The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rob and Kristen and George.

This is George.

George is a stuffed St. Bernard.
I got George for my 10th birthday.
(He's aged a bit better than I have...)
I love George.
I squish him and hug him
and named him George!

When I was young
(so much younger than today)
I used to write to George.
It was a diary of sorts, I suppose.
I could tell George anything.
So I thought I would see how it goes now...

Good boy!
Will he ever smile again?

Dear George,
     There are all kinds of paparazzi shots of Robert... Looking miserable and angry.
I'm starting to really turn the corner on this kind of bullshit. Seriously.
I don't even like posting the above picture... they all feel so intrusive to me now.
I don't know anymore... I really don't.
Nothing is worth seeing Rob so unhappy and annoyed.
I know everyone was curious about where Rob was going after leaving Toronto.
But does it really matter? Does it really prove anything?
The reason I posted the above picture, George... is because people were taking the 
slip of paper in his pocket... and blowing it up and analyzing it. Trying to prove where
he was going. I know, George... I know.
This is hard stuff. Hard to know where to draw the line. Hard to even see the fucking line sometimes... you know?

Remember when Rob looked like this?

Because George... take this picture for example. Rob and Tom. All happy. Just out walking Bear (I bet you and him would get along just fine, George). And these pictures don't seem so bad, you know? Because Rob and Tom are all smiley and relaxed. But these pics were taken without their permission, too. You can see the change in demeanor almost immediately if you follow all the pics. Rob sees the Pap... he loses the smile. Instantly.
Happiness over. Smiley Rob and Tom. Done.
So where do I draw the line, George? Do I post only smiley pap pics? Do I not post any pap pics at all? I don't want to contribute in ANY way to the look of absolute misery and sadness on Robert's face. Ever.
I need to rethink some things.
Perfectly Kristen.

OK George. We are going to talk about Kristen now. You know who she is.
The gorgeous talented actress who has stolen Robert's heart.
Yeah... we've talked about her before.
I adore Kristen Stewart. Absolutely adore her.
She is on the cover of Glamour this month, George.
She's looks fucking SPECTACULAR!
All the pictures. Every one. Showcases exactly who Kristen is.
Oh but George...
You know what I'm going to say here, don't you?

Why is Kristen so beautiful?

Yes. So much jealousy. So much bitterness. So many sour grapes.
But we have come to expect that, haven't we, George? The miserable harpies who claim to just want to admire Rob without Kristen... apparently cannot go one moment in time without trash-talking about her endlessly. And by endlessly... more than they ever discuss Robert. Kristen owns them, George. Lock. Stock and the Barrel they are always scraping the bottom of.
So Kristen gave a cute interview with Stephenie Meyers.
I thought it was incredibly sweet. Not that I expected to hear anything racy with SM asking the questions.
So for some reason... people got all bent about Kristen talking about Taylor. How watching Twilight with him was different than watching it with Rob. And somehow... people thought that was a 'diss' to Rob. Honestly, George. People just want to fucking whine and howl about ANYTHING.  I don't get the constant attacks on Taylor. At all. I get that people don't like the Jacob character (Kinda... I mean... it is only a character in a book... and Taylor really isn't Jacob... and come on... Edward wins in the end... so why the constant pissing and moaning about Jacob?)

You know, George... its blatantly obvious that Kristen adores Taylor. And Rob obviously likes the guy too... and why shouldn't they? Taylor has been a great friend to both of them.
He's always been there for Kristen. He's doesn't talk out of turn about their relationship...
Kristen is apparently very comfortable with him. Why must that be a bad thing?
Why, George... WHY?
So what if she mentions him in an interview? She brought up Rob too...
And after all this time... People still expect Kristen to gush over Robert in print? Really?
Oh George... You know how it goes. No matter what is said... it will get twisted and bent to fit whatever agenda.

For instance...

There was a picture of Rob and Kristen in this article.
Above the pic was this caption:

Kristen and co-star Robert Pattinson
Constant publicity partners.

Right, George.
You know what I'm going to say here... don't you?
People conveniently skipped right over LOVEBIRDS and went right to publicity partners.
Thing is? They do publicity for the movies. They do it together. Part of the job, George.
But going to each others movie sets, celebrating weddings, christenings and holidays together? Not publicity. They do that all on their own.

Smiling. Together.

So where does that leave us, George?
Let's see...

1. Rob is back in LA, looking sad and annoyed and miserable.
2. Kristen is in London. Working hard on SWATH and looking gorgeous on set
and on the cover of Glamour.
3. People are all 'worried' about the state of Rob and Kristen's relationship,
based on the fleeting moments we are allowed to see.
4. The only drama and angst is in the fandom... not in their relationship.
5. Rob has every right to look pissed off... he has assholes stalking and harassing
his every move. He's been traveling and working and he's probably tired...
And maybe... just maybe... he just wants to be in London too.
And maybe... just maybe... he wouldn't have left if he didn't have to...
And maybe... just maybe... he will get back there (and to Kristen) as soon as he can.

Remember when I use to talk about Rob and cigs? Um. Hello Tom and cigs. Gulp.

And last...but never least, George.
I love Tom Sturridge.
He is the green to my sheep.
He is the sheep to my green.

Do you hear me? I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

Chorus : Duet
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooooh ooooooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you, I promise you I will

I'm .. lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through the trees
Move so pretty, you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

Chorus : Duet
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Oooooooh .... ooooooooh
I love Glee.
I love this song.
Thank you.
This post is brought to you by luck.
Know when you have it.
And be thankful it found you.
Bye for now.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 350 of 350
Leni said...

Hi Freddie :)
Hope you are having a great day as well?!

Rhonda said...

