If a man does not keep pace with his companions |
OK then.
I haven't written a post in 3 days.
3 whole days!
That is so unlike me.
You know...
The scary, addicted lunatic that obsesses over
Robert Pattinson?
You remember her... right?
Yeah well...
My 'fake' real life
Or is it my real real life...
My real fake life...
It just seems to get busier on weekends.
Never fear
I'm still all scary and crazy
(It's posted on the AT boards, it MUST be true)
Perhaps it is because she hears a different drummer... |
So what happened the last few days?
Not much.
1. Rob was tweeted here and there.
Kristen was tweeted everywhere.
What does it mean?
That 99% of the tweets you read are bullshit.
I do have to say that I enjoy the cherry picking
of which tweets people want to believe.
You know...
There was more than a few saying Kristen and Rob were in Toronto
Saying Rob was in Toronto
Saying Kristen (and Bear) were in Toronto.
And you know what?
It turns out that ALL the tweets placing Kristen there
were lies!
(Yes, I'm being sarcastic)
Imagine that!
But somehow if there was a tweet placing Rob
somewhere on his own?
Yeah, I know he was tweeted at Adeles concert.
But no pics.
Not one pic of Rob anywhere.
Not one.
Just some blurry supposed airport picture.
And of course we haven't seen Kristen since NYC
So what is the truth?
Let him step to the music which he hears... |
The truth is not ours to know.
The truth will set you free.
Truth is fucking truth.
Rob starts filming Cosmopolis today.
He will be in Toronto for a couple of months.
That much is true.
Kristen was in Toronto for the past weeks.
She and Bear met up with Robert.
That much is true.
Kristen may (or not) have flown to L.A. recently...
Work related business.
That much is probably true.
Kristen will be back in Toronto
as soon as she can get there.
That much is true?
If you had Robert Pattinson for a boyfriend...
and had to leave his side to do work...
Wouldn't YOU hurry back to be with him?
Fucking straight you would.
Don't even TRY and deny it.
However measured or far away. |
2. People keep judging Rob and Kristen's relationship
by THEIR standards of what a relationship should be.
That's not how it works.
What you perceive is NOT reality.
At least...
Not their reality.
You look at fractions of their lives...
Seconds caught on camera
and you try to analyze and decipher
and criticize and attack.
It's all how you look at it I suppose...
And doing so without judgment.
Because I just see two people who want to be together
I see Rob look at Kristen like he looks at nobody else.
I see happiness... and love.
Imagine all the time we don't see.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence: |
3. Oh
I have no fucking words.
Maybe a couple.
So last night...
At the Billboard awards...
Justin Beiber (huh?) Kissed Selena Gomez (Wha?)
and now...
They are the EPITOME of what a relationship should be!!
Come on you guise!
Look at Justin plant a big ol' smooch on Selena!
THAT'S how it's done!
I love it.
Comparing anything Beiber to Robert?
Yes... because kissing on camera is
what a relationship is ALL about.
I was crying in my Cheerios this morning
lamenting how come
Rob and Kristen
won't cheapen their relationship that way!
(Yes, I'm being sarcastic.)
Come on Rob and Kristen!
Entertain us!
You OWE us that much!
(Yes, I'm being sarcastic)
Thing is.
Rob did kiss Kristen at the WFE premiere.
(and Montreal, IOW, KOL concert...etc)
No, it wasn't on TV in front of millions of people.
Surely you realize that's not his style.
He was happy and giddy
and it was spur of the moment.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by |
But imagine what would happen if Rob and Kristen
would kiss in a very public way.
And no, I'm not counting the MTV awards
although I think if they win... they WILL kiss.
No No...
I'm talking about if Rob and Kristen made an effort
to show personal private affection in public...
what would happen?
A. Massive Foam Explosion
B. Massive denials
C. Scrambling for excuses and rationalizations
as to WHY they kissed in public.
D. Massive insults to both Robert and Kristen.
Robert for being some sort of PR Puppet
willing to sacrifice years of his life for the sake of some movies...
Willing to lie and mislead his fans for the sake of some movies...
Kristen for being some clingy famewhore
willing to sacrifice years of her life for the sake of some movies.
(Never mind that they couldn't stop her from cutting her hair
for The Runaways... they can stop her from living her personal life
as she sees fit)
E. Can't win for losing.
Because no matter how much affection
Rob and Kristen
show each other in their lives...
It will be picked apart and criticized.
It will either be not enough
or too much...
or they didn't do it right...
You get the point.
And that has made all the difference. |
We have the MTV awards coming soon...
Hopefully Rob and Kristen will win best kiss...
and Rob will get to accept the award the way he wants to.
Because we all know what that is...
We got a glimpse of it last year
And never fear oh those who need constant reassurance...
Rob and Kristen will be back together in Toronto
in due time.
Maybe they already are...
(Am I being sarcastic?)
And we might not get a pic of them...
Just lots and lots of tweets
all saying the same thing...
"I saw Rob and Kristen and they were holding hands!"
"I saw Rob and Kristen and they were kissing!"
"I saw Rob and Kristen..."
They ALL can't be wrong.
No matter how much some people don't
want Kristen to be with Robert?
It's where she always seems to be.
Funny how that works.
Green Sheep. Big Time. |
I like this picture.
Mostly because it's Tom and Kristen.
But also because its showing Tom being all protective over Kristen.
So damn cute.
I love that about Tom.
Or do I just love Tom?
He's a helluva friend.
This post is brought to you by the letter *B*
B for just BECAUSE
B for Betcha Bottom Dollar
Kristen will be spending the better part of
the next 2 months in Toronto.
Oh did I do that already?
B for
Bye for now