The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rob and Kristen- Unsolved Mysteries

This is some good shit.
And by shit... 
I mean shit.

The 'fandom' was ablaze yesterday
(and I quote fandom because I really don't 
think most of the people in it
are actually fans at all)
because some pictures came out of 
Rob talking to a *gasp*
You better sit down.
Deep breaths
A GIRL!!!!

And as usual this community of people
didn't let me down.
Reactions were EVER so much better
than the action.

We got the Ninnies screeching 

We get the Berts whining

We get the Robsesssed preaching
(and as long as it's not with Kristen)

We get the Shaky Shippers
who flip out over everything
no matter what happens.

And of course the fans who just
believe that Rob and Kristen are together
and don't let a picture turn them into lunatics.
(like me of course!)
The few.
The sane.
The rational.
Unfortunately those fans aren't as entertaining...

So here's what I think...

Remember this picture?
I kinda cropped out the two (very pretty) girls
(didn't know if they would want to be on my blog)
who very cleverly took this picture.
It was taken the same night as the MYSTERY blonde.

What do we see?

We see Rob...eyes glowing with the white t-shirt
standing behind a group of people sitting down.
Guy with black shirt and beard
(mystery beard?)
Then we got the ever adorable
Thomas Sturridge
And then...
Yeah. The same one.
She's sitting next to Tom in this picture...
So we can assume he knows her?
And the girls who took the picture said it was Sienna.
Kinda makes sense.

Needless to say
whoever she is?
Obviously a friend of this group.

Ah yes.
The picture of Rob getting his 'flirt' on
Well... according to the fools who keep screaming 
Rob is single!
But who also are the first to claim that Rob has sold his soul
to Summit for untold riches and kingdoms
if he is in a fauxmance with Kristen.
So what is he?
Single? PR relationship?
He can't do both... can he?
He can't 'pretend' to be with Kristen
for the sake of movie box office
and take weekends off?
How does that work?
You can't just howl PR when it's a convenient excuse
to explain Rob and Kristen being together...

If you look at this picture...
You see Mystery beard
(I demand to know who he is!!)
The lucky blonde.
And of course... Rob.
So who is she?
(Is it wrong that I envy her for being sandwiched 
between Tom and Rob?)

Is it Sienna?
There is talk of her sister Savannah being in NYC
and I can see her hanging with this group.
But honestly...
Does it REALLY matter?

It shouldn't.
But in this fandom...
People pounce on what they can to 
fit their agenda.

Rob is talking to someone
who is obviously in his group of friends.
That's all you see.
He's laughing... drinking
He's having a good time.

He's not sad. Or timid.
Or a cheater.

If you want to take something so ordinary...
so normal
and try to make it out to be some sort of salacious revenge?
Some BIG drama?
Enjoy it while you can.

Keep in mind the time Rob was next 
to a girl in a car
THE BIG DEAL that became
Whatever happened to that girl?
What was her name?
Never to be seen near Rob again.

And although they are keeping a low profile
right now...
and I don't blame them at all
I have no doubts where Rob's heart is.
(and every other part of him... most days of the week)
With Kristen.
Why do I say that?
Because of what I've seen.
What I know.

And until I see otherwise?
It's what I believe.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Kristen 
out and about wearing Rob's newly acquired
NYC beanie?

So I will focus on what is to come.
Rob and Kristen

Because that's how they always end up.

This post is brought to you by one of my very
favorite movies quotes... ever.
I have it in my bio on Twitter...
because truth is fucking truth.

The past and the future is a joke to me now. 
I see that they're nothing. 
I see they ain't here.
 The only thing that's here is You - and Me.

Until next time

Bye for now


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Ginger with a Soul said...

Death Cab for Cutie - You Are A Tourist

DollSpirit said...
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DollSpirit said...
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Ginger with a Soul said...

@Doll Spirit - not sure - I doubt it but who know people have fake names and multiple names here already so I can't say for sure

I said it in response to something Om said - cause she was frustrated at the hate she was seeing so I was basically telling her not all the hate gets a blind eye - sometimes those being vicious do get dealt with. A lot of the blogs have started tracking IP's and reporting stuff to try to limit the bashing going on as well.

Kami said...

LOL at the risk of sounding very ignorant...what is a Cybermeli? I know absolutely NOTHING about Twitter, and anything I do know is because someone shares something with me. I think my friends can attest to the fact that I am Twitter challenged and I am guessing that is what the Cybermeli is about...LOL HELP please, cause I am dying to know.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - I am trying to figure out how to answer that LOL - uh she is like CK just a lot older?

Ginger with a Soul said...

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

I hope you guys don't get the meth commercial before this because those ones are horrifying

DreamerKind said...

Hello, everyone.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DK - Hola Chicky

DreamerKind said...

Nice to see you!

Quite the lovely tunes.


Kami said...

Ginger, Oh dear Lord if it's like that CK must be destroyed!

DK, feeling no pain at the moment so yes I am better thanks for asking. Is it odd for me to say a root canal has been a good experience? LOL It's just been a million times easier than the one I had before.

DollSpirit said...
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Ginger with a Soul said...

@DollSpirit -you can be anyone you want to be on the net unless you invite someone into your real life. People usually give themselves away with how they "talk" besides wolves usually don't hide well since they always try to eat the sheep - they get hungry eventually.

DollSpirit said...
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DreamerKind said...

Hey! Rose keeps her eye on IP's, in case wolves are hanging around, for sure.

DollSpirit said...
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DollSpirit said...
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Ginger with a Soul said...

