The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You Know Less Now

Random Rose.

1. I adore Rob and Kristen.
Let's get that straight right now.
Both of them.
Together or separately...
I will always be their fan.
I will ALWAYS be on their side.
And I can't tolerate trashing/insulting
of either of them.
Enough of the conspiracy theories
and talk of 'war' between Rob and Kristen.
Complete Bullshit.
Leave. Them. Alone.

2. This fandom is so fucked right now.
If I ever thought it was fucked before...
Man oh man
This latest drama has really shown me
that I had no idea just HOW fucked it is.

Every little thing...
Every minute detail
Brings about so much hate
so much angst
so much worry
so much drama.
It's so TEDIOUS.
Isn't it?

I have a feeling that Rob and Kristen 
are handling this SO MUCH BETTER
than their fans.
Know why?
Because they know what is going on.
They have the luxury of truth and knowledge...
Perspective and reality.

"They’re reacting to what they think they know,
 but they don’t know."
~David Croneberg

“People are just going to write the movie version of your life
 and consume it the way they please,
I get the inclination to be entertained by that as well,
so go for it.
 Have at it. Take it. Take it.
But you knew nothing about my relationship before. 
You know less now.
 How could you?"
~Kristen Stewart

Sometimes Kristen hanging out with girlfriends
is just Kristen hanging out with girlfriends.
Sometimes Rob driving somewhere doesn't
have to mean the apocalypse is upon us.
Sometimes a truck parked in your own driveway...
is just a truck parked in your driveway.
Someday you will have to realize that 
we see flashes of their lives.
Surely you don't really believe that anyone can
obtain extensive knowledge of what people are 
thinking and feeling with just a moment caught on camera?

You think you know?
You think Gossip Rags know?


3. I've been rather busy with "REAL LIFE"
(not fake life...mind you)
Someone close to me has a terminal illness.
I have some travel coming up.
So my fandom participation has been
and will continue to be sporadic.

So I have no desire to spend what online time I do have
with bullshit... you know?
Life is too fucking short.
Sometimes you have to learn that the hard way.

Rob and Kristen will be OK.
They will do what is best for their relationship.
And isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
They will figure it out.
(Hopefully they will get the fuck outta LA
and find a nice quiet isolated spot to do just that)
I have complete faith in both of them.
What we want... or don't want
 doesn't matter.

 And as we all know in life,
 it’s useless to obsess about things
 over which we have no control. 

4. Someone who posts pretty regularly on this blog
(I don't think she wants to be mentioned here)
put up a link to this cartoon.
Stop being Chicken Little
and letting someone else tell you what to believe...
The sky isn't fucking falling.
You should be able to see that for yourself.

"Don't believe everything you read, Brother."

This post is brought to you by Speculation.

Sometimes it can be interesting...
Sometimes people take it too far.
Sometimes you gotta learn to sit back
and laugh at it and have fun.
Because if you're so fucking miserable
and so fucking put out by this...
Why on earth are you still here?

And this post is brought to you by 
my undying adoration of 
Thomas Sturridge

Always a bright shining light
on a sometimes cloudy day.

And by..

When will I see you again?

Until next time.

Bye for now.

Green Sheep Forever
Be happy.
It will be OK.


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Sue from Holland said...

@LizzieD, I read the HKN post. Is anyone familiar with this person and blog? I never heard of her/him before not that that is unusual, I was just wondering.

Annie said...

Good morning all.

What to say/write? How about have a nice day.
Some people are really losing their shit over lives that are not their own.......Rob and Kristen owe us nothing!

If we are owed anything at all, it is the benefit of a good performance in their movie roles.

There is what you think you know and then there is the truth!
We know nothing!

Pisteuo said...

Hey Roseland!
I hope you guys are happy and well.

Annie, I totally agree.

All the drama lamas are getting on my fucking nerves. Wish they would stop making remarks about people and situations they know NOTHING about.

Rob and Kristen are two grown "real" people. They are not Edward, Bella or two characters in a fanfic. They are not your "kids". And they sure as hell don't need people telling them what they should/should not do.

People really need to just back the fuck off and leave them and their friends alone!!

If you are a true fan, then support them as individuals and not as a "relationship". That belongs to only them.

Later, Roseland!

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Amen Sista !!! Love you. Have a good week:)))


Good Morning I hope Manhattan is lovely today:)))


No worries !!!

LizzieD said...

HI ROSELAND!!! HAPPY MONDAY!! I wanted to say "hello" before working for the next 12/14 hours.

elizabeth matherlywolf -- Glad you feel better. Nobody really knows anything but I think it's okay to believe the best.

ARLEEN -- Glad you are doing well, have a nice day!!

sue -- HKN -- just discovered them last week on Twitter, though someone recommended. I have no idea if ANY truth involved. It's just interesting and positive!!!

ANNIE -- Good morning, you are right that Twitter was in a tizzie yesterday evening, good grief!! So glad to see nice pics of Kristen, tho!! Glad she's safe back at home.

PIST -- I'm sorry if referring to R & K as "our kids" offends you. But, ON THIS BLOG, they are the reason we are here and it doesn't matter if they are together or separate, the majority of us here are going to love and support them. The "our kids" thing is just a quick nickname that I would use ON THIS BLOG. My intentions are good even if my words don't always come out right. Am old enough to be their grandmother and that's sort of how I think of them, from afar.

LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING!!! Because Kristen looks beautiful and happy.

Annie said...

Pusteuo: Morning. I don't have a problem with the term "our kids." I think there are many peopke who feel very protective over Rob and Kristen.........How can you not be, given the over-analyzation of every aspect of their lives.

The problem comes when people insert the wants and needs of their own lives into Rob and Kristen's.
Wanting the best for them and being optimistic about their togetherness is not a negative.

Annie said...

Super: Morning!! :)

It's raining cats and dogs in Manhattan this morning!
Just about 11PM last night the skies opened up........Heavy, heavy rain and lightning.

Guess who forgot their umbrella this mirning? :)

Annie said...

Oops....Just saw I wrote Pusteuo instead of Pisteuo. Apologies.
Also peopke instead of people and mirning instead of morning.
Oy! :)

Sue from Holland said...

@LizzieD, thanks for the tip anyway.

I don't use the term 'our' kids but being in my hum hum forties I do see them as kids sometimes, age wise I could be their mother. It's also meant as a bit of an endearment plus for some reason I feel rather protective of them even if I don't know them personally. These two crawled a way into my heart that no HW star has ever done in fact I don't give a shit about the whole shallow cringe worthy plastic HW world. I always had a soft spot for Jolie/Pitt but no where near what I feel for R&K.

Anyway, cherio fellow Roselanders

Anonymous said...

Good Morning to Pist, Ginger, Holy, Annie, Lizzie, Super, Robert, DK, KK, Sue, and the rest of Roselands. Just got home from babysitting my two nieces. But I will be stepping out soon. Just running errands soon.
Super- Glad that everything is ok.
Lizzie- You too. Great comments by the way.
Well got to go now. Have duties to do.

Anonymous said...

Pisteuo & Annie- Truth nothing not going to be the same on Rob and Kristen. They will always be Bella and Edward on their movie in our hearts and our mind. I don't mind they be Bella and Edward no matter what. Its going to be in their hearts. That is what I believe. And I don't mind reading their fanfictions. Its kinda fun to me.

Kay said...

I agree, Pisteuo. Never once did they ask this over invested, effed up fandom to be part of their relationship or their friendships. I was irked this weekend listening to my mother tell me what I "needed" to do to find relationship happiness....I can't imagine how much they want to tell the everyone, well meaning and not so well meaning, to just STFU and butt out. I wish them well, I wish them happiness, and I'll always be a fan of both of them.

Take care and be safe, Roseland! ❤

Anonymous said...

By the way I got to say is I am going to miss this actor that play All in the Family show. Named Jean Stapleton. I am going to miss her and the one from Young and the Restless actress Jeanne Cooper. Rest in peace to those two. They are good actress. And they have success.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


It's raining here also... But not cats and dogs... Thank God, my 3 cats and 1 dog are all I can take care of:)))


Yes, all is good, all is well... As long as there is life, there is hope !!!


Yes my daughter would agree with you but if she would just have listened to me.., tsk, tsk !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

Sue, I also have read the GC HKN poster's comments. I honestly don't know if she is legit or not but she is the only regular poster there who seems to have a positive attitude. Plus she sounds reasonable to me (or at least her explanation does.) In any case I never post on this site because it is full of negativity and the intellect of the posters appears to be that of a 12 year old. However, I do read GC because they're the only ones who at least attempt to discredit the other rags BS.

