The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rob and Kristen- With Acceptance ...

 I can't even begin to tell you how many times
this gif was sent to me...

Well... I have a few thoughts...

1. The above gif of Kristen looking at the ring
Robert gave her...
"Everyone knows already, it's ridiculous" -Kristen

Touching it... twirling it (yes twirling)
around on her finger...
Like it gives her comfort
Soothes her.
Let's also add...

"We're going to be fine. We're totally fine."

Lots of takes on what Kristen was actually addressing...
But 'We're totally fine' is kinda obvious.
(at least to me)

And even though I don't give much merit 
to Lainey's opinions...
She has always made it pretty clear what she thinks
of this fandom...
But she does seem to come up with some interesting info.
 she seems to think that Rob and Kristen 
(And really... isn't that the way they always end up?)
And you just know... 
there is a lot of this going on

 What WILL happen when Rob and Kristen 
are seen together again?
Will his BEST fans desert him?
Will they ignore it completely?
Will they resort back to screaming PR?
Does Rob have legitimate cause to worry about 
his over zealous fans and Kristen's safety?

 Don't be surprised if the people who 
judged Kristen the harshest...
will find it hard to forgive Rob for forgiving Kristen.

And honestly?
Buh bye.

As for the PR nonsense....
Of course that will be screeched across the land.
Although I guess 'exit strategy' will be forever meaningless.

And Rob and Kristen
keeping it 'hushed' up because of fears
for Kristen's safety?
I never thought Rob or Kristen
let lunatic fans dictate their lives.
But since Kristen's safety has always been an issue...
I don't doubt that the threats will be amped up now.
There are a lot of people who believe Rob belongs to them...
Or that they should have a say in what paths he takes in life.
When he doesn't behave the way they want him to...
Suffice to say they get very vocal
and very angry.

And I imagine the people who hate Rob
won't be very happy either.
What a shame.

How dare Rob and Kristen
live their lives the way they want to...
and do what makes THEM happy!

And the thing is...
As much as I love that Rob and Kristen
found their way back to each other...
If things didn't work out for them
I would still be here
cheering them on.
Being happy that they are happy.
That's all that I ever wanted.

2. I've had an emotional couple of days.
I've found out that a couple of people
harbor some grudges against me
for writing this blog
(you know who you are)
It's just my opinion.
That's all.
It's not a big deal.
Not serious business.
If you don't agree with me...
Why come here and read what I have to say?
If it makes you angry...
and you start believing I'm talking about you...
(and unless you are on the extreme lunatic fringe 
of this fandom... I'm not)
I don't get it.
Unless of course...
You just like being mad at me...
I don't know.

3. Here's the deal.
I still like Kristen.
I still adore Rob.
I will continue to write about them
for as long as it entertains me and it makes me happy.
I have never pushed my opinions down anyone's throat.
I have never gone on the attack with anyone
whose opinion didn't mirror my own.
I don't go to other blogs/tumblrs/forums
and argue about what I believe.
It's all right here.
In the open.
In my own words.
You have to come here 
I don't chase after you.
Remember that.

The following has been at the top of my blog for a long time...
I guess some people ignore it...
Or think they have a sense of humor and understand
what sarcasm really is...

The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

If you can't laugh.
If you don't get it.
If you take every little thing seriously...
and its all life and death
Please just go away.
This blog isn't for you.

4. Thank God for Thomas Sturridge.
He always makes me smile.
I adore him.
So there.

This post is brought to you by Robert Pattinson.

I am still intoxicated
after all these years.
He still gets my attention.
He still makes me smile.
He still makes me want to watch his movies.

And apparently...
He is still in love with Kristen Stewart.

With acceptance comes peace...
No matter where the road leads us.

Life is good.
Be happy.
And every once in a while...

Until next time.

Bye for now
Keep Twirling!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 310 of 310
Karen in NJ said...

@Pam - me too! Are they both in NY you think? I know they like it there.

@Liz - like the way you think

Twirling with you!

LizzieD said...

KAREN in NJ -- I think they like NY because it's easier to "get lost" don't you think? No matter where they are, hope they're having fun.

Holy said...

@Liz,we never know, they might buy a place and move in NY.And you're right it's easier for them to get out in NY and not be seen by papz.

gargamel said...

Posted 5 times and realized i was signed off.

Hi lovelies!

Litmom said...

I think NYC would be a great place for them. Or perhaps NOLA or Austin.

gargamel said...

