The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rob and Kristen-- California Dreaming

Desperado! Why don't you come to your senses...

Another chase through LAX...

Oh my goodness.
I'm laughing my ass off.
It is on the fucking floor...
rolling around
So Robert was seen arriving at LAX yesterday.
And once again...
The fandom goes crazy.
For some reason that I cannot fathom...
Rob coming to LAX ALONE
suddenly means horrible things about his relationship with Kristen.
How does that work again?
Didn't the haters learn anything from the last time
Robert was spotted at LAX
and they shouted from every twitter/tumblr
that he was never in London!
Only to be shot down by Robert himself
when he proclaimed that he was indeed in London.
And now...
Rob gets to LAX
They start shouting again...
Same thing...
Rob was never in London with THAT girl!
Where exactly do you think Rob was all weekend?
Maybe if you ignore it... it will go away.

And now pictures come out
(And I won't be showing them here)
Showing Rob and Kristen at the same residence.
Rob left during the night (Oct 30th), Kristen in the morning (Oct 31st) 

"He was in London spending time with girlfriend Kristen Stewart,
and the duo were both spotted coming out of her apartment on Saturday. 
Rob popped over to the UK to visit Kristen" --PopSugar

Oh dear.
That's gotta sting... just a bit.
Rob went to hang out with Kristen for a couple of nights
before he flew back to LA.
But lets not leave out Marcus Foster
who was also pictured leaving at some point.
(Imagine the horror that a friend stopped by!)
You remember Marcus... Right?
He had Kristen in his video.
So of course...
(And I dare you to keep a straight face while reading this)
(Told ya!)
Desperation does strange things to people.

Oh how I have missed this beautiful face...
So because Rob was seen at LAX
He didn't 'wait' for Kristen...
He's making a BOLD statement?
It's part of his exit strategy.
(Exit strategy for a PR romance? What?)
Or maybe after spending the weekend with her
he had to get back to LA 
and she still had to work...
Where IS Kristen Stewart?
Did she already arrive in LAX unseen?
Is that why Rob had so much luggage?
(Dean didn't travel with him from London)
I actually LOVE the thought of her being back in LA already
Remaining out of the public eye...
Dashing all the PR nonsense to the ground.
But alas...
Time will tell.
We might not see her until November 3rd.
They are good at this stuff... aren't they?
Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.
WFE Rob is one of the best Robs
It finally happened!
is now out on DVD!!!!
Really people...
Rob is splendid in this movie.
You need to own this movie.
You need to watch it over and over again.
You need to see Rob all dirty and sweaty...
and being all sweet and adorable with the animals...
and did I mention sweaty and dirty?
He's good in this movie.
It's incredible to watch...
Buy it.
Own it.
Add it to your Rob collection.
I own all of Rob's movies except his first one...
I suggest you do the same.
Rob and Tai

You can never get too much of Robert and Tai.
So sweet.
Worth the price of the movie alone.
And remember...

Nobody does it better...
Rob cleans up pretty good in this one too.

Did we cover it all?

1. Rob spent the weekend with Kristen in London.
Some invasive pap pics showing them coming (or going)
Out of the same place last weekend.

2. Rob left for LA before Kristen.
Or did he?
Did she have to work a couple more days?
Did she get into LA unseen?
Some things to ponder.
Where is Kristen Stewart?
You know she likes to spend Halloween with her family...
Just a thought.

3. Marcus visited Rob and Kristen over the weekend.
Immediately he is WITH Kristen.
So sorry for his REAL girlfriend.
Amazing how she is seen in the vicinity of Marcus a few times...
and suddenly he is the ENGLISH boyfriend.
(Yes... they are shipping MARSTEN!!)
Rob is seen with Kristen 
again and again and again
over the course of years...

4. WFE is out on DVD
Buy it or else.
Not sure what the 'or else' is...
But really
You won't regret it.

This post is brought to you by the letter *T* and *H*

T for...

