The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Rob and Kristen- Hope of Deliverance

Rose's Rant

The Ninnies finally got what they wanted... Right?
Rob has left Kristen... Right?
They are no longer together... Right?
Your dreams have come true... Right?

So why are you still talking about her?
Why are you still obsessed with her?
Why is it that you are more focused on Kristen
and her career... 
Than the man you claim to be a fan of?
Seize your opportunity!
Now you can just do what you have always claimed 
you wanted to do!
"I just want to be a fan of Rob's without THAT girl"
So why aren't you?
I bet you still spend more time trashing Kristen
than you do talking about Rob.
Wonder why.


1. You have to admit that you were WRONG the past 3+ years
about the whole PR bullshit.
And as gleeful and happy as you are over Rob's broken heart right now
(Unfortunately some of you ARE gleeful even if Rob is hurting...)
It still burns you that Kristen was in a relationship with him
She still had what you will never have.
And truly...
Even if they don't get back together again...

It's still better to have loved and lost Rob
Than to never have loved him at all.

2. And admit it.
The reason you are watching this so closely?
You are SO scared that he will take her back.
Oh sure...
You are hoping against hope that he won't.
You want to believe that he would never forgive her.

You wake up everyday worrying that THIS will be the day.

So keep on hating her.
Keep on judging her.
All you perfect people who have never
made mistakes in your life.
Did you let your mistakes define you?
Or did you get the chance to learn from them?
Because I know...
that even if you never 'cheated' on someone
You have hurt someone you love.
Somewhere down the line.
Because we ALL do it.
Intentionally or not.
We all do it.

You don't have to like Kristen.
(and quite honestly, its obvious you never really did)
You don't have to like what she did.
(Nobody likes it)
But to continually hate on this young girl
who didn't do anything to you
shows more about you than it does her.
Rob is her boyfriend.
Not yours.
This affects their lives.
Not yours.
She doesn't need your forgiveness.
Save your righteous indignation for your own life.

She's paying the price in her private life....
With the whole world watching.
That's enough.

This post is brought to you by
Hope of Deliverance.

Thank you Paul McCartney.
You always make me smile.
(And thank you too, for reminding me of the song...
You know who you are)

I will always be hoping, hoping.
You will always be holding, holding
My heart in your hand. I will understand.

I will understand someday, one day.
You will understand always,
Always from now until then.

When it will be right, I don't know.
What it will be like, I don't know.
We live in hope of deliverance from the darkness that surrounds us.

Hope of deliverance, hope of deliverance.
Hope of deliverance from the darkness that surrounds us.

And I wouldn't mind knowing, knowing
That you wouldn't mind going, going along with my plan.

When it will be right, I don't know.
What it will be like, I don't know.
We live in hope of deliverance from the darkness that surrounds us.

Hope of deliverance, hope of deliverance.
Hope of deliverance from the darkness that surrounds us.

What it will be like...
I don't know
But I hope they will find their way
back to each other.

I care about both Rob and Kristen.
BOTH of them.
I just want them to be OK.
Wherever that leads them.

And this post is brought to you by...
My complete adoration of Thomas Sturridge.

I'm sure he is being a good friend.
To both.

Until next time

Bye for now


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Ginger with a Soul said...

@wig4usc not to make light of it but much much worse has been forgiven in Hollywood.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ sika siak - You stated you knew for a fact this was her intention - opinions are not fact. I believe her - she could have remained silent like she always has - desperation makes us break behavior.

angelica1 said...

Sika Siak - Your reasoning makes no sense.If your assertion were correct,then either no comment or a generic "request for privacy" type statement would have made more sense. Her clearly, in my opinion, genuine and heartfelt plea to Rob would, based on your theory surely have just undone all the "good" she had achieved by thrusting her right back into the relationship you insist she was trying to escape. Not very smart

Oneheart said...

Sika Siak with so many haters out to harm Kristen why would you as a friend reveal her location. I would never do that to someone who trusted me with such private information about themselves. I don't even know Kristen and if I knew where she was at, I sure wouldn't come to a public place and tell it. I care way too much for her to ever put her in any harm and like I said I don't even know her personally. Scout one of her dearest friends won't discuss her and yet you do. The only thing I can figure is that perhaps you don't care too much for her, and perhaps you aren't a friend, just someone she talked to.

I think you are like everyone else, you speculate.

Oneheart said...

Any of us could get on here and say exactly what you have said but the difference is we care about her, and we care about Rob. No need for us to make things up to try and lead people down a different path, we have some who do a pretty good job of that themselves. We choose to believe in them.

You have your right to believe what you do and so do we. I won't call you names because that doesn't do anything just create drama, and I'm not like that anyway. We may not believe what you are saying but I will say something nice about you, you are polite with whatever it is you are doing here.

Have a good afternoon Roseland, what is left of it...I have to leave but I will be back later.

Anonymous said...

@Sika Siak... Why haven't you answered Nelliebly's questions directly?

If your post is indeed "fact" you would be able to answer the questions posed by Nelliebly.

isis said...

@Ginger- thanks you make my heart smile : ) thanks for answer me. You know that next week i will ask you again if the things are calm ? : ) please be patience with me.

I agree completely with you about the fanbase.
All the haters and stupid blogs and sites are saying that she lost her fan base. I don't think that is true. She lost the twi-hards who believe she is Bella in real life. Not her fans who have follow her before twilight.

The twilight fan base don't go see Robert or kristen or Taylor movies outside Twilight saga.This is the real truth.
So why is not all Rob's movies huge box offices if they love him sooo much and support him ?
Not even "remember me" movie was a huge sucess box office.
And i think you all remember the pics of the crazy fans trying to hug rob when he was filming Remember me. This crazy twi-hards fans that are doing all the hate against kristen only go to the movies to see Twilight saga. They don't care about bel Ami or cosmopolis. Maybe now because of this they will go to show support on cosmopolis, but they will not understand the movie and they will hate.

i think that now that the shock pass and the things came more rational than emotional you can see that the robsten fans and kristen real fans are coming again to support them. On the robstenlovefan twitter Still holding 2RK, Wepraisekristen twitter, here in rose blog, robstendaily .org, forum and more krisen fan sites you see that the people are coming to understand , to talk , and not with hate.

Holy said...

@Ginger-totally agreed with you,that Kristen was desperate when the pics hits the headlines she knows that she will be crucified by the media and the people that she cares will get hurt.When she issue the apology,she's ready to suffer the consequences.

@Angelica-god you're brave,I hope it will not hurt.

@Kenzz-happy b-day.

Unknown said...

Her location was not revealed, no address was mentioned. She is safe. We have to consider the what-ifs that are not said. She loves Rob. But is she in love with him? Still? They can both answer this but it could not be to anyone's liking. It is okay to remain optimistic. It is also okay to remain realistic.

DreamerKind said...

Rock the rafters on this your special day! Love ya!

isis said...

@wig4usc- you are right, so many celebrities with scandals, addictions and they are still working.

If Angelina Jolie who is considered the most famous homewrecker because she stolle Brad from jen and broke the golden couple is the most famous celebrity in the world and have millions of fans. And i remember in 2005 come here in internet and what they were saying about Angelina was not pretty. The hate against her was huge even in the talk shows. The tabloides for months put the triangle story that even now 2012 with them together with 6 kids still talk about what jen feels abot brangelina.
I don't think this will happen to kristen and rob. Yes they are big but they are young and their fame is more appealing to the twilight fan base.The general public knows them of course but they don't have the status of golden couple like brangelina. In the future if they together work to forgive all of this , they probably will be the next golden couple. But now they are just one more young couple who broke up.

Anonymous said...

Sika, please forgive me if I was rude, but it just boggles my mind how it is that people who profess to have inside information are always telling it to other people.

The facts are all we have and as of right now all we know is that Kristen apologized, there are some pictures, Rob has said nothing, and Liberty Ross may or may not have forgiven her husband, depending upon which article you read.