PRIVACY ... a word that hasn't been precisely defined and is the MOST IGNORED AND TRAMPLED RIGHT of the citizens by the very MEDIA that is supposedly our "VOICES" against cloaks
of abuses.
This period has been officially known as the DISINFORMATION age thanks to the media and the lexical gap.
So the argument that "if the shits spewed by media was false...and that r&k would've stood a chance had they sued them...really?
MEDIA in any form had always walked away from charges of violation of PRIVACY with their one-liner defense: DEFINE PRIVACY.
If the mainstream media will continue to acknowledge these papz and tabloids as their integral part...FUCK THE MEDIA.

gargamel said...

I am respectfully asking permission from the regs here and to miss rose to allow me again to run my SHITLIST for her new blog followers.

PamH said...

I defiantly think they need to live somewhere else besides LA for a while, they both have said they love NY and I think Ginger once said that Bobby Long lives there. I agree it is easier for them to hide out in. I would twirl myself into a dizzy fit if we got a few respectful tweets about them out and about and looking happy <3

I dont do twitter so I don't know if the sitings are by reliable sources or not but we can hope they are.

tufenuf55 said...

Went to funeral of DDIL's father over the weekend. He was a very giving and loving father and friend to so many people. He had been diagosed with Lukemeia only two short mos. ago. He has been in the hospital most of the time since then getting blood transfusions and fighting pneumonia. He finally got to come home as they could do no more for him. He came home Thursday around 6 pm and died 15 mins. later. His beloved, sick and aged dog "princess" died the same night.

Now on to lighter things about R/K. I remember and I'm sure most of do, too, that Kristen said a long time ago, that to tell a little bit about their relationship would never be enough for their fans/media...they would always want more, more and then some more. I agree. I don't need Rob or Kristen to tell me anything. I'll know when I see them together and that is all I will need to either confirm or deny that they are together. Come on, November!!!

gargamel said...

Every citizen in u.s. has the right to be left uninterfered in the pursuit of their happines. I know it's not written as exactly the same but it was implied by the writers of the constitution.
Of course papzhittos don't understand coz their RIGHT to earn a living will be violated. Nevermind the print's part of the job.

tufenuf55 said...

Forgot to say something more...

If R&K have a baby or babies, they better build a castle with a hug moat filled with hungry alligators for those crazy haters and despicable papas!

gargamel said...

...those babies need to be trained to carry tasers and pepper sprays...

tufenuf55 said...

meant "despicable paps"

deb said...

@tafenuf55 sorry for your loss My dad pass the6 and his funeral is the 22 he was in the hosp. for a week then they sent him home to die. my sister and i and my daughter took care of him until he died there was some REALLY happy times I'LL never forget. he was home maybe a week before he pass.AS for OUR BELOVED ONES ROB and Kristen who knows where they well be. its nice to think they have a home already. who knows Rob was in NJ before Kristen was. he mite have a home there for THEM. Dont know Dont care as long as they are SAFE and HAPPY. night all :) DEB.

Ginger with a Soul said...

I have to share a funny tale from today. One of the bands - The Wombats - flew into Colorado from Liverpool and had arrived at Red Rocks 45 minutes before going on stage. They said they had been warned about our altitude but had no idea it was going to be like it was. They said it was the most beautiful venue ever (most bands give an arm and a leg to play there but since it is only open certain times a year for the weather most never get the chance) and to be alarmed when they pass out because they had no idea how we breathed here - LOL. Poor guys were all hyped up but half way through they were all three struggling to jump around and were drinking water by the gallons (one of the few ways to help with altitude sickness)

Monica said...

Hello, lovies~ Though mags are full of BS, I'd prefer they print '+ve" rather than "-ve". At least, the bullying stops.

Monica from Asia

Holy said...

@Ginger-hello girl,I'm glad you had good time.

valéria said...

If this is true, some people will accept, cringing, but will accept, but many other people, maybe the majority, will just give up Rob, I think, its hard to continue to admire someone though very talented, is also weak.....and submissive. You can say: It's his decision, his life, nothing to do with us....blabla. but he point is: he's a celebrity wich we never will met in real life, there are a lot of people really obsessed about him, but it's easy to free yourself from an obsession: replace for another one, I think people will chose the facility, as always

valéria said...

If this is true, some people will accept, cringing, but will accept, but many other people, maybe the majority, will just give up Rob, I think, its hard to continue to admire someone though very talented, is also weak.....and submissive. You can say: It's his decision, his life, nothing to do with us....blabla. but he point is: he's a celebrity wich we never will met in real life, there are a lot of people really obsessed about him, but it's easy to free yourself from an obsession: replace for another one, I think people will chose the facility, as always

valéria said...