Tom needs a hug. And maybe a burger.

 Thomas Sturridge.
He was recently interviewed in "The Times" magazine.

"He is a strange mix. Confident, articulate and inquisitive...
He can also come across as cynical, awkward and defensive."

All things I would attribute to Tom.
But yet... the most telling thing he said
was in reference to Robert.

He refuses point blank, to talk about his girlfriend, Sienna Miller, 
or Robert Pattinson, his childhood friend.
"When you agree to be interviewed, 
it's an opportunity to review your own moronic-ness" he says.
"It's OK if I come across as a complete idiot, 
but it's not fair for me to describe or refer to anyone else.
Anyone can be tainted by my mention of them".
Hard not to love his loyalty.
Hard not to love him. 
And K for Knocked Down to your Knees
Rob was with Kristen... again.
Don't you ever...
get tired of being wrong?
If I were you ...
I would just stay down there.
(You must like it... you're there so much)
You won't like the next few days.

Rob and Kristen ALWAYS end up together. Get used to it.
Rob and Kristen have seemed to let their guard down a bit lately.
They don't like their relationship viewed as a product
or as entertainment...
But surely...
Making so many people smile isn't a bad thing.
So a little slip here and there...
I have an English boyfriend.
I was in London last week.
I'm English.
I spent the last 2 New Years here and they were fucking incredible.
Me and Kristen are married in the eyes of the church.
That's actually true.

And it's ONLY the beginning!
Fucking Twirl!
It's better than crashing and burning.

The word for November is:
The theme for November is


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Annie said...

I was bound to forget someone (Freddie I'm not as good as you at listing everyone's name :)....
Hi PL. :)

I'm off to make myself a cup of back in a bit.

Kenzz said...

Hi Melinda! You have such a special way with words!

Melinda said...


I too had to backtrack and delete my comment to that "bc" person and try to sound a little nicer.

Their comments today have my hackles up right now...

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Evening ROSELAND...

ROSE...Your little emoticon on his knees and the cloud that is raining...that has been ME today. I woke up sick about 130 has been a miserable day! I will get my copy of WFE this week I hope....wild horses couldnt keep me from it...well maybe today they could:)

I have just read these posts of BCA..I got to say that I am disappointed...I dont have any fire in my gut to respond to that right now.

LJ..So glad to see you stopped by...I hope you are doing well pretty girl:)


Freddie said...

Hey Kenzz - has the snow melted away?

I guess IB is at Twilight Tuesday tonight. I hope she enjoys it on the big screen.

Hey Melinda - glad to hear that your big work project is done. Now you can catch your breath.

I think Kristen credentials as an actor are a given at this point. Everyone who knows anything (not the armchair hyena) agrees.

Rhonda said...

Hi Freddie- Beautifully stated, and so true...

Hi Melinda :)

Sydney said...

Annie - you said exactly what I was thinking. This place is fiercely protective of Kristen. Why the hell would you go there?

Kenzz said...

Melinda & Annie: Normally I would have come down on her like a ton of bricks, but she's been posting here for awhile, and I wasn't sure if her initial comments tonite were being misconstrued,(i.e. perhaps a language barrier), or simply a difference of opinion.

But since we're using the word of the month, it statrted to become...obvious... where she was coming from. :(

Dottie said...

Hi Melinda Freddie and Super!

Super I'm sorry you're under the weather. Hope it doesn't linger.

Freddie, Eloquent as always!

Melinda, Armchair hyena made me LOL. That's a keeper!!!

Rhonda said...

Kenzz- How much snow did you get?

Super- Sorry you're not feeling well..

Claire said...

Freddie - Although having the extras is nice it's the movie that matters right?

Mel - Give her it with both barrels LOL

Freddie said...

Hey Super - you sound a bit tuckered out. Hope you had a good day.

Melinda said...

