Good Grief.
I seem to use those two simple words quite a bit lately.
Why you ask?
This fandom is mental.
Remember the wedding last weekend?
You know...
The wedding where Kristen had the audacity...
the fucking NERVE
to change into jeans for the 'after' party.
(AFTER being the key word-- as in after the wedding)
Do you have any idea just how long this jean debate
has gone on?
Do you?
Do you?
Yeah... I know I'm now adding to that total...
But only to make a point.
(And since it was documented that she didn't wear the jeans
to the wedding, I guess it's moot)
The jeans were never really an issue.
Not really.
THIS was the issue
This place card really burned some butts.
The pictures of Rob and Kristen
smiling together...
Or the one with them sitting next to each other
with Rob's arm around Kristen
Those pictures didn't chap their asses more than the words
Mr. Robert Pattinson
Ms. Kristen Stewart
on that card.
A Couple.
So... of course the lunatic fringe had to cling to SOMETHING
Didn't they?
It's just a smokescreen, of course...
So they don't have to face
(once again)
What's right in front of them.
It has gotten so much worse for them
ever since Cannes...
And this video.
This glorious wonderful video.
This video that shows Rob and Kristen
being affectionate and sweet and loving
and kissing and hugging
and all the things that some people
always claim 'You will never see'
But we did... didn't we?
It's not dark... or too blurry
We can clearly see who is who
and what they are doing.
Can't we?
And you know...
Every time Rob and Kristen go out together
be it a concert, or dinner or whatever...
People who see them always are saying
that they were 'so affectionate with each other'
'They were next to each other all night'
'They were hugging and kissing and very sweet'
You know?
And that's all this video really is...
Just showing us the exact same things
all those people said they saw in person.
Makes all those tweets and statements
a bit more believable and REAL now...
Doesn't it?
We all got to witness just how loving and sweet
Rob and Kristen are when they are together.
So it should come as no big surprise...
That when Rob was seen hanging around
With the likes of Katy Perry/Shannon Woodward
and Beiber/Gomez
It would make big news... right?
Of course it did.
Well... to some people anyway.
Those who are clinging to the scraps and tidbits
of their PR theories and conspiracies.
Rob went to Katy Perry's Premiere after party....
And he got on the Beiber Bus
and was dropped off at some bar opening.
Oh dear. Oh my.
If you watch the videos
(and they are painful, not gonna lie)
The paps really didn't seem to care that much
about Rob at all...
They were definitely chasing the Beiber.
Now I'm guessing that would have been
a completely different story if Kristen had been there...
But alas... she was working in Paris.
And Rob was seen with his friend Shannon Woodward.
Whom I really like quite a bit.
She seems to make Robert smile...
and I can always appreciate someone who can do that.
Maybe Rob thought if he traveled with Beiber
the focus wouldn't be on him.
He was kinda right
Until he walked into the bar behind a ...
are you ready for this?
The super secret blonde girlfriend??
Oh wait.
People fucking attacked her on gossip sites
that she actually had to come out and defend herself
“It is absolutely not true,” she tells Gossip Cop. Gordon says,
“I have a wonderful boyfriend and [Pattinson] has beautiful Miss Stewart!”
She adds, “It’s insane how a second in time can be misinterpreted.
I literally took a sip of water and walked inside
and they made it look like we were out there for 10 minutes together.”
Yep. It's insane.
But that just means they will focus more on
Katy and/or Shannon
Or any other female that was in spitting distance.
Breathing the same air.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
And they don't get more desperate than the Fringe.

That's what they try to do...
Not acknowledge the gigantic elephant in the room.
Be it love and affection on a balcony at Cannes
Or standing side by side...
Smiling together at yet another private wedding.
They try to pretend it didn't happen
That it doesn't matter...
But that elephant is real.
The elephant is truth.
That elephant isn't going anywhere.
And the elephant isn't wearing jeans.
This post is brought to you by the number 9
Multiply that by a couple thousand
and you might come up with how many
times Robert has been accused of cheating.
There has never been any proof
No one has ever stepped forward to claim Rob
All we have ever seen
Is Rob getting into or out of cars
with people who sometimes happen to be women.