If this is true, some people will accept, cringing, but will accept, but many other people, maybe the majority, will just give up Rob, I think, its hard to continue to admire someone though very talented, is also weak.....and submissive. You can say: It's his decision, his life, nothing to do with us....blabla. but he point is: he's a celebrity wich we never will met in real life, there are a lot of people really obsessed about him, but it's easy to free yourself from an obsession: replace for another one, I think people will chose the facility, as always

valéria said...

If this is true, some people will accept, cringing, but will accept, but many other people, maybe the majority, will just give up Rob, I think, its hard to continue to admire someone though very talented, is also weak.....and submissive. You can say: It's his decision, his life, nothing to do with us....blabla. but he point is: he's a celebrity wich we never will met in real life, there are a lot of people really obsessed about him, but it's easy to free yourself from an obsession: replace for another one, I think people will chose the facility, as always

DreamerKind said...

Happy Monday to You!

I'm playing a lot in the fan fiction playgrounds, lost in incredibly excellent stories.

But I do miss it here and will get back into my Roseland groove, when so moved. Music, too.

Regards to everyone!

Hold the line, stay the course, ride the horse, hold the reins, savor the gains, use your brains, ride fast trains and love one another!

tufenuf55 said...

Adam Shankman, producer, tweeted today:

"My sister in law jammed w/ Rob Pattinson on guitar, and Dermot Mulrony on cello last night. Brilliant and stupifying 2 watch. Life is weird."

Sue from Holland said...

Good point. It has crossed my mind too. Everything is possible.

BubbleeChick said...

@tuff so it would be a good guess that he's in LA maybe?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@valéria - Get over it - seriously . He is a grown man who can decide who he loves and who he wants to be with all by his lonesome. He is not weak - shit I think it shows he is a stronger person.

Oh and here is a clue - if his fans leave - it is because you were never a fan - you just looked at him as a piece of ass - hows that make you look sweet cheeks.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - Yes I made it back then fell asleep shortly after posting - The hike up the mountain is brutal then being on your feet and jumping for 6 plus hours does you in - my feet were revolting last night and almost cried mutiny but it was an amazing time - we were front row (the two below us were reserved for handicap) and I will say hands down the Hives were one of the most entertaining bands I have ever seen live. They are from Sweden and perform in Tuxedo's - just awesome.

parker said...

get real valéria. you actually think sanctimonious protests matter? people can scream all they want – not gonna make a dent. if rob’s got “it” which i assume “fans” actually believe in otherwise they wouldn’t be obsessed with him, then he will thrive because honey, fans don’t get to decide. it’s the guys sitting up in their penthouses & pulling the strings that do. so just roll with it & stop fantasizing of a majority that doesn’t exist.

PamH said...

Good Morning All

Sounds like you had an awesome time. I'm happy for you!!!! Sounds like it was a good thing nothing happened to the band members with it being such an unusual environment to play in, if your not aware of it.

@ tufenuf55
Makes you wonder where this little jam session took place ? But it's nice to hear that Rob is playing music with people again.

I don't think Rob will be losing sleep over so called fans who turn their backs on him for being with Kristen, he certainly isn't going to let people he doesn't even know have a say in what will make him happy.

Sue from Holland said...

so much for the majority then, fickle here fickle there fickle everywhere, it's their loss. What right does this oh so holysome majority have anyway dictating who he sould be with?
How is he weak and submissive for loving some one and sticking by her when things get a bit rough? I think he is a man with balls for staying with her.
Anyway, having this conversation is futile, we don't even know what happened, not you or the 'majority'.
Damn, I for one hope they walk hand in hand, kissing, cuddling, laughing and I would definitely not be cringing as you put it. I'll scream HELL YES!!!!!!!

Omoiyari said...

@valéria lol normal people prefer a celebrity or a man "submissive" to the partner Instead of a man submissive to his crazy fans ;)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - OMG I felt so bad for the guys from the Wombats - they were having a hard time - our air is so thin here and they just kept saying they lived at sea level and had no idea it would be like that. The other bands were fine - a couple were from here but most bands try to come in here a day early so they can adjust a little. I posted pictures on my Facebook - the ramp we climb to get in the venue is a killer and really high up but so worth it.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
I think I'd be worried my heights issue would kick in, or I'd be so out of shape I'd embarrass myself by the time I made it to the top.