Hi Kenzz! If you only knew how long it takes me to comment sometimes because I feel I don't explain myself well but thank you just the same.

Dottie said...

Oops! Freddie I credited Armchair Hyena w/Mel but it was you! So sorry!!

bcaceres30 said...

@annie my opinion is not bs you know that critics have said that Kristen's acting is wooden and that she has very few facial expressions. so my opinion is that jennifer lawrence shuld have been cast as bella

Kenzz said...

Rhonda & Freddie: Hi Northeasteners :) Snow didn't accumulate much here (3in?), but it was devastating to the trees... I think they were weakened after last winter's record storms, and the recent Hurricane Irene... Everywhere, whole trees split in half, taking down a s***load of powerlines all over this area. In my town we were extremely lucky and didn't lose electricity, but towns around us cancelled Halloween due to the lack of street lights, and live wires down in the road.

How did you two fare?

Super RN Gas Passer said...

FREDDIE...I wish...hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...a stomach flu hit me early this morning...the worst is over....

Im going to lurker status. Good to see you all this evening.

Melinda said...

Dottie- I can't take credit (although I wish I could because it was fantastic!) for the "armchair hyena" that was all Freddie!

BTW, thanks for what you said this morning on the other post to me. It was sweet. I have missed this. Roseland is a great place to relax and let RL take a back seat with a wonderful group of people.

Freddie said...

Claire - let me know if there's anything really good onthe extras. I have been known to do strange things so I could see myself going out to buy a Blue-Ray players if I really want to see something. LOL.

Hey Rhonda - how are things?

Mary said...


Ideally, that is what husbands are for but in this household I handle anything to do with technology. If he did ever undertake those tasks I'm sure he wouldn't be doing it to my specifications or in the order I would do it so I would be hovering. I might as well just do it.

I will say that BCA took a long time to finally express her true feelings. Usually it just takes minutes, not weeks.

Melinda said...

Someone please hold me back.....

Super RN Gas Passer said...

BCA..Please go away. You have showed your true colors...and I think you made your point so why do you keep saying it over and over again???? Because you are a troll...thats why.

Kenzz said...

My friends, I'm slipping out to the hot tub, since the hubs said he's closing the pool this Thursday :( I'll try to check in a bit later once I've dried off!

Super: Sending you virtual homemade chicken soup, saltine crackers, and sweet tea... Feel better SOOOOON

Melinda said...

Oops! Dottie I see you gave Freddie the credit before I posted.

Hi Freddie and Rhonda! How are you both?

Super- Goodnight and I hope you feel better soon.

Dottie said...

I'm a bit shocked by this turn of events.

BC you have a right to your opinion but I don't think you are going to find anyone here that agrees with you. It's time to change the subject.

Rhonda said...

Freddie- I'm good, thanks. I hope you are too. Work still good?

Melinda- LOL! ;)

Rhonda said...

Melinda- My LOL was to your previous comment. Sorry, I'm slow tonight.

Freddie said...

Wow - I can't keep up tonight.

Super - hope tomorrow is better for you and that you are feeling better. Have a good night.

Melinda - don't worry. You always express yourself so well.

Kenzz - so sorry to hear about losing so many trees. It takes years for things to recover. We lucked out here. We didn't have a single flake of snow here and the weather is getting warmer here. We had a nice fall day today.

dottie - no problem. LOL.

Melinda said...

Just so you know where my head is at right now. That first emoticon, I thought the microphone was a gun at first. Figure Rose was hinting at what miserable people could do so they won't be miserable any longer.

Dottie said...

Feel better, Super!

Happy hot tubbing, Kenzz!

I just read on Twitter that R/K are both taping Jimmy Kimmel tomorrow. Their shows will be aired on the 9th and 10th. Don't know if it's true or not since it's Twitter.

Claire said...

Mel - PMSL

Freddie said...

Melinda - a gun...LOL.

Have a good night Kenzz. Enjoy the hot tub.