I love R&K as a couple and I always have. Yes, they’re great separately, but they do make an adorable couple. I think I’ve referred to them as “Our Kids” myself before. (Of course I refer to R as “My Man,” which he obviously is NOT. Lol!) I don’t mean anything untoward about using that expression just as I am sure no one else on this board does either. However, if it is offense to some I won’t use it again.

Well, I’m off. I had vein surgery 10 days ago and it’s time for me to rest my old lady legs. Sigh. My hubby is scheduled to have his gallbladder removed on Friday so it's going to be a long week of doctors and hospitals for me. Meh, getting old ain’t easy folks! Lol!

Have a great week!

Annie said...

Don't forget pitchforks. That saying goes.... Raining cats, dogs and pitchforks. :)

The sun is out here now though.

Anonymous said...

Hallo Rose, Ladies and Robert

Dear Frannie,

Thank you for your comment, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Yes, in thoughts I am calling RK kids often, they are moving me and they are seducing me as a couple, my fault...
My husband and my son are laughing at obsession 42 old woman lol
Rob and Kristen, Kristen and Rob - for me -it was a love at first sigh...
It isn't now easily the old-fashioned European although after the July I promised the reserve to myself.
The mind is telling and the heart is rebelling...
It is hard to show the calm face to world, when/if the heart is broken, everyone must deal with it, I hope, that Rob and Kristen also.
I apologise to everyone for pessimistic old-continental look. It was beautiful memory, unforgettable past, charm, laughter, fremitus of the soul - that's all gave me Rob and Kristen even not knowing about it.
With wishes of the health, Helen.

Annie said...

Forget that sun............Raining buckets now!

Anonymous said...

Helen, you are very welcome! I do not believe they are toast as so many others do in various sites. If nothing else they will always be friends. They have shared an extraordinary experience together so I think it highly unlikely that they are completely and irevocably over.

I saw what you saw, girl. These two loved each other then and I suspect they always will. Sometimes a little separation is needed to bring that into view. (And sometimes it takes several separations for people to figure that out!)

I have no idea what will happen for these two romantically but I cannot imagine that they will be apart forever. I don't even really believe they are truly parted now; maybe just taking a breather to regain perspective, at most.

Take care Helen!

PamH said...

Great smiley picture of Rob from Coachella with a fan up at RPL and RD.

Holy said...

WAVES- @Ginger/Pam/Pist/Super/Atticus/Oneheart/ Annie/Lizzie/ Super/Robert/DK,K2/Sue/gargamel/Frannie/Arleen,and to those I miss.

@Pam- hey there,I really hope we don't get any pics of R/K for a while.New pics, new drama.

PamH said...

@ Holy
Hello :)
I agree, even thought I miss seeing them it is better if they go under the radar for awhile. New pics just mean new stories. Right now it's to bad only a few still writing stuff about them but for the most part it's pretty quiet.

Hello to everyone here and lurking

PamH said...

OHHHH, I meant to say right now it's not to bad

Pisteuo said...

Hey Super! Love ya too!

Lizzied, I love ya too. I just don't know why but, I cringe when I see people calling them "our kids" and then saying what they think is best for them...especially when they don't really know them. (not talking about you here) But, that's just me I guess. Oh well. I guess I think of them as "friends". Not saying I am or that I know them personally.

Annie, I hear ya and I too am protective...just in a different way I guess. And just call me Pist...not as much to type. LOL!!

Hi Arleen, I hope all is well with you and yours.

Hi Kay, thanks! :)

Frannie and Helen, I think we are all on the same page here. We all care and want the best for them.

Pisteuo said...

Hi Holy and Pam!

word verifs are killing me!!

Litmom said...

Hello, Roseland! Been lurking, just not posting...

Arleen -I love when you talk about your times with your little nieces. I'll bet they are darling and love spending time with you.

I have to confess that I have been known to say "our kids"... my bad. I think it's my age, and the fact that MY CHILD IS the same age :-/ . Plus, could be the teacher in me... But, yeah - want the very best for them, as you said, Post.

LIZZIED - always love seeing you. You, too, Super! Pam Holy, Frannie, EVERYBODY --- DITTO!!

New ears for me manana! Whoop!

Did I tell y'all my SIL Allison's cancer is back? Yeah...need some prayers.

Litmom said...

Damn auto-correct. Pist NOT Post.

Anonymous said...


Yes, we all care and want the best for Rob and Kristen.


I am a teacher too -sometimes hard to control it lol

Pisteuo said...

Hi Litmon, sorry to hear about your SIL. That sucks.
Damn cancer!!

LizzieD said...

LITMOM -- Hello!! I'm sorry to hear that your SIL's cancer has returned. Hoping she can continue to fight.

PIST -- Depending on people's age is how we refer to R & K, I guess. Where I got the "our kids" habit was a couple of years ago when emailing with another fan who is 70ish ... typical email from her would be in the subject line "any news on the kids" or "our kids" and I guess I stuck. I don't think I've ever tried to tell them what is best for them. Although I'd be lying and most everyone here would be lying if we were to say we wouldn't care if they were together or not. I believe we would all feel sadness for such a great love to be lost. BUT, I have said before in the past couple of weeks that I think we would all love them just as much individually.

HOLY -- Hope you have survived Monday ...

ANNIE -- Hope you didn't get too wet today.

HELEN -- Nice comments. I totally understand how you feel.

FRANNIE -- I agree, will be sad if they were to split.

PAMH, ARLEEN, SUPER & KAY -- Hello!! Hope you all had a nice Monday!!

I'm sorry to be so repetitive about this but I DON'T THINK THEY HAVE SPLIT!!!

LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING!!! because my new motto of the moment is "I'd Rather Drown in Delusion than Leap into a Lifeboat" ...

Anonymous said...


big hugs and I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


"Depending on people's age is how we refer to R & K, I guess. (...)I don't think I've ever tried to tell them what is best for them. Although I'd be lying and most everyone here would be lying if we were to say we wouldn't care if they were together or not. I believe we would all feel sadness for such a great love to be lost. BUT, I have said before in the past couple of weeks that I think we would all love them just as much individually." - amen to that, I wouldn't write it better.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Sorry to hear about SIL....Cancer is so common nowadays. It's scary but there are lots of alternative therapies that are intriguing to me. I hope YOU are feeling better and keep us posted about the trip to Europe !!!!


Instead of worrying about what jewelry K is wearing......or not....I am more concerned about these "videos" that cost thousands of dollars that the IRS spent on conventions in Las Vegas !!! Our tax dollars at work ???? Or how about starving children in Afghanistan???


I didn't know about the pitchforks !!!! I could use some of those....:))) Same thing here on and off and back and forth...raining for five minutes, then the sun back out !!! I guess the weather just can't make up its mind today!!!

LizzieD said...

HELEN -- Glad I made myself understood, doesn't always happen!!

ROBERT -- Are you feeling better? Whatever happened with the website?

Pisteuo said...

Super, boy isn't that the truth! Totally agreed.

sue, hello...I didn't see you earlier. Sorry.

Rob and Kristen are both OK!
Be happy, happy, happy! :)))

PamH said...

@ Litmom
Sorry to hear about your SIL, can't say enough how much Cancer Sucks. My family hopes everyday that my Aunt stays cancer free after a year long treatment for Melanoma Cancer. I hope the best for your family.

@ LIZZIED, HELEN, KAY, ARLEEN, ANNIE, PIST, SUPER, FRANNIE, HOLY and any I missed and those lurking

Anonymous said...

Litmom and Helen,

I'm a teacher too. Represent!

(Btw … I also have a son the same age as Rob. Meh ... I may be old enough to be his mother, but, I am NOT his mother! I won't apologize for thinking he is gorgeous because he transcends age imo. He's like Channel. Timeless.)

PIST: I love reading your comments!

Good night everybody!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Evening Ladies and Robert

Just popping in

@Litmom - I am so sorry to hear that - you and your SIL absolutely have my prayers :)

Waves everyone :))))))))

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Waves to you to :)))))

Anonymous said...

Hello to all Roselands! Sorry I was out all day. I was shopping for my hubby's father's day gift. And checking out for a gym. And also looking around for my daugther's birthday.

Anonymous said...

Anything while I was out. I hope I didn't missed anything.

Holy said...

Good evening ladies and gents.

@Litmom- hey there,sorry to hear about SlL,our prayers.


tufenuf55 said...


Hope you are feeling better. You are a major contributor to this blog and we miss you when you are not here.


Sorry about your s-I-l. Thoughts are with her for her.