@Doll Spirit - I agree - I am very selective who I let in my life - not so much for me but my children but I have friends in here that I have allowed into my life so no shame in my game. There are actually some really sweet people here that I would love to see in person and I think we would have a complete blast. Not sure about green sheep - maybe just the skeptic in me - trust is earned not a given

DollSpirit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ginger with a Soul said...

@DS - I hope it is ok to shorten your name - please just call me Ginger (which is not my real name). I agree - there are fantastic people on here and yes everyone should be wary about who they talk to or invite into their personal life - I play on line video games too and boy their are some oddballs on there (The movie Hard Candy comes to mind). Being guarded and weary is not always a bad thing - this is a weird scary world we live in. Plus you have to be afraid of people talking about you - well not me - I live a pretty simple life on purpose although I have my days.

DollSpirit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ali mac said...

Dollspirit Ginger didn't mean any of the regs here have multiple names, I think she meant the visitors we get now and again that try to get us riled up with mean things they say.

ali mac said...

Sleep well all my friends on the other side of the pond :) sweet dreams.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DS - night

@Ali - Morning too you

ali mac said...

Ginger are you not going to bed tonight lol

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Ali - LOL I fried my brain at work and haven't been able to turn it off yet - probably in an hour or so

ali mac said...

I'm just about to start getting my two out to school, catch you later :)

DreamerKind said...

Goodnight/good morning, sweet dreams.

@ali mac
Have a good day!

I like the real you, too.

I'm flitting around, but still checking in.

Birdie said...

Still up DK?

ali mac said...

Hi DK and BIRDIE I've plenty to today but I haven't found any motivation yet!! Have a great day both of you.

DreamerKind said...

I am still moving around but fading fast from all of my activities this weekend.

Birdie said...

Good morning and good night alimac and DK. Later!

ali mac said...

GINGER after our chat about Marilyn Monroe the other day I decided to watch "My week with Marilyn" I was just wondering if anyone else had watched it. It just made me feel sad for her!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Ali - I have never seen it but I have always thought she lived a really sad life.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


I just finished reading The Killing of Kennedy. They mention that no pills were found in her stomach. They think she was murdered by drugs put in through anal route and then removed. Ugh. She was having affairs with both Kennedy brothers. No one knows for sure who did it. It was a professional job

ali mac said...

SUPER and GINGER, the movie was based on a very short period of her life and it's meant to be true and if so she was a really mixed up sad and lonely woman who seemed to crave the love and affection of men and had a fear of being left alone. The movie was good but it did leave me feeling very sad for her :(

SUPER I think she ended up messing with the wrong people!!

Emily said...

Oh god, the last thing we need is another CK,

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Super/Ali - Yeah I had always heard the rumor the she might have murdered because the Kennedy connection. I do think she was looking for someone to love her - probably found it in the wrong place

@Emily - I agree - one is more than enough to last a life time

Litmom said...

Morning, Roseland!

Teacher workday. Yuck - and I'm (obviously) not getting much work done. Meetings all afternoon, though. :-/.

I missed DollSpirit, boo - but interesting that Cybermelli's name came up. (LOL, Kami - "what is a Cybermelli?") Kinda freaky, those dolls she collects. They would give me nightmares. Used to follow her on Twitter, but X'd her when I cleaned house this summer. No negative tweeters on MY Twitter anymore!

I never learn anything new on Twitter, though. I do follow Gio, and when he's on a roll, watch out. I admire him so much; he sounds like a great dad. And Jack Morrisey - love him.

Hope you're all having a great Monday! Can't wait until Friday - I'm going to NOLA to see my daughter! Woo Hoo!

Kami said...

LOL Litmom, I couldn't figure out what a Cybermelli was, it sounded like people were saying "Cybersmelly" Which gave me odd images of people doing scratch and smell on their computer monitors.

As for people with large number of dolls, and I'm not knocking it at all, but here's an interesting creepy fact about Dolls. They were first used back in ancient times as a vessel that the living would sit out for their deceased loved ones to occupy when the dead wanted to communicate with the living. So given everything else I know by 'cybersmelly' I'm going to say the dolls make her a lot creepier than I first thought.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Litmom - I have her blocked but got the eyeful cause I follow Gio too - he is really funny in his responses to people in general - witty banter back and forth and yes he seem very devoted as a father. He was on a roll the other day. Om brought her and her nasty twin up - just letting her know not all the ugly goes unnoticed. I have actually watched more and more people reporting, logging, and sending the extreme stuff which is a good thing - not just for these 2 in general - but as a whole for cyber bulling. I think a lot more people took notice after that 16 yr old did that you tube video than killed herself recently. Sometimes words hurt worse than a physical blow

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - greeeat - that helps my fear with dolls so much more ;)

PamH said...

Can't get over seeing TomStu with his clean shaven face I wonder if he did it for his next project or if it was for his baby girl. When I see the pics of him and SM holding hands walking down the street it makes me wish people hadn't hounded Rob and Kristen about their relationship and showed so much hatred in the beginning because I think they would have showed the world how much they loved and adore each, both seem to be very affectionate people, and been very carefree about it. But once the craziness started it made them very guarded and I Totally Understand why they are.

Getting a little closer everyday to promo...can't wait to see what she wears and to see them side by side again :-)

Kami said...

While tomorrow might is AN AMAZING F^$CKING DAY!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Ugh I feel shitty looking at it but OMG finally a picture of them together from their date Saturday - yes I am a selfish person but I had to look.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Skip if you want but this is for my non twitter friends that want to see Rob and Kris together

Hate the source but it is what it is

Ginger with a Soul said...

And sorry it is from last night not Sat - my freaking TL is flying like crazy

Ginger with a Soul said...