No one knows what anyone else is thinking or feeling. I may be being unfair here, and if it turns out that I have been, I will gladly apologize, but neither, Kristen, her family or Rob and his family and friends are going to tell you what is going on, what they're thinking or feeling.

I hope that no matter how this turns out they never trust anyone who runs to the media, blogs or just to friends, with their personal business.

To the general population, this is a story, to them it's their lives. So if you don't know the facts please stop speculating and if somehow you have been let in on the facts of this, then you're a piss poor friend.

Sue from Holland said...

@One Heart, I like your style NinjaOne. I see a vision of you running around and hiding in corners, very funny actually.

Anonymous said...

@sika siak...

Again no direct answers to Nelliebly's questions. You said "her mother's house". Why not her "parents" house and why not at the house she shared with Rob? You didn't have say an address. Unfortunately, too many "fans" and "papz" know where those two locations are... I would assume you know that if you are so "in the know".

Ginger with a Soul said...

@sika siak - but it is not ok to pretend to be something you are not - speculation is speculation - we will be in that mode for a while since I don't see either addressing this publicly at all. You can state an opinion without the guise that you know her or have been made privy to inside information from a real person - it discredits you. I would eat my words if someone that knows her actually came on here or a public forum to lay down very private details of a relationship that she has always held close to her heart.

To answer your question - I think she is in love with him - if she wanted out I just don't see her throwing herself at his feet in the manner she did. If it was a I love you but am not in love with you situation the person I choose to believe she is would have that conversation privately and took her lumps. She basically was begging him in that apology - that screams wanting to keep the relationship

Hell maybe I am crazy - who knows

angelica1 said...

Sika Siak - Why do we have to consider anything? It's not our business, Kristen and Rob are more than capable of managing their own lives and I'm sure,will arrive at the decision that is best for them. Incidentally you said that Kristen was at her mother's house and I guarantee that certain over-zealous fans know exactly where that is, so on that basis,if she was there, you could have potentially compromised her safety.

Holy - I feel as if I have a 3rd degree sunburn at the moment :)

isis said...

@sika siak- Everyone can have a different opinion and i want congratulate you for you not come here with hate. so we can all talk with respect even if we don't share the same point of view about the appology statement.
Ok it's a interesting point.
YOu believe that she is not still in love with ROb.
Ok so she is in love with rupert? What is your opinion about this and the photos.

And you said that they both can answer this. In your opinion is Rob still in love with Kristen?

DreamerKind said...

There's no business, like "showoff" business.

DreamerKind said...

15 minutes of fame to flame the town down!

DreamerKind said...

Anyone can whistle (blow) and not be in the know.

Dottie said...

I just found out that Kenzz isn't the only one celebrating a birthday today...


Ginger with a Soul said...

Happy Birthday Rhonda !!!!

DreamerKind said...

Singing my own tune and lots of voices are raised in unison. Hallelujah chorus.

Dottie said...

Hi DK! Words of wisdom indeed! ;) Hope you are well, my friend.

Sue from Holland said...

@Ginger, you're not crazy. For me too, Kristen's apology was a desperate one. As if she cried out loud. It's full of emotion.

DreamerKind said...

Have I gotten my 15 yet?

You're sly about being one year more wonderful. Toasting you later after family feasting.

I'll get lost now. Happy day!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DK nope you are too sweet - you have to go for more shock and awe

Holy said...

Their were also a lot of things that bothered me about this.If the paz agency story was true that somebody tipped them before the event happened,that Kristen and Rupert have an affair and will be doing something indoors or outdoors,we should already see pics of them together.This is LA for crying out loud,papz are everywhere and Kristen is the most hunted girl in HW. What we only see was Kristen going out by herself.Also if this was really going on for a while,why did they do it openly.Here's another thing, how did the papz knows that Kristen get a call from Rupig?Did somebody bug her phone or did somebody told the papz. It just doesn't make sense isn't?I don't know,I'm might be still in denial,but my gut is telling me that whoever tipped the papz also was the one who told that papz that she had a phone call from Rupig.

DreamerKind said...

You have vip emails waiting impatiently.


ali mac said...

Rhonda, happy Birthday enjoy what is left of it xx

Another two from the Roseland family sharing a birthday!

Kay said...


Sure seems like there are a lot of "sources" out there trying to get their 15 minutes of fame....curious if sika siak is running a little experiment to see if their "in the know disclosure" gets picked up by some tabloid. Because we all know that Kristen and Rob's friends are ALWAYS spilling about EVERYTHING going on with them. (Using my sarcasm font there.)

Take care and have a good night everyone. <3

Leni said...


Litmom said...

Rhonda and Kenzz -

Happiest of Birthday Wishes!

olivia said...

Dear Rhonda and Kenzz,
Hope you are both having a lovely and very Happy Birthday.

ali mac said...

That could be it Kay, but if that is the case doesn't it make you sick to think of those tabloid scumbags reading what we are writing!! I hope they enjoy recipes and song choices lol

Kay said...

Ali Mac - I would hope that isn't the case, but the more BS I see out there (and not just R/K related), the more willing I am to believe that the scumbags would do absolutely ANYTHING to make $$.

Freddie said...

Hey Rhonda - hope you are having a wonderful birthday. Funny how you forgot to mention it this morning....

Hi to Kay, ali mac, Olivia, Leni, Litmon, DK, Dottie, Angelica, Holy, Ginger, Sue and everyone else.

Hope said...


Hope you are enjoying your special day!

Holy said...

@Rhonda-happy b-day.

WTF,so someone in here is claiming,she knows something? OH PLEASE,were not stupid to believed that sh@t.

Super RN Gas Passer said...



WIG4USC...My Hubs loves " ALICE"

ALI MAC...I am so embarrassed to tell you the recipe because it's a real almost prefab...but it's and no, I really can make some things from scratch...haha


FROZEN MEATBALLS...the best you can find...around here I like Rositas from Wal Mart...see, I told you,I'm a classy girl!!!
Throw them in a crock pot!

In a bowl empty the following and whisk until smooth

1-2 cups of boiling water, 1-2 pkgs of Lipton Dry Onion Soup depends on how many meatballs you want to use, 1-3 cans of Cambells Cream of Mushroom Soup...POUR over meatballs and stir until well mixed. Cook for 3-4 hours on High.

Right before serving add 1/2-1 cup of sour cream, mix well and serve over cooked noodles

Robert said...

it is a done thing
thank you to all involved

Ginger with a Soul said...

Hi Freddie

Geez was trying to take a nap while my ex came to see the kids but he had to wake me up and ask why I was in a bad mood.

Robert - I won't begin to tell you what I learned from almost 18yrs of marriage about men. Shoes are nada ;)

ali mac said...

SUPER Thanks for the recipe, sometimes the simple ones are the easiest!!

Hi to everyone that's posted, I'm heading to bed now. Goodnight regs and newbies xx

ali mac said...

That was meant to be tastiest not easiest!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Night Ali

Holy said...

@Freddie,hello to you too.

@wig4usc- I like your dream.That is cool that your hubby like Ashley.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Ovine [Publius Ovidius Naso], 43 B.C. - A.D. C 18 Ibid. II,107

"To be loved, be lovable."


Love is a friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad. It settles for less than perfection, and makes allowances for human weakness. Love is content with the present. It hopes for the future and it doesn't brood over the past. It's the day-in and day-out chronicle of irritations, problems, compromises, small disappointments, big victories, and working toward common goals. If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it is not enough, so search for it, ask God for it, and share it!

Kenzz said...

Hi friends, thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes... Freddie, I have indeed been kicking up my heels today !

Ginger, can I get one of those shipper thirds as well? Lol

Robert, I was sure you were onto something new and exciting with the jeu lime pie :)

And to my buddy Rhonda, I didn't want to be the one to "out" you on your birthday today, but now that it's in the open, "Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Rhonda, Happy Birthday to YOU!" Hope you enjoyed a lovely celebration with your friends & family <3

I bid you all a wonderful upcoming week (I'm polishing my rose-colored glasses)

Love to Rose and Syd, may they continue to help heal hearts...