@ sue
We will all be screaming with you.
Looking forward to the day when we see them holding onto each other and gazing in each others eyes Like so many times before.

@ fanfic ladies
If anyone likes historical stories then if you have not already check out : Cobblestones to Corsets by TrueEnglisRose on TWCS it's a WIP 4 chapters so far and she posts photos in the story to help visualize as you read. I Love when writers do that!!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - there are several roads up and about 4 ways to get in - I am terrified of heights and am always the one that drives - I found on entrance that has no drops going up and hug the wall going up the ramp. LOL that ramps kicks everyone's ass - young, old , in shape or not. The step inside are even funnier - I have seen people try to take them like a champ on;y to be doubled over half way up trying to figure if it is worth getting to the top of the venue for the vendors up there.

I changed my profile picture so you can see the outside and the ramp we went up.

PamH said...

OMG!!! I would defiantly have to drive or get there REALLLLY early so I could stop and rest a lot.....but it sure does look beautiful.

Holy said...

Good morning/evening everyone.

@Ginger-that's so beautiful,I'm glad you had a good time even though your feet hurts.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - TY :)

LizzieD said...


Been working all day. Saw a few headlines on the Internet about R & K "back together" but we all believe they were never apart. Oh, well, we knew it would happen, everybody gotta do something to keep the story going. Next thing we know, they'll be reporting her preggers again!!!

I'M STILL TWIRLING ... don't care if they were together in LA or NYC or anywhere in the world. Like Rose says, they always end up together!!!


Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - while I lost all respect for Gossip Cop over this whole thing - what I find hilarious is they haven't touched not one reconciliation story - all of them are reporting it at this point I believe and they aren't debunking anything not that the non's on each side aren't demanding it.

DreamerKind said...

Enjoyed your concert stories and how the heights challenge you and how the thin mountain air puts the bands to a test. Fascinating! I never thought of those factors. Must tell you I freaked while driving up and down the roads of Washington's Mt. Rainier, and now wouldn't do that again, for anyone or anything.
Gossip Cop is not credible anymore, I agree.

Wherever, whenever, however, with whomever, RK are together as they choose!

Thanks for that historical fanfic, and I will check it out. :)

Good evening everyone!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DK - I took the wrong road last time and had a panic attack in the parking lot and walked down the mountain - living with the mountains around me I can tell you some really funny stories that weren't so funny when they happened but I can laugh now that I know I will never do it again. One involved a train that went up a mountain and me laying on the floor while my cousins husband video taped it - I almost shoved the camera up his ass that day.

The funny thing is I really never put a lot of thought into it either other than when the bands drink because you get drunk twice as fast but down in Denver it is a mile high above sea level - the mountains just add to it :)

Holy said...

@Liz-I will stay at Liz Lala Land forever and will keep twirling.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


If you happen to see this... I just watched your latest video and the comments you left with it. I cant begin to tell you how much I love it!!! You are a true fan in every way. I know if she's seen it she really appreciates your talent!!!I haven't spoken to you lately. I hope all is well with school. Take care...

Good Evening ROSELAND ...

PamH said...

I agree with everyone about Gossip Cop not saying a word about R&K be back together or living together again after their never ending post of fact or fiction. I guess it's alright to debunk on the things that are negative but anything that would be positive to them and the fans that Love them it's not worth their time.

deb said...

@DK sorry but i have to laugh I TO have driven that rode to MT RAINIER and I'm with you WON'T be doing that again. BUT it is soo beautiful isnt it. :) DEB.

LizzieD said...

DEB & DK -- Ya'll are scaring me about Mt. Rainier road as I'll be traveling that road a year from now. I'm taking my parents (God willing) on a road trip to "Twilight country" and we plan to see Mt. Rainier Nat'l Park and Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood, etc. Scary, huh? Maybe it's gotten better?

Goodnight everyone, I'm watching Billy Burke's new TV show on NBC called Revolution, it's pretty good!!!


DreamerKind said...

What are we? Scaredy cats? It was so beautiful that we even considered buying a resort in the foothills, but then we would have to live under the rules of the mountain, and we were not willing to do that.
How wild and beautiful is that part of Nature and in each of us, that will not bend to either!

DreamerKind said...

A good old dose of "fear" when we recognize that we are not the only power, makes it all that more thrilling.
You ski and are a master, so none will change your power. Mom & Dad will have their own thoughts on Rainer. Billy B. and I just may be in love, unknown to him! (I know, get in line!)

DreamerKind said...

