loved up and just staring into each others eyes, not giving a flying fuck!!!!!!!!!! Sucks to be a hater today....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Love that Scout is there. Girl always has Kristen's her!!!

KStew Krew said...

Those quote from Marilyn are classic and very eloquent. Thanks for sharing.

Litmom said...

DK - I wore a suit to my daughter's wedding. I'm no skinnie-minnie - big busted, thick waisted - and it looked decent and I felt pretty good. Just wish I'd worn lower heels! :-/ Will e-mail you a pic tomorrow.

Unknown said...

I'm with all of you, suck it haters coz U will never break them!

off to dinner now....

LizzieD said...

Just popping in to say GOOD NIGHT. I'm going to TWIRL to the bed as I have to be up by 5:00am and will be on the road all day tomorrow.

See you all Friday night or Saturday ... take care!!!


Holy said...

Hello again.

@DK-that's a lovely quotes from Marilyn Monroe.Thanks for sharing.

@Pam-hello,yesssss,The Pattinsons
Always End Up Together.


PamH said...

Take care and goodnight. We will be twirling with you :)

@ DK
Those quotes fit our lovebirds very well ; ) thanks

@ Holy
Hello : ))

@ KStew Krew
Yes they do have some amazing friends that are very loyal and seem to genuinely all have a great time together.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to share something...

so we had chinese food for dinner and the dinner placemat paper had the chinese zodiac signs on it. So I looked at my sign (i share the same with hubs) and then I decided to look for Rob and Kristen's. Anway, I found out they are even compatible in zodiac signs. I tore off the pieces and it says....

1986, year of the tiger
forthright and sensitive you possess great courage. Compatible with the horse and the dog. Your opposite is the monkey.

1990, year of the horse
Physically attractive and popular you like the company of others. Compatible with the tiger and dog. Your opposite is the rat.

Ha ha ha, just wanted to share.

PamH said...

@ Topaz
That was very interesting and hopefully that gives our couple even more good luck. Even the descriptions sound like them. Thanks for sharing

Atticus said...

Hey Roselanders! What a great twirling fucking day it has turned out to be. Kristen, Rob and the rest of the hobo pack look so cute but especially Kristen & Rob. These 2 gorgeous souls are so unconventional including the way they hold hands, lol!

@Kstew Krew, Kristen has great fucking taste in music and she has even paid homage to the late greats. Kristen is also responsible for Flightless Bird being one my top 10 fave songs ever.

@Robert, you've seen some great concerts. Do you remember them?

So sad news about Roger Ebert. Him and Siskel, IMO, are the last of the greats. They were never nasty, unlike the critics these days. Ebert was always great to Kristen in his reviews.

Unknown said...

Pam :)

DK, thanks for his wife's statement. Just read it to hubs and it was heartwarming. I feel sad he is gone as well. It's like there are no critics like him or Siskel in the world of film.

DreamerKind said...

Thanks, everyone! The quotes do apply all around.

That would be lovely to see!

Anonymous said...

Hi to all Roseland! Just got home from dinner with my husband. We went to this place called ho hut Mongolian grill. Some Mongolian place. It's very good. I love with alot of veggies.
Any more news on Rob and Kristen?

Atticus said...

My last comment didn't make it so I'll try again.

DreamerKind, those MM quotes are so endearing to R/K. It's sad that we were happily talking about Chicago last night and then to have Chicago lose one of its favorite son.

Topaz, it's funny that I have done that as well with the Chinese zodiac signs. Rob & Kristen are truly well matched and as you said, suck it haters!

Arleen, sounds like you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Atticus- I just got started yesterday. With you know PMS. Its what I called. Just because I have that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a date with my husband. Right now I am heavy. I took midol. It should help. Any other advice to help with this.

Unknown said...

Arleen, Hi :)

With the pms thing, I usually have pain on my first day (heavy), then it gets lighter on the following days and little discomfort to no pain. Sometimes, on the first day, the pain is unbearable, you know the symptons, and I try not to do it so often but I will take over the counter generic painkillers, combined with hot non-caffeine tea, and I'll draw myself a medium-warm to hot bath. Also, you know, those heating pad cramp soothers where you tie it around your waist to alleviate the pain. I have low tolerance for pain, so if I don't lessen it, I will get cranky, you know what I mean, lol......

Anonymous said...

DreamerKind - Oh my gosh that quote reminds me of Rob so much!

“The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space."- Marilyn Monroe

Just seeing Rob kissing Kristen’s forehead, like in Rose’s current banner, or always turning back to make sure she is right behind him, or finding her hand and holding it, so many times. These moments have such an impact on me.