Robert said...

don't know why or how that happened or how to fix it

i know a lot about guys, hell some of my best friends are guys and we aint all that complicated

let me guess: you learned that guys make incredible boyfriends but we suck at being husbands

whaddaya think?

Robert said...

let's just pretend i was

oh it turns out i was wrong about key lime pie. i am still eating it

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert wrong lol

If the guy sucks - they suck as a boyfriend or husband - ha

I learned when you do something wrong you all get amnesia like you didn't know it was going to make us mad

Maria said...

Happy birthday Rhonda and Kenzz!

Kenzz...I hope its dry where you are at...we got caught in somepretty intense storms coming back from VT.

A good evening to everyone in Roseland! Glad to see that I havent missed much; no internet for two days!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert - I have more male friends than female friends in the big scary world out there. The female friends I have are the kind of friends you keep for life cause face it - us girls can be pretty cut throat - I don't want to sleep with 1 eye open if a friend crashes at my house.

Robert said...


BUSTED--my ex wife used to get a box of vanilla wafers and i would eat them all and when she called me on it i would just say that one of my friends had come by for a visit and had eaten every last one of them

of course she wasn't buying it

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday everyone who is celebrating today. I hope you have had a wonderful day today.

Sika Siak, you were calm, well thought out and respectful, you deserve the same in return.

You're entitled to believe what you want, I do however think that Nellie made a good point when she said that in truth we know very little in the way of facts and in pointing out that this is not fodder gossip or entertainment, but their lives. (at least I think Nellie said that, if not I apologize)

Rob and Kristen have guarded their privacy and I think that we should all continue to help them do that.
This is their lives, they are the only ones who truly know all the facts.

Whether they continue as a couple or go their separate ways all I personally wish is that they are happy.

LizzieD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Super RN Gas Passer said...


You are inspiring me to be a better person!!!!! Ilove your definition of LOVE !!!


I know men just don't think like women but I say it anytime it comes up in conversation...IT TAKES SO LITTLE ON THE PART OF A MAN TO MAKE A WOMAN HAPPY!!!!! Say I love you a couple of times a week...remember your anniversary dates and her birthday, compliment her when she has a new outfit or hair style, DON'T INVITE PEOPLE OVER WITHOUT talking to her first....send her some flowers to work on Valentines Day...Little things like that go a long way toward making a happy home and most men don't even think of it. I had to have a baby for my husband to send me flowers!!!! Geez...rant

LizzieD said...

Happy Sunday All!!!

@sika siak -- As for Kristen not being "in love" with Rob, have you looked at some photos of them recently? At Comic Con or even Cannes (only 2 months ago)??? She's a good actress but I don't believe she's that good.

And that's all I have to say about that... for the moment.

Liz in Lala Land

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Glad to see you this evening...I hope you stay as a regular poster at ROSELAND and keep us all accountable!!!

Hope you have had a nice relaxing weekend:)

Super RN Gas Passer said...


You are right ..." as easy as breathing"... Lol. I didn't know LaLa Land was in NC...hmmmm...I'm not that far away...I will have to check it out!

Robert said...

or there was the time we tried to cook sausage on the grill

she says i want to taste this sausage before i serve it to our friends tonight. so we grill it and decide it will do. she says i need you to clean the grill so we can cook the rest of it. so i do while she runs to the store to get wine. she comes back and puts the wine on the table and with a completely straight face she says "there is a fire in the dumpster about 35 feet high, 2 fire trucks, 3 police cars and i'm guessing you had something to do with it

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert OMG - hahahaha

Super RN Gas Passer said...


What is it with men and grills? I argue with my husband every time he uses one...Yes the grill needs to be scraped...yes...You need to stand by and watch the food so you can turn it and keep it from getting BURNT TO A CRISP!!!

Robert said...

i'm not a smart man jenny

but i know what love is

Mirah121178 said...

@Sam Powell...tks dude. I will do the same...stay away from the gossip sites, facebook and twitter. They almost kill me. I don't know how Kristen feel if she read those. I hope she is really2 sorry for her action and be a better woman in the future. Rob hurt but I hope this fandom give the best support to Kristen. She's in the very darkness place right now......

Rhonda said...

Hi everyone, did you all know it was international beer day? How did I miss it?

DK- I thought I was being sly ;)

Freddie- yes, I'm terribly sad that men's swimming is now over. Lol ;)

Kenzz- <3

Robert- you're cracking me up!

Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes. You guys are the best! ((Hugs))

Robert said...


now don't get me wrong, i love women. they are in fact, my favorite mammals. but i gotta tell you, just doing the little things.....well that has not been my experience

unless you call being a mind reader a little thing and yall aint happy when we fail to do it either

just saying [as i go into a bruce lee style crouch and consider just how badly outnumbered i am]

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert - I swear there is a guide to women out there - hold please

Robert said...


really? was it written by a man or a woman?

Ginger with a Soul said...

Men, just to make sure we are clear on the language of women

FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right, and you need to shut up.
Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means half an hour. Don't be mad about this, it is just the same 5 minutes you use when it's your turn to help do things around the house.
Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine (see #1).
Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
Loud Sigh: This is not actually a word but a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing . (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. "That's okay" means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
Thanks: A woman is thanking you – do not question or faint. Just say you're welcome.
Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "what's wrong" – for the woman's response refer to #3.
I'll drive: this either means she is questioning your manhood, or she is (rightly) scared to death of your Richard Petty impersonation
Are watching (insert sport here) again? It's chore jar time
Sure, you can buy that. Refer to #6
Come here: you are a puppy
You never listen: you never listen. Prepare for #5
Whatever: Is a women's way of saying "%@&* YOU!"

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert you bet that was written by a guy but it is funny and true

Robert said...

see this is exactly what i mean how are we supposed to keep up when you keep changing the meaning of the words and then don't bother to tell us

LizzieD said...

@Super RN ...

You weren't here yesterday afternoon where it was decided that a LOT of us are living in Lala Land. Don't want to be thinking of anywhere else when thinking and dreaming about RK.

Have to admit the High Country of NC is really nice. We don't need AC here in the mountains... nice...

Oneheart said...

Happy Birthday Rhonda and Kenzz wishing you many, many more.

Robert said...

ok ladies

this has been a hoot but now i have to go and do what men do

watch football
hell, the saints are on

Robert said...

ok ladies

this has been a hoot but now i have to go and do what men do

watch football
hell, the saints are on

Annie said...

Evening all.

Rhonda: : We should've guessed it was a special day with you having oatmeal this morning. :)
Happy Birthday!

Ginger: You're on a roll. :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Later Robert - I am a huge Bronco's fan but wasn't a Peyton fan - oh man this season will be interesting


@Annie - it is true though - I have done the FINE more than enough lol

Annie said...

LOL Ginger....Me too!

I've also done - "Come again?" Which means do not dare repeat what you just said. :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@LOL Annie - mine is What did you say?

Rhonda said...

Oneheart & Annie- Thank you :)

Ginger- I love Peyton! He's beloved around here :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Rhonda - he was the enemy here but hell he has to be better than our past QB's -Tebow could run that ball but man he couldn't throw it for crap. We still live with the Elway legacy - time for a new one

Oneheart said...

A new support Kristen video...

Holy said...

@Ginger,girl you rock.

Rhonda said...

Ginger- yeah,'s hard to compare to a legend. I wish Peyton well, though. We were hoping he'd come to the Titans :(

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Oneheart - that was a beautiful video - I like the girls that feel ok to be themselves - that is amazing

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy ;) laughter is the best medicine - sometimes we take ourselves way too serious.

Tempest said...

Hmmm why do i smell BS in your theory, oh please continue but it is interesting that you seem to believe you are somewhat in the know how of what Kristen's mind is thinking, which is interesting considering no one from friend to family would ever divulge secrets from their own heart and allow someone to come onto a blog column and put it across, but continue, i am intrigued, giving that i do use behavioural psychology in my every day working life, and you are intriguing me...