Rob Is He & She Is The One
(Can't Say This Enough)

My Old Man

Joni Mitchell:

My old man
He's a singer in the park
He's a walker in the rain
He's a dancer in the dark

We don't need no piece of paper
From the city hall
Keeping us tied and true
My old man
Keeping away my blues

He's my sunshine in the morning
He's my fireworks
At the end of the day

He's the warmest chord I ever heard
Play that warm chord
Play and stay baby

But when he's gone
Me and them lonesome blues
The bed's too big
The frying pan's too wide

Then he comes home
And he takes me in his loving arms
And he tells me all his troubles
And he tells me all my charms

But when he's gone
Me and them lonesome blues collide
The bed's too big
The frying pan's too wide

We don't need no piece of paper
From the city hall
Keeping us tied and true
No, my old man
Keeping away my lonesome blues

Thank you/ chissykim

wig4usc said...

Hello, Roseland!

Anyone but anyone who tries to say they'd stop being Rob's fan if he's with Kristen was never a fan. They're silly crotch watching, drooling dipshits who live in a fantasy land where they can pretend Rob would even notice them. Sorry for the negativity, but I'm sick to death of that shit. @Valeria, enough. Get a grip. Making a choice to forgive, to understand doesn't equate to submission. You're taking a chance that love is worth fighting for, its a risk, and it can be the most brave thing you do in this life. I'm sorry if you haven't lived enough to appreciate that, I hope you get the chance to know what that feels like.

@Gargamel - it doesn't have to be a about privacy, remember, the Feds took down Al Capone on tax evasion! There have been several celebs who have sued for liable, defamation, slander, etc. There are plenty of possibilities! The issue, I think, is if you really tick them off, then you better live a squeaky clean life. Is it worth it? I don't know, many seem to think not.
Personally, I wish R&K would fight back.

@Ginger - I've passed out face first in my lunch, just like a movie, when camping in the mountains. Altitude sickness sucks!!

I'm in back in LaLa Land with you, Liz! Have a good one!

DreamerKind said...

Kick Me It Is Not All You Got

I Get A Kick Out Of You

Jamie Cullum:

Thank you/JedYuseco01

Sue from Holland said...

wow what an adventure, sounds cool though. I like your taste in music (GreenDay/Doors).
I live in a country as flat as a pancake. Although where I live, in the south, we have a few 'mountains' but they are more like anthills, you can almost jump over them.
My partner, who is from Dublin (enough mountains in Ireland), couldn't believe how flat Holland was when we drove up north years ago. All he could see was pastures, cows and more pastures, saying "jesus imagine having to cycle here (Holland is a bycycle country) you'd blow of your fucking bike, ending up in the ditch and drown in cowshit".

Sue from Holland said...

Yeah, 'The Almighty' true source Gossip Cop is toning down, bunch of hypocrites. Most have run out of stating-the-obvious crap they normally report.

gargamel said...

All the more on grounds of slander or defamation. They will admittedly point out the obvious exaggeration of their hideous " fiction" so as to achieve a satirical end...they're so famous in court battles in admitting that. Further asserting that's why they're tabloids or gossip mags.
I really wish there are stricter ethics-based regulation of tabloids.
On al capone's's the authorities that's got evidences against him and it was a real crime.

gargamel said...

I really hope those rags pay their dues soon.

gargamel said...

@ Holy
Twirling too!

gargamel said...

You're right. They got pissed off with her or them.

gargamel said...

I think that's the reason why there are more rags than legit broadsheets. Rags could easily get away with a sar asm and exaggerated reporting...heck they can write their dream and who is going to sue them? They don't have to do research. All they need is a picture-story.

gargamel said...


JMF said...

Good Morning everyone,
I am armed for battle as I go into a classroom full of coughing, sneezing, runny nosed children. I have a bleach solution to wash things down with, antibacterial soap and some lotion for my poor hands.
Wish me luck!

Have a great day.

Annie said...

Morning all.
:) JMF: LUCK! :)

gargamel said...

@rags and papz vs. Prince william.
I wished we lived in kings and queens era...i want to see those paparazzi heads in a basket! Grossed out? Sorry but that's how i go william!
More and more high profile personalities are waging war against these glorified stalkers. I hope it continues until 'changes' are made. Make em paparazzi illegal like sex offenders.

Annie said...

I wished that the fine the French court granted had a few more zeros to it. It should have been Euros $1,000,000.00 a day instead of $10,000.

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie said...

Sorry.....Had to delete. Comment appeared twice.

PamH said...