Here is RP Life's Link not to give ET the Hit

Omoiyari said...

what can I say
I make the good choice.ehhehehehe
cyberfart , ck and these women had to be wrong, and they were.

ali mac said...

GINGER I looked too :0)

BubbleeChick said...

Wowza and yippeee!!!!!!

If any of you watched the early seasons of ANTM, I'm beyond Twirling I'm doing the SWIRL. LOL!!!

Happy to see them out and about!!!!!

parker said...

i wish i had more time to read this blog more often and quickly cos often by the time i find the time, the comments i want to reply to have kind of passed but i do want to comment on something PL said.

@PL, i hope not – to your comment about your days here being numbered. i get you. i think a devil’s advocate always makes the conversation interesting. i also think you have a dry sense of humour. i find myself laughing a lot at your comments – you know, when i finally figure out what it is you’re saying. one of the reasons why, when i discovered R&K, i kept coming back to read this blog is cos i found the commentaries to be smart, not too fangirly, varied and discussions were not merely focused on rob & kristen – like R&K just serve as icebreakers for people to start dialogues.

i get that the membership is evolving & i think that’s the nature of blogs, messageboards, chatrooms, etc. as an open blog it’s fair game to everyone. the occasional trolls just make for an entertaining exchange. this blog seems pretty good at really filtering out the disrespectful lot though so it’s a pretty fun place to hang out.

RC said...

What's that I hear? The sound of the useless crying their eyes out. I'm sure his girlfriend Jessica is in Kristen's purse hee-hee. Sighs..I love them & I don't even know them.

ali mac said...


What you said about this blog is so true and those are the same reasons I started to comment here.

in-case anyone's looking in, hi to all the ones who don't comment any more or only seldom do ((hugs))

Ginger with a Soul said...

@RC/Parker/Ali - I don't know them either but I got to say - I am a happy girl :)

parker said...

see this is what happens when i comment on last night’s comments – everyone’s already near the finish line & twirling LOL.

@Ginger, i don’t want to look cos i’m waiting for BD2 – if that makes sense. so God help me, i may not come back here until the weekend just so I can hold off. please tell me it’s not a pap pic and gazillion taken of the same poses & expressions.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Parker - it is a pap pic. They are at a bar in Los Feliz per the description - we have only seen 1 but there is video coming tonight plus US Weekly reported them being at CM on Saturday I think but this picture is from last night and they are standing together - she looks like she is tucked into his side.

Kami said...

Parker, I really like what you said about how you picture PL. I'm pretty sure everyone knows my feelings about her, and I think you described her very nicely.
Now I am going to shut up and go take a nap.

parker said...

thanks Ginger! i guess it’s best to stay away from the net today then – the hate might reach nuclear proportion :)

good luck on twitter LOL.

Freddie said...

PL – it’s been a while since I last posted, so I don’t know if my Roseland membership card is still valid or whether it’s been rescinded, but I sure do hope you don’t stop posting. It would be for the wrong reasons. Parker expressed everything so eloquently, so I won’t try to reiterate her comments. You would definitely be missed and those of us who have had the pleasure of chatting with you for the past 2 years know for sure that you are a good person – with a wickedly wonderful sense of humour to boot. Please stay! Oh and I hope you had a great vacation and enjoyed your formal event the other night.

Kenzz – hope you had a nice weekend getaway. I wish you would pop in more often and stay longer.

Hi Kami, DK, ali mac, Super, Katy, Birdie, Hope, Parker, Ginger, bubblejoi, RC, Pam H, Litmom, Emily, Doll Spirit and everyone else that I’ve missed.

Special hello to missing friends…you know who you are. You are missed. Hope you are well.

Kami said...

Freddie, I can't speak for everyone, just myself but as far as I'm concerned you're a lifetime, card carrying memeber of Roseland and a very important and well liked member at that!

I also agree with your comments about our friend.

ali mac said...

Lovely to see you @Freddie, I hope your well :) No need to worry about membership you are always so welcome!

ali mac said...

@Kami great minds think alike lol

Freddie said...

Kami and ali mac - you both are so kind. Thanks very much. I hope life is treating you both well.

PamH said...

Omg!!!!! I post about wanting to see them side by side and go do some work and come back to see whats up and Ginger has a link to a photo.
I'm twirling so hard I'm pretty dizzy :-))))))
Wish it was a fan photo instead of a pap, but it's ssoooo good to see him holding her close all protective like

@ Liz
It's going to be crowded in LaLa Land tonight

ali mac said...

@Freddie I'm good, keeping busy in my everyday life of chauffeur, cook, laundry lady, homework helper ;) no complaints here.

parker said...

@ali, yes it’s definitely the draw to me plus rose’s style of writing is really funny.
@Kami, yes i hope PL’s comment is kinda an ala sheldon cooper’s bazinga :)
@Freddie, hi, i’ve never directly interacted with you but i’ve often wanted to reply to your posts cos i often agree with it – but again, my prob is that by the time i read it, it’s past its expiration date … like 400 comments later.

PamH said...

Do you all think they are back living in their home at Los Feliz ?

Mary said...

Parker, Freddie, Kami, and Ali,

You are all very kind. Some days, you know, I just feel like flying my bitch flag high and other's I lower it.

I did not say my days were numbered to get people to beg me back because I really hate when that is done. It's kind of an elementary school thing like saying, "I'm not going to play with you anymore," and then expect everyone to chase after you. I just sometimes think it's really not worth rocking the boat.

I've missed you because you are always so kind, even when I sense you'd like to throttle someone, lol. And so you know, STFU survived the kennel but was a little clingy on her return home.

Glad to see you reined it in this time, lol.

ali mac said...

Hi PL how did your formal night out go?