Tempest said...

I am going to get the hang of this thing sooner or later lol.
We can all sit and theorise as to what did or did not go down that day, but when you look at all the facts i do agree none of it makes sense.
WE could all speculate and say it was a set up - Sanders was looking to cash in on the downfall of two of the hottest young stars in Hollywood. We could all speculate that Kristen had a momentary lapse of judgement, she had some mental breakdown/emotional and physical and decided to let a man old enough to be her father near her in any shape or form. We could all speculate that she was wanting out of the relationship so decided because she is cold hearted and vindictive, to humiliate Rob by doing something so horrible in public.

ALL of these are just theories;
We have photos, but no video
We have a photogs account and only his account
We have an apology from Kristen
A lame assed one from Sanders (my beautiful children *rolls eyes*)

That is it
Nothing other than what the gossip sites are printing and they are not printing a heck of a lot but rehashed garbage. People are so quick to judge and so quick to jump on a story that up until a few years back the mag that is selling it we wouldn't even put it at the bottom of a birdcage. USW doesn't have a very good reputation of actually investigating any story it prints. It just glamorises with flourish and embellishment. People have taken a photogs account (yes a pap of all people) and believed it to be true, not the photos because they can't be read wrong but the actual photogs account and believed every single word of it. Well of course you want to, it's the truth isn't it, the photos prove that this all took place. Tell me, why wasn't there a video to go with the story? Surely it would have been able to give not only the time of said tryst but also how long the 'horny teenagers* made out in the car?

According to said photographer, he called for back up and more photogs arrived. So i ask you, why wasn't there more photos taken of the tryst? Was wasn't there different angles covered or at the very least one of them surely had a camera with not only a decent zoom lens but a video selection programme to video the entire thing?
Surely if you are going to catch your spouse cheating you not only hire someone who can get photographic proof, you would also have one of the team video the entire escapade?


Tempest said...

The intuitive mind is a wonderful thing, it picks apart the fact from the fiction, the lies from the truth. If this was any other celebrity that is fame hungry for a bit of attention i would be saying 'well i hope you are happy with a scandal in your life' and feel sorry that they have blackened what would have probably been a very good career for themselves. Instead this is a girl who has always been very 'private and protective of her private life' and now she is splashed across every rag available with people all theorising on 'what went wrong with the twilight star!'

Nobody is stopping to think what it is doing to her, nobody is caring how this is destroying her - the girl who has never steered of a straight path in her life, suddenly she is up there with the Lindsay and the Brittany and god help us the Kardashian's for scandalous behaviour?
It's my opinion that there is something not right in all of this, the gossip machine is churning shit and no one is stopping to smell it. Everyone is too busy running from rag site to rag site to see if any of them have any more news. Nobody is stopping to think how it affects two people's lives, YES two people's lives not one. Rob and Kristen have been together for over 3 yrs, that is not something you forget over night, that is not something you simply over come and move on. That is not something you substitute your career for and carry on as if nothing has happened.

These are two people's REAL life, not fiction, not characters, not false impressions, the life that goes on behind closed doors, the life that keeps you sane when you go home, the life that gives you the comfort you need when when you are not there, the life that holds security around you like a blanket. That is the bit the gossip rags don't care about and have never cared about to be perfectly honest. They sell a story even if it doesn't stick. They put up their version of the truth and people believe it. They make money of the backs of someone else's misery and people are greedy for more; more scandal, more half truths, more destruction.

This is the direction i come from - i don''t endorse or believe anything any gossip site or magazine tries to feed you. They will sell your mother if they could and make you believe she was kidnapped by aliens. There is something off in all of this and those that can see it believe it. Will we ever know what possibly not. My belief still stays strong that the two people in the centre of this need to come out fighting if they believe in their love and be damned what the media, the fans or the studios think!
It's their life and they don't owe anyone a thing.


Maria said...

Tempest...thank you. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Tempest said...

I should really proof read my posts before i out them up lol sorry, a lot of typos but i am in my work place and hurriedly typed it up before i got busy, patients to see and all that.

tempest xx

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tempest - agree once again.

Does anyone remember when Clooney went at with paps to step back and give him some space - they made it their mission to ruin him and for a while there they caused him huge grief until he bent some. Tabloid media is vindictive, they take a grain of salt and turn it into the Himalaya's.

Tempest said...

I agree Ginger and Soul or GS is that easier??

If you harass the paps long enough then they get it into their heads to bring you down and no one dislikes the paps more than Kristen.
Even Rob has got peeved off with them over the years, he started our humouring them and allowing them to take his photo, and then they became too intrusive and too abusive for even he to stomach them.

They shout and hurl abuse at you and even at time throw suggestive remarks at you and you have to just walk on by and stomach it - i don't think so. If anything Kristen showing them her disgust has only fuelled their reason to bring her down literally and that's what has been done. Now they all want her blood and they want their pound of flesh which is disgusting but unfortunately the way of the celebrity vs the media.

ladyevenstar22 said...

i'm so grateful for this site truly!
another day and more time to think things over,
the hard part still is when i wake up in the morning its my first thought and i don't want to wake up but you know how it is however much we might be involve in these 2 lovebirds we also have personal real lives too and i have to say again the olympics are a crazy good distraction,the world is still going round and round!
i'm on an island in the caribbean and it was a very beautiful hot yeah there's enough going on in my life that i need not focus on that during the day!

i've made a promise to myself not to go on any of those gossip sites ever again not even for good news or whatever, i haven't seen any pics i don't want to see them i don't even want to read the false speculations going on etc etc
i'm dealing with it as best i can, and just being here is helping me a lot with that! whatever rob decides i'll stand by him its his life their relationship
guess what i'm watching "bridget jones 2" and brigdet is kissing hugh grant sleezy character yet we all know she loves mark darcy(colin firth) but she and mark broke up even if it was a misunderstandment oh how i wish life was like a movie sometimes SIGH
One thing is true ,having never been confronted to a situation like this i truly don't know how i would react however strong i might feel about my beliefs!
i'm just going to focus on being positive and accept this really happen and what happens next but most of all i want to see robert,i need to see he's ok, as ok as you can be giving the circus situation right now, i want to see his eyes

His eyes never lied to me when you see his eyes i remember that expression the eyes are the windows to the soul,i don't think i'll feel right until i see him;as for Kristen i am working on being sincerely supportive of her right now baby steps,i'm in complete disbelief about this whole thing and i can't reconcile it with the girl i thought i knew but i get that its absolutely true i can't leave one wrong define who i think she is and how i feel about her either! baby steps maybe this whole affair is a blessing in disguise for us fans too on how we approach our stars for lack of a better word to describe the rich and famous

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tempest - was going to shorten it to Ginger but then it loses it's joke (pun off south parks myth on redheads either being Gingers or day walkers - and for the record I don;t melt in the sun so I am truly a day walker), but GS, G - it all works lol.

I think the saddest part is when they start to print the reconciliation stuff and people will flock back - if you don't believe the bad then you can't believe the good either - it is all about exploitation and money. The truth hardly sells and they are taking it directly from twitter now to come up with new stories. We are their sources now

Tempest said...

THAT is the sad state of affairs when it comes to those who truly believe in their heart that this sorry, sorry mess is at the hands of the gossip fodder and those that believe in it.

Do i believe Kristen willingly or indeed cheat on Rob? (remember cheat seems to cover everything these days)
No, i do not and i stand by my beliefs.
Do i believe that she was set up to make it look like she cheated/had a fling/an afternoon tryst?
In Hollywood anything can happen, so i will not rule that one out at all.
Do i believe that the paps are out for her blood?
Abso-fucking-lutely. She has shown nothing but ill-contempt for the scuzz-balls who sell their images for profits. Their disgusting hurls of abuse and suggestive remarks would make anyone's blood turn cold.
Do i believe in absolution?
We wouldn't survive so many disasters in our own lives if people didn't have the power to forgive.