Hello everyone

Seems as though Liberty has moved on with someone new, glad to know she isn't heartbroken and still devastated by husbands betrayal, I guess it's alright to go out and hold hands with someone else as long as it was done to you first, while still married, and not be called a cheater or anything...YES I did mean that sarcastically..

Any idea of when promo will start for BD2 for our fav couple ?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I have been in meetings all day today but me thinks someones marriage was already over before that fateful day and boy she sure like the cameras on her, also not the first guy she has been seen out with since. Very interesting to say the least.

I wish they would announce BD2 promo's too - it should be soon and while I don't really care about her one way or the other but God don't push Ashley Green on us - I want the main characters to do the main promotions.

Holy said...

Hello everyone.

@Pam and Ginger-that woman is loving the attention.I will not be surprise if she will be in one of the reality housewives shows in TV.

@gargamel- twirling all the way.

Holy said...

Tom's baby Marlow is getting big.She's cute and adorable.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
I totally think someone wanted out of her marriage and Lucky for her she comes out looking like the injured party so she should get what she wants....HE DOES DESERVE ALL THE CRAP THOUGH.....If he even cares, probably both their plan to get rid of each other.
I'm with you on the Ashley thing . It will be disappointing if they still separate them during promo, nothing against Taylor but I could also do without all three together for all the promo. I do have the bad feeling that Summit will keep them apart as much as possible.

PamH said...


Are there new photos of Tom and Marlow posted ?

JMF said...

Just thought I would pop in and let you know I survived the day, I smelled like bleach when I came home, but hopefully killed some germs. Is it Friday yet?

gargamel said...

I've been out of the loop...who is the wife?

tufenuf55 said...

New photos of Tom, Sienna and Marlow on Popsugar. Check them out they are so cute!

PamH said...

The photos of Tom's family is sweet
I like he one were SM is holding her and Tom is smiling at the baby over her shoulder.

I so wish for that to be Rob and Kristen one day :-)

OHHH, the perks of working with children, they share everything with you, even things you don't want (like their germs ) but its the most rewarding thing you can do. I was a Elem. Library Asst. for 4 years.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@JMF - I love kids 9 hence why I have 5 lol) but yeah they are germ magnets although some of the adults I work with make my eye twitch and cause me to make good use of the anti bacterial dispensers all over work. We watched one guy cut a piece of cake that was for the whole office (about 100 - 150 of us there at any given time) lick the knife then put it back. I didn't eat any cake that day or never eat anything that is not individually wrapped - it was foul.

Holy said...

Hello again.

@Pam-pics of Tom/Sienna/Marlow at Popsugar.

@gargamel- I'm talking about Rupig's wife.

Ginger with a Soul said...

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”

― John Lennon

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - I threw up a little in my mouth when I saw the pictures last night - there is something about her that does not sit well with me. Almost like she wants the fame Kristen has - I have such a bad feeling when it comes to the husband and wife.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


I have never seen that quote and I was/am a huge fan of his...thanks...that is bittersweet isn't it....being the way his life ended. I know exactly what I was doing when I heard the news on the radio...I was in Anesthesia School and was driving through Fort around 5:15 the following morning...I had gone to bed earlier the night before...I was in shock ....I still am...

LizzieD said...

Hi ROSELAND!!! Happy Tuesday!!!

GINGER -- I agree, something not right about that "wife" but am trying to ignore.

JMF -- Bless you for doing what you do... hope you can stay healthy!!!

gargamel, tufenuf55, DK, sue, Annie, PamH, Holy, LET'S ALL KEEP ON TWIRLING!!! I don't know how long we have to wait for BD2 promo but am guessing another 4 to 6 weeks. Will be interesting to see if they can stay "ninja" for that long.

Have a good night, all!!!


Holy said...

@Ginger-same here.She will never get Kristen/Rob's fame.In her dreams probably.

tufenuf55 said...

His song "Imagine" will always define for me the person he was and the life he wanted. Miss you, John!

tufenuf55 said...

I know my needs are not important to Rob and Kristen, but really you two, we fans just want to see you apart or together. It is a long wait until BD2. I feel as if I am fasting. lol

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Super - yup it is sad still to this day and I found a bunch of really good quotes from him.

@ tufenuf55 - I still listen to that song often - it is a life changing song - if only people actually followed it a little

Ginger with a Soul said...

Another really good one

“Living is Easy with Eyes Closed.”
― John Lennon

Ginger with a Soul said...

“When you're drowning you don't think, I would be incredibly pleased if someone would notice I'm drowning and come and rescue me. You just scream.”
― John Lennon

Unknown said...