Tried my best to stay out of "our kids" drama, but my goodness, it's still going on. I have reference them as my kids. Not going to apologize for that. Don't think Kristen and Robert would mind it at all. Really! NOT AT ALL. This is a fan blog that actually supports them together or apart. We are interested in their careers foremost and cannot wait for their next project releases. I think they would find most of us really good people who don't really feel they are "ours" but who are very, very protective over each. So, if I say, "I hope our kids are doing well", go sit in a corner and pout over it. It's America and I can say what I want. And I want "our kids" to be happy and doing well. It has no part of wanting them to include me in their lives or me wanting to be a part of their lives.

Anonymous said...

Hi, waves, and Hugs to @Ginger/Pam/Pist/Super/Atticus/Oneheart/ Tuf/Annie/Lizzie/ Super/Robert/DK,K2/Sue/gargamel/Frannie/Holy,Litmon, and the rest of the Roselands! I miss you too.
Litmon- When I got to my sister in law house this morning she had the cold and my nieces were sleeping in. I made them breakfast so by the time they wake up they will have breakfast before they go to day care. I call it school for them. Anyways my mother in law came in I told her they slept in. So I went to home. But she called me told me they love their breakfast and thanked me. for it. Then I went out all day looking around of ideas for my daughter's birthday for August. As good to be prepared. And then went to the gym I wanted to do water aerobics because it helps with joints. My knees has been acting up. And while at it shopping for my husband's father's day gift, and then paid the bills. I was out all day. Its good to go out.
Pist, Holy, Frannie, and Annie- I agree with Lizzie. I don't believe they split up. Because I have been praying for them. And like Lizzie said stay positive and have some faith. I believe in my heart. That they are together. They just like their privacy.
If I were you guys. I was telling Justice for Kristen that we all should boycotting the tabloids, webloids, and media. Included GC, People, and Eonline. Just like when you all boycotting MMA. I think if we can gather all the Robsten's sites and twitter and get together to boycotting them. I know I am boycotting them. Included the Papz. I think the celebs included our couple should all where a shirts say go away papz. Or that we are all boycotting. That they are nothing a liers. That is what I think.
Lizzied- Thanks for keeping in faith in them and us. You are a great person.
Rose- Any new ones on blog.

Pisteuo said...

OMG...state a few truths and somebody has to go all RAMBO on ya!

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

Sorry Rose, you don't need this right, I'm going to my little "corner" to get...
Happy, Happy, Happy :)

DreamerKind said...

Oh, man, Rambo is a hero to millions, and our darling teach Robert would say we can't verbalize "rambo" as a noun. But you did and I missed it and so on, and so forth. Do what you'd like here but you will not get the answers you seek. However, friends will abide with you, dulce chica.

DreamerKind said...

Am watching on the side , "Lincoln Vampire Slayer" with one eye open.

Can't dedicate two eyes when one will do, and I still have red wine left. I am close to shot but not. Love you Roselanders, i.e. Rose, i.e you.

DreamerKind said...

Heating up a filet from last night with delish wine, butter and potatoes.
Some think I care about losing some fat and impressing old loves from the past at our son's wedding. Do you?
Vote or bet and you will lose for I am, that I am. What a lark!
Taken as being 45 the other day at a garage sale, hosted by younger woman who were generous, wtf. I am rocking.

DreamerKind said...

This food is so good that mein bitte katze eats it with relish and I envy her every morsel.

Will be perhaps renting a place today. Will say, yea or nay. They say go or stay. It's ever a play or comedy. Eh?

Anonymous said...

Good night to all the Roselands! I have to get up early tomorrow. Just Keep me posted.

DreamerKind said...

Do your early thing with many blessings.

DreamerKind said...

Loud and clear

None Of Us Are Free

Lynyrd Skynyrd:

Thank you/lastritesread

Pisteuo said...

Yeah...if ya wanna get all technical and serious about it...then,
right again dear FGM...but, he was American and defended his "rights"...uh, shall we say..."extremely" passionately. LOL!!
And I thought it a better choice than "going postal", I guess that's not a verb either???
And...I have never sought answers here...just the hope that one day two people might live their lives without a constant circus following them around.
Oh well, I lose...back to my corner...taking frozen yogurt this time! Care for some dessert?

Happy, Happy, Happy!! :)))

Sue from Holland said...

@Piseuo, yep still around. Howdie.
Just came from 'Do I dazzle you', had some heavy stuff to chew, reading about us R&K subjects being psychoanalyzed, bloody hell, whatever makes you tick I suppose.
Jeez, can't depuzzle (I know I know bad English) the robot, stuck with the bot.

Sue from Holland said...

Oops, I meant Pisteuo. My T went awol.

Birdie said...

Hello all!

DK, is it wedding week? Let the festivites begin!
Robert, Sorry you are ill.
Litmom, So sorry about your SIL.
Rose, Hope all is well with you and yours.
Pist, "Nobody puts Baby in the corner"lol

Have a great day, Roselnd!

Pisteuo said...

Hey Birdie!
LOL!!...I volunteered. But, I must behave now before people start throwing stuff. But, if they must, oh please let it be m&m's and skittles!!

Have an awesome day Roseland!

Happy, Happy, Happy! :))

"entsxual pursue"
Hmmm...don't think so...but then again...

Robert said...


sorry i haven't been around much, real life refuses to follow my plans. i have had pneumonia for 10 days now my doctor thinks i may have heart disease........ ain't life grand?

and here i was thinking that having Parkinson's was plenty to deal with

anyway, going back to sleep

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! Getting ready for my Rustic Joint water aerobics. I won't be home til later. Just keep me posted. Later.

Anonymous said...

DK- Thanks.
As for the rest of you have a great morning.

Litmom said...

Good Morning, friends...
Thank you, thank you ALL for the thoughts for my SIL.

Robert - thinking of you (as I sit in the waiting room of Sox's cardiologist - his annual stress test - standard procedure since his quad bypass 17 years ago!). When it rains, it pours, right? I had pneumonia all last summer. Hang in there.

Pist - no throwing necessary...but if you'll share the M&Ms I'll be a happy camper.

Skittles story...Last Christmas my daughter's in-laws FILLED her stocking with Skittles. She HATES Skittles and couldn't figure out why they went overboard. Come to find out, her husband told them it was her favorite candy. He knew there was SOMETHING he needed to remember about Skittles...

Now, as for me...Snickers all the way, baby.

tufenuf55 said...


I really wasn't singling anyone out because there have been more than one person who don't like that some of us say "our kids". And those have a right to say whatever they want as long as they are supportive of R&K and Rose doesn't disapprove.

Honestly, didn't mean to offend, I was just saying in my, sometimes blatantly way, that I'm going to continue to do it. My mouth is always getting me in trouble. And that is the truth!!! lol

I enjoy your posts always!

tufenuf55 said...


Snickers are great and also love Three Musketeers; but fav is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.

tufenuf55 said...


As a child I had pneumonia every year until age 6. Often had bronchitis thru my twenties. I haven't had either for past 15 yrs.

I cannot imagine having to deal with that and Parkinson's. You are very special here on Rose's blog and I wish you a speedy recovery.

LizzieD said...

TUF -- And how are "our kids" today?

Sorry, didn't want to add to any drama that likely I started but couldn't resist.

PIST -- You know everyone is getting a bit "testy" because we all want to see R & K happy and even though we all like them to have privacy, it's tough being "in a drought" ...

I'm super happy because no matter what others are seeing or not seeing, I see Kristen wearing her ring AND a shirt that he bought her a couple of years ago AND a hat that may or may not belong to him but he has worn it!!! I'm sorry, these are all sure signs to me that all is well with RK. I'd like to picture them hiding out on some private island like Isle Esme!!

Kay said...

Well, dang all I want are Skittles, but all I have in my desk draw are some old peanut butter M&M's leftover from, thanks for the sugar craving, stinkers! lol

Sorry to hear about your SIL, Litmom, and I hope you feel better soon, Robert.

Take care, be safe and have a happy Tuesday, Roseland and lurkers out there! ❤

Kami said...

Pistol welcome to my world.....and if you think the corner has a good view, you should see it from way over here in Siberia

Tbell said...

We just lost a dear friend to fucking ALS, rose is helping friend that is terminal, a poster here sil has reoccurring cancer, Robert, our man, has Parkinson's and pneumonia, and many other shitty stuff we can talk about and what do I read when I try to catch up? Omg Pist, and prob Kami, goodluck in the corner but please hope ur not fretting bout this "our kids" shit lol. I feel as long as anyone comes on here and supports both rob and Kristen you can post whatever the fuck you want to. If u don't like a comment.....don't respond....I don't even know you guys how could anyone of you offend me? All I know somewhat is how u feel about rob and Kristen and that is what brought all of us here. Some of us share more some of us don't but we don't really know each other. Lets all take a deep breath and not get so defensive.

