The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Robert Pattinson Loves Kristen Stewart

Rob. London. Walking. Swoon.
Random Rose

1. Robert Pattinson finally shows his face in London.
He must not have flown private this time...
That's right.
This time.
Looks like the boy is staying more than a few days
Looks like he might be there a while.
Looks like he's happy to be home.
Where his family and friends are...
And his girl.

Sweet Smile. How I missed you.

There was someone who tweeted
that she was going to a christening in London that Rob would attend...
People immediately scoped this chick out
(of course they did)
And she seemed like someone who was seriously linked
with the Sturridge family.
She worked with Arthur
She was friends with Mathilda
Needless to say...
The tweet was deleted
(tsk tsk dear girl)
And Rob turning up in London the next day?
Made her tweet all the more authentic.

Cue the next scene.

2. Oh dear.
Oh my.
I'm not even sure where to begin.
This other young girl.
Whom I will not name...
Not only because I'm sure you will have
read her story by now...
but because
My god...
This has gotten blown so far out of proportion
This young girl.
She's 14.
She happens across what looks to be 
the christening that Rob was attending.
She takes some pictures.
Groups of people outside talking.
Rob isn't in the pictures.
But it does appear that Kristen is...
Marcus and Arthur Sturridge.
All odds are that it is indeed the Sturridge event.
She posts 3 pictures
and then goes on to say that she has more.
Way more.
Like pictures of Rob and Kristen.
Looking in love.
Holding hands.
You get the deal... right?
But then she doesn't have the camera.
It's at her Mom's.
So what happens next?

Well... cue the attacks.
Because not only was this girl called all sorts of names
and made fun of 
and accused of lying and making up stories
by the Ninnies...
But she was besieged by the so called "Shippers"
Who can't seem to just accept the pictures for what they are
And had to question every detail.
Behavior on both sides of the fence was pretty disgusting.
It kinda made my skin crawl.

So these Haters and these Shippers

both start ripping and gnawing at this girl.
Coming at her from both sides.
She's a young girl.
And while she may or may not have embellished
her story about Rob and Kristen...
She DID share 3 pictures very clearly showing
Kristen at the Sturridge event
(Yeah, Art is kinda hard to miss, isn't he?)
And the Sturridge event was the Christening...
And Robert was ALSO at the Christening...
  Do people really question that Rob was there, 
or that Rob and Kristen were together? 
There are other tweets that saw them in West London before the party.
More tweets about them at the party. 
You can see Kristen, Marcus Foster and Art Sturridge in the pictures...
So it's pretty obvious what is going on here. 
This young girl...
Did she add details to her story?
Does she really have pictures of Rob and Kristen?
Who knows.
Does it really matter in the end?
We have a lot of pictures of Rob and Kristen holding hands.
That's pretty standard Rob/Kristen behavior now.
Rob and Kristen always end up together.
Whether you get a picture or not.

You and Me... that's how it should be.

3. Do I have a three?
I'm thinking that I don't.
The whole twitter bullshit really wears you down.
I feel sorry for the girl.
Because she was all excited about what she saw...
and she couldn't wait to share her pictures.
And even without the story that went along with them
She still had pictures.
But that's never enough.
NOTHING is ever enough for the lunatic fringe 
of this ridiculous fandom.
Just accept what she shared.
That's enough.
Put your hand in mine...

4. Thomas Sturridge
His family name was tossed about this weekend.
And not a picture was seen of him.
I don't feel comfortable posting the pics...
I don't even feel comfortable discussing details
of what was going on beyond 'the christening'
The who/what doesn't really matter.
And well...
Shouldn't we all have lines we won't cross?
I know I do.

Green Sheep. And Beer.
 Final Thought.

Robert and Kristen are together.
They are always together.
You can whine and moan about it
You can get angry and bitter.
Bottom line?
They are never apart for long.
And as history has proven...
Where one goes
the other follows.

This post is brought to you by boundaries.
People need to find some.
And while you're shopping for must haves?
See if you can find some
Common Sense
A Sense of humor

Bye for now

I found my thrill...


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Freddie said...

Hi folks,

I hope you are all well.

Fio – you know, the great thing about Roseland is that the ladies here are some of the most supportive people you could hope to find. But then you already know that. So don’t for one second think you are being annoying. I’m sorry that you are feeling sad. It will pass. So, until then just hang in there and stay calm as best you can. Pop in here when/if you need to vent.

Olivia – thanks for the update on the situation near where you live. I hope you continue to stay safe. I’ll pray they get the fires under control quickly.