PARKER did you manage to save any of the flake to have with a cup of tea?

ali mac said...

PL our dog hates going to kennels and always eats very little while there. So this year we paid a friend what we normally pay the kennels to come in and feed him and walk him every day, he also took him to his house every evening for a couple of hours of company, he was much happier and didn't lose any weight :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I think they are - sorry work is kicking my rear after sleeping for like 3 hours last night and watching twitter - ugh

More pictures are coming

Hope said...



FREDDIE...Hey! You cannot be serious! YOU are a lifelong member/friend of ROSELAND!
How are you coming on your fall projects?

PL...Wondering if you are serious as well, but why on earth would your days be numbered!?

ALI...LOL...yep...I hold all of those job descriptions too.
After this weekend, I will add nurse.

Kami....Are you feeling better?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Freddie - Hello back :)

ali mac said...

Hi HOPE lol yes we need to be able to multi task!! Was someone sick or hurt in your house this weekend?

Mary said...


The dog was fine but I think she doesn't like the noise of the other dogs. She's not a real barky dog and noises bother her. I did have someone come over to feed the cat, but cats are more independent and smarter in that they don't eat all their food right away so a bowl of it lasts days.

As far as my date went, it was fine, very typical for that kind of thing. We had an art gallery opening to attend the next night and we bailed on that one. I am so NOT a social butterfly and really just prefer to go to a movie and dinner.

ali mac said...

PL yeah I'm a dinner and movie kind of girl too, with one or two good big nights out a year keeps me happy :)

ali mac said...

I do love to dance though, if I go out to an event with a band or disco I will dance all night!

Freddie said...

Hope – so incredibly nice to catch up with you. I hope things are well with you and the family. Did I see you are playing Nurse??????? With respect to my fall activities, I’m just about to get started. I ended up delaying my vacation by a week and I decided to make the trip to see my folks for a few days. So I’ve been helping with a few small tasks here. I’m heading back home tomorrow, then I’ll get started on my own list of tasks. I’m actually looking forward to it.

PL – so good to see you stop in. LOL…”bitch flag”. Can I use that? You’re not alone in feeling the way you do….Aww for STFU – she must have been SO glad to see you.

ali mac – I’m so glad everything is well. You sound incredibly busy. Moms are the best at multi-tasking, just like Hope said.

Parker – I can relate to the catching up on 400 comments part. I’m not able to check in as much as I used to. I’ll have to return the comment to you. So often I’ve read your comments and found myself nodding in agreement with what you write. It’s nice to get to chat with you directly.

parker said...

@PL, that elementary school image makes me smile. don’t you wish sometimes we can still do that & get away with it?

@ali, uhhh, no i inhaled the darn flakes :) my colleague promised to get me more on their next trip – wish she got me a whole pack. she’s one of those types who like to travel light. she can travel on an 18-in luggage for a week in europe with a laptop inside. what kind of girl can do that? and she’s a fashionista.

ali mac said...

Parker I'm definitely not a travel light girl and I've actually gotten worse as we holiday in a campervan which means I can take far more than I need :)

Kami said...

Ok of EVERYTHING said today, I think Parker you had my favorite comment with the Sheldon Cooper Bazinga! I love Sheldon!

PL Well I figured if I was too over the top you might hunt me down and hurt me so I figured I'd give a subdued comment...which for me that'w as as subdued as it gets

Hope I'm feeling better thanks I just sound like Minnie Mouse on Helium at the moment, I do not know why I lost my voice like I did. Ok that's a lie I know why I lost my voice, no I just have to be quiet for a few hours to get it back.

LizzieD said...



OM -- Guess you can get off that River of Denial now that there are pics out there. Are you twirling with us?

Ginger with a Soul said...

Liz - the person who has seen the pictures being shopped said people happy for them will die from happiness at the way they are looking at each other.

Hope said...

FREDDIE...I am so glad you are spending time with your parents. I remember when you did some painting for them 2 years ago. Safe travels as you head home tomorrow.
Let me join you in saying HELLO to our 'missing friends.'

ALI...our daughter was sick all weekend but she was more upset about missing her social activities. LOL
I am also the Event Planner according to my husband.
I'll say good night, sweet dreams to you now.

LIZ....I am about to have a drink... Here's to Rob and Kristen!

ali mac said...

Night Hope good to see you.

Indeed it's time for me to head to bed. Enjoy the happy day everyone, lovely to see so many here today ♥♥♥

Holy said...

Hello guys.

OMG,twitter will crash because of R/K new sightings and pics.

Twirling all the way.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Ali - night - hope I am not awake still when you get up in the morning again - eek

@Parker if the pics are anything like we are hearing on twitter my guess is Rose will have a new post up with them once they are out - You will have to cover your eyes so you can save the memories for the premiere. I get your reasoning to want to savor it.

Holy said...

@Liz,are you ready for the party at Liz Lala land.I will bring alcohol and soda's.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - you pretty much have the same time line as me - like 100 tweets per 10 mins - thousands today alone ahh but most are so happy. Going to take you forever to catch up on them

Litmom said...


Holy said...

@Ginger-I know and every tweets are is shouty caps.It looks like Christmas in October.Kristen/Rob looks so content and happy though.I'm so glad.

Kami said...

I've had a few emails asking me how I found out about the pictures because I was so excited. I uh, would like to simply say my excitement over what an amazing day it is, had nothing to do with pictures, or Rob and Kristen. I had no knowledge of the pictures when I made my comment. Sorry if I confused a few of you not my intention

Ginger with a Soul said...

Part 1 of the video I guess the rest will be tomorrow

BubbleeChick said...