I am someone who believes in facts, not fiction. I need to take apart a theory in order to get to the truth lurking underneath. I am not someone who judges too quickly or too harshly because humans make mistakes that's why we have survived as long as we have - make mistakes and learn from them.

I do believe in love, i do believe in the power of love and i do and always have believed that when Kristen looks at Rob and Rob looks at Kristen the love there cannot be denied and i don't believe for one second her public apology was reverse psychology on the media, on the fans or on the world (sorry but that poster is so off the mark he/she is now lost)

Her apology was both heart-wrenching, very public (something the girl would never do to herself) very sincere and with whatever was left in her at the time, she reached out to Rob in that statement 'this is me saying i am so sorry, i am humiliating myself'

A public apology could have been written by Ruth, her management, anyone with enough 'lawyer speak' in them to get it across. But the girl spoke from her own perspective and people might fault her for that, might hate her for that and might disagree with her for that, but we are not Kristen Stewart. We are people with obligations of our own and her's and Rob's lives don't enter into it (unless you sit behind your computers for hours a day)

DreamerKind said...

Hello, and thanks.
Makes me happy that I am not their debtor nor they mine with life concerns. We owe each other nothing, as you said. Freedom to be, you and me.


DreamerKind said...

There Are Many Ways To Say I Love You

Fred M. Rogers:

ladyevenstar22 said...

ginger thanks for the laugh and your convo with robert about women, i kept nodding in agreement to every word definition LOL

thanks for link to that video,i also haven't been on youtube or twitter since i got back internet and heard the news here,was it only friday i learned about this seems a lifetime ago already

i think apart from absolutely adoring rob the reason i took this so hard was because i truly do admire her, the way she loved him ,the way she defended their relationship,the way she was shy about it! as a fan you want to know everything about them how they are etc but they got me to respect their choice of keeping that part of their life private and i made good with what little they shared with us and the unexpected goodies we got! as i said baby steps,keeping busy at other stuffs is also helping a lot!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tempest - The funny part is I am the complete opposite - I react first and the remove my foot a few moments later. I have lived life and had to do some hard core re-evaluation of things I thought because a lot of my beliefs were not what I thought but what I thought I was supposed to think. After the veil drops we learn to look at people differently - people with faults and flaws - things we find in ourselves.

I believe her statement only because it was so personal and opens her up for further ridicule - if he doesn't take her back she will be judged even further as pathetic not someone who felt they were losing something of value. I think we have all had moments (doesn't have to be a person) when we wanted or needed something so bad you loose reason and sometimes self preservation. I heard a vulnerable girl trying to hold onto the one things she was afraid to loose. I follow this up with that is what I heard and maybe it is because I want to hear it or that is what I would feel in that situation. The world is most defiantly not black and white and people pigeon hole themselves in with words like never - could never because unless it is at our feet we never really know if we are the fight or flight person. Making permanent choices are harder factually then hypothetically

I really like what you write - there in never enough of compassion in this world and lets hope the naysayers find compassion when looking for it to

Ginger with a Soul said...

I am also sure there are a few grammatical errors in there since I didn't proof read

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DK hello !!

@Lady they are really funny

DreamerKind said...

You've Got To Do It

Fred M. Rogers:

Robert said...

i just realized something

this is exactly like the cafeteria scene in speak. we have crossed a line into mob mentality. she is being used as a punching bag now by people who aren't even sure who she is. it is ok because everyone else is doing it. she must deserve it

tomorrow am real life kicks into high gear for me again so i don't plan to be around much for a while. but ileave you with this

i went through exactly what rob is going through [on a much smaller scale]i screamed and cried for a week i was 24 and at the end of a week we talked and i took her back.

now tempest i think you are more tuned in to this than the rest of us are and i know that we can't know what is going on behind the scenes but please tell me that rob sees what is happening to her and that he cares

i pray that he does and even if he has no intention of taking her back......

Tempest said...

I agree GS; the statement was both raw and emotional; a young girl desperately reaching out to hold onto the one thing that has kept her sane in this mad, mad world - Rob.

We can all choose to believe this was done maliciously; that she suddenly decided she no longer loved him, but why go and meet someone dressed the way she did, with all the tokens of love adorned around her? I know this has been discussed in here and in other places and i do actually have to agree. If you are going to meet up with someone for a fling - why wear the items your other half gave you? Men sometimes don't think this way, especially if the woman they are going to have the affair with knows he is already married, but a girl/woman...

she removes that symbol of unity, she removes the photos from the bedside. She places them face down, a sign of her guilt, she can't face to see the smiling face of her other half watching what she is about to do.
She is doing something that is against god and against the very commitment she once held dear to her heart and it's that guilt that makes her do these things.

Yet; Kristen had on items that sorry i believe most definitely Rob gave her and for that it where i have always questioned this 'so called scandal'
I am in full support of two people and i will always support them because i know the love is there.
It might have lost it's way a little but that's what happens in life/good and bad.

WE do sometimes take our relationships for granted, get lost in our work that we forget they are there and are waiting for us to come back. We tend to place too much emphasis in making a good home, good money, good career and forget that it all starts with You and Me.

DreamerKind said...

Mr. Rogers in his make believe neighborhood, taught children some real life lessons. Tonight, I recalled his songs, from when I was a wee bairn. By golly, they still hold true, and the piano music is divine.

Anonymous said...

@Tempest Thank you for speaking out about what is ,I suspect, on most loyal R/K fans' minds.

ICAM this story just doesn't make sense. A high speed camera captures seconds in time. Remember that peeps... Seconds! Those pics could literally be less than a few minutes... or seconds and pics in between removed. I would bet my life those pics were released completely out of sequence and most of them were taken out of the 50 released online. If 4 photogs took them, then there are many many many more. Those "more" probably show K pushing him away or not into it as reported by the papz and Us Weekly.

I have to wonder if Kristen and her time have acquired those all of those pics. I feel it is her right to have them, they were of her after all. Why not?!

I suspect by now, Rob has even seen those "missing" pics and has a much clearer picture of what "really" happened that day.

Rob and Kristen, I wish for you, privacy, time, healing, peace, and this:

DreamerKind said...

It seems I am posting inbetween serious comments, and am not wanting to be disrespectful. My bad timing. Am fully involved in understanding and listening.

Dottie said...

DK, Posting those Mr Rogers' songs just made me love you even more than I already did!

Waves to my smart friend Tempest. :)

Hello Robert, Ginger, and everyone else.

It's bedtime for me. Take care!

ladyevenstar22 said...

at the time shit happens it always looks hopeless and beyond depressing but for having experience it its funny how time helps with your stance on things and choices you make!
come november december i'm sure i'll have a more sedated reaction to this and be more philosophical about it and many other things in my personal life also!
i don't know about time heals everything but it most certainly numbs the pain enough for you to be able to learn from a mistake and forgive yourself for not being perfect 24/7
gah just now on this french channel "M6" an ad for a rag mag was talking about kristen i saw a little from the corner of my eyes but as i wear glasses what i saw was fuzzy but i heard something about rob being depressed by kristen betrayal needless to say i switched channels to go on one talking about olympics

good night everyone , keep talking level-headed sense about this ,mayhaps some doubters are reading this blog and seing the light even if they don't post

DreamerKind said...

Let's Think Of Something To Do While We're Waiting

Fred M. Rogers

Tempest said...

hello :)
There has been a lot of pain, a lot of shock, a lot of anger.
there comes a time when that all stops and you ask yourself why?

Why did this happen?
You can't get the answers from yourself so you go searching for them. You look for clues, when did it start unravelling, when did it start to go wrong?

If you find them then you want to know when did this happen, and how often was it being done?
Then it's where, where has it all taken place, was i so blind i didn't see it happening underneath my nose?

Then finally when you have figured that all out and you have all your side of the answers you need to ask the questions and that is when you confront the person who has done this to you.
If it has been something that has had an underlining problem, you have to address that problem; lay it all out in front of you, open and honest with everything, because only then you can try and fully understand.

