This is an ACTUAL picture of me! |
So I write a little bit about Rabies
and people start...
acting like they have rabies.
Yeah, OK...
I can admit my post yesterday was a bit harsh...
But all it really is ...
and write this down because I'm sick of repeating it...
That's all it is.
I get up in the morning...
(if I'm lucky)
I do my wife/mom things...
(Yes, I'm married with kids! The HORROR!)
I make a cup of tea.
(Can't stand coffee and I need my caffeine.)
Put my laptop on my... lap.
Flip it open
(OK, is this as thrilling to read as it is to write?)
I proceed to read thru the zillions of emails that I received since
the last time I opened my email account.
I proceed to Twitter and bask in the glow of incredibly
hilarious tweets and DMs (private messages, if you will)
And then...
I usually open up the ol' blog and start typing away
about that which I have just read about.
No, I don't go haunting Anti-Kristen/Rob sites.
I don't read the AT message boards unless someone sends me stuff.
I just give my opinion about what I have read that morning.
I don't understand why some people get themselves in a tizzy
over my opinion of current Rob/Kristen events.
Unless of course...
They just don't want to 'read' what I have to say
which brings us back to why they read my blog in the first place.
Why DO you?
On to bigger and far more interesting things.
I don't want to see this kind of picture this week... |
I really don't want to see some creepy stalker picture of Rob and Kristen.
I don't.
In fact...
Although I would be willing to bet my first born son that
Rob and Kristen are together in London...
(Don't get your panties in a bunch about my son...
I wouldn't REALLY bet with him.
Unless he was being really really annoying...
which he seems to aspire to lately.)
Shit...where the hell was I?
Oh yeah.
I don't want to see creepy pics of Rob/Kristen.
And I will take it one step further and hope
we don't get ANY pics of them out and about in the UK
until maybe the very last day they are there...
or maybe after they have already left.
That way maybe they can have some peace and quiet
and just enjoy their holidays.
And each other.
I said it.
Kristen and Robert.
"I don't know if this is the actual reason why, but we have gotten better at hiding over the last year."-Rob
"That's totally the reason," Stewart concurs. "They just make up a story to go along with the pictures. If they never get the picture, there’s no story. We are just good hiders now."
They only have like a week to spend in London...
Rob has to catch up and spend time with his family and friends...
They don't need to be chased and harassed.
Is Kristen in London with Robert?
I believe it is so.
Maybe we will see them when they land back in Baton Rouge.
Now THAT would be a great picture.
I don't know who made this... but... BWAHAHAHAHA! |
I see Rob...
I see Kristen...
But where the HELL is Tom?
(OK, I do spot him in the picture...)
I blame Robert for this.
I was only vaguely aware of Thomas before...
And now I'm like kinda intoxicated with him.
It makes me feel a bit giddy and bubbly.
And I'm not even sure how one feels bubbly...
and am I even spelling that right?
Cuz right now 'bubbly' looks pretty damn silly.
Seriously... is that not pretty fucking gorgeous? |
I figure since people are always all bent out of shape
whenever Rob and Kristen go all ninja...
I thought maybe we should all be wondering where the hell Tom is.
I'm pretty sure he's in London, too.
Why, you ask?
(why would you ask?)
Tom lives there.
His family is there.
Robert is there.
Kristen is there.
He loves his family
and Rob
and Kristen.
Where else is he going to be?
When was the last time we actually saw a picture of Thomas?
Do you think Tom is buying green plaid boxers? |
I don't know about you...
But just seeing a picture of Tom makes me smile.
And when you see a picture of Rob with Tom...
Rob is usually smiling too!
See how perfect it all is?
Thomas... where are you?
I keep expecting to see you in some shitty phone pic
that someone can't wait to 'share' with the world...
Showing you laughing and drinking pints of beer
in some obscure pub that only you and Rob (and Kristen)
would even venture into.
Just hanging out with the same t-shirt/necklace. The red plaid. And that godforsaken hat. |
This is kinda what I picture going on in London.
A lot.
(Do I even have to add Kristen here?
We all KNOW she is there with him)
Man... I am a bitch.
Or not.
I'm just a rambling Rose today.
Maybe I'm just highly Robert Pattinson Intoxicated.
It happens.
I would say...
On a level from 1-10...
10 being 'death' by Robert.
Wait. Is that the same t-shirt/necklace combo? Is that like 3 separate pictures? |
1. Nice face by Tom here.
2. Yes. It IS the same tshirt/necklace
(and let us not forget the red plaid)
What the hell IS that necklace anyway...
It looks like a record or something.
Should we make it super secret significant??
Robsten Decoder Ring.
Number 4
Letter T
Pretty X 2 = WIN! |
So I've rambled enough, haven't I?
Did I offend you in some way?
I would say 'sorry'
But I'm not.
Because if you were upset by anything I said in my post...
Then you really shouldn't be here.
P.S. Dear Mr. Sturridge...
I'm only joking about the red plaid and hat...
You look charming in it... really.
Don't ever change.
(And I mean that lit-trelly)
This post is brought to you by the letter *H*
H for hiding.
I'm glad you all have gotten so good at it...
Even though I miss your faces.
Enjoy your time in London!
Bye for now.