RP Life has the video:

BubbleeChick said...

@Ginger - Holy Vulcan mind meld. LOL

parker said...

@Freddie, yes, hope to catch you here more often!

@Kami, yup, R&K to hyena-land – bazinga !

@Ginger, thanks for the warning LOL. my self-control is being tested but thank God for work & have to pull an all-nighter – it’s a good distraction from the temptation. i’m very happy for everyone twirling tonight though & i’m twirling right there with you all. only thing i don’t like about the whole thing – the pap who gets his bounty for the 1st shot of R&K together – bastard.

i better scoot out of here or my resolve will dissolve – have fun everyone and don’t drink too much. you need the energy for the next few days, weeks.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ bubblejoi- LOL - great minds think a like

Ginger with a Soul said...

Pictures up and OMG

Birdie said...

Welcome back,Rob and Kristen. Only a matter of time. We missed the TWO of you.

Hello Roseland. Do we have some happy campers tonight?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Birdie - smiling all day long

Ginger with a Soul said...

We are getting more pictures - Twitter is going to break tonight

Annie said...

Good evening all!
What a great evening it is too. :) :) :) :)

Birdie: You can bet I am one of those happy campers. :)

Just watched ET............Just more :) :) :) :)

Ginger: Has Twitter fallen apart yet?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - not yet but good grief I am shocked but there are more photo's coming so it may happen- at one point I had a 100 tweets per 5mins - I can imagine people who follows tons of people. I will throw the link up when we get it

Mirah121178 said...

wowwwwwwwwww.....happy for them. Tks Ginger wz soul, bubblejoi, liz, keep believing them. I think all of you have paranormal instinct. And Monica...look at Kristen..she looks better...thank LORD. I believe in Love.

DreamerKind said...

Twirling As We Believe

Closer To Free


Everybody wants to live
How they wanna live
And everybody wants to love
Like they wanna love
And everybody wants to be
Closer to free

Everybody wants respect
Just a little bit
And everybody needs a chance
Once in a while
Everybody wants to be
Closer to free

Everybody one
Everybody two
Everybody free

Everybody needs to touch
You know now and then
And everybody wants
A good good friend
Everybody wants to be
Closer to free

Everybody wants to live
How they want to live
And everybody wants to love
Who they want to love
And everybody wants to be
Closer to free

Thank you/RockPopInfo

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - my twitter just crashed

@Marah :)

Litmom said...

Seriously - mine crashed too. And I hardly follow anyone. It's all the retweets!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Limom - I just back in - the pics are new and during the day - and I just got booted again

Kami said...

Ginger, I have a question...I know you said something earlier, but I have a headache and I just took some heavy duty medication and I'm not at my best so I'm sorry if you've already addressed this, but I prefer to ask then try and find a comment, so please forgive me.

The pictures, are the Paparazzi pictures and videos or something a fan took?

BubbleeChick said...

As Rob and Kristen fans you get used to alternating periods of feasting and famine. This is definitely a feast day. I'm loving it.

BubbleeChick said...

Seems like Rob and Kristen broke twitter.

DreamerKind said...

Happy Monday, Darlings!

So good to see Freddie, Ginger, Litmom, Hope, PamH, Kami, bubble, Annie, Holy, ali, LIZ, and anyone I've missed!

Soon to celebrate and twirl around for a long, long while.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - they are all pap - hence why I warned it encase you don't want to look

Ginger with a Soul said...

@bubblejoi - I am scared to refresh - every time I do I get kicked so I just wait it out and then get blasted

LizzieD said...

I'm starting to feel "creepy" about some of these pics. It's obvious that they are being followed now by the paps.

As happy as I am to see them ... now I've seen enough. Rob & Kristen don't look happy in the pics taken today, outside a restaurant? They appear to be stressed, especially Rob, like they know the paps are there lurking.

Guess we can't have it both ways. We want to see them but we also want them to be happy ... and they can't be with the paps all over them.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - he looks pissed in the ones from today

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Evening ROSELAND

Well well well...OOOOOHHHHH ALL IS WELL!!!!! :). Haters, how are you guys doing today?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Super LOL - :)

Kami said...

Like I said I knew you had addressed the source.

I appreciate you warning everyone of where they came from and I do not fault you or anyone else for wanting to look at them. That is your right and more power to you.

What I am going to say is about the Paparazzi and not commenting on anyone who is wanting to look at those pictures. So Please no one take personal offense to this please.

These Paparazzi that took these pictures are cut from the same cloth as those assholes who took those pictures this summer, they're the same vile assholes who have followed Kristen and Rob all over the world swarming them and making their lives a living hell. These are the same vile sorts of people who followed Rob around L.A. one entire and when he was concerned that they were going to cause him to hurt someone or himself while driving they are the same asses who stood by and took pictures of him talking to the police and asking for help.

They're the same asses who shout horrible things at actresses and actors things like "Bitch, whore, slut" trying to get a reaction from any of them so that they can take a picture and sell it to the highest bidder.

They're happy sweet pictures and I am glad to see Rob and Kristen together, I'm not faulting anyone for looking at them or posting them, because I have looked at them myself.

I just ask that while we're looking at these sweet pictures we all remember that the happy paparazzi pictures probably feel as invasive and horrible to Kristen and Rob as the vile and disgusting photos that go to the highest bidder.

Like I said I'm in a glass house myself and can't cast stones...but at the same time remember those assholes get money from good pictures and then they would sell their own mother for the opportuntiy to take a scandalous picture next week.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - I get your point I do - it is all about personal choice. No different from posting Tom pics or all the other stuff - I for one was happy to see them last night.

Ginger with a Soul said...
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Ginger with a Soul said...