Then if that is done, and you still feel love for each other, he/she is so sorry for the mess they have created and still loves you and wants to try and make up for what they have done, then you ask yourself;

how, how do i get it all back.
If we believe in anything, we believe that starting over is always a possibility. We take people back and risk our hearts getting destroyed again, or we go forward and always regret not thinking things through.

Those that have never taken back and have gone on to live good lives were really not completely in love with the person in the first place, sorry but facts are facts. Those that do take back; do love the person even tough they have hurt them and allow that pain to heal over. Discover that the love can be very strong, stronger than it was the first time around, simply because both of you put more effort into making it work.

My advice to Rob (lol as if he will ever know) is to think to himself;

Will my life be any better with Kristen not in it?

Can i forgive her for one mistake, when she has never done anything like this before?

Can i trust her to never do it again?

Do i really love her or am i afraid of being alone?

If he can answer these questions truthfully to himself and if he believes his love has always been very strong for her - then he will have his answer, We all fail sometimes, the wisest person in the world can even fail. But it's our acceptance of those failings that allow us to understand that we are not perfect.

If i could see into his eyes and see the depth of love he does have for Kristen, then he will know his answer already. And no, i don't believe he likes this witch hunt on Kristen anymore than the rest of us. The last thing he would want is for her to be hurting anymore than she already is.

Tempest said...

*waves back to Dottie* so many familiar people on here LOL

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tempest it doesn't feel malicious and nothing about the photo set feels right and nor do things add up. I hope most people get there are missing photo's and I highly suspect a video, but if that video showed the story they wanted to sell it would have gone viral the 1st night which leads me to suspect it paints another story

The fact that no one has seen them leads me to hope that they are talking this out. They really need that and you are absolutely correct - they owe us nothing nor do I wait with baited breath for a public announcement of any decision - it is not ours to own

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Dottie ;) hello

DreamerKind said...

Going For It

Light My Fire

Shirley Bassey:

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed reading several of the comments today. They have shown the range of emotions that people are going through, and I had a thought.

If we are all having a hard time understanding this, imagine what the two main people in this drama must be feeling.

Not only do they have their own emotions and each others to deal with, but they also have placed on their shoulders, and possibly very fragile shoulders, the emotions of well to be honest, the world.

I truly believe that neither Rob nor Kristen would ever make a decision about their relationship based on what other people want or think they should do, they both seem too level headed to do that, and respect each other enough to not allow outsiders to sway them.

I hope that whatever decision they come to, they do what's right for them. I of course am like most of you and hope that they can work things out.

I also think that until they have reached that point to where they are ready to have a serious discussion, we should all be patient. This is a process. They have to get through the anger and sadness before they can begin to work on forgiveness.

Their relationship is precious to them and if they want to try and get past this, then they are going to have to work on rebuilding that which has been destroyed, and it will need to be done correctly in order to be strong and whole.

That's my piece, I am going to try really hard to get out of this chair and waddle off to bed now.

DreamerKind said...

Makes total sense and feels right. I envy every step you waddle for the steps lead to love newly born, soon.

Holy said...

@Tempest,reading your comments ease and calm me.Thank you.

Tempest said...

You're welcome hunny, just trying to be realistic, it's the only thing we can do right now. Hold on tight x

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Night guys - getting kiddo ready for school and work comes way too early

Spin me a song DK

Maria said...

Finally caught up with all the off to bed. Have a good night everyone.

My thoughts and prayers to R & K.

Clarisse said...

Hi, everybody...
It's so difficult say anything properly, but after to pass the shocking moment, after to clean our feelings from ideas and preconceptions, I have to say that I think that Kristen is a brave girl and she will have to deal and live with the consequences of her actions, and possibly she is making something to fit all this mess, and Rob is a pretty kind soul and he will know how to navigate in this dark sea with his own light.
I want to think that they have learned a lot... They will be stronger because they are smart people. I love them. Together and separate.
I think that we took a glance at one kind of love no common...with real people.
Nobody knows what Life has for them... but I think, it will be amazing, and beautiful, and pretty bright.
Thanks Rose, for your kindness... all of you, guys!

DreamerKind said...

For Ginger & Being Extra Glad

I'm Glad There Is You

Sarah Vaughan (1954):

DreamerKind said...

Said I many times
Love is illusion
A feeling result of confusion

With knowing smile
And blasé sigh
A cynical so and so
Was I

I feel so sure, so positive,
So utterly
Unchangeably certain

Though I never was aware
Of loving you
'til I suddenly realised
There was love in you

In this world of ordinary people
Extraordinary people
I'm glad there is you

In this world
Of overrated pleasures
And underrated treasures
I'm glad there is you

I live to love,
I love to live with you
Beside me

This role, so new
I'll muddle through with you
If you'll guide me through

In this world where many
Play at love
And hardly any stay in love
I'm glad there is you

More than ever
I'm glad
There is you

DreamerKind said...

Life only demands from you the strength you possess. Only one feat is possible — not to have run away.

Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was.

There is a point at which everything becomes simple and there is no longer any question of choice, because all you have staked will be lost if you look back. Life's point of no return.

We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours.

(Dag Hammarskjöld (29 July 1905 – 18 September 1961) was a Swedish diplomat, the second United Nations Secretary-General, and a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.)

DreamerKind said...

May the recent senseless,hatred filled killings cease! Healing sent to the families and community.

DreamerKind said...

Thanks for expressing such inspiring thoughts.

Monica said...

@Ginger and @Tempest, you are my rocks!!

Monica from Asia

Sue from Holland said...

@Tempest, I'm trying to find the words to describe how I feel after reading your posts. I'm actually speechless, all I can think of is "WOW". When I was reading it, all I could do was nod, "yes yes yes, that's it, that's exactly it". So thank you for your words and thank you Rose for being here and thank you for all your opions on this matter, it's one hell of learning experience.

@Ginger and @Robert, I'm making notes on all your tips, now I know where I screwed up all those years, lol.

serenajean08 said...

I am not excusing Kristen's behavior but I believe wholeheartedly that Rupert Sanders set this up. He was the director of this drama. Something always bothered me about those pictures. It was as if he was searching to make sure the camera's were in place because he could not see them from that far range. Only fifty pictures? I don't think so. Additional pictures may tell a different story. Perhaps the story of a young girl trying to gently end what should have never begun in the first place. You receive at tip and no pap video? Hard to fathom. I believe he thought he could kill two birds with one stone (end his marriage and end Rob and Kristen's relationship). I believe accounts that say he was obsessed with Kristen. It's little things like his commenting on finding Kristen for Snow White "I knew I had found my girl" instead of our girl and at the premier he was saying something to her and she appeared to be agitated and telling him to stop (it was as if he was saying something very inappropriate to her). He released his statement after she released hers and it didn't have the raw sincerity of Kristen's statement. I don't think he is trying to heal his marriage but rather is waiting in the wings to see how Rob and Kristen's relationship plays out to make his move on her. I don't think we have heard the last of Rupert Sanders. I see a restraining order in his future.

Birdie said...

Ahhh, a new week. I hope some of the media glare begins to fade.
Interesting article in the Inquisitr about "sources". Simply can't put stock in what you read and that is definitely better for the soul.

Happy(day late)Birthday, Rhonda and Kenzz!
Hope you both celebrated in style.

Good vibes going out to Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd and all Roselanders(old and new)!

Oneheart said...

I just want to say that I love it when Tempest is in the building..LOL She is so wise and always the voice of reason, at least in my eyes. I admire her so much and I know how much she cares about Rob and Kristen. Big Hugs coming your way Tempest.

I also want to comment about the person who tweeted that the owner of the Deer Lodge emailed her back and said that Rob was there. We have to take things like this as a GOS. I'm not saying the girl who emailed him and asked him this is making it up, I believe she did do this and he did respond with what he told her.

The thing is how do we know it is true. Just because someone says Rob was in their establishment doesn't mean he was. I question why there is no pics of this. We live in times that everyone or someone beside of you has a cell phone with a camera and we didn't get one pic of this. That is way too strange.

