The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Rob and Kristen- The Best is Yet to Come

The best is yet to come,
 and baby won't it be fine
You think you've seen the sun, 
but you ain't seen it shine

Twilight BD2 promo is over.

Like I said before...
I may be a bit sad to know that we won't
see Rob and Kristen promoting 
Edward and Bella anymore...
But I'm not in this for Twilight.
It started out that way...
But over the course of the last 4 years
Things change.
I adore both Rob and Kristen.
I will be watching their careers
from here on out.
I will be always be speculating 
on their sweet enduring romance.
It still makes me smile.
And as long as that is true...
There will always be plenty to write about.

There were a lot of cute moments during this leg of the promo...

The 'ANT' show was really cute
And even though I couldn't understand most of what
was going on...
Watching Rob and Kristen interact
is always worth minor distractions.

And they were so sweet on this...
looked like they had fun.
I like that.
Because they had to be exhausted.
Fun is good.

Just a couple of thoughts.

1. I've heard about people 'booing' when Kristen's name
has come on the screen during BD2.
I can't even wrap my head around how pathetic 
and sad that truly is.
And what do they expect to accomplish anyway?
Let's see...
YOU paid money to go watch the movie.
Kristen wins.
YOU booed at a movie screen.
Kristen wins.
YOU must be 10 years old
or your emotional maturity is stunted at 10 years old.
Kristen wins.
YOU booed at an inanimate object
and Kristen didn't hear it.
Kristen wins.
YOU are obsessed with Kristen
and she owns you.
Kristen wins.
YOU will never have Robert.
Kristen wins.

2. Remember when I said BD2 promo was over?
To everyone but the Lunatic Fringe.
They will CLING for dear life.

All during this promo Ninnies were mewling
about how Rob was 'over it'
and he couldn't wait to be FREE.
That is until the next time 
Rob and Kristen show up together.
(and they always do... don't they?)
Then it will be...
"He's still on the clock!"
"BD2 isn't doing as well as they thought
so they have to get butts in the seats!"
"They will pretend until the DVD drops!"

So riddle me this...

Rob and Kristen are on red carpets
with extravagant opportunity
to do some PDA to sell this movie
but no...
They behave professionally
(as they always do)
Why would they use an actual 
red carpet for the movie 
that has enslaved them to pretend to be in love
for PR?
Just millions of cameras on them
fans from all over the world
everyone watching
But other than some affectionate looks and touches
(as they always do)
No big KISS moments!
No Public Displays of Affection!
What the hell?
Silly people!
That would make too much sense!
Rob and Kristen have been sighted
(albeit its just rumor at the moment)
at some out of the way
obscure town in England.
THAT my friends
is standard Ninnie PR!!!


When Rob and Kristen
show up anywhere together
on their OWN time...
And the Ninnie Fringe can't explain it
(well... logically that is)
They HAVE to come up with their
usual delusional PR theories.

Voodoo PR!!!

They start chanting and conjuring
hoping to soothe the foaming...

How's that working for you?

This post is brought to you by endings.

The end of Twilight movies
and promotion...
 But a lot of Rob and Kristen still to come.

And by...

Oh Rob.
You've never been shy about what you admire
about Kristen...

And of course...
Where would one of my posts be without...

My undying adoration of Thomas Sturridge.

I promised one of my best friends
that I would wait for her to go see BD2.
That will be Monday.
Can't wait to talk about it.

Until then.

Bye for now


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tufenuf55 said...

I've said for several weeks that Kristen may be pregnant. Does that make it true? is just speculation on my part. So even if Kristen is pregnant, I don't believe Bill Condon, who admires her so much, would give away such a secret, personal piece of info.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tuff - that is what I had the hardest part even reading it - why would anyone share that news about anyone

@NJC - ahh but we get lots and lots of goodies with the bad stuff - most of the bad stuff I get is second hand or reaction but I get the carrot eater in my TL about once a week with someone making fun of her. I can handle that part - the pictures of her I cannot

Samantha Nkhata said...

I wonder if it really was beer K was drinking on Jimmy Fallon or if it was apple juice or something else.

You're right, I was on the We Love R and K (DrownInIt) Twitter profile during some of the promotion & it's fun to see the gifs, pictures & fan reactions. The shared experience makes everything better.
I was shocked when I discovered my first Kristen hate site last week. I thought it was just articles, article 'comments' & tweets. Not pages upon pages of Kristen hate.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@NJC - Oh I have only seen a couple - they claim to be Rob fans yet all you see is them talking about Kristen - they watch all her movies, read every interview, and look/save every photo of her - gotta say to me the effort makes me think they are closet Kristen fans that are afraid to admit it. Jealousy does wicked things to women. Rob and Kris seem like really cool people - I just don't get the level of hate either gets.It says a lot about both that they still hang out with childhood friends (the hobo pack = London+LA mixed) and not trying to run the Hollywood circles when they are on their own time.

LizzieD said...


I'm going to TWIRL towards the bed and dream happy dreams of whatever shows up in my head. Probably smiling pics of R & K, LOL


Holy said...

Hello again.

I don't think Bill C.will share that info to the media.He's been very respectful to both R/K.