Annie- If I'm being honest, I didn't even begin to like Jacob's character until BD. But, even then, I wanted him to go away.

Hi Freddie :)

angelica1 said...

Hi Freddie - ditto!

Freddie said...

Annie - nice to see you. Yes, we're getting the cold and rain here today. A classic miserable fall day. I'm hoping we'll get back to some warmer weather again - I'm not ready for late fall/winter.

Hey Robert, Muse, bcaceres30, dottie, ADD and Emilia – I hope you are all well. Sorry, I missed you on my earlier post.

Oops typo on my earlier post - it should have said "devices"

Freddie said...

Hey Rhonda,

How are you? How's the not so new job now?

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Haha..I "think" that Charley wanted more than anything to keep Bella away from Edward after he left her in New Moon...remember the very fine acting by Kristen in her portrayal of a very "broken" Bella in dad would want to see his daughter go back to someone who had that kind of an affect on their child and could in theory, leave her again...Jacob was the person who brought Bella back to the living...because the absence of Edward nearly killed her. Thats my take on it...

But I am Team Edward most definitely!

Im watching Twilight while Im ironing...we are at the restaurant!

Annie said...

I did like the banter between Jacob and Rosalie......very funny.

@Freddie: It's raining and cold here too, about 50 degrees now.

*I*Believe* said...

@Annie~No, you weren't too hard on poor Jacob....I hope they have the part in BD where Rosalie gives Jacob the dish of food that says FIDO on it....hee hee

Freddie said...

Super - I agree with your take on Charlie's motivations, but would have thought he would have drawn the line at Jacob kissing Bella against her will. Particularly since he's a cop.

You're making me nostalgic. I may have to pull out my Twilight DVD now.

*I*Believe* said...

I really wonder how this whole imprinting thing is going to work with Jacob/Nessie...if you think about seems creepy....remember at the LA Eclipse Convention when Rob teased Taylor about falling in love with a baby?.....priceless :)

Leni said...

Because you have mentioned Kristen's great acting in New Moon - her screaming in her sleep/after waking up kills me everytime!
Enjoy watching Twilight :)

Freddie said...

Hey IB - I'm glad to hear school is going well and that you're enjoying the kids in your class. Totally agree with you FIDO dish...LOL.

Annie - I guess it's what we have to look forward too. Oh joy.

Rhonda said...

Freddie- It's going very well, thanks. I'm so happy I made the change. How's it going for you?

*I*Believe* said...

Super~You were at the restaurant part of the movie and listening to Rob's wonderful voice :)

Freddie said...

Boy, batting a thousand... another typo. It should read "totally agree with you on the FIDO dish".

*I*Believe* said...

Freddie~What's you you think the Fido dish will be in there?

*I*Believe* said...

Super~At least you get to iron...I have to do cat boxes the WORST job in the house...yuck! But, I do love my kitties!

Freddie said...

Rhonda - glad it is going well for you. Work is interesting and challenging. I'm looking forward to a few days off however, with Canadian Thanksgiving next weekend.

IB - you're right on Rob's voice. Also loved how he said "cat" in that scene. LOL.

*I*Believe* said...

Freddie~you Thanksgiving is earlier than you celebrate every year on Thursday like us? If so, do you guys have a Black Friday shopping day like us?

Freddie said...

IB - it seems like they're trying to get most of the good stuff in the movies, so we can hope. It is pretty relevant to the relationship between Jacob and Rosalie.

You and I are on the same work detail tonight. I have to go clean the cat box as well. What glamourous work we do.

*I*Believe* said...

Hubby won't help me with them bc he says "They're your cats...I wanted a dog!" LOL...the only break I ever had from litter duty was when I was prego.

Freddie said...

IB - Thanksgiving is decidely more low key for us than in the US. We celebrate on Monday and only have the one day off vs. Thursday/Friday. We don't have Black Friday, which is why people near the border enjoy traveling state-side for Black Friday with you guys. The purpose of the holiday is the same and we do enjoy time with friends and family. Good food is always in order.

*I*Believe* said...

Freddie~Is turkey the traditional meal?

Annie said...

OK......Super: Putting my Twilight dvd in the BluRay player now. :)
It was nice catching up with everyone.
Here's to a great week for all.


Super RN Gas Passer said...

IB...I scrape the litter box every morning for my 3

FREDDIE..Pull it out and watch wont be disappointed..Edward is twirling Bella AROUND in his room..fixing to head out the window!!!!!

God, I LOVE Edward in this movie!

Freddie said...

IB - yes, turkey is definitely the tradition, along with things like pumpkin pie. The good news for the rest of the family is that I don't do the cooking. Food poisoning tends to put a damper on the celebrations. LOL.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Leni said...

Goodnight Annie :)

Freddie said...

Night Annie - nice chatting with you.

Super - you know, the dance scene in his room was for me almost (almost) as sensual as the kiss scene. I love how Edward/Rob placed his hand on Bella's/Kristen's waist. And it was the build up to the tree scene where they are talking. I always thought that looked more like Rob and Kris talking vs. their characters.

Freddie said...

Ladies, it was great catching up with you, if only for a bit, but I have to head off. I've been procrastinating, but have to get back to work.

Talk with you all soon. Stay well.

*I*Believe* said...

Good Night Annie...keep warm!

Freddie~I don't cook Thanksgiving dinner dad does.

If off too...gotta get to those litter boxes and get ready for the week!

Be well everyone!

Claire said...

Confession time

I've never even read ANY of the Twilight books

*runs away*

Dani said...

Hi everyone :)

Rose, great post. George is super cute!