I learned early when I found this blog in august or September? to not get to personallying involved. Things would get testy here *points at self* and eventually good people left *points at u Parker* and some of the funniest ladies left this blog. I'm not a regular by any means and I'm not judging or teaching but I have a feeling we're gonna loose some more to lurking in the shadows if we all quit being so defensive and getting our panties in a bunch over every little comment lol.

Seriously...friends, family, jobs, health, electric bill, marriage, graduation, yada yada yada are way more important than Rob and Kristen any day.

Now....that is all just my I need to go to the corner to?..if so I'm taking Flipz!

Have a beautiful day. My oldest just got married to the most amazing person. Really? How can life get any better?

Kami said...
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Kami said...

Tracybell so sorry about your friend.

No worries, I like the corner, and I like Siberia not fretting at all. Seeing my 14 year old niece go through her second round with cancer, watching how chemo is kicking her rear and yet she still manages to smile, laugh and love...makes everything else seem secondary, because loved ones and friends who have stood by me during this time, friends I've had all my life, and friends I met here on this blog, are what matter.

Tbell said...

thank you. ALS sucks beause a person can't have any response at the end. Except maybe some eye for two years. Sorry to hear that ur nieces cancer came back. Its amazing that a 14 year old can have such a great attitude about life! Certainly puts everything into perspective. Good friends are priceless no matter how we encounter them in life and you are so right about that. Have a beautiful day Kami....

Word verification
The antifre
Hmmmm..have to think about that one

Anonymous said...

culateHi Litmon, Tracybell, Rose, Ginger, vernistene, Lizzied, Robert, DK, KK, and the rest of Roselands!
Tracybell- First what is ALS stand for. And second I am sorry about your friend. And third what are you talking about in August or/and September?
Kay- Hi! I love skittles. Used too. I can't because of Diabetes. Too much carbs for me.
Litmon- May I ask what is SIL stand for?
Robert- I hope you feel better.
Pist- Hi! How are you?
Rose- I hope everything is ok with you.
Birdie- Hi!
As for everyone hope everyone is ok and all as well. And no I am not going anywhere. I just came home from working out at the gym. Did Rusty Joint water aerobic. Its just a start. So I am starting. But it helps. All I can say about that is I was surrounded by elderly people. Hey can't beat them join them. Its a fun work out. I think anybody could do it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Litmon, Tracybell, Rose, Ginger, vernistene, Lizzied, Robert, DK, KK, and the rest of Roselands!
Tracybell- First what is ALS stand for. And second I am sorry about your friend. And third what are you talking about in August or/and September?
Kay- Hi! I love skittles. Used too. I can't because of Diabetes. Too much carbs for me.
Litmon- May I ask what is SIL stand for?
Robert- I hope you feel better.
Pist- Hi! How are you?
Rose- I hope everything is ok with you.
Birdie- Hi!
As for everyone hope everyone is ok and all as well. And no I am not going anywhere. I just came home from working out at the gym. Did Rusty Joint water aerobic. Its just a start. So I am starting. But it helps. All I can say about that is I was surrounded by elderly people. Hey can't beat them join them. Its a fun work out. I think anybody could do it.

Mary said...

Good afternoon Roseland,

Some of you know, I can't pass up a good debate so I just want to say, I have 3 kids and they are my kids, not "our kids", as in your's and mine... and those are the only kids I want.


Out of curiosity, how do you feel about the BB Gurl reference, because it makes me want to gag when I read it. Maybe that's not popular, but it's America and I can say what I want.


You are so right, there are way more important things in life than the relationship of Rob and Kristen. I, too, had a friend who passed away from ALS. She was a nurse so knew from the beginning what to expect, it was so sad.

If you are missing Parker, she visits the hen house, so stop in. I'm not allowed to put the link here but if you email me, I can give it to you. Everyone is welcome and no drama there.

Be Happy, Roseland!!!

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tbell said...

Als is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou gehrig disease. It's a Neuro degenerative disease. Basically your brain shuts down over a period of time. You start by loosing muscle control to ending in a vegetative state until u quit breathing. Our friend was to the point of some eye movement and on feeding tube. I prayed his parents wouldn't put him on respirator for that was not his wish. He wanted to die naturally except for assistance with food and water. Dying of dehydration or starvation is not pretty. I found rose last august or September, I can't remember. I lurked a while to make sure people weren't crazy like at other blogs. I found my beliefs lined up with Rose and my brain works very much like hers I think. I've always thought she was my soul sista lol. Anyway, some posters would make comments that were their opinion, and were usually on the acidic or sarcastic side, which I love. Some on the blog didn't seem to like it and would make it known. Some regular posters left and I just shook my head and returned to lurking. Still do most of the time. I will state again, as long as you don't post anything negative about Rob and Kristen I won't get offended. It does bug me when posters become overly involved to the point of their lives being interrupted because of some supposed trouble in their world. That is about the only time I'll say something negative. Or when we jump each other. I think it's immature and borders on stupidity because there are so many more important things in the world than that.

Water aerobics is awesome. I did it through all my pregnancies and support it for all ages. It's great especially for those who can't do cardio stuff on earth lol. I was in my twenties and was also surrounded by the little old ladies, but we all became friends, and they had great stories and in those stories was priceless advice about marriage, family and life. I listened and I learned and to this day I seek the friendship of older women and I listen to them. I don't know how old u are but make friends and get them talking lol.

Word verification
Alliesc ravishing
My husband is coming home bet I'll be ravishing lol

Tbell said...

I remember you talking about that a couple weeks ago. Be looking for my email. Btw bb gurl is not my all....

Word verification
Ruphysi avoid
Yeah house should prob avoid Ruphysi

Litmom said...

Oooh, Tracybell - Flipz. YUMMMO

So sorry about your friend succumbing to ALS. This. This is what matters in the great scheme of things. Friends. Compassion. Life.

I survived the war tubes - just got home. Still can't hear very well but they said it's the ear drops. ( "hear" just auto-corrected to "Brad". WTH?)

Arleen - SIL is sister-in-law - and no news on her yet .

Gonna go nap. Later.

Litmom said...

War tubes. YIKES. EAR TUBES!

And what's with the NAME verifs? First one was VICKI. Now I got Whitney.

Holy said...

Hello and waves to everyone.

Thank god that Mission Blacklist will be shooting in California and not abroad.

And I'm also glad that no pics of Rob/Kristen.I hope they stay off the grid until they start working again.

Holy said...


Kristen Stewart Lands Leads In ‘Camp X-Ray,’ ‘Sils Maria’

katy said...

Hello Roseland,

Congrats to Kristen on her TWO new projects!!! :)

Holy, where did you hear, that Mission Black list will shoot in California?

Take care

Ginger with a Soul said...

Afternoon Ladies and Robert

@Katy - it won a lottery slot for a tax break to film in California

Also Tom was just confirmed to be filming with Kristen in Sils Maria

I really hate work right now so I have to join the fun later but that is awesome movie news for both and so glad MBL will not be in the middle east

tufenuf55 said...

Holy and Ginger

I read your comments and then went to Kristen Stewart News and read exclusive report that Kristen will be filming back to back movies. Both films sound intriguing. Good for Kristen!!!

tufenuf55 said...

Forgot to add how great it will be for her to work with Tom again.

katy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katy said...


That'ss really great news for MBL!! I was one of those freaking out about Rob going to the middle east. Happy he is not going!!!
And, it's also great news about Tom being cast for Sils Maria. Tom and Kristen working again, is always a win.

This day is turned out to be a really good one. :)))

Take care

Pisteuo said...

Lizzied dahling, you give yourself waaaay too much credit.
And you should be sorry...I speciffically asked for m&m's or skittles and what do I get??Fingernails. Screeching across the chalkboard.
So yeah, your sincerity is really touching. (goosebumps and all)

And I do remember a post once when Rose did adress those terms and seems she was not so much a fan either. So.... She could feel different now, who knows! Oh yeah, Rose knows! :)

PL, what do I think of BBG...Why Fingernails. Screeching across the chalkboard. But, I bet John Stewart is like..."not on my watch, Bitches!" LOL!!

Kami and TraceyB, actually the corner is kinda comfy. Just keep the snacks a'coming. I'm sharing m&m's with Litmon.

Hi Arleen.

Sorry, Robert. Please get better. So much sickness across the board. That really sucks!

I'm off to my happy place now! :))

Busy, busy, busy!

Happy, Happy, Happy!!

Mary said...

Pist, I had a feeling you would feel that way, lol.

I had meant to add before that the only person I would tolerate that term from would have been my father, or maybe my boyfriend/husband/significant other.

Happy, Happy, Happy!!

LizzieD said...

PIST -- No matter what I say it is offensive to you so I guess we'll agree to disagree.