We all know young girls and even older women..If Rob Pattinson is in the building you are going to get a pic somehow, someway.

Think about it if the owner emails someone and says he was there and then it is tweeted everywhere that the owner says he was there, then that owner has increased his business a great deal. Customers will increase because everyone wants to get a glimpse of Rob.

I can't answer for anyone here but I have to have a pic to back something up and if I don't have that then I am skeptical about things. No pic...No proof.

Oneheart said...

Forgot to add...Hope everyone has a great Monday. Time to leave for work. I will talk to you all later. Keep Rob and Kristen in your prayers.

DreamerKind said...

I agree.

@ali mac
I know, right? Two older women sitting next to a pond, not thinking about mosquitos flying all around, feasting on them, cause they didn't bring repellent. A fail but much better today. :)

ali mac said...

ROBERT Make sure you pop in from time to time!! Your stories are great.

Super I agree all those things help to keep a girl happy. Robert needs to tell us what men want (apart form the obvious food/sex in whichever order your preference is)

Have a great day everyone. I'm off to return clothes and no doubt will buy more whilst in the shops!!

DreamerKind said...

It's a new week, hooray! Closer to Cosmopolis.

Be well.

ali mac said...

Morning DK

We don't really get mosquitos here, but we do get midges and they love me, mosquitos don't seem to enjoy the flavour of my blood. I use citronella oil to repel them, just a few dabs on pulse points and it works a treat :)

Rhonda said...

Morning all, happy Monday...

I'm glad things seem to be getting back to normal around here. I've missed the plain old, no drama, line of conversation ;)

Birdie- Thank you! <3

Have a great day everyone. Still wishing Rob and Kristen all the best...

Anonymous said...

Morning everyone. Just reading the overnight comments.

@Oneheart I read on someone's twitter that the Bartender denied he was there... it all sounds bogus to me.

Then, last night, this girl claims her friend saw R/K together walking and holding hands:

Who to beleive?!

I hate to say "pics or it didn't happen" because that is why Kristen is in the position she is in today. The demand for "proof" has caused the papz to be what they are and what they do...

At this point, unless it can be proven, I say don't beleive any of the "noise" on twitter, facebook, online social media, and gossip rags/webloids/media. To many agendas out there.

Have a wonderful day everyone. :-)

Dottie said...

Happy Monday! Where did the weekend go??? I hope everyone is well and happy.

Still sending lots of love, prayers, and positive thoughts out for Rob and Kristen.

"The first to apologise is the bravest, the first to forgive is the strongest and the first to forget is the happiest..."
(tweet by Tempest)

olivia said...

Hugs and love to Rose and Roseland.

Thank you to all for the continued jukebox of meaningful tunes and also the lovely humor. Tempest, and others, again, your well thought out words of wisdom and grace have been gratefully read and taken to heart. ( DK, loved the DH words, such a remarkable man.) This continues, as always to be such a wonderful haven for our worldwide, supportive and dedicated followers of dear Rose and her intoxications.

Keeping Rob and Kristen, their family and friends in my thoughts and prayers. May each day be better for them as they travel through these difficult times.

Hugs for y'all.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
Life is good. The scale of goodness does vary from day to day, for we are human and each day is a learning experience. May we learn from the past, stay positive and move forward with hope, courage and knowledge.

efka said...

Great comments - thank you for them. English is not my first language and it would be extremely hard for me to write a comment so elaborate. Yet, it appeares I don`t have to since all your posts mirrors my thoughts exactly.

@DreamerKind I have already seen Cosmopolis (it`s in my country since June) and Rob was fantastic in it. If anyone had any doubts about his acting skills, won`t have them after seeing this movie. I strongly recommend you all see it.

ali mac said...

I agree Rhonda!! Long may it last!!

angelica1 said...

Hi Everyone!

Rhonda - Drama-free is good!! Long may it continue :)

Monica said...

I'm so glad that one Robstebn site "Robsten Dreams" has come back!! Yeah, finally something +ve.

Monica from Asia

faa said...

@Rhonda & Kenzz, happy belated birthday to you both.

@Tempest, you are a genius with your opinions and knowledge. I'll be very happy if you are one of my expert witness in my daily cases :-)

To all of the Roselanders, goodnite and lets hope the best for Rob &Kristen. To hell with Ojai sightings and all the crap. Wish I could just get an injunction to prevent all the medias from writing even a single word about Rob & Kristen. That will be sooo cool..

@DK, love all the songs. Keep on dancing :-)

Goodnite all..

Unknown said...

In his darkest hours, Rob shall find his light. His heart will start to kindle a small flame to brighten each dark spot. Whether it is a flicker of hope, a dawning of acceptance, or an envelopment of forgiveness, Rob will find his way again. He is too good of a man to let shadows hover over his horizon. He knows this and he shall overcome.

ali mac said...

ANGELICA How's the back feeling today?

angelica1 said...

Ali Mac - It's very warm.LOL I'm looking forward to getting home and getting into my pj's instead of this suit!

ali mac said...

Angelica, warm is an improvement from hot, hopefully tomorrow it will on feel lukewarm lol

angelica1 said...

Ali Mac - One can only hope!!

JMF said...

HI all! Here I go again, rose colored glasses still on. First let me explain that I am married woman with 3 children and a teacher. Just a little fyi there just so you don't think I am totally crazy, lol. I realized today that I am proud to be part of this fandom. I have found new friends, and read many many opinions from fellow supporters trying to debunk this whole horrible nightmare. Now I ask you, who else has this kind of support? I do realize as well that some supporters go overboard, but these particular supporters, if its true what they have posted, are married MEN and women, who are professionals in their job field, are married with children and believe as we do about Rob and Kirsten's love. In this mess of gossip rag reporting, fake sighting and continuous bashing of Kristen AND Rob, it is heartwarming for me to find people such as this. Call me crazy but this is how I feel. They recognize, as we do, that this was a horrible move on Kristen's part, but also agree with us that there is something just not right with this whole thing.
Today I am feeling sappy. I am sorry. I went to the store and there is People and US Weekly with Rob & Kristen's picture on the cover and I thought, you bastards. Anything for a buck. Leave them alone and let them muddle through this together.
Yep, still have the rose colored glasses on, and thanks for letting me rant.

Anonymous said...

@sika siak plz tell give me a psychic reading too. Since you seem to "know" Rob's future.

Dottie said...

HEY SUPER! Guess what we're having for dinner tonight???? The meatballs are in the crock pot even as I type! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'm always looking for quick things to cook on busy days. ;)

Maria said...

@sika siak....what makes you think that Rob is "in his darkest hours" and that he has lost his way? Because OBVIOUSLY in order to find his way he must be lost. He's heartbroken...he hasn't lost his soul.

I nod at your attempt to be eloquant, but enough with the doom and gloom. Your not the modern day version of the Delphi oracle.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


I hope you all enjoy it!

Good Afternoon Everybody:)

Maria said...

Hello everyone!

Aside from making beef stew, I haven't used my crock pot for anything else. Need to come up with a few recipes now that football season has started for my son.

30 said...

Hi ladies, I just saw on TV this morning Rob is going to be on Good Moring America next week. I would think to promote his new movie here in the US. Though the intro did not say that and, kind of made it seem like he was "going to speak". type thing?

Maria said...

@30...I saw that too.

I hope they stick to questions about the Cosmopolis and his upcoming projects, and stay clear of personal questions. George S tends to be tactful, but you never know what GMA will encourage he ask. I know that they tend to have a list of topics to avoid but who knows with a live interview.

isis said...

@30 and @maria - i saw in a site too. He will go to GMA this wednesday 8agost?

30 said...

Yeah I guess we will see, I just want the horrible gossip rags to stop and along with that the hate on every "article" for Rob and Kristen both, I have been avoiding all articles to be honest lately. If Rob "SPEAKS" about any of his personal life, we all know those online gossip sites will twist and turn it all.