I've been busy with RL and fortunately away from the internet, since people get completely nuts when R&K are not (physically) together. I'm sure they miss each other. And Bear... Forget the boyfriend, lol, I would be dying if I had to be away from my dog for so long!
I LOVED all the pics from the SWATH set, the movie is going to be amazing. Now I need some OTR news too, I'm dying to see the trailer!

I love this photoshoot (Glamour), already one of my favourites. Kristen is simply stunning! And she didn't say anything wrong in the interview -___-

July, I saw all the bashing too and I think I understand what you are trying to say. I agree with what you said about Robsessed and Nikola6, I absolutely love to read her comments and her explanations about how the movie industry works. She's very funny and I think she might have changed already some people's minds about Kristen.

And I agree with everyone here about Twilight (NOT a love triangle) and Jacob (too much, lol...).

Leni said...

Really? Well that's not bad IMO - I like the movies way better than the books..

Leni said...

Hi dd :)
I'm sure she misses Bear too..

Super RN Gas Passer said...

CLAIRE...You are not the first person to say you are missing quite a treat...There are so many scenes that didnt make it into the favorite from Twilight is after the meadow scene(when Edward admits that he is unsure whether he will be able NOT to kill her) is late and he decides to have her ride on his back so they can quickly get back to the truck...the movie is the book, it makes Bella very dizzy and when they get back down to the truck, Edward kisses her neck and she passes is the most intensely sensual scene in the whole my cant even describe it properly...

In New Moon, my favorite part is when they get back to Charleys house after being in Italy and Bella argues with Edward in her bedroom..after she had fallen into an exhausted sleep for hours...and she was sure she had dreamed everything and that he wasnt really "there" with her...they go back and forth with him trying to convince her he is

In ECLIPSE, my favorite part...not in the movie,Bella has been kidnapped by Alice while Edward is keep her away from Jacob and the wolves.. and she is angry and its in the middle of the night when Edward returns...he puts her on the nice bed..and well...I wont go in to the whole thing..but again...very sensual.heh

In favorite part is when Bella wakes up from her transformation and describes it...fascinating!!!

How was the Indian curry?

Leni said...

Now that you mention it - I also really missed the scenes in New Moon and Eclipse that you have described and in Twilight I missed the day at school where Edward asks Bella all of these basic questions (favorite color/stone, if she has any pets..) I always found that really sweet!

Super RN Gas Passer said...

CLAIRE...I just re read what I wrote..I didnt say it right..what I meant about the last part was not the transformation itself but when she woke up and was a vampire....she describes in detail what she could see, taste, smell, was fascinating to

Enough of that...didnt mean to get so carried away with it!

Going to lurker status. Good night everybody!

Leni said...

I just re-read my comment above.. I meant to say that I like the books better.. lol I'm way too tired for clear thoughts anymore.. good night all :)

Super RN Gas Passer said...

LENI...I agree..also I didnt mention Midnight Sun...hopefully SM will finish it..that book is a mesmerizing account of Twilight from Edwards perspective....that book was "intoxicating" to I really am out of here!

Dani said...

Hi Leni, Claire and Super :)


I really enjoyed reading the books, I agree with Super, there are many interesting scenes that didn't make it into the movies.

I read the 4 books in a week (fortunately I was on vacation, lol). I watched twilight in DVD one week before New Moon came out in the theaters! I had never heard about the saga, I saw the poster somewhere and I recognized Kristen from Panic Room and Into the wild (one of my favourite movies ever). I decided to see twilight because of her :) I saw the movie and I loved it! I remember thinking there's no way these two are not in love with each other in RL. I googled them after seeing the movie, and I was thrilled to learn that twilight was a saga and the next movie was coming out in a week, lol! And that Rob and Kristen were indeed a couple in RL :) I bought the 4 books the next day and I read them before watching NM in the theater.

Robert said...

i know i should ne grading papers, but i can't help it. i love this discussion.

claire, in my very unimportant opinion, not having read the books is not a big deal. they are a fun read, but SM is no william faulkner.

but she has done 2 pretty remarkable things 1. with the help of rob and kristen, she has brought back romance in a huge way and 2, she has laid out one hell of a saga. think of how bella evolves from an awkward lovesick teenager to being the most powerful vampire in the world.

i am fascinated woth the phenomenon itself and i think it can be attributed to 3 things 1. the romance, 2. the unbelievable chemistry between R and K and 3. i believe rob is a very good actor, but even he can't overcome the hoky scripts. i'm not sure kristen does either, but he was right when he called her the lynchpin. she is a really special actress.there are tons of stories like this but my favotite is in welcome to the ruleys. she called her friend mary stuart masterson to tell her about the young actress named kristen stewart she was working with masterson then pointed out to her that she had already worked wuth her on the film the 3 of them had done called the cake eaters.

i love that story

Robert said...

oops i left out the actress' name from welcome to the riley's. she played lois melissa leo

DreamerKind said...

If I Ruled The World

Big Time Rush & Iyaz

Ya know it's your boy I-Y-A-Z and Big Time Rush! (woo! woo!)

If I ruled the world
I'd throw all the money
In the air like confetti

If I ruled the world
Every house got a DJ
And a backyard party

And I'd break
All the borders down
When I shake the ground

If I ruled the world
I'd dream out loud

So everybody get up
Up out of your seats
Kick off your shoes
Lke you're down at the beach

Jump up, up, up
On the beat singing "Aye oh!"
"Aye oh!", "Aye oh!"

Up, up, out of your seats
Be who you are
Love is all you need
All of us Geeks
Greaks and wannabes
Singing "Aye oh!"