Does anyone else follow the Polo - whoever that is needs to be given a high five and an award for having one of the best senses of humor in this fandom

Ginger with a Soul said...

Oh and not to put anyone off if I don't respond - trying to watch my Broncos loose ....again

Kami said...

Like I said you warned everyone Ginger, I'm taking a swipe at you. I looked at the pictures too.

I DO hope we will not have to duel because I am watching my husband's team try and beat sorry.

I love Peyton Manning though and I'm glad he's playing again.

Holy said...

Yes,twitter are crashing because of R/K.


@gargamel- where are you,it's twirling time.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - see that is where we will have real issues - sigh just kidding !! I am not a Manning fan and didn't know how the hell I was going to cheer my damn team on with him in the lead - seems I am just screaming at the TV - we are so going to loose.

DreamerKind said...

I agree Polo is very funny and a bright spot on Twitter.

I'll be taking a glance at the paps pics and video, and waiting for official shots of Rob, who's presenting tonight at the 19th Elle Women In Hollywood awards presentation to Uma Thurman.

Of course, I'll view any other promo/awards events for both of them. Not planning to continually click on the links to moneygrubbing rags, etc.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DK - much love to you :)

@Kami - my daughter just slammed her books down and walked out the room and said she couldn't watch it anymore

LizzieD said...

DK -- Oh Happy Day !!!

Hope I didn't wake you when I called you this afternoon ...

Back to work for me, hate to be missing this party but I'M TWIRLING!!!

Pisteuo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tufenuf55 said...

New pics on Robsten Dreams of Kristen and Rob out with friends and those damned paps found them. Rob looks like he could kick their asses!!!

Kami said...

Pisteuo...hmm I like it. I liked Dollspirit too though. Thanks for the comment, I sometimes get on my soapbox about things, I do try not to, but eh I'm human. lol

Ginger, my husband is cussing, LOUDLY about the way the game is turning out. He keeps yellng at the tv "It's PEYTON MANNING YOU NEVER ALLOW HIM AN OPENING HE'LL KILL YOU!!" lol

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - see Denver and their second half come backs has me biting my freaking nails til the end. I could however here the child screaming TD through the house

@ Pisteuo - LOL either or was good

Back to Football

tufenuf55 said...


I just was doing a search for "Kristen Stewart" and started typing "Kristen Patti..." before I realized what I was typing. Talk about your Freudian slip (maybe wish). It made me smile, smile, smile. :)))))))

PamH said...

I have a feeling that all R&Ks friends probably crashed at their house after late night at bar and once everyone came alive the next day found some food ( daytime picks look like their leaving a restaurant ) bad thing is it looks like the papz have followed them the whole time :-(

Rob's Germs shirt is very fitting, it's exactly what the papz are like a nasty Germ you can't get rid of.

tufenuf55 said...


Kristen Pattinson.

Who's with me on this? COME ON!!!!


DreamerKind said...

Love this new moniker! Inspiring (like you!).

DreamerKind said...

I'm partying on down with soon to arrive, pizza, wings and garlic bread! Oh, and Pinot Noir. Am happy for RK and myself, since we all are choosing our "happy".

DreamerKind said...

I heart your sentiment, but am not rolling down that slippery slope of what I know not.

Heard the phone but when I am in dream states, not gonna answer. Love my dream reality so much! Lots of love, romance, sex and fantasy, will do the trick for me in that divine space. Better than real!

Mary said...

That's not hard to say, lol. I hope no one shortens it to Pis, lol.


I agree 100%. We can't have it both ways, hate the "bad" pics and rant at the pappz, and twirl over the ones we like. No matter how you look at it, these photos are invasive. I wouldn't want to have to think that every time I was out someone was trying to capture it.

For me, pics with fans are the best, as long as permission has been granted. Fan accounts might be a little invasive too, but at least they are enthusiastic over them because they are happy to see them and not because they will make money off of it.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Holy shit come backs

Annie said...

DK: Darn it! You're killing me here. :)
It's 11PM and I'm craving pizza, wings and garlic bread! :)

@tufenuf55: :)

@Pisteuo: Love the meaning of that word. I also liked Dollspirit but understood why you felt a need to change it.

tufenuf55 said...

I recently read that if Kristen and Rob had just been "real" in their relationship early on (holding hands like Tom & Sienna) the fans wouldn't have been so insane. The person who wrote that have no idea what they are talking about. Remember when Rob was filming Remember Me and the first time he walked down the street without bodyguard and was almost mauled by female fans. Kristen and Rob never had that opportunity. It's quite sad that they never were able to be just a "normal" couple.

Kami said...

Ginger that loud screaming you hear coming from the southeast is my husband screaming obscenities at the tv, Phillip Rivers and every Charger on the field! lol

tufenuf55 said...

Rob to Attend ELLE Magazine's Women in Hollywood Gala Tonight October 15th. He's going to present award to Uma Thurman, his co-star in Bel Ami. They were both soooo good in that movie.

Annie said...

PL: It's six of one, half dozen of another........Fan pics and accounts many times border on being equally as invasive as those of the apps.
The ones of Rob in NYC dining with friends were to the best of my knowledge taken by fellow patrons, not paps.

The paps know where Rob and Kristen (and other celebrities) are many times because of postings on Twitter.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - I had them as losing this one - I am in awe

Kami said...

PL I am like you, I like the pictures that are taken with Rob and Kristen's permission or any celebrity actually of them and their fans, and posted on their Facebook or twitter sites. I like those pictures.