Also it reminded me of a scene in Little Ashes where he is just sitting, drawing and talking and you see his hands and his takes my breath away.

Anonymous said...

Topaz Emerald- Thanks. I will try that.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Roger Ebert's passing. I too liked him, and felt he was a kind film critic. Normally I really abhor critics, but he always seemed to not want to be damaging or bullying in his critiques.

What an awesome day for R&K pics! Thanks to my friend who called me to tell me the good news. They look so awesome! So Twitter users, is there an online meltdown going on?

Thanks to all of you at Roseland, I know every single person in their laughing group. I was even telling my gay friend at work. Look there is CJ! I met him at the Marcus Foster concert! Wow, I sound like a fan girl for sure. My gay friend loves Rob's short hair, thought it was hot!

Lizzied - Night to you, have a good day tomorrow.

gargamel said...

Horse and Dog. I need to do 10 Hail Mary now for Ive just sinned again.

Holy said...

@gargamel- here you go.She is gorgeous.

Robert said...


it's really weird in that i really don't remember most of them but i do remember certain moments. for example i saw lynyrd skynyrd in between albums one and two and they ended the show with a song off of their 2nd lp by saying "here is a song that you have not heard" and they played sweet home alabama

i also remember hearing miss you by the rolling stones and thinking that i was aware of the fact that this was going to be one of the best moments of my life

same goes for bruce he opened with born in the usa and from where i was sitting i could see that everyone from the front row to the people in the back row were losing it

i also remember being very disappointed in zeppelin because robert plant sang every song in low register instead of his usual falsetto that was a huge let down but i read years later that baton rouge had been the last stop on that tour and his voice had given out on him

so anyway...

gargamel said...

I couldnt open the link.But thank you.

Sue from Holland said...

Just a quickie, dropping in for a moment.

@Robert, you're one hell of a lucky bastard you got to see Pink Floyd. In 1994 I had a chance to see them but I was heavely preggars about to drop, so I had to make a choice but damn beside the Doors it's the one band I would have given my last penny to, to go and watch.

Girls/gents aren't those pics of R&K just epic, walking hand in arm, not really give a fuck what anybody thinks. For all those harpies/trolls/dicks/haters, this must be sickning for them. Envy drooling out of their pathetic ugly mouths

Anonymous said...

Good morning to all of you. Its raining in Logan, Utah. It started yesterday. I am going to step out today. Keep me posted on our couple.

Litmom said...

Good Morning, all!

Happy Friday! Still Twirling? I am!

Heading down to take in some of the Final Four festivities. Not really my "thing", but Sox wants to do it, so I'm being a good sport!

DK - You have an e-mail, mu dear!

Ginger with a Soul said...

morning ladies and Robert - I think my last hey ho got lost in cyber posting

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert - I envy the list of bands you have gotten to see - some real classics on there. I don't think I could compile a accurate list since we do a lot of festivals and local bands among the ones we always see - Linkin Park is the one we always see - saw their 1st show here with Staind, Static X, and Stone Temple Pilots and all the others after

@Holy - waves

More pictures up of them being adorable and some of Robert Wednesday night with the guys from Florence in the Machine - they are who he was jamming with and the girl playing the piano is the keyboardist for Florence - seeing how much both Robert and Kristen love that band that had to be surreal to jam with them

Ginger with a Soul said...

Chatty Cathy that I am this am - cutest GIF :)

tufenuf55 said...


Thank you for that gif. So, so cute together!

Anonymous said...

Ginger- Awesome! Looks like its a movies to me. LOL. But cool.

tufenuf55 said...

You may already know this, but to be sure, I'm posting this news:

Kristen has been nominaed for Best Hero on MTV Movie Awards. Go there to vote for her.

Anonymous said...

I will be leaving soon. Be back later. Keep me more posted on Rob and Kristen.
Rose- Any more new ones?

PamH said...

Happy Friday everyone

@ Ginger
Thanks for the gif its so cute. OMG Scout, CJ and Suzie were so funny in some of those pics.
Seen CJ has a Coachella pic up, do you think our hobo crew are heading that way soon ? Wonder if Rob will be working again by that time, he may miss the fun if the go :/

Hope everyone has a great day !!!
It's sunny and nice ....for once

Sue from Holland said...

@Ginger, love the gif and
Rose, love the new banner.
Oh and I love Robert and Kristen.

Love sue

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I don't think there are any projects that have a firm filming date on either side right now. i bet if they are free they will be there with how much they love music

@Sue - ;)

Ginger with a Soul said...

New Blog up - off to drop the kiddo's off at swiming

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