@Ginger-the funny thing is ,R/K real fans didn't really believed the article,the ninnies did though and they're been screaming all day.LOL

PamH said...

Good night and happy dreams

@ ginger
It does say a lot about R&K still having those childhood friends and I feel like their friends are to be respected not once has any of their close personal friends used Rob or Kristen to acquire fame or further their own careers in any way it all about love and loyalty....something almost never heard of in Hollywood .

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - night

@Holy - all the Rob/Kris fans wanted the original article or some audio proof to back it up but you are right - the other side lost their shit and showed their true colors in a way that I couldn't really fathom - those thoughts in your own head aren't right but to say them out loud like they did was gross

@Pam - it speaks volumes and the fact that the groups have merged and are now friends - they have a solid foundation if I must say

gargamel said...

I didn't realize i had a thing for Carlisle ...till i saw his head...i was shaking while trying to swallow my tears...

Kami said...

So sad that people are losing their minds over something someone supposedly said to someone in an 'interview' about someone being pregnant.

I cannot, will not and shall not (to bastardize Dr. Seuss) believe that Bill C. would EVER say something like that to anyone.

And while I seriously doubt that Kristen is pregnant..and like someone pointed out if she had a baby everytime someone thought she was pregnant she would have about 1000 kids by now, even if she was pregnant (which like I said I seriously doubt) it would be a BABY....not the antichrist and people need to calm the hell down.

People who have nothing better to do than to find something to hate about a young woman they do not know are sad beyond belief.

Kristen is human, just like the rest of us, and like the rest of us, she makes mistakes. People get hurt, and all you can do is try and make amends with the people who matter the most and move on. From what I can see, that's what she has done.

The idiots, I refuse to call them fans, who think that Rob is just some mindless nitwit who follows everyone's orders on how to live his life, are living in some sick twisted kind of reality that I have no desire to try and figure out.

They're human beings, they have a right to have good days and bad, to have fights and make up, to make mistakes and make amends. They have a right to live their own lives without people they have never met, and will never meet sticking their noses into their business and trying to tell them how they should act, think and feel.

They have a right to have their relationship as private or as public as THEY want it to be, and they have the right to expect that people give them room and respect their privacy so that they can live those lives the way THEY see fit.

I cannot imagine having to live my life in a fishbowl where every move I make is scrutinized by someone else who then feels they have a right to make a living off of what they see. It's disgusting.

I am not aiming this tirade at anyone here of course. I just sometimes get angry with people's stupidity and I have to vent.

The thing that I get angry over is this idea that some people seem to have that because someone is famous they are not entitled to have a normal life. They want them to live a life of perfection and as we all know it doesn't exist.

Marilyn Monroe, who was one of the biggest, if not the biggest 'sexual' icons of her time said once that men were often disappointed with her, when asked why she said "They go to bed with Marilyn Monroe and wake up with Norma Jean Baker"

People are people regardless of what their jobs are.

ali mac said...


I haven't seen the movie yet and I hope you haven't given something away in your last comment, if so thanks a lot! if not ignore me.

ali mac said...

If anyone is going to talk about the movie in a spoiler kind of way please put a large SPOILER at the top of your comment so as others who haven't seen it yet don't have the ending spoiled for them. Thanks

parker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gargamel said...

Ninnies want to kill the cgi baby too? It's dead already...kay??? Double your dose and leave the baby alone.

parker said...

after reading the comments from last night, only 2 things i want to say …

i will repeat what olivia always says,
Respect for Rob and Kristen.

please, please, let’s be careful about our BD2 comments.
i agree with ali, some people haven’t seen it yet.
so, can we please keep our BD2 comments to general impressions only please.

gargamel said...

Emmet was run over by a mack truck.

Stella said...

Good morning all!
Kami, I totally agree with you. Whether this "pregnancy" is true or false, it's not up to us to judge it... They are adults, quite mature for their age, and they are the ones to decide what they'll do with their lives. As we feel for them very much, we all have some emotions towards everything we hear about them, we (at least "I") can't help that, but we must do so with the foremost respect to their personalities and their private life.

Even if someone is exclusively a Rob's fan, I always wonder how can that be, how can you call yourself Rob's fan, if you don't respect his choices and the woman he's with for the last 4 years. That's beyond me. If someone is disrespective towards my boyfriend or my husband, that would automatically mean that he/she's disrespectful towards me. It's the same IMHO with Rob and Kristen. If you respect one of them, you have no right to diminish the other.

Last thing I want to say is that, no matter if this rumor proves true or false (though I can not imagine why BC would reveal such a thing - it's very hard for me to believe it), we'll be here to support them in every step they take with the outmost respect they deserve.

parker said...

one more for my fave bit list:

GO Interview: question about who’s the best lego builder, kristen saying that rob is into legos and rob hinting “i wouldn’t mind some free legos” – rob, one of HW’s highest-paid actors, begging for free legos LOL.

and there’s this one interview which made me smile.
forgot where it was from, last day of LA press junket i think.
nothing special, just that the way kristen asked a question, her intonation was very brit :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami -yup - they deserve a lot more than given to them

@Stella - biggest example of that is RPLife and Kstew News. These sites were designed to talk about one or the other but include both because they are part of each others life. Cutting one or the other out of photo's is silly - these guys tell everyone over and over they don't want the teen thing - hell they didn't want Twilight to be a "teen" movie yet people refuse to treat them as adults or act like adults themselves.