If I ruled the world
I'd give it, give it all to you
Give it, give it all to you

If you were my girl
You'd never have to worry
About another thing, no

'cause I'd rule the world
And you'd be right next to me
Running the show

We'd throw every rule in the book down
And bring down the house
If you were my girl
We'd dream out loud

I'd be beatin' on my chest
I'm the king of the hill
Iyaz and Big Time Rush
Keepin' it real

Magic carpets girl, we go wherever,
I ain't tryin' a run game
I ain't tryin' to be clever

Girl, I'm ’ma be the king
And you will be the queen
Goin' a hundred miles an hour
Girl, we runnin' the streets

And if the cops ever try and pull us over,
Tell 'em "Hey, Mister Officer, we own ya!"

So everybody get up, up
Out of your seats
Kick off your shoes, like you're down at the beach

Jump up, up, up
On the beat singing "Aye oh!", "Aye oh!", "Aye oh!"

Up, up, out of your seats
Be who you are love is all you need
All of us geeks, freaks
And wannabes singing "Aye oh!"

If I ruled the world, I'd give it
Give it all to you
Give it, give it all to you

Thank you/BTRmusic1Fan

DreamerKind said...

Hello! I fancy meeting you here. Glad you did well in your pre-op.

Peek-a-boo! I'll be around. :)

I enjoyed all of the discussion going on here earlier and now later, too. Can see every pov from every angle, like I am at the top of the world, looking down on creation. That's the FGM way.


DreamerKind said...

Baby Hold On

The Dixie Chicks:

Hey, it might never be the same
We might never live
Those days gone by
But we can try

Good morning
Let's kick the babies out of bed
How bout you and me instead
Hanging on
Not up and gone

(Baby, hold on)
Let's start this over
(Baby, hold on)
We're not much older now
(Baby, hold on)
If you still see what I see
Keep holding on
Hold on to me

Baby, it's good
To see you smile again
I know we can't escape
So let's pretend
We're someplace else

It's a new day
Let's look at all we've got
It's everything we thought
We ever wanted
It's beautiful

I look across the room
And catch you staring at me
And see the love
We almost left behind

So lead me by the hand
And let's make up
Let's make up for lost time

(Baby, hold on)
Let's start this over
(Baby, hold on)
We're not much older
(Baby, hold on)
If you still see what I see
Keep holding on

(Baby, hold on)
Hold on to me
(Baby, hold on)
Just hold on to me
(Baby, hold on)
Hold on to me
Keep holding on

Hey, it might never be the same
We might never live
Those days gone by
But we can try

Thank you/RoseAlvaro

DreamerKind said...

Don't Let Yourself Down

Swing Out Sister:

Flying high
Flying low
Hate to be the one to say
"I told you so"

What picked you up
Has let you down
Up to tricks just for kicks

Guess those plain home comforts
Couldn't keep you fixed
And now their habits
Have got you licked

Don't let yourself down
Trust your heart because
You know it's the best

Don't let yourself down
Trust in love
And you'll have no regrets
You're out on your own

From now on
Don't let yourself down
Don't be fooled
Life is cruel

Nothing comes to you
Until you've paid your dues
You're no exception to the rules

There's no use in dreaming
You won't be satisfied
Until you come clean
Don't be surprised
If life treats you mean

Don't let yourself down
You're out on your own
Don't let yourself down
Don't let yourself down

Thank you/liquidgee13

DreamerKind said...

It Makes It Perfect

Practice What You Preach

Barry White:

So what do you want to do
I'm here, baby
I'm ready baby
I'm waiting on you
Believe me
I am patiently waiting on you

Girl, there's something wrong with me
Every time I'm alone with you
You keep talking
About you loving me
Hey babe, your foreplay
Just blows my mind
So why don't we stop
All the talking, girl
Why don't we stop wasting time

'Cause you keep telling me this
And telling me that
You say once I'm with you
I'll never go back
You say there's a lesson
That you want to teach
Well here I am baby
Practice what you preach

Girl it's just you and me
So many things I could do to you
And so many ways I can please

Hey, hey, hey it's your move girl
Why don't you start turning down the lights
And show me what you can do

Ladies, baby, baby, baby
We're wasting time, precious time
All this talk about what you're gonna do
And how you're gonna do it to me
Come on, practice what you preach
Well here I am baby
Practice what you preach

Thank you/chosen16O1

DreamerKind said...

Top Of The World

The Carpenters:

Such a feelin's comin' over me
There is wonder
In most everything I see

Not a cloud in the sky
Got the sun in my eyes
And I won't be surprised
If it's a dream

Everything I want the world to be
Is now coming true
Especially for me

And the reason is clear
It's because you are here
You're the nearest thing
To heaven that I've seen

I'm on the top of the world
Lookin' down on creation
And the only explanation
I can find

Is the love that I've found
Ever since you've been around
Your love's put me
At the top of the world

Something in the wind
Has learned my name
And it's tellin' me
That things are not the same

In the leaves on the trees
And the touch of the breeze
There's a pleasin' sense
Of happiness for me

There is only one wish on my mind
When this day is through
I hope that I will find

That tomorrow will be
Just the same for you and me
All I need will be mine
If you are here

I'm on the top of the world
Lookin' down on creation
And the only explanation
I can find

Is the love that I've found
Ever since you've been around
Your love's put me
At the top of the world

Thank you/LoveHowardBanister

DreamerKind said...

Evening (Time To Get Away)

The Moody Blues:

Evening has come to pass
The time of day doesn't last
Evening, has earned its place today
I'm tired of working away

Working, living it brings
Only way to have those things
Toiling has bought too many tears
Turn 'round all those past years

Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away
Evening time to get away
'Til next day

Live all you people
You can't see where you're at
It doesn't really hurt you
So that can't be bad
Evening time to get away

Thank you/Northcarolinian

DreamerKind said...