Maybe a little off topic, but can anyone tell me which interview the "ring twisting gif" was from? I can't seem to find it. I know it was probably from TIFF, but I haven't seen it. I really liked the one with Josh, he seems so genuine and both Rob and Kristen appear to trust him. The interviews he conducts are always informative and worthy. I hope he is able to do one for BD2.

tufenuf55 said...

There is another interview where Kristen looks at the gold ring and rubs it and rubs it as if it could bring Rob to her like in Aladin's Lamp. hehe

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Loui - I am not which one it is specifically from but I know a place with all the TIFF video's

Unknown said...

Thanks! I have seen this particular gif here and at Tempests' blog, but I would love to see the original interview it is from. By the way, I'm glad you had a good time at the concert. Your review and event stories were fun to read. My husband and I went to see the Black Keys a couple of months ago and it was fantastic! I'm hoping we get to see Shinedown and Seether at some point in the future.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Loui - I really want to see Seether and they tour a lot with 3 Days Grace who is another favorite band of mine but they opened for Nickle Back last time here and I am not by any means a Nickle Back fan.

I also want to see 30 seconds to Mars but I had no idea they had a kind of scarey cult following.

PamH said...

Also OT but do you all think they will do a complete cast special, seeing as it's the last time, and who should be the host. I would LOVE for Josh to do it or maybe Jimmy Kimmel.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - OMG the whole cast would be awkward as hell. I am not sure the back up singers would try to upstage the main 3 by being asses. I would say Michael Buffer would be the best choice - at least we would get to hear lets get ready to rumble before it started.

PamH said...

@ Loui
I was lucky enough to see both Shinedown and Seether at Rock on the Range, it's our sons most favorite event but sadly he and his friends can drive themselves now, so not sure how often the hubby and I will attend now. Both bands did awesome shows.

Unknown said...

I would love to see 3 Days Grace and Seether, I'll have to keep an eye out for them to be in my neck of the woods. Nickel Back is not my favorite either, but I do like one or two of their songs. I think Jimmy Kimmel or Josh would be the best bet for a BD2 cast interview, or maybe Ellen? She was always very nice to Rob, and I think she would respect them. R&K, I mean.

wig4usc said...

Hi, Roseland!

Seeing the pics of "the wife", I just thought, meh. She does nothing for me, and I think she's shady. She could go live in Siberia, I wouldn't miss her. In fact, take the hubby with you.

@Gargamel - just so you understand what I meant about the Al Capone thing, he committed all kinds of crimes, but they couldn't get the evidence. So, they came up with something that would stick, something they could get him for, and he paid the time. That was my point, the paps do incredibly disgusting things that ultimately can destroy someone. So, if you can't get them for invasion of privacy, find something, anything that sticks.

I read some of you suggest they leave "Hollywood". The challenge is the work is here, in Southern CA. I've born and raised outside of LA, and the truth is, there are all kinds of places to get lost here. But people fall into the trap of living in Beverly Hills, Los Feliz, Malibu, etc. Let's see just how ninja they want to get!!

Can't wait for the Twilight marathon event to go on sale, I'm so there!!! How about you guys??

Unknown said...

@Pam, I am definately going to see Shinedown at some point. I love their music, and the lyrics to their songs always speak to me.
@Wig, I grew up in S.D., so I know what you mean about places to 'disappear' into. I think they could find a place outside of Hollyweird, but still be able to have relatively easy access to 'work'. L.A. is whole different animal than the rest of the country. I have lived on both coasts at this point, and I hope they can find a place that brings them peace and allows them to practice the creativity that is so important to them.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
So true!!!!
But maybe NR might actually have someone who acknowledges her presents with JR being there....LOL...
Taylor could look like he doesn't have a clue what's going on....ER and PF can flirt and hug each other up now that he's single...Ashley can just smile and talk about all her proposals and how great the fans are...Kellen I don't have a clue about ? And Rob and Kristen will as always be in their own little bubble :-) just kidding
I do think there will be less promo this time around for some reason.

Second Chance said...