DreamerKind said...

Thanks, Robsten Angels site


Passing an exam

Three patients in a mental institution prepare for an examination given by the head psychiatrist. If the patients pass the exam, they will be free to leave the hospital. However, if they fail, the institution will detain them for five years.
The doctor takes the three patients to the top of a diving board looking over an empty swimming pool, and asks the first patient to jump.
The first patient jumps head first into the pool and breaks both arms.
Then the second patient jumps and breaks both legs.
The third patient looks over the side and refuses to jump.
"Congratulations! You're a free man. Just tell me why didn't you jump?" asked the doctor.
To which the third patient answered,"Well Doc, I can't swim!"

DreamerKind said...

Still crazy after all these years!
Yet, it's a new good day from morning to night.

DreamerKind said...

'ello. Fact! But he knows that.

Maria said...


I got the impression that the interview will be aired on Wednesday August 15th. I thought they said a "live" interview, but I may be mistaken, because I was running around trying to get ready for work when they mentioned it.

Ladies, I just did the mistake of visiting the gossip sites again. All I can say is that I am truly disgusted, not only with the media, but by the harsh comments that people continue to post. Yes, there are some posters that leave compassionate comments, but the remaining are crude in their "indifference" or their vehement support for Rob.

When did our lives get so wrapped up with a celebrity couple, to rob some of their compassion, kindness, or just overall mutual respect? You have to wonder if they would be so verbally abusive to someone they personally know, if they found themselves in a similar situation as R & K. Would they actually have the courage to judge that person to their face?

When were we "given" the right to judge so mercilessly, without taken into consideration the possible outcomes of our actions? And what example are we as a society setting for the children that are exposed to the garbage that the media spews out?

The media has no forgiveness, especially the papps. Perhaps that is where people take their cue from? If its okay for the media to publically crucify and humiliate, what is stopping your average reader/commenter from doing the same?

Sorry for my rant, but this whole thing has saddened me. People used to praise a compassionate and forgiving nature; now, if someone shows that trait they are ridiculed and called ignorant. Since when has compassion and ignorance gone hand in hand?

Maria said...

Hi DK!

30 said...

Maria it comes down to people can hide behind a computer, they would never have the balls to say what they do online to that person face Someone would punch them in the mouth or wash it out with soap. Maybe because school is out and it is summer, all these Twilight kids are online and mom and dad do not have any idea what they are doing? I cannot believe most of those comments are from grown ass women. The obsession with both Rob and Kristen and their ability for a constant "copy and paste" is scary.

30 said...

HI DK! :)

Maria said...

So if the media isn't held accountable for their actions, how can we expect the kids to be accountable for theirs. I don't know what's scarier...the little vipers or the lunatic women living in fantasy land.

Maria said...

Ok. I am making myself scarce for three to get the boy to football practice.

Catch everyone later.

katy said...

Rhonda and Kenzz, Happy belated birthday! I hope you bote had a wonderful birthday day.

Take care everyone

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

just poppin in...perfect Beatle about a couple in love...great post.. as always
Rose see....

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
Dalai Lama...

peace love & compassion for both Rob & Kristen

isis said...

@Maria - thanks, will be next week. he will not talk about his personnal life. It's only about cosmopolis. You will see.

yes don't go to the others gosip sites and don't read the comments, they are horrible. But like @30 said it's the same people , you can read the same comment in all the haters blogs.

I think the heat of the story is dying. You can see that the most known sites and blogs don't have stories about them. It's the stupid hollywoodlife and radar who are inventing all the rumours. they are soo stupid that no one believes.

Rob's next week will be promoting cosmopolis so we need to be ready to next week the drama came a little more alive. But then will stop again. We have 4 months to BDpart2 premiere. 4 months it's a huge time. I believe that we will only see kristen on the premiere. She will not be seen in public in this next4 months. And i hope not. She needs to prepare herself for the storm when she will be in front of the twifans and media.

People mag said they will be on VMA mtv in september but mTV said that nothing was cofirmed. I don't think she will come. Maybe rob but i think he will pass too.

DreamerKind said...

Having french toast, bacon and coffee. Heavenly comfort food.

Am amazed at what you do for love of your man. Where's that story?

Hello, isis, Boogie, Maria, Dottie, Super, katy and those on they're way home.

Absolutely infused with "Hope of Deliverance", like chanting it hourly. Darkness flees during.

ali mac said...

MMmmmm DK I love French toast and haven't had it in so long.

When I was little my mum used to make me a soft boiled egg scooped out into a bowl with a little bit of butter and a tiny pinch of salt, with bread or toast soldiers. I make it now and again and it is my fave comfort food :0)

angelica1 said...

DK - He's worth it! You'll have e-mail in about 10 minutes :)

Oneheart said...

Hi everyone just got home from work. It was a good day so that is always nice for a Monday.

30 I just wanted to say I agree with you. People on twitter or the various gossip mag sites wouldn't say much at all if they weren't hid behind their computers. It's like when you have two or three picking on a kid in school, if two of the three go off somewhere else, the one left alone seems to become meek and nothing comes out of the mouth. People always get braver when they have backup or no one can see them.

I am convinced that the majority on twitter are younger people and in my timeline they seem to still be in high school. They're always talking about their parents and how they won't let them do something, or they're mad at their mom for jumping on them about their rooms. If you notice a majority on the sites under the comments can't spell either.

Annie said...

Hello all!
DK: Did you make your French toast with challah bread? That bread makes THE best French toast. :)

Annie said...

Ali: I have some English and Irish friends who do that.

DreamerKind said...

@ali mac
Those childhood tastes linger ever.

Looking forward to it.

No, I never have but will try it. Used cinnamon swirl w/ icing bread from Whole Foods. Good suggestion.

Had Bavarian food yesterday like schnitzel and spaetzle, so traditional Americana was called to the fore!

DreamerKind said...

It's Been A Long Time


ali mac said...

Annie we are easily pleased :)

Annie said...

Ali: :)

I love Shepherd's pie with brown sauce and an Irish breakfast.

There is an Irish pub around here that served those dishes but now it's a full on sports bar.........I miss the food! :)

ali mac said...

Annie you are making me hungry now, I love brown sauce it's great on a bacon and egg sandwich too, I'm drooling now!

DreamerKind said...

I only hang on Twitter with the sane, older (20's +) group, feeling like a Mama grizzly, white bearded and hibernating, while they frolic and eat the berries. Not too bad to take either.

DreamerKind said...

We Are One

Maze (1983):

Annie said...

:) Sorry. :)
My very best friend in the world is Irish so I have a love for the food.

So should we talk Maltesers and Tayto crisp?

Annie said...

Forgot to say......Hi Oneheart. :)

ali mac said...

Tayto crisps lol the main thing Irish people crave when they leave the country!! It has to be tayto cheese and onion, just don't eat them before a hot date!! Malteasers are in Britain and Ireland and are one of my top 10 sweets/candy.

ali mac said...

Annie what part of Ireland is your best friend from?

Annie said...

She's from Westmeath.

Rhonda said...

Faa & Katy- Thank you! :)

Angelica- I hope the back cools down soon ;)

Annie & Ali- Im showing my ignornace here, but what is brown sauce?

Hi everyone- I hope it's been a good day...

Annie said...

I know others who are from Kerry, Sligo and Galway.

Rhonda said...

Lol, I'm really showing it...didn't even spell it right!
"Ignorance" and my typos! I'm glad you all are used to me...;)

Annie said...

Hi Rhonda:
Brown sauce is a condiment like steak sauce. The one I'm familiar with is brown and much like ketchup in texture.

Rhonda said...

Annie- I've never tried it. I definitely will now, thanks ;)

ali mac said...

Yes RHONDA HP sauce is the most popular one and is made up of a subtle blend of fruits and spices.

It gives some dishes a bit of a kick.

ANNIE I'm about two and a half hours drive from Westmeath.

Rhonda said...

Ali- thanks, I'm going to try it ;)

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