Like you lol I hope no one shortens the name to Pis...of course since you and I do a lot of the name shortening for my part I will promise Pisteuo I will not shorten your name...Promise! lol

Tuff, I know, don't you find it absolutely ridiculous that people who have never met Kristen, Rob or anyone else for that point, think that they know what's best for them? I agree with you...crazy.

The truth is, no matter how Rob and Kristen choose to act in public and towards each other someone, somewhere is going to find something wrong with their actions. So I hope for their sake, that they do exactly what they want to do. If they want to keep their relationship private then they should be allowed to, if they want to go public, same thing, if they decide to move on and not be romantically involved, I would be sad because they seem like a good couple, but it's their lives and I would wish them well.

End of the day they are human and I firmly believe that no one has a right to stick their nose in someone else's relationship.

Ok I'm REALLY going to put away this soap box...honest.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - Yup - fans are getting paid for pictures at this point.

@Kami - these last half games are raising my anxiety LOL - my kids asked me to stop yelling at the TV

Kami said...

Yeah my husband practically has smoke coming out of his ears right about now and is screaming so loudly at the tv the dog has gotten aggravated and has gone downstairs and gotten inthe bed. The Broncos, as you know have always been a comeback team. Not so much since Elway retired but with Peyton, they are dangerous especially in the 4th quarter.

Mary said...


That's why I said fan pics with permission. Maybe if they are seen out and about more the frenzy for pics will die down.

I wanted you to know I got a Keurig insert to use with your own beans and it works great as long as you buy paper filters to go inside of it. If not, some of the grounds come through.

Kami said...

Annie, thank you for what you pointed out, I agree with you about the fans who take the hidden phone pictures of someone in a restaurant or a bar and then post them with some kind of bogus story. It goes without saying that wasn't the kind of fan picture I was talking about and of course I cannot speak for PL but I would think she feels the same way about that as we do. I meant, speaking only for me...the pictures that fans ask permission to take and that Rob and Kristen willingly participate in. Thank you for point that out.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - I think Fox tore into their butts at half time for them to pull that out. Gah - always the second half

Annie said...

PL & Kami: We'll see.

PL: You prefer the paper filters over the reusable one?

Mary said...

I use a paper filter inside of the reusable. The reusable was $15 on Amazon, Eco filter I think it was called. The paper filters are pricey compared to normal size ones but it works the best. I grind my own beans so it uses about 1 scoop of beans.

Pisteuo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie said...

PL: I'll try the paper filters as well. I do have the reusable filter..........Thanks. :)

DreamerKind said...

LOL! Hey!

Pisteuo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tufenuf55 said...

How cute is our Rob tonight at the ELLE Gala? Sigh...

tufenuf55 said...

Robsten Dreams have all the photos:

Uma, Anna and Elle with Rob

Annie said...

Off to bed........Goodnight or Good morning all. :)

tufenuf55 said...

And YES...he is our Rob and we will protect him and root for him and his BBG Kristen for as long as it takes.

so says, Warrior Tufenuf55!


tufenuf55 said...

Yea...F*&K, Yea! Sorry, have eye infection and antibiotics are kicking in and making me FEARLESS!

tufenuf55 said...

For those who love Bond movies and Daniel Craig in general (like me) he is on Jimmy Fallon tonight EST

tufenuf55 said...

Loved the Jimmy Fallon with Robert Pattinson episode. Rob was such a willing sport. Oh, so funny!!! Check youtube if you haven't seen it.

tufenuf55 said...

It took me three minutes to write last post. Forgot to mention I have a (repeat..."a") glass of wine with the antibiotics. Not gonna have another. :O

Kami said...

Ginger, congrats on your team beating the Chargers, my hubby is still angry lol keeps mumbling in his 'semi sleeping state' 'never ever give Peyton a chance!"

Tuff, I've had more than my share of eye infections over the last couple of years, moving to different areas and having allergies to the trees and flowers there and I can assure that you have my heartfelt sympathy. Very few things in life are as irritating as when your eyes are hurting. Unlike other things when your eyes, head or mouth are hurting you cannot forget about the pain. So I hope you feel better.

Pisteou, I ALMOST inadvertenly gave you a new name after I promised I wouldn't. I have had to slow down and letter by letter write your name because in my 'drugged' state, I have written out a response to you three times and each time I've called you 'Pistol" so anyway thanks, I'm glad you agreed with my soap rants tonight. I'm trying to keep them at a minimum...I don't always succeed...I'm overly should hear my thoughts on the election lol.

DreamerKind said...

Καληνύχτα (Kaliníhta)

Kami said...

Miss DK, I hope you don't mind, but I sent you a letter. I need some advice on something.


Offline said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

hey I like your site so much. check their latest updates,

DreamerKind said...

I'll give my best advice to all, as usual. Garlic, garlic, garlic.

Otherwise, I don't advise, rather only believe in everyone's divine ability to create their own reality, based on our true selves, as LOVE itself.

DreamerKind said...

Sorry, Sweets, about the cravings. It was 11pm here, when I ate those foods, but I have no girlish figure to maintain these olden, golden days. My choice of course, and not necessarily a wise one, but happy me!

ali mac said...

KAMI I like the new picture in your avi, very cute :)

Has Dollspirit changed her name to Pisteou? I see all these comments about it but nothing from her saying she was doing it! I'm a bit confused.

Annie said...

Morning Ali Mac:
Yes, she did but it appears she deleted that comment for some reason.
It was originally posted at 9:21.

How are you this morning?

DreamerKind said...

Very entertaining Rob for Uma Thurman!

DreamerKind said...

@ali mac & Annie
Top of the Mornin/Dark of the Night, to ya!

Annie said...

DK:You're still up? Why am I surprised. :) :)

DreamerKind said...