Thanks-Kristen & Rob

Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart

Judy Garland (age 16-1938):

Never could carry a tune
Never knew where to start
You came along
When everything was wrong
And put a song in my heart

Dear, when you smiled at me
I heard a melody
It haunted me from the start
Something inside of me
Started a symphony
Zing! Went the strings of my heart

'Twas like a breath of spring
I heard a robin sing
About a nest set apart
All nature seemed to be
In perfect harmony
Zing! Went the strings of my heart

Your eyes made skies
Seem blue again
What else could I do again
But keep repeating
Through and through
"I love you, love you"

I still recall the thrill
Guess I always will
I hope 'twill never depart

I knew I loved you heaps
And you were mine for keeps
Zing! Went the strings of my heart

Zing! Oh, Oh, Oh
Went the strings of my heart

Thank you/TheManThatGetAway

DreamerKind said...


Badda Bing, Badda Boom!

Toodly Do, my dear friends.

DreamerKind said...

No Angst
(Read GOMD/GFYS-Haters)

I'd Rather Be Blue Over You
(Than Be Happy With Somebody Else)

Fanny Brice-1929:

Here I am
There you'll be
Miles and miles away from me
I can't see the good
In goodbye

Still the best of friends
Have to part
Don't lose sleep
And don't lose heart
No need, so baby don't cry

I'd rather be blue thinking of you
I'd rather be blue over you
Than be happy with somebody else

I'm crazy about 'cha
Without 'cha,
For you I'm strong
I can't do without'cha
Howcha magoucha
Don't stay too long

I need a little ah, little ooh, little oh
And I'm knocking on wood
Ah, honey hurry up, hurry up, hurry up
It's so hard to be good

I'd rather be blue thinking of you
I'd rather be blue over you
Than be happy with somebody else

Will I be good? Will I be bad?
Don't be a fool, you fool
My little flat, I'm turning that
Into a Sunday school

While you're away, I'm here to say
There'll be no iceman there
Singin' the blues I'm gonna use
Nothin' but Frigidaire

Still I'd rather be blue
Thinking of you
I'd rather be blue over you
Than be happy with somebody else

Blue over you, I'd rather be blue over you
Than be hap-hap-hap-happy
With somebody else

Thank you/240252

DreamerKind said...

So, you know me too well..
No amount of zing!, badda, bing, or toodly do, can lure me away from Roseland, when another song wants in and out.

The last little ditty is the last, I swear, and I did swear, didn't I?

Just lighting the light, hoping it's bright, and the world of haters, will no more be.

Come away with me, in the night.

Claire said...


Looking gorgeous as per


Not gonna lie, really, REALLY want a Rob cover.

*I*Believe* said...

Morning All!

It is a cold dark dreary day here and what do I find???....the cover of GQ UK with the lovely Miss Stewart on the front cover! Wow...she is beautiful! Her range of looks never ceases to amaze me! You men are lucky to have such a beauty gracing your GQ cover!

So...Robert (from the blog and I guess Mr. Pattinson too, lol) out and get you copy!

DK~Hope all is well. I am sorry to always miss you.

PL~Where are you???? Are you MIA? Please check in!!!!

Now, go take on the day!

Claire said...


I'm loving all of these Kristen covers, but they're also making me really want a Rob one. LOL

I'm like an addict rattling for their next hit. LOL

angelica1 said...

Claire - I think we might be seeing the reverse of Eclipse promo. We got lots of Rob shoots because he was busy with WFE. This time Kristen's busy with SWATHso we're seeing covers instead of appearances.

Annie said...

Good morning Roseland!

It's cold here but hot on the cover of GQ Uk! Good Lord!

Robert Pattinson, as Reese Witherspoon said...."You are the luckiest mother*****r in Hollywood!"

@Claire : I want, WANT a Kristen and Rob cover......Can you imagine the hotness? :)

Claire said...


Never thought about that PMSL

*facepalms myself*

Birdie said...

Wow, another beautiful magazine spread. It just keeps coming. I think people will see that Kristen is not that teen from Twilight anymore! Stunning!
Enjoyed your ladies' conversation last night. DK, thanks for the tunes.
Have a great day all!

Claire said...


*Fans self*

Leni said...

The GQ cover is HOT!!!

@Angelica: I think you are right - we will be seeing Rob more at Promotional Tours and stuff (although I still would really love to see him also on a magazine cover!)

@Annie: I am also waiting for a Rob/Kristen cover - that would really be something!

@Claire: When I saw the GQ cover I was thinking about what you said the other night about Rob stashing away Kristen' covers some place in plastic wrapping so they won't get damaged LOL

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Morning Roseland...CLAIRE..I told you wrong about my favorite part in the Twilight book...I had to re-read that part last night...heh..anyway it isn't in the movie but when Edward and Bella are going to the field where the vampires are going to play baseball Bella reluctantly let's Edward scoop her onto his back and they have an interesting encounter... Have a great Monday everybody!

Muse said...

Hi Roseland residents! May I come in? Down in Isle Esme sun is shining, sky is blue and it's h-o-t! Anyone for a trade?

@angelica - re K's cover, doesn't she look all pin-up? And the red dress? What a chameleon! Wonder if it has to do w/ OtR trailer soon-to-be-released?
@Claire - I concur, Rob's missing too, perhaps when BA promo time comes eh? *lifting eyebrows*
And wld it be too much to ask for another R&K shoot?
@DK - Carpenters? THUD
@Super – thx f/the potatoes yummy! Ha ha ha that ‘encounter’ was really really good!
@Robert, *high-fiving* yr presence here is a statement to yr true grit! Perseverance & faith are yr middle names eh?

Muse said...