I think of life as an interwoven and interconnected masterpiece. It's like Lauren Hill and Kierkegaard say - everything effects everything...Alongside these beautiful, pure notes there are elements of horrific dissonance. Parts of the symphony where the musicians are not following the score. To our shame, ours is a world of slavery, bigotry, and hate...But love is a stronger song. Alongside the dissonance there is hope. There is forgiveness and joy singing alongside of hatred and despair. The song is still being written. Everyday we choose whether we will submit to the score to sing along with love. - Jon Foreman

Your Love Is A Song by Switchfoot


I hear you breathing in
Another day begins
The stars are falling out
My dreams are fading now, fading out

I've been keeping my eyes wide open
I've been keeping my eyes wide open

Ooh, your love is a symphony
All around me, running through me
Ooh, your love is a melody
Underneath me, running to me

Oh, your love is a song

The dawin is fire bright
Against the city lights
The clouds are glowing now
The moon is blacking out, is blacking out

So I've been keeping my mind wide open
I've been keeping my mind wide open, yeah

Ooh, your love is a symphony
All around me, running to me
Ooh, your love is a melody
Underneath me, and into me

Oh, your love is a song
Your love is a song
Oh, your love is a song
Your love is strong

With my eyes wide open
I've got my eyes wide open
I've been keeping my hopes unbroken
Yeah, yeah

Ooh, your love is a symphony
All around me, running through me
Ooh, your love is a melody
Underneath me, running to me

Your love is a song
Yeah, yeah
Your love is my remedy
Oh, your love is a song
Sweet montage by robsten4everinlove. Love all 3 songs but especially number 2. :)

Unknown said...

Goodnight Roseland! I've enjoyed my time here tonight. Have a great evening all.

gargamel said...

@Liz and Holy and every twirlers...
I am in BD 2 mode now too!.
I'm fin'lly able to get all first 3 twi-movies in my dvr. And im doing a marathon... glad i invested on a tv that has the cinemotion/motionflow setting. 3-D tv's are awesome.

gargamel said...

I see your point now. I am positive media will be slapped in the hands soon. I wish with cuffs.

Anonymous said...

Good evening everyone,

just read Tempest's post "Going Back to the Start" and she posted my favorite Twilight Rob and Kristen picture...the one where Kristen places the side of her head against Rob's chest.....sigh.

Boy do I miss seeing them together, can't wait to see them together again, hopefully soon :)

Goodnight Roseland.

DreamerKind said...

Happy Hump Day, Peeps!

As usual lately, I am toying with new experiences and scouring cyberspace while I do. Family & friends also figure prominently in my life. And, Roseland, has a place of honor, too.

Thinking life is good. Sending fondest regards to Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd!

Have fun, Rob & Kristen! Make some beautiful music, however you decide.

gargamel said...

Im going to refuse to look up the names of both rupedophile sandals and the albatross...why? I suspect these two scammed their way to 3 minutes of fame at the expense of our two beloved actors.
Thanks to an experimental bug called pesterazzi ...the female landed a spot in wikipedia. A virtually unknown entity now has a definition.
As for the manwhore sandals...UNIVERSAL STUDIO'S : There's still time to remove the director's commentary part. Fans buy the dvd's. Who do u think would fucking wanna watch that bugs bunny face who is so camera hungry?
I won't mind buying a NEW copy minus rupedophile's face.

Sue from Holland said...

@PamH and @Ginger,

when I saw those pics yesterday of a smiling Mrs. Sanders flaunting her new boyfriend in her furrcoat(grrrr). All kinds of things flashed through me, I thought I was just being a bitch also thinking that R&K are not the only celebs being lied about. But who is this woman? Why is she everywhere? It makes my suspicions even more valid, she wanted out of that marriage. She got out of this the winner, playing the poor cheated wife, nobody who will judge her for moving on (very fuckn fast!!!).
She rubs me up the wrong way but I also have to admit I'm not very objective about this woman

Sue from Holland said...

@Gargamel, I like your choice of words. Haha, 'Rupedophile's face'. Yeah, he's an ugly basterd with rabbit teeth.

PamH said...

Good morning everyone

@ DK
YES!! Happy Hump Day

@ gargamel and sue
The longer time passes the less I wonder why for even a second I sympathized for LR. I think she got exactly what she wanted 1) away from Rupig 2) to move back to London 3) start her modeling again 4) look like the injured party while accomplishing all this. I'm sure he's not a first time offender but don't make her out to be this heartbroken wife and mother when she is already with another dude before she is even DIVORCED yet. How is it alright to call K a cheater (among other things) in the media but it's OK for her ?

I've got that of my chest... So I'm done with that

gargamel said...

Because we are Humans and wired to feel symphaty. It was the same for me...but as smelly as a fish that's left out in the open...those photos stink of scam...
By the way "albatross" looks like a fish...does anyone notice? Whoever said that she has resemblance to baby gurl must have been sniffing cheap stuffs.

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