You just got up? Not surprised either. :) :)

Too happy to sleep and food does make energy to be burned.

ali mac said...

Morning Annie & DK, I'm good this morning. Annie are you getting up or going to bed?

ali mac said...

DK some of the pictures form last nights Elle awards are very cute, I love the faces he pulls when giving a speech or during interviews =) just one of his good qualities!!

DreamerKind said...

Crazy On You

Heart (1977):

We may still have time
We might still get by
Every time I think about it
I want to cry

With the bombs and the devils
And the kids keep coming
Nowhere to breathe easy
No time to be young

But I tell myself
That I'm doing alright
There's nothing left to do tonight
But go crazy on you

My love is the evening breeze
Touching your skin
The gentle sweet singing of leaves
In the wind

The whisper that calls
After you in the night
And kisses your ear
In the early light

You don't need to wonder
You're doing fine
And my love, the pleasure's mine
Let me go crazy on you

Wild man's world is crying in pain
What you gonna do
When everybody's insane

So afraid of fortune
So afraid of you
What you gonna do?

Crazy on you
Let me go crazy on you
I was a willow last night
In my dream

I bent down
Over a clear running stream
I sang you the song
That I heard up above

And you keep me alive
With your sweet flowing love
Crazy, crazy on you,
Let me go crazy, crazy on you

Thank you/ilovesouthernrock

DreamerKind said...

Yes, I so agree, very expressive. Did you read his presentation speech? Charming, disarming, pert and plucky. Rather brilliant, done his way.

Birdie said...

Morning Annie, alimac and DK,
A lovely one it is!

Rob looked dashing as usual last night and I hope we get to hear his speech.

I hear you all on the subject of pap pics and wish there was an easy answer. I think for the most part, most fans just want to know they are OK(even though it is not our business). We don't need a chronologue of their daily activities. Greed is nearly impossible to stop. As long as there is a demand those leeches will continue. Unfortunately, these two are very charismatic and people find them interesting. Between a rock and a hard place.

DreamerKind said...

True, we can choose to go back to square one, or move forward without fretting, over every single day that passes, without a sighting.

Many seem to have backed off and now that they have seen them, feel there has been, a sort of closure. I'll still avoid those on gargamel's list, and not feed the beast, especially on here.

Birdie said...

I concur. What are you up to today other than sleep?

ali mac said...

Morning Birdie :)

DK yes it was defiantly done in his own special way. He is so charming without really believing he is ( another quality lol)

I have now done a sufficient amount of housework and I will treat myself with a look round the shops :)

ali mac said...

Definitely* I hope Robert doesn't see this. I blame my tablet though lol

DreamerKind said...

I'm waiting for the sun to rise, wearing a gift that came today from a lovely young woman who made it for me (a gemstone necklace), and thinking about this piece someone sent to me:

Sensual Moon Energy

"Do you find you wake up around 3 or 4am each night?

Next time this happens, remember this poem from Rumi and don't go back to sleep.
These hours before dawn are when you are close to Source, and a great time of inspiration and creativity.

Put your feet on the floor, get out of bed, feel the morning breeze, and listen to your inner thoughts.

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth
across the door-sill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep". - Rumi

Birdie said...

That certainly pertains to me. I wake between 3-4 AM everyday. I blame my kids. When they were young, this was my favorite "alone" time. Actually, it is still my favorite time of day.
Now, I have to head off to work. Busy, cross-country meet and the debate. Maybe I will see you tonight?

Birdie said...

A gem for a gem! I love jewelry with gemstones. I have found a few sources that have very pretty pieces.

DreamerKind said...

All of my life I have loved the deepest, dark night and early dawn.

Not until my working life ended, did I find my beloved niche to live in and just be.

As Rumi said, I believe the door, where the two worlds touch, is open to ask for what you really want, and that inspires!

Feeling good.

DreamerKind said...

Amazing that you awaken like that!

You are so connected, to the all in all, I believe. Hope to be here with you again soon.

DreamerKind said...

Catch The Breeze

Feeling Good

Nina Simone:

Birds flyin' high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me
And I'm feelin' good

Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River runnin' free
You know how I feel
Blossom on the tree
You know how I feel

Dragonfly out in the sun
You know what I mean
Don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun
You know what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world for me

Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Yeah, freedom is mine
And I know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feelin'

Thank you/TamaraConnolly

DreamerKind said...

We Don't Live Here No More

John Denver:

Make believe your on a boat
Without water around
Picture yourself at a circus
Without any clowns
Pretend that you're on a highway
Without any end

Then empty the ashtray
Sweep up the floor
Put a lock on your door
If somebody calls in the morning
Just say
We don't live here no more

Draw me a picture of an island
Without any sea
Show me a map of the whole world
Without boundaries
Build me a home
Without windows or doors
To go in

Dream of a time
When the tides ebbing now
Rise again
Then you will know that to die
Is not really to end
Living and dying are both
Your most intimate friends

So empty the ashtray
Sweep up the floor
Put a lock on your door
If somebody calls in the morning
Just say we don't live here
No more

Thank you/catbrush1234

DreamerKind said...

Little Darlin's, here comes the sun. I've done my chores and wrote what bores, and soon, snores will soar.


ali mac said...

One of my favourite times of day during the winter is about seven in the morning when it's just light and on a cold frosty morning if you go for a walk in the countryside the spiders webs between the trees are covered in frost and the sun is just starting to shine and making the webs sparkle, it's really beautiful :0)

( I don't like spider webs at any other time though lol )

Annie said...

Morning! Morning!
Ali mac: I was getting up. :)

It's a windy morning here.......I love winter mornings too. There is a small park where I live but I just love walking through Central Park.

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