I am so proud of Kristen's upcoming movie roles ... and I wasn't aware of Tom's role in the Maria Sil movie, so glad. I thought he and Kristen were both wonderful in OTR!!!

Holy said...

I'm just so happy/excited about all of the news for our lovely couple. projects.


Kami said...

Pistol....and there you have it...irony at work.

DreamerKind said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Rob, Kristen, Tom and me!

May everyone one of our 7 billion + peeps be:

Happy! Happy! Happy!

Despite such sadness in life, there is still gladness, amidst the madness!

Pisteuo said...

Oh not at all Lizzied, I actually agree with a LOT more than not. You just seem to go out of your way at times to take a swipe at me.
But, whatever floats your boat.

About that "drought"...well, the only "drought" is more of a quesion isn't it..where is waldo??? LOL!!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE "droughts"...yes I do.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of the evening.

Back to my happy place!

Happy, Happy, Happy!! :)))

LizzieD said...

HOLY & DK -- Truly a happy day for us fans!! Glad to hear that Rob's MBL will be filming in CA, so much better than the Middle East where we were all a bit nervous about.


LizzieD said...

PIST -- Again, no matter how sincere my apology is, it's never enough.

I also love the "drought" and hope there are no pics for a long time to come.

Mary said...

Hello, Katy! How are you, hope all is good.


Hmm, can you float a boat in a drought?

Ok, I'm finished.

Happy, Happy, Happy!!!

Pisteuo said...

LizzieD, really??? Do you even read your own posts??? Man!!
You are starting to scare me. Snap out if it!!

Oh lord, I think I'll stay in my happy place...for a while. LOL!!

Happy, Happy, Happy!!! :))

Anonymous said...

So apparently here are some rumors going around that a reconciliation may soon be in the offing. Lol! I swear that the media just blew whatever did happen waaaay out of proportion.

We shall soon see.

PamH said...

What great news to come home to :) a new movie for Kristen and working with JB just like Rob. And Tom being her co star again is just the cherry on top. SO EXCITED!!!!

@ LizzieD
I'm glad Rob is filming in LA as well :) I'm glad you finally got to watch OTR.

At least we will get to see K and Tom together one more time on the RC =D

Anonymous said...

Hi PL, Ginger, Pist, Holy, Litmon, KK, DK, Tracybell, Annie, Kay, Rose, Kami, Tuff, LizzieD, Robert, Sue, Birdie, and the rest of Roselands. Its the best news ever about Rob going to film Middle East. I heard it dangerous. Glad he is filming it in California. But don't know which part in California. I am also glad that Kristen is working Tom. Cool.
DK- You are a blessing too. You bring the music to my ears.
Tracybell- I am sorry about your friend. My prayers goes out to you and her/him families. Sounds like ALS is no fun. Now that I see. I have heard about it. I just want it is sorry. That water aerobics. They called it Rustic Joints. I guess it helps with the joints in the water. Its like physical therapy. But it help with my knee. But I might thinking of wearing a sports stretchable brace with me with I walk. I heard that also helps. But I go to that gym on Tuesday and Thursdays. Because I babysit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. But depends that is they are with their dad or at their grandparents house. Then I could do that stuff. I didn't know that Rose is on vacation.
Rose- I hope everything is ok with you and your friends.
KK- Hi and hugs.
Litmon- Hi! Thanks for that info about SIL.
Robert- Hi and Hugs. And I hope you feel better.
Frannie- Hi! Boycotting the tabloids and medias I were you. They will depressed you. And like Rose have said the tabloids and media don't know nothing. I still believe in my heart and prayer that they are together. Like Lizzie have said have some faith and stay positive. And that is what I am doing.
PamH- Hi and hugs. How are you?
As for the rest of you have a great night. I am goint to step out soon. Going to dollar tree store. Its just down the street. I am have to a wrapping paper for my husband's gift and then get birthday cards and father's day card. For my cousin, my dad, my father in law, and my uncles too. later. Be back. Just keep me posted.

Kami said...

Pistol just in case you need an extra Happy place or two

Beauty, KY
Best, TX
Bountiful, UT

smile in Smileyberg, KS
Carefree, AZ
Celebration, FL
Friendly, WV
Happy, Tx
Happy Camp, CA
Happyland, CT
Ideal, GA
Lovely, KY
Luck Stop, KY
Magic City, ID
Paradise, MI
Smileyberg, KS
Success, MO
What Cheer, IA

Anonymous said...

I have left all the tabloids where they belong' in the trash. This was on another board that I heard tell of it. I hope I didn't sound like I was being a tablouid junkie. I'm not.

But truly, the only place I go to where I know I won't get depressed is HERE!

LizzieD said...

PIST -- Please explain what I have done to aggravate you so much. Whatever I've said, I've apologized several times and also said my intentions were good but sometimes my words don't come out right.

Please ... I'm not good with the cryptic messages. Explain!! You can email me if you'd like.

katy said...


I am good and I hope all is well with you too :)

Pisteuo, i am also LOVING the drougth...tired of people over analyzing pics, whenever we get them.

Much hapiness for Rob and Kristen, wherever they may be.

Take care and be happy everyone,

Kay said...

WOW! So much exciting filming news today for Rob, Kristen and Tom. :)

The CA tax break is great news for the production of MBL, and having waited for my brother to return from 8 different deployments in the Middle East, I am certain that Rob's loved ones will be sleeping a little easier with him filming in the States. win/win

Kristen's two new projects both sound interesting and it will be exciting to hear more about them....and she gets to work with Tom again...yay!

Pretty awesome about Tom's latest award for Orphans, too.

Have a great night, Roseland...I'm going to go have a cupcake since someone told me they are filled with happy. :D

Kami said...

Kay, the word or should I say buzz is that Tom has a really excellent chance to win the Tony. That would be very exciting don't you think?

Litmom said...

Woo Hoo! Super exciting film news for Kristen! And Tom is linked to "Sils Maria"? Fun!

Kay said...

Kami - That would be wonderful for Tom - just being nominated for a Tony is outstanding. Wishing him luck next weekend. :)

tufenuf55 said...


I've also apologized to Pist but still continue to hear comments about "corner". I've done all I can and I'm over it. Please do the same. You'll be so much happier.

Oneheart said...

Wow I had alot to catch up on. I won't attempt to mention everyone but Hello to all of you here at Roseland. It seems like forever since I was here. Arlene thanks for the Hello over at Do I Dazzle You, so sweet of you. Tempest post was great today by the way.

Litmom I hope the tubes help your ears. I bet you are getting excited to leave on trip to England. It is getting closer and closer. If I could I would hide in your suitcase. LOL

I'm praying for your SIL she is a tough lady who doesn't give up, so hopefully she'll beat the cancer, she's done it before she can do it again. Fingers crossed.

I saw Kami and PL here and just want to let them know I haven't forgot about our book club just dealing with health issues right now. It seems I get one thing taken care of and something else goes wrong. Right now I have Vasculitis and dealing with all the purple blotches that come up on my legs and the way it makes your legs feel consumes most of my thoughts these days. I have no right to complain though because there are so many whose health is worse than mine. I'm grateful for the health I do have.

Every time I see Pisteuo or PL say Happy, Happy, Happy...I think of Phil from Duck Dynasty. I go around saying that alot at work. It makes me laugh and laughter is good. So Happy, Happy, Happy

Lizzied hope all is well with you. I bet the tourist are starting to come to the mountain. It is so beautiful where you live, one of those places that remains the same and keeps its charm. That is what makes it so special.

I am so excited about Kristen's two movies that she will be in. They sound really good and I look forward to seeing them in the theater if we're lucky enough to get them in our area.

As far as Rob and Kristen go as I always say, I want what they want. I haven't read the tabloids during the past few weeks, I don't need liars to tell me anything about a couple who never sell their relationship or talk about it.

Well it's time for me to say good night, 4:30 will be here as soon as I close my eyes...LOL At least that is how it seems.

Take care everyone. Good night,

Holy said...

I hope Rose already read the news that Tom is working with Kristen in Sils Maria.I bet she's going to ecstatic.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Evvvvvvening Ladies and Robert

@Robert - I hope you feel better because once work stops trying to act like names I shall not say right now I want to do a 10 movie genre thingy - hugs and well wishes

@Tracy , Tracy, Tracy - I am sorry for your lose but holy shit I was worried about you with that weather down there - F5 and the largest tornado ever recorded at 2.5 miles wide.

@Holy - I think she is on a ship but I bet she will be thrilled all around and waves :)))))

Great movie news all around

@Pam - I heard the Purge is beyond disturbing and down right horrifying. Think I might try to see it in the theaters with my sisters

Everyone else waves/hugs/smooches and hi ho cheerio right - rainy and cool here I think I might try for more than 5 hours sleep tonight

Pisteuo said...