That's it.
He's never alone with these women.
He's never been seen holding their hand...
Or hugging them at his premiere at Cannes
Kissing them on balconies
Or taking them to weddings/baptisms
visiting them at their work
spending birthdays and holidays with them
or following them to Paris...
We never see Rob do that with anyone
except Kristen.
Only Kristen.
Always Kristen.
And this post is brought to you by
my eternal adoration of
Thomas Sturridge
Until next time
Look out... the elephant is right behind you.
Bye for now
And this video.
This glorious wonderful video.
This video that shows Rob and Kristen
being affectionate and sweet and loving
and kissing and hugging
and all the things that some people
always claim 'You will never see'
But we did... didn't we?
It's not dark... or too blurry
We can clearly see who is who
and what they are doing.
Can't we?
And you know...
Every time Rob and Kristen go out together
be it a concert, or dinner or whatever...
People who see them always are saying
that they were 'so affectionate with each other'
'They were next to each other all night'
'They were hugging and kissing and very sweet'
You know?
And that's all this video really is...
Just showing us the exact same things
all those people said they saw in person.
Makes all those tweets and statements
a bit more believable and REAL now...
Doesn't it?
We all got to witness just how loving and sweet
Rob and Kristen are when they are together.
So it should come as no big surprise...
That when Rob was seen hanging around
With the likes of Katy Perry/Shannon Woodward
and Beiber/Gomez
It would make big news... right?
Of course it did.
Well... to some people anyway.
Those who are clinging to the scraps and tidbits
of their PR theories and conspiracies.
Rob went to Katy Perry's Premiere after party....
And he got on the Beiber Bus
and was dropped off at some bar opening.
Oh dear. Oh my.
If you watch the videos
(and they are painful, not gonna lie)
The paps really didn't seem to care that much
about Rob at all...
They were definitely chasing the Beiber.
Now I'm guessing that would have been
a completely different story if Kristen had been there...
But alas... she was working in Paris.
And Rob was seen with his friend Shannon Woodward.
Whom I really like quite a bit.
She seems to make Robert smile...
and I can always appreciate someone who can do that.
Maybe Rob thought if he traveled with Beiber
the focus wouldn't be on him.
He was kinda right
Until he walked into the bar behind a ...
are you ready for this?
The super secret blonde girlfriend??
Oh wait.
People fucking attacked her on gossip sites
that she actually had to come out and defend herself
“It is absolutely not true,” she tells Gossip Cop. Gordon says,
“I have a wonderful boyfriend and [Pattinson] has beautiful Miss Stewart!”
She adds, “It’s insane how a second in time can be misinterpreted.
I literally took a sip of water and walked inside
and they made it look like we were out there for 10 minutes together.”
Yep. It's insane.
But that just means they will focus more on
Katy and/or Shannon
Or any other female that was in spitting distance.
Breathing the same air.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
And they don't get more desperate than the Fringe.

That's what they try to do...
Not acknowledge the gigantic elephant in the room.
Be it love and affection on a balcony at Cannes
Or standing side by side...
Smiling together at yet another private wedding.
They try to pretend it didn't happen
That it doesn't matter...
But that elephant is real.
The elephant is truth.
That elephant isn't going anywhere.
And the elephant isn't wearing jeans.
This post is brought to you by the number 9
Multiply that by a couple thousand
and you might come up with how many
times Robert has been accused of cheating.
There has never been any proof
No one has ever stepped forward to claim Rob
All we have ever seen
Is Rob getting into or out of cars
with people who sometimes happen to be women.
That's it.
He's never alone with these women.
He's never been seen holding their hand...
Or hugging them at his premiere at Cannes
Kissing them on balconies
Or taking them to weddings/baptisms
visiting them at their work
spending birthdays and holidays with them
or following them to Paris...
We never see Rob do that with anyone
except Kristen.
Only Kristen.
Always Kristen.
And this post is brought to you by
my eternal adoration of
Thomas Sturridge
Until next time
Look out... the elephant is right behind you.
Bye for now