@Parker - I forget the interview itself but the one with the "I heard you were diving down under recently" (was a UK one) - his face when she asks is hilarious - like is she really asking me that.

@Ali - I won't talk BD2 in any specifics until I know everyone has seen it :)

parker said...

@Ginger, yes that’s the one i listed in my orig fave list.
the one by allison hammond from “this morning”
i laughed so hard at rob’s expression when allison asked.
then allison busted out laughing as well when she realised what she just said.
i thought the awards allison gave were also hilarious.
the ed wax for rob (rob sniffing it, what is this?) and taylor’s shirt award – too funny.

& the ed wax just reminded me of another interview question from IMDB.
kristen on being asked about a favourite movie & she said she saw “something about mary” way too young & she asked her brother why cameron diaz’s hair was like that – haha.

ali mac said...

GINGER thanks x I can understand people wanting to discuss it in detail, but I didn't get this weekend and I've waited a year and don't want it spoiled now :)

PARKER I'm a big fan of Olivia's saying "Respect Rob and Kristen"

I also loved hearing Rob talking about Lego, my son is seven and he loves lego and I love helping him with it, I don't think you ever grow out of it.

I also noticed Kristen being a bit English at times in the things she says, but that's only to be expected after spending so much time with Rob :)

I really disliked the T4 interview as the girl called Rob RPatz to his face!! he has said so many times how much he hates it!!

I think I've been ranting so I'll stop now :~)

parker said...

@ali, i’m ashamed to admit, i still like playing with legos :)
every time i’m at the mall, i have to stop at the lego store :)

ali mac said...

Nothing to be ashamed of parker, simple pleasures ;)

parker said...

@ali, yes simple pleasures such as this blog :)

and speaking of pleasures …
so it’s almost thanksgiving.
and my usual assignment is candied yams, yum :)
but i’d like to try making sweet potato pie this time.
been looking on the web for recipes.
does anyone have a really good recipe for sweet potato pie that they want to share?

RC said...

Who is Kerry Katona? She is apparently proud of what she said to OK Mag about R/K not sure what she said though. Let me know if any of you read it please.

People are still stuck on Kristen being preggers. She would need about 10 houses for all the kids she's apparently been preggo with. One things for sure, R/K's child will be genetically blessed.

Haters are like half a mm away from the crazy house.

RC said...

This weather is playing games with my mind. I just bought a new coat because it was snowing, now its 80 outside.

ali mac said...

Kerry Katona is a z list celeb, she was in a girl band years ago, which she left because she became pregnant, got married to Brian McFadden from Westlife (an Irish boy band) they had another child and later divorced, she has gone on to have weight issues, drug issues, issues with her mother and been married again , had more kids and divorced again and went bankrupt. I could go on but I think you get the picture. I don't know what she has said but she has a weekly column in OK rag giving her opinion on everything going on in celeb land.

ali mac said...

This is what she said I think, not very exciting really :)

RC said...

Ah so she's trying to stay relevant. I do realize Rob & Kristen sell, but I wish people would stop the bs. Seriously enough already!

RC said...

Thank you Julie Chen! I will now give The Talk a chance. She was indeed the prey (& she didn't cheat).

Glamour mag & their bullshit questions. I can't wait for Kristen to do this comedy w/ Ben.

Sue from Holland said...

Jeez Ginger you had me worried there for a minute. I would love to see a little Pattinson running around but the idea of Kristen being pregnant scares the shit out of me.
Too soon, still too many crazies, they need some peace now, can you imagine what would happen and what they would say about her or the baby for that matter.
The horrible shit they wrote about Pitt&Jolie's daughter Shiloh, that's she'll be a lesbian cause of her boy's clothes etc. Please c'mon what kind of scum says these things and it was mostly cause of the hate towards Jolie, so lets take it out on her defenseless children. So so sick.
The hate towards Jolie was sick (used to piss me off so much) but Kristen has to endure even more wrath.

Haha, yeah Kerry Katona is a nr 1 stand up citizen, she sniffed enough coke that would put Scarface to shame.
Ali described her life well.
She was/is a total trainwreck but she is not so much in the news anymore until her next diet or surgery.
So no no no definitely not the advice you would be looking for.

tufenuf55 said...

I agree with PapaStew and David Cronenberg. People think they know, but they don't know and Don't believe everything you hear/read. Kristen's got a heart of gold.

DreamerKind said...

New Rose?

tufenuf55 said...

I have used search engines and cannot find anything about Bill Condon revealing Kristen Stewart is pregnant. There are several articles and videos wherein he speaks about Bella becomming pregnant. Maybe something got mixed up in the translation. If anyone finds recording, video or transcript confirming this rumor, please share because I don't believe he would ever betray Kristen in any way.

parker said...

@DK, yes new Rose post.
but if you haven't seen BD2, it contains spoilers :)

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