Hmmm...seems sombody has no sense of humor.
Tuf, you created the "corner", ya wanna take it away? Look, if you want to dish it out, you best be able to take it too.

I made a general comment...then you and Lizzied went on the fucking defense with Lizzied calling me out and you going fucking Rambo. (sorry, DK, Rober).
But, you don't hear me crying about now, do you?

Life is too fucking short for this bullshit.
Rose is going thru a very difficult time right now and my apologies to her and her alone.

I will not apologise for stating what irks me. This is America...right? (yeah, my inner Rambo showing) LOL!!!

And for the record, LaLa Land is a fun place to visit every now and again. Evertbody needs a place to escape reality sometimes. BUT, "I" don't FUCKING LIVE there!

So....can we drop this now so I can get back to "My"...

Happy, Happy, Happy!! :))

Ginger with a Soul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ginger with a Soul said...

Ummm why is it all kosher to mock Rose all of a sudden especially when she has real shit going on in life? Really?

I love Gif's and express my emotions with them often, my feeling reading




Finished by

Holly - yes Chappelle is for you cause I know how much you love that one. I had to re-post since the 1st one was the wrong links

Pisteuo said...

Kami, thanks for the Happy Places List! LOL! I have it written down. :)

PL, have given me something to ponder. :))

Yes, Katy, "droughts" are the best! :)
Just hope I haven't jinxed it. :/

What Ginger? You talking to me? I know Rose is going thru a very difficult time. I was not joking or mocking about that.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pist - nope you aren't mocking her

Pisteuo said...

Thanks, Ginger. I guess I musta missed something.

Holy said...

@Ginger- yep,Chappell is my favorite one.Thanks for remembering.LOL

@Pam/Ginger- you 2 are making me curious about this Purge movie.I might watch this one then.I'm planning to watch Jesse E "Now you See Me" this weekend.You know I like the guy so much and of course he's Kristen friend.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
You know I'm dying to see Purge. I'll be so mad if our local theaters don't get it or they are late getting it. They are kinda weird about that sometimes.
I think the concept of the show is really interesting and unique.

Annie said...

Good early morning all (Well in NYC it's past 12:45AM) so.........Morning!

Got home late but haven't seen a comment yet where LizzieD or Tufenuf55 went Rambo-esque on anyone, a comment like what that implies would be hard to miss now wouldn't it.

There's a very short list of people on this blog who are always positive .......DK comes to mind instantly.
LizzieD is another positive poster around here, she's not so new anymore now but no matter how down people get, her posts remain positive.
Liz in LaLa Land Twirling brings a smile to my face. Working on .......Happy, Happy, Happy!! :)) " getting that same reaction (it's a new one, so it needs a little time to sink in)

Pisteuo: The same way that......."Happy, Happy, Happy!! :)) " works or you then "Liz in LaLa Land works for Liz and the corner works for Tufenuf55.

I agree with you on one thing though......... Life is way too short for all the snide, snarky bullshit coming from people who should know better!
Too many people going through tough times on the blog......Enough with the snide and snarky!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I swear I thought of Clockwork Orange while watching the trailer and it is showing everywhere here. I hope I won't have to sleep with the lights on if I see it like I did Sinister. I was even thinking twice drinking anything my kids gave me - like they had to sip it 1st lol. I think I might go out and see it this weekend

Annie said...

Ginger: Hahaha.....Those gifs. The third and the fourth one!
Ginger and Pam: Are you seriously going to see Purge? I saw the trailer (heard it, since within 2 seconds my eyes were closed.......Hell no!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - I have a gif literally for every response and pictures too. I had to do Chappelle cause Holy loved it when I did it on twitter lol

These are 2 of my favs

Yes on The Purge - I can't even imagine a world like that and then after purposely avoiding it to be sucked in OMG - I am intrigued, horrified, and might pee my pants

Annie said...

Ginger: Funny story about watching Chappelle with my sister and her husband when they came to visit. We were watching a DVD at 2 AM, all of us had to mask our laughter into the throw pillows on the sofa.
Christ, he was hysterical!

You will not be able to sleep after watching Purge!!!!

Annie said...

This building is so quiet......Stop making me laugh out loud with those gifs! :) :)

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Just checked the 3 theaters around me and only 1 has it listed to start tomorrow but it only has two showings 10pm and 12am....dam I'll have to wait till the weekend, no way will Larry be able to do either and have to be up for work by 5:30.
You might want to keep a little hand held light under your pillow and double check all your locks on your doors and windows after you watch it. LOL
CO was one of those movies that's so bizarrely creepy but you can't stop watching it. There was a rumor one time about that movie being remade but I don't think it was true.

@ Annie
There is hardly ever a scary movie that my husband and I don't watch our two main loves have always been horror movies and music.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie :)

Just for you

Annie said...

PamH: You, your husband and Ginger are brave.

A friend thought an easy way for me to ease into horror movies was to watch an old one tame one ( he said it was tame!), so he brought Christine over for us to watch....... Couldn't even watch that!

Annie said...

Ginger: OMG....Thanks! :):):):)

Heading to bed......5:30 will here before I know it or want it to be.
Morning all.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Talking about scary movies and music made me think of Corey Taylor's new book Funny Things's about scary things that have happened to him in his life that he goes to some Paranormal investigators to get answers i just pre ordered it for Larry since him and Zack loved his first book Seven Deadly Sins.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Eeek - I have a real hard time with scary books because my imagination goes places a movie could never go. Tell me if it is good or if I will have a sleepless week - I might read it. Just no to the old people and children, just no way

Offline said...

Hello Roselanders.

Very happy Kristen has two films to work on this summer and one is with Tom!
Relieved and happy Rob is not filming MBL in the middle east.
Tom has won two awards I know of and hopefully a Tony to come. All wonderful news!

Has anyone any ideas what 'look' Rob will go for in Maps. Unrecognisable maybe? He wouldn't look like himself in a movie about celebrities so how far would he go to look different? Are we sure he is playing a paparazzi? It's a role I bet he will love to get his teeth into, showing how vile the paps can be.

@Robert Sorry to hear you have so many health worries. Hope you feel well soon.

My motto is try to brighten someone's day, not dim the light. Everyone is worth it. Hope for a better day tomorrow.
Night all.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
I think you'd like his first book Seven Deadly Sins its about his growing up in a small town and after having success with Slipknot and Stone Sour and becoming famous and doing the party life he takes a look at his life.

@ Annie
Good night

Pisteuo said...

It's pretty obvious that people read things differently, Annie. Guess it depends on which end of the conversation you are on.

There are all kinds of personalities on this blog. Some are serious, some are sarcastic, some are sweet, some are funny, some are silly, some are smart assy, some are know it alls, some are peacemakers, some are trouble makers, some are needy, some are hostile, some are quiet, some are noisy, some are loud, some people are bossy and the list goes on. Sometimes there are like minds that "get" each other. And then sometimes you have some personalities that just clash.

I know one thing for sure. People are always going to believe or see what they want to.

I usually like to see the humor in stuff. But, I'm also human...stuff gets to me sometimes. Real life can be so demanding and cruel.

But, to each his own.

And...enough of this shit.

Oh and the "corner" does not work anymore. I think that pass was revoked.


Back to Happy, Happy, Happy!! :))

Anonymous said...

Hi to all the Roselands! I am going to bed soon. Good night.

Atticus said...

@Robert, here I was asking you a question the other day and you're fighting pneumonia on top of Parkinson's. What a jackass I am! Hubby had it several years ago and it knocked him on his ass. Sending lots of positive rays your way as well as so many others here who know of someone going thru shit beyond their control.

On a positive note, ecstatic over Kristen's & Rob's movie news and hope it's true that Tom will be her costar once again. Please, please, please, let the movie news stick!

Still twirling with you Lizzie!

Atticus said...

@Pist, yes, lots of different flavors here, which is a very good thing. No more corners...for anyone, unless you're a hater...then corners are too good for them.

This may be a stupid question, but are the word verifications supposed to curb the trolls?

Pisteuo said...

The word verifs are for spam mail I think, Atticus.

I'm pretty sure Rose does not need a mailbox full of spam when she reurns.

Pisteuo said...

returns! not reuns! damn fingers!

DreamerKind said...

Sweet embraces take place there

My Little Corner Of The World

Connie Smith:

Thank you/nostsljicbiues

DreamerKind said...

When cornered put hearts together

Drink On It

Blake Shelton:

Thank you/oprylive

DreamerKind said...

It's wise not to despise

Let's Call The Whole Thing Off

Harry Connick Jr.:

Thank you/bmoney0082

DreamerKind said...