Robert mentioned last night themes and...I just can't resist to his lure and [...]in my very unimportant opinion oh man I loooved it! May I? In MVUO...

[...] SM is no WF
William F? You've certainly levered the bar! I thought of some blockbusters wannabe writers (no, not bashing at JKR, no).
[...] 2 pretty remarkable things
And we still owe her that (E's Edward) MVUO? It has to do w/how R&K played E&B, making them 'real' & credible *can.not.imagine.other.actors*, how they behaved towards the saga, not taking it as ‘just a summer teen flick’ but sincerely onboard w/it all.the.way.
*[and with a love like that] (insert name here) knows she should be glad yeah yeah yeah*
[…] the romance; the unbelievable chemistry; I believe Rob is a very good actor but […]
#1&2 checked but #3 can we skip it? I don’t want talk about how misconducted the story was and how such course of action was allowed.
‘So, it’s not because of me?’ ‘No, it was because of me’ (I’m paraphrasing) * Trying very hard to refrain or I may phase into a she-wolf*
That was E&B’s journey of findings, discoveries & making choices!
B WAS irrevocably in love w/E!
He was the reason she wanted to be changed!!!!
Yes she felt like finally finding her place in the world but this was later!
Which part of the text was not understood?
Be still my heart…Bill C, we hv highg expectations on yr 'hand'
He was right when he called her the lynchpin. She is a really special actress. […] The cake eaters.
Her disabled Georgia had me in tears, I dare say it was even better than her asthmatic Sarah - if that’s possible.
And yes, Robert, we can proudly witness Rob’s increasingly improving skills; him puking in the street after his parent’s death in WfE had me teary eyed (amongst dozens of other scenes). He conveys so many emotions w/o saying a single word! *sigh*
Ok, am off the soapbox!
Wish you hv a fantastic day and a sucessful week!

bcaceres30 said...

@claire. i actually really like how Stephenie Meyer writes, and i love the Twilight Saga books. i am one of the few in the Twilight fandom who actually loves both the books and the movies equally, and i think they should not be compared but seen as different entities.

Claire said...

I've just watched Kristen Glamour behind the scenes video LOL

Harrison Ford, eh Kristen? PMSL

''my wife, my family, my wife, my family'' *screaming* LOL

Claire said...

Imagining Robert seeing that and buying an Indiana Jones hat and whip, he can where the leather jacket from WFE. She comes home and he's standing in the doorway fully clad looking like Indiana Jones cracking his whip. PMSL

Claire said...

That should read *wear* not *where*.

Too much to drink LOL

Vangie said...


Vangie said...

there is so much, i want to ask, but ?

Vangie said...

i always feel like kristen always throw rob under the bus, why she always have to mention rob and taylor have to be there, as if they are bread and butter, now did i miss something did kristen say rob make her feel like a woman, or somethimg to thatt effect, or the twitter robsten fans make that up?excuse the spelling, i writing with very poor lighting>

Claire said...


I don't think Kristen has ever 'thrown Rob under the bus'. She only ever talks about him to the media in a professional capacity, and that's a very smart thing to do, because the press would just want more.

Robert on the other hand....LOL. You can never be quite sure what he's going to say, which is one of the reasons I and a lot of other people love him so much. The guy has no filter and has the worst case of word vomit I think I've ever seen.

As for twitter, take most of the stuff you read there with a mountain of salt. I've read things from Rob up in some blonde girls grill in LA, but he just happened to be in Budapest filming Bel Ami at the time, to him canoeing somewhere in the US, while he was filming in Toronto.

Claire said...

Just to add to my post.

I love Kristen for wanting to keep something that is obviously very special to her private whenever she speaks to the press.

And I love Rob for slipping up when in the same position. PMSL

angelica1 said...

Vangie - More to the point, why do you insist on coming here, attacking Kristen for doing and saying nothing wrong, when you know exactly the reaction you'll get? Seriously,you're opinion of her changes more often than the date!! Why bother?

Rhonda said...

Vangie- Okay, I'm sorry if I'm misreading your comment, but wtf?
Kristen has never "thrown Rob under the bus."

Claire said...


Why don't you put your photo on a public forum and then we'll judge how you look in comparison with Kristen, are you game? Somehow I doubt it.

The girl has a body to die for, amazing skin, and eyes you could get lost in. While I'm guessing the only thing you could get lost when it comes to you is the rolls of fat.

And insulting her Mum? Really? I've obviously never heard her mother speak to judge her character but going by what we know of Kristen, I think her mum must be a pretty great person, she raised a wonderful daughter afterall.

Now GTFO and go and crawl back under whatever rock you crawled from.

angelica1 said...

Claire - Don't engage. This one's a total moron who pops up whenever the asylim gives her day release

Rhonda said...

Angelica- LOL that day pass should've been revoked a long time ago.

angelica1 said...

Rhonda - We should be pleased.Great R/K news invariably follows an appearance :)

Claire said...

Seriously girl, you don't hate Kristen? *snort*

You and your ilk spend most of your time hating the girl, you lot are so consumed by her that you don't realise that she owns your arses.

She seems ungrateful? I didn't know that you were privy to every fan encounter etc. She has spoken numerous times about how grateful she is for the position she finds herself, so you are full of shit on that count (you are on every count to be honest).

As for her 'thighs' and 'gut', methinks you need to see an optician, and pronto. Too much time in front of your computer screen obsessing over her seems to be hindering your eye sight.

So what if she likes a drink or smokes a bit of weed, this is 2011 not 1911. Given the unwarranted shit that you and your friends throw at her she has every right to let her down.

As for your comments about her Mum, again, put your picture up and we'll see what you look like. Her family have got nothing to do with whatever sick vendetta you have against an innocent 21 year old woman who has done fuck all to deserve it.