Hope – I’m glad you are safe as well.

DK and Melinda – I love Misty Blue. It’s a wonderful song and thanks DK, for posting it. I know they say that smell is the one sense that can evoke the strongest memories, but for me, it’s got to be hearing. Music always takes me back to some of the best memories.

Super – I hope you feel better. Take care. Drink lots of fluids – I’ll let you decide what type…LOL.

IB – I hope day 2 with the kids was a good one and that no one needed a “time out”.

Hi to dd, dottie, Muse, Motherhin, Angelica, Claire, all the Northeast chapter members and everyone else that drops in. I hope you have a good rest of day.

Motherhin said...

@Fio, I think if you are on an antidepressant, it takes a while to get into your bloodstream to help with the anxiety. I'm sorry you are suffering such anxiety. It's hard to lose a friend or suffer through a troublesome time in a relationship. Maybe talk therapy might help a little just to get some of it out and off your chest? I find myself relaxing just to say whatever it is that's bothering me out loud. It's not always easy to open up to someone but sometimes it truly makes a world of difference.

Kenzz said...

Awww, Fio, I too am sorry you're having a rough time right now. I can only reiterate what so many have said, that "It will pass." I'm sure to you that sounds very trite and cliched, but there's a reason so many of us (who are a bit older) are repeating it...'cuz it's true! We've probably all been through something akin to what you're going through, and can relate at least on some level to your hurt. Motherhin and Freddie gave you some great advice... I'll add that you should take things one morning, afternoon, or evening at a time, and give yourself the freedom to simply take care of yourself and your feelings... OK, Dr. Kenzz will get down off her psychobabble soapbox now! :)

Super: Sip tea with licorice root to help that sore throat... I've used the brand Yogi Throat Comfort organic tea with great success!

Olivia: Stay safe...thoughts and prayers go out to you with the wildfires so close...hope they can get things under control soon! To our other friends in TX, prayers out to you as well..(Motherhin & Hope?)

DK: You need to have a yard sale!! Or set up a Roseland ebay storefront, and we'll all come and buy up the stuff you want to get rid of from your move :)

Freddie, Rhonda, Claire, Motherhin, angelica, dottie, the above mentioned friends, and anyone else who swung by tonite...howdy!

Rose, hope all is well on Roseberry hill <3

Syd, Smitty, and Gruff... so many supportive thoughts being sent your way... that must mean some great karma! lol

Melinda said...

What a great thing to come home after a long day to see Misty Blue being played in Roseland.

Thanks DK!!!

Fio- Many, many hugs sent to you. I wish there was more I could do other than send happy thoughts and hugs your way. Things will get better. Just make sure you take care of yourself!

Freddie- Love what you said about music to DK. I feel the same way. Music feeds the soul when nothing else can.

Super- Hope you are feeling better. Being sick bites.

IB- Waiting to hear how your first day went.

Olivia/Hope/Motherhin- Guess I've been living under a rock. Didn't know about the TX fires. Glad that none of you are in the exact path of it right now.

Kenzz said...

Melinda: I've been wanting to tell you how much I look forward your comments... always thoughtful, sane, empathetic, and full of commonsense! So happy you are a part of this special Roseland community :)

Melinda said...

Kenzz- Thanks. I'm happy to be a part of such a cool and caring place in cyberspace.

I think we ALL bring a little something to this blog! That's why Roseland is Roseland!

This little chick has a headache that won't go away so I'm off to the land of Nod. Hoping it will be gone when I wake up.

Happy dreams to all!

Tigerlily said...

Hi all..

Just quickly dropping in to have a quick look at what the lovely Roselanders have been up to, before I get on with cooking the evening meal.

I really wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all the comforting words about my grandmother. I was really 'blown away' by all the kindness, so thank you ladies, it's much appreciated and it really does help. :)
I'd hate to miss anyone out..but thanks to Birdie, Rhonda,Claire, Super, DK,Freddie, Angelica, Dottie ,Olivia, Hope, Sjjw, Kay and Melinda.

I also saw that Fio is having a difficult time and just wanted to pass on *hugs*. I hope you start to feel better soon Fio.

Take care all.--I'd better get cooking. ;)

Soleil Anne said...


Thanks for expressing what the
NORMAL,SANE fans of this fandom would say.

Is there no end to these craz*ness?

The vid the 14yr. girl did was effective, when she asked:
"how old are you?"

This is also the reason why R/K would never answer this question.
People would want "details".

I miss you when you donot post.
But when you do...its always a highlight!!!


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