The Glow Of Love


Flower's bloomin', mornin' dew
And the beauty seems to say
It's a pleasure when you treasure
All that's new and true and gay

Easy livin' and we're givin'
What we know we're dreamin' of
We are one havin' fun
Walkin' in the glow of love

Walking, ooh, whoa, ho...oh...whoa...

Smilin' faces, goin' places
It's a wonder, it's so clear
By a fountain, climbin' mountains
As we'll hold each other near

Sippin' wine, we try to find
That special magic from above
As we share our affair
Talkin' in the glow of love

Oh, oh, ooh...
In the glow of love

Thank you/souledowntheriver

DreamerKind said...

Snap! Life changes you.

The Rain

Watch video:

Thank you/azhliegh

word v:

accordance ya n sid

Ya, sid and I agree.

DreamerKind said...

Goodnight, lovelies


Les Paul (at 90 years old) & Trio:

Thank you/Equal Mac

Birdie said...

Good morning,DK. Thank you for the tunes.
Wonderful career news for Kristen. Now that's more like it. MBL in CA may not be as exciting as in the Middle East, but some adventures you can do without. So we shall see...
I hope you are feeling better Oneheart and Robert. Best wishes to all with of you with family and friends that are ill.

Hope you all have a peaceful day here in Roseland. Off to work.

Annie said...

Good morning again all. Ha! Damn 5:30 comes quickly.

LizzieD: Hope to see you around on the blog today.......Twirling with you. :) :)

Tuf: See you around too. :)

Pisteuo: Lots of characters on this blog and that's what makes it work......,,Agree on that one.

Up and out!

Kay said...

I've always liked the fact that there are so many different personalities that have been drawn to Rose's blog for all kinds of reasons, most of them good...well, except for the obvious trolls. Roseland would get pretty dull if we all had to be a bunch of conforming, brown-nosed sycophants to have fun and matter here...but that's just my opinion.

Wishing everyone a happy and more stress-free RL hump day today....hug your loved ones if you can, because life can change so quickly.

Take care, Roseland. ❤

tufenuf55 said...


I have moved on.

Case closed.

tufenuf55 said...


I love the way your mind works!!!

tufenuf55 said...

Good Morning Roselanders!!

I hope everyone's morning is going well or as well as can be expected.

A special good morning to Rose, whose unselfish ways provide us a place to come and support Rob and Kristen. I'm keeping you in my prayers, Rose, and hoping RL gets better for you soon. I appreciate you so much!!!

Annie said...

Congratulations to Kristen Stewart on her two new roles, both sound really interesting.
Looking forward to watching both films when they hit theatres.

Kristen Stewart and Tom Sturridge in another movie together...........Can my smile get any wider?
Answer......No. :)

LizzieD said...

GOOD MORNING, ROSELAND!!! It's a "fine" day in the fandom, don't you think? So good to get project news confirmed for Kristen and TWO in one day!!! We knew she had to be working towards something just didn't know what.

DK -- Looks like you had some company last night, that's great!! I certainly know where to come if I can't sleep. Hope you are well.

TUFF -- *waves* -- I agree that we are so fortunate to have ROSE and her blog.

ANNIE -- I think we're all excited today about Kristen's projects, I can't wait. I hope these films will be widely distributed so I'll be able to see at the theater.

KAY -- I agree that one of the "funnest" things about this blog is the varying personalities!! Think how dull it would be if we were all the same.

ATTICUS, BIRDIE & ARLEEN -- Hope you all have a great day!! Are you twirling yet?

PIST -- Happy, Happy, Happy!!

Laters, y'all -- Working 3 jobs today but maybe can lurk a bit.

LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING because of Kristen's new projects and I BELIEVE only good things to come for R & K!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning to gargamel, Ginger, KK, DK, Pist, Annie, Sue, Kay, Intruth, Birdie, Tuf, Atticus, PamH, Pattybg, LizzieD, RKP, and the rest of the Roselands! How are you? I am getting ready for the day. But I will be out all day til dinner time. Keep me posted.
RKP- I hope so on Rob's MTTS. Maybe the Papz will get the take of their own medicines. LOL
Atticus- Hi! How are you?
LizzieD- Hi and Hugs! And You too have a great day.
As for everyone else have a great day. And stay cool.

LizzieD said...

RKP -- *waves* -- missed your comment from early this morning .. I really like your motto

"My motto is try to brighten someone's day, not dim the light. Everyone is worth it. Hope for a better day tomorrow."

That's lovely!!! Have a great day!!

Tbell said...

*Inserting my opinion here*
The problem with texting, blogging, twittering, etc is that the person receiving the information doesn't see the facial expression, the voice inflection, and the body language of the person sending it. I just read an article in Women's Health about texting with a loved one. For example, if ur husband texts and asks where u want to eat don't just flippant respond "I don't care" because he'll probably take it the wrong way. He'll think you don't care about the whole thing and think ur mad whereas you have a big smile on ur face and ur so happy he's taking u to dinner you really don't care where u go as long as ur together. Lol.

I think that's what's going on here. We all don't know each other personally so when one of us makes a sarcastic or offhanded comment some of us get offended when really no offense should be taken. That's just our personalities coming out.

I agree with Pist, sometimes personalities clash and some of us get each other and some of us don't. SO WHAT? don't anyone of you apologise for the way you feel. I gravitate to certain posters because of either their witty, sarcastic, or endearing words and that's that.

Sorry about ur knee and yeah I can definitely see water aerobics helping. Hope ur having a great morning!

Seriously Flipz is the most amazing snack. It's chocolate, crunchy, salty, it's chocolate, one pretzel fits in ur mouth, it's chocolate lol. And I think u can eat 12 for only 150 calories. A whole bag is only 500 calories. Great snack to go crazy on :) and only $1.66.

I need some help please. Me and my husband get the house to ourselves tonight and I'm making twice baked potatoes. Would you give me a wine suggestion? As usual, love ur music additions, especially the Connie smith one. Have a sweet day...

I love ur motto. I have always believed in tomrw will be a better day. Mistakes behind me, new day ahead of me to do better. Good lesson for life. And I'm a avid fanfiction reader also. I follow mrsspacecowboy and planetblue. Just finished Deviant which was amazing. Am also reading Down Home. If your not reading it you need to run there right now lol.

Another rec. Planetblue just finished Deviant a must read. Oh and did you see how I used "husband" instead of hubs? ;) wouldn't want to upset the professor lol. Ok all kidding aside hope you are healing and feeling better.

*waves* hello woman, you are spending entirely to much time on Twitter ( just joking) and don't comment as much any more. Miss seeing ur take on "things"

Have a beautiful day roselanders. With Kristens new project with tom I guess it will be a problem since her and rob broke up *insert sarcastic voice, expression and hip thrust here*

LizzieD said...

TRACYBELL -- That's not my motto (tho wish I could claim it) ... it's RKP's motto ... sorry if I didn't make that clear in my comment.

Great comment and you are so right!!

Tbell said...

@lizziedD and rkp
Woopsie....I just realized I gave credit to lizziedD instead of rkp for the motto. Either way great motto!

I find it intriguing that my phone knows ur name lol. I was reviewing a deviant chapter one time and I was telling a funny story about Manchu and how my phone knows Manchu, capitalizes it and everything lol. The author said hers did to. Gawd how I love Manchu.

Tbell said...

Nah u made it very clear I'm just an idiot and read to fast sometimes and some facts just slip right by me lol.

Pisteuo said...

Hello Roseland!!

TracyB, you have such great insight. So much so that I decided to go back and start reading my comments again...then, realized how many flipping comments I'd have to go thru and decided it would just be easier to agree. LOL!!
Flipz you say?? They sound GREAT! I must say you are also very through in describing them. I will be consuming some before the day is over! Hmmm...this could mean trouble. (trouble maker) LOL!!

Kay, I just gotta say it...I love ya!! :)

Yes, today is another day...and yesterday AND tomorrow also if we are all lucky. :))

Busy, busy, busy...
Happy, Happy, Happy! :))

Pisteuo said...

Oh that all messed up! LOL!!

It should have said....

Yes, today is another day...and tomorrow...AND yesterday if we are lucky.


Mary said...

At first I thought you messed it up the second time, but now I get it...I think, lol.

I'm joining you in Happy, Happy, Happy!!!!

Pisteuo said...

And...yes, I do know how to spell "thorough".
So...TracyB, you were very thorough in describing those thar flipz. LOL!!

I tell ya, it's these word verifs that are making me nervous.
So, I'm going to get going before I get into it with the robot checker. LOL!!!

Pisteuo said...

Hey PL, yes I'm a complicated sorta gal. :))

There's always room for Happy, Happy, Happy! :)))

Mary said...

Complicated gal, hmmm. I "get" you, BBG.

Waiting for the fingernail screech...