Claire said...


I've had a shit day and I just need to vent.

Some of her comments (especially about Kristen's family) are beyond the pale, and I'm absolutely foaming.

angelica1 said...

Claire - I totally agree but this one likes it when you respond.The comments will get worse. Rose will delete them when she sees them....and I'm sorry you've had a shit day :)

*I*Believe* said...

Good Gravy!!!

Another troll?

Malica~You need glasses. You are obviously NOT looking at the same photos we are. Also, you are obviously at the wrong blog so GO AWAY!

Vangie~I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't think Kristen has EVER thrown Rob "under the bus." Remember she is very careful about what she says about Rob bc she is keeping what is hers, hers.

Rhonda said...

Claire- I know it's hard to ignore, but Angelica is right.

Sorry you've had a bad day...

Claire said...

You're right, I'll just ignore her if she posts again (or try to anyway LOL)

*I*Believe* said...

Sorry guys, but I'm not an ignorer, if that's even a word. The haters can all SUCK IT!

Claire said...

Looks like somebody took out the trash.

Freddie said...

Hi Angelica, Claire and Rhonda.

Claire - sorry that you've had a bad day. I hope it was nothing like the disasterous day of last week. Angelica is right. It's frustrating for her/him/them when they get nothing back from us.

Anything up ladies?

angelica1 said...

IB - Well you know I struggle myself sometimes....:D

*I*Believe* said...

Speaking of taking out the trash, I wonder how Leo is doing.

Freddie said...

Hi IB.

Sorry to repeat the same things. I'm just a slow typer.

Rhonda said...

IB- LOL I don't always ignore either, but I try :)

Hi Freddie :)

Freddie said...

Hey Rhonda - how's it going?

IB - I'm impressed that your father cooks the turkey dinner. Wow. My father wouldn't know where to start.

Rhonda said...

Freddie- Will you go visit your folks for Thanksgiving?

angelica1 said...

Freddie - I don't even want to think about eating something my dad dished up.LOL

*I*Believe* said...

Freddie~Don't be too impressed...he has his reasons...I used to do the holiday cooking and them my dad decided he didn't like not having leftovers so he took he is a good cook...he learned from my grandmother.

lol-veri word-grand

Freddie said...

Rhonda - I should but I'm having a hard time coordinating it around some work obligations. I'm actually in Montreal tomorrow night so will see them for a little bit (maybe an hour by the time I get there). I'm going to try to get back for a week sometime in October so I can give my mom some support.

*I*Believe* said...

Freddie~I think we will be celebrating Columbus Day when you celebrate your Thanksgiving. We Monday off of school.

Robert said...


thanks for joining in the conversation. i really enjoyed your comments anf found myself agreeing with most of what you said

i really hope i did not give anyone the impression that i do not think rob is a good actor. rob is a fantastic actor with the accolades from co stars and directors to prove it.


now malica, are you new to this stuff or are you just that naive. you seriously want us to believe that when you look at this girl you see "fat and ugly"

lucky for the rest of us the editors of vogue, GQ, elle, and glamour think she's purty.


you are my hero

actualy all you ladies are

Freddie said...

Angelica - my father's idea of cooking is eating beans cold from the can. LOL. And I'm not joking.

*I*Believe* said...

@Robert~Awwww :)

*I*Believe* said...


Rhonda said...

Freddie- I'm sure they understand :)

Freddie said...

IB - it sounds like a win-win. Your father gets leftovers and you get to relax. LOL.

Do you do anything special for Columbus Day other than have school off? Actually, do you get the day off or are the kids just off?

angelica1 said...

Freddie - Mine makes a cheese sandwich then microwaves it to melt the cheese - soggy,floppy,tepid bread, delicious!

Rhonda said...

Hi Robert :)

*I*Believe* said...

OK~the Monday comment didn't come out should say we have Monday off of school.

Freddie said...

Hey Robert - how are you doing?

*I*Believe* said...

The melted cheese sandwich sounds

Claire said...

Believe me ladies, I try my hardest to show restraint. Kristen has done nothing to deserve the hate she gets, and it makes me sad and angry, which manifests in letting rip at the haters.

Why spend your time hating an innocent woman? A lot of these people have children of their own, what kind of example are they setting?

I've always been a Rob fan first and foremost, but I've come to love her just as much.

They claim to be fans of Rob, so why hate the woman that obviously makes him happy? The man has no poker face whatsoever when it comes to her, it's written all over his face how he feels about her.

Surely they would want Rob to be happy, and Kristen makes him happy. They should be worshiping the ground she walks on, she brought him to them/us at the end of the day.

Back to my happy place now LOL.

Rhonda said...

Freddie- LOL my dad would eat straight from the can too. We always thought it was so gross :)

Claire said...


Believe me, YOU are the hero. You are one inspiring man, and don't ever forget that. xxx

*I*Believe* said...

Freddie~I have a special weekend lined up...leaving the kids with hubby and going on a shopping overnight with girlfriends Saturday and Sunday. Monday I will be going to my rug hooking group that I miss bc of school.

*I*Believe* said...

Here, here Claire!!

Freddie said...

Angelica - my Dad is getting on in years and getting to the point where he doesn't remember how to do simple things like use the microwave anymore. But that aside, cooking was never his thing.

Sounds like your Dad has a winner with his sandwich.

angelica1 said...

Claire - You're preaching to the converted, sweetheart!

Hi Robert :)

Robert said...


what happened to my comment?

was it something i said?

or did i just hit the wrong key?

Freddie said...

Claire - you said that so well. We all feel the same way and find it as inexplicable as you do. You are right to want to defend and support her.

angelica1 said...

Freddie - At one point,I thought he just acted helpless so my mum would do it for him but now he's on his own, my sister and I stock his freezer with proper meals and he still eats them!

Freddie said...

IB - that sounds like a great weekend. Are you hunting/shopping for anything specific?

Rhonda said...

Claire- I feel exactly the same. Sometimes you can't help but get right back with them. We all have at some point or another.

Robert said...

sorry never mind i found it you guys are fast

Freddie said...

Angelica - you guys are great to help him out like that. I'm sure he appreciates it, and it's great that he's managing well.

Rhonda said...

Freddie & Angelica- it's tough to watch your parents age isn't it?

Freddie said...

Robert - I don't feel fast. I always feel like I'm two steps behind. LOL.

Freddie said...

Rhonda - you are so right. Aging really sucks.

Claire said...


That's the thing. I know they are trying to get a rise, and I tell myself ''don't respond, don't respond''. Then I read the comments again (especially tonight's) and I'm just like ''fuck that'' LOL

Rhonda said...

Claire- LOL! ;)

Claire said...

I'm off ladies, my boyfriend is home tomorrow and I need some sleep. I need to conserve energy and probably won't be on tomorrow. *wink,wink,nudge,nudge*

*I*Believe* said...

Freddie~Why yes, I am. Last Christmas my Mom gave me thing great Vera Bradley rolling overnight bag. The pattern is called Purple Punch...well, the pattern has been discontinued so we are going to a Vera Bradley outlet to see if I can find a matching tote or small duffel bag...wish me luck.

Will you get to relax?

angelica1 said...

Claire - Like Rhonda says, we all do it sometimes. I'm remarkably serene today having taken out my frustration on dickhead airline handlers :)

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Hi Everybody...I was just reading over the comments...I dont see the trolls post or where it was deleted:( but from what Im gathering IT was insinuating that K has "physical" flaws...bull-hockey!!! She has a PERFECT figure....that is the same troll that has been on here 100 times...its always the same ole garbage...and Im 99.999% sure I know who it is...she likes monikers that start with "M"...

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Night CLAIRE...sweet dreams!

Rhonda said...

Claire- LOL, go rest up then :)

Claire said...


Seriously girls, he won't know what's hit him once I get my claws on him. PMSL


Rhonda said...

I'm out too. Have a great night everyone. TTYL :)

Freddie said...

IB - good luck with your hunt. It would be great if you could find the piece (or pieces) you are looking for. Enjoy your Girls Weekend Out. Don't party too hard. I don't want to read about you in the papers (LOL).

Night Claire - have a good night. I'm sure you are both glad he's home.

Hi Super - how's it going?

Freddie said...

Night Rhonda.

*I*Believe* said...

Rest up, Claire!

Good night Rhonda!

I'm out too...early faculty meeting tomorrow AM.


Dottie said...

Well hello! I see we had a visitor from the "M" family today. That one sounded very much like all the others. Thanks to Rose or whomever took out the trash.

I am just overwhelmed by Kristen's beautiful pictures. The best thing about her though is she doesn't rely on her beauty to get ahead. And she could very easily because she is THAT beautiful. I've watched her from the time she was a kid and admired what a talented girl she was and she just keeps impressing me more and more as she matures as an actor and as a person. How proud her parents must be!

Claire, you probably wont see this because you will be "occupied" but YAY! I'm glad your man is back tomorrow. Enjoy yourselves!

Hello to Robert, Rhonda, Angelica, Super, Freddie, IB... I think I missed someone!

Super RN Gas Passer said...


IB..Good luck on matching your Vera Bradley..very pretty luggage!

FREDDIE...A very long but good day..a 630am meeting at work, then grocery shopping, took the car to the car wash...heh..I had to clean it out first, then a nice lunch with a friend and a productive afternoon at our business..dinner, clean up, went to visit the baby, a niece from out of town came by going on but fun!

ANGELICA...It sounds like you are all doing a great job taking care of your father. My mother died of Alzheimers in is one of the worst things Ive ever been through..I know it was horrible for her and she tried so hard to hold on...I wish your father all the best.

Freddie said...

Good night IB.

Hi dottie - nice post. You are right. I'm sure Kristen's parents are exceedingly proud of her.

Super - it sounds like a busy but satisfying day. I'm glad your grandson is doing well.

I'm off too ladies. I have to go do glamourous things like take out the garbage. Oh well... Have a good one.

angelica1 said...

Hi dottie.

Hi Super, yes it is very hard!

Dottie said...

ANGELICA-MY heart goes out to you. I lost my mother to Alzheimer's a couple of yrs ago and have been looking out for my dad since. I know how thankful you are to be able to be there for him.

Super, you are right. It is a horrible disease.

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good night FREDDIE..TTYL:)

DK..I meant to say that I so enjoyed your musical selections from last night! I hope you are doing well this evening!

DOTTIE..It seems we cross like ships in the coming on as the other one is and I think alot alike...Good night:)

Dottie said...

Good night Super and Freddie. I'm out too.

DreamerKind said...

Good Evening!

Thanks for enjoying the songs. It was a very eclectic selection. I'm good. I'll be off of here for a while, since I am just going grocery shopping, and beer is necessary tonight. Take care, I'll be in touch. Always got you in my heart, Missy.

Glad you liked the songs, too. Miss you, Toots.

@Claire, angelica1, Muse, Robert, IB, dottie, Rhonda, Leni, Freddie
You're all in fine fettle it seems, defending and repelling, sharing, caring, daring, swearing. God, I love ya!


DreamerKind said...

Wow, this is really coming back "later"...and now it's time for dreaming.

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!

Rose, Smitty, Gruff & Syd, you're fab.

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