Happy Happy, Joy Joy!!!

Pisteuo said...

Hey PL...did you feel that???

Pisteuo said...

Hmmmm...that was me...slapping your fingers! LOL!!

Mary said...

My body is one big goosebump right now from the sheer force of the screech.

Pisteuo said...

BEhave Trouble maker. I seem to get into enough trouble all by myself. LOL!!

I'm really going now! Love ya! Bye!

Happy, Happy, Happy!! :)

Mary said...

OK...pouting...I guess there's a corner of my garden that needs tending.


Happy Happy Happy!!!!!!!!!!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies and Robert

@Tracy - work has been a cow with a few clogged utters lately but but but I can picture spam on Twitter - lol. I freaked everyone out by being sappy the other day which I am usually not. The small things in life that make me happy - GIF's :)))))) lol. Did everyone you know fair well through the storm?

@Robert - thoughts for top 10's - 80's romance or thought provoking movies for whatever reason but gotta say why (That one could get very interesting)

DreamerKind said...

Good day! Soon I'll be away from here until late tonight.

No meat? White wine, then. Moscato is sweet. Reisling a bit drier. Pinot Grigio may be about right. Chardonnay can't go wrong but no oak flavor. Sauvingnon Blanc is most dry.
What appeals to both of your tastes, leads the way.

Gah, my mind does work with more than a few quirks. Glad you notice. Happy you love it.

Wedding week is 6/24 - 6/30, and I am also, trying to find a new place to live, and move into it before then to boot! Need all of my wits, and grits to stay:
Happy! Happy! Happy!

You make me smile in a big happy way!

Some people send flowers but others emails, when they are wishing, hoping, praying and thinking of you. Don't forget that.

Kami said...

Ahh PL I'm sad calling Pistol BBG...I thought you only called me that.

I KID...I KID...Please don't hunt me down and hurt me! Nails on a chalkboard...I feel it too.

Litmom said...

Hey, Y'all-

TracyB - You got me laughing about the Flipz. $1.66 ! And I'll take WHITE chocolate, thank you very much. yummm.
DK's wine suggestions were great. I'm a HUGE Moscato fan. My very favorite is an Australian wine - Alice White Lexia Moscato (I'm a cheap drunk).

Kami - speaking of Happy, TX - did you ever see that movie? HYSTERICAL. Happy, Texas (1999) - Steve Zahn, William H. Macy, Jeremy Northam. Seriously, y'all - ya gotta watch it.

And I like Happy!!!

(my verifs today are Ispecid sexual...????)

Kami said...

Litmom, no I've never seen it nor have I ever been to the town, but I'll have to check it out.

My verification words are Pharaoh Robadi

Tbell said...

White chocolate is awesome also. When they're out of chocolate I get the white kind although then I don't eat as much because they're sweeter lol. I agree on the Moscato!

Thank u for the rec's. I think moscato it is! And no no meat, meat free night...well not completely meat free lol.

Yes everyone I knew in the area, el reno included last week are ok. I had friends who watched the Moore one out their window and they had roof damage but that is lucky! But everyone safe and sound! Oklahoma gettin it this year! Hope ur work load lightens soon and u get ur legs less glowy lol.

Uh oh ur in trouble if you just agree lol. I've been known to be wrong a time or two, or three, or 25 lol. And I'll feel proud if I'm responsible I starting ur Flipz addiction ;)

Holy said...


Our prayers for Paris Jackson and her family.

Annie said...

I hope she pulls through too and then gets the help she needs.
She's only15.

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Evening ROSELAND

KAMI and PL. I'm loving seeing your posts!!!

Oops, my I Pad battery is fixing to go inconvenient!!!!!

Hope everyone is well and has had an awesome Wednesday...
Here it is rain, rain, rain...but I'm going to be Happy, happy, happy in my corner!!!!

HUGS ALL:)))))

Barb said...

Hey everyone! I'm baAack! I celebrated my 28th wedding anniversary on Saturday. We went out for diner to Red Lobster. :) It is the best seafood place in the area believe it or not. I had a Strawberry Mojito and it nearly knocked me on my ass! It was really good! Hehehe Then we got a milkshake at Sonic! Kinda redneck but we don't go out much because of diet restrictions so it was fun.

I'm Hoping R and K are well! Really excited about all the new movie info! Haaaapppppyyyy the paps are dying of thirst!

@ Pisteuo I'm sorry to say this but I think of Rob and Kristen as kids probably cause they are so close to the ages of my own children. I will try to think of them as adults from now on. :)

I've been read old RPI posts from the beginning. I can't believe there were no comments when Rose first started this blog! Look at the number of posts now!

I love this blog! :)

xoxo Rose and Roselandia!

Barb said...

* reading

Annie said...

Barb: Happy 28th wedding anniversary!

Someone at work celebrated his 29th recently, he and his wife got married at 18 and just renewed their vows.

Offline said...

Hello Roselanders!

LizzieD - Glad you like it. Happy Twirling!

Tracy - Wise words worth remembering. Thanks.

Arleen - Hi! Yes, Rob's probably preparing for MTTS right now. More celebrities are calling the paps out on their bad behaviour. Nicole Richie today put a photo on her instagram of a pap ignoring his own little girl crying on the floor, to take pics of her. Guess they will stoop to any level for money.

Have a great night everyone.

Robert said...

as per ginger's request. top ten 80's romance movies.[by the way, this was hard, not many good ones] times at ridgemont high
9; footloose
8. ferris beuller
7. terms of endearment
6. manhattan
5. bull durham
4. breakfast club
4. joe versus the volcano
2. when harry met sally
1. say anything

ok, that's mine i want to know what yours are

Robert said...

who are your top ten greatest female singers
10. chrissie hynde
9. annie lennox
8. reba
7. patsy cline
6. adele
5. cindy lauper
4. billie holiday
3. bonnie raitt
2. aretha franklin
1. janis joplin

Pisteuo said...

Barb, is appreciated.

Here it is guys...when a person is out there supporting themselves and paying their own bills AND other's bills with no help...I believe they have earned the right to be called an adult and treated as such.
You can refer to them anyway ya want. Hell call them jelly beans for all I care. The problem comes (for me anyway) when people use the term "our kids" as a possession. And believe me...there are LOTS of people in this fandom that do just that. Whether or not they will admit it is a different story.
So.....that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

Pisteuo said...

Awww DK, that is about the nicest compliment anyone could ever receive. You make me all teary eyed and...

Happy, Happy, Happy!! :))

Super RN Gas Passer said...


I could watch Ferris B every day and be happy about it....Fast times next to that...


I'm just glad that I don't have to be a Pap to make a living....what an awful life that must be...but I guess it's like pimping oneself out in a way...all for the matter how low you have to sink...ugh...


I loved what you said...very true...about how perceptions of texts can elicit different meanings to different true

Well this old girls glass slipper has fallen off and the pumpkin says it's bedtime so I will steal a quote from ROSE...Bye, for now....

Pattybg said...






Anonymous said...

Hello to all Roselands! Sorry I took so longs. My hubby call me while at work. Saying someone hack to my yahoo account. So he took care of it. It better not no Troll. So anything new?

Pisteuo said...

Robert, I trust you are feeling better? :)

I'm feeling too lazy right now to go back and check all the romantic movies of the 80's...but, I will say that the "Breakfast Club" would be at the top of my list. Loved it when she gave him one of her diamond earrings.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Our Red Lobster makes the best drinks in town but the food tastes yuck!!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!!!


Yep...I think the Edward and Bella connection is so deep with the fandom and that endearment has led to an even deeper sentiment toward R and K...things will get better with time...nothing stays the same...this won't be going on in ten years....

OK, gotta get some beauty sleep and hope my feet will fit into the glass slippers in the morning....

Pisteuo said...

G'night Super!

Caroline said...

Hey Robert (regular lurker here), hope you're feeling better! I'd like to add to your 80s romance movies list, in no particular order:

An Officer and a Gentleman
Romancing the Stone
A Room with a View
Children of a Lesser God
Dirty Dancing


Anonymous said...

Top ten 80's movies in no particular order

Dirty Dancing
Grease Two
Peggy Sue Got Married
Somewhere in Time
An Officer and a Gentleman
Some kind of Wonderful
Working Girl
Chances Are

Of these my favorite is Some Kind of Wonderful and Somewhere in Time.
I'm a BIG fan of cheesy coming of age 90's movies though. I swear I can watch the really bad ones hundreds of times and I act like it's the first time I ever saw them.

Anonymous said...

Lol! I should have said my favorites ARE. But I'm tired and I think maybe my Ambein just might be kicking in. So, yeah. I better go before improper grammar becomes the least of my troubles when I post comments. Chuckles!

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