Birdie said...

So enjoyed the post Rose!

There must be a full moon tonight!

A few are just kooky and the other is highly suspect. Pretty crazy to come in here with that shit and not expect to rile everyone up, but that was the point wasn't it.
I saw Twilight and then read the books. Kristen and Rob are the only way I can picture these characters-perfect casting. As Chris W. said, these kids could have dialed it in after the first movie,but have remained LOYAL and have given it their all. I think they deserve some LOYALTY in return. You have all done a wonderful job of that tonight.
Fiorels left a wonderful link about Kristen in the last post. Worth reading!
How nice to see you back!
Once again you had me laughing out loud- two sandwiches short of a picnic.

I hope Kristen and Rob are enjoying the evening before the madness begins. I'm sure Kristen will be thrilled to see her family.
You are a wonderful,LOYAL friend. Rose,you are too.

Melinda said...


Thanks for that clarification. I've been confused about things being live or taped and what not.

Rhonda said...

Dottie- I hope it's true :)

Melinda- Glad to hear things have slowed down for you..

Hi Birdie :)

Birdie said...

Hey Rhonda,
Are you still liking the new job and hours?

Freddie said...

PL - LOL. You and Mr. PL sound like you have an understanding of who does what, that works for you. I usually do the set up myself as well, except this last time I had to arrange for the "Geek Squad" to come, not because I couldn't hook everything up myself, but because I couldn't lift the TV onto the stand myself. It was too heavy and ackward. So it pained me to pay $150 bucks to have them come, take it out of the box and then hook up 4 wires. Never again.

Dottie said...

Melinda and Rhonda, It reads like they are filming their shows one after the other. Those lucky people w/tickets!

Poor Kristen! She will be so tired. I hope she finds opportunities for rest while she's between appearances. Can't wait to see what she wears!

Rhonda said...

Birdie- Yes, very much so, thanks for asking. How's your daughter doing with college? Does she like it any better now?

Melinda said...

Freddie- So did I read correctly that you are staying with the current job position? Has it become official?

Rhonda- It hasn't slowed down quite yet. But the worst of it has past so it's all good. And work for you? You still enjoying the new position?

Claire- I'm trying to be nice but my tongue is bloody. LOL!

Birdie said...

Glad to hear that Rhonda. It truly makes life easier if you love or at least like your job.
My daughter is actually doing fine and even studying!

Rhonda said...

Melinda- Yes, I like it a lot, thanks :)

LOL @ "bloody" tongue..

Mary said...


You are so right. I have never painted a wall in my life because it would not be to his specifications.


I don't know if I missed it but do you still have your rodents?


What is your guess, will their be a scruffy Jaw for promo or bearded?

Freddie said...

Birdie - I'm the same. I saw Twilight before I read the books and Rob and Kristen were the perfect images in my head as I read them. There can be no better people for the roles.

dottie - thanks for the info. I was confused when Jimmy Kimmel announced a completely different lineup of guests for this week on his show last night. That helps.

Melinda - it's not official yet. I'm supposed to know in about 2 weeks.

Rhonda said...

Birdie- That's great! I'm glad she's doing well :)

Mary said...

That was supposed to be "there".

I'm always afraid someone will think I don't know the difference if I don't correct my mistakes.

Claire said...

dottie - They're filming on the same day? Why the fuck don't they just do a joint interview, just them? I know the three are doing Ellen and the MTV First, but their characters get married FFS. I mean it's not like I'm bitter that we didn't get a joint mag cover. NOT.BITTER.AT.ALL......

Birdie said...


Melinda said...

Freddie- $150??? What a crock!!

Dottie- I'm envious of those who have tickets to tapings!

I agree with you about Kristen getting some rest. I can't imagine what her schedule will be like in the next couple of weeks.

Dani said...


SOME critics don't like Kristen and a LOT of critics have praised her work.
Some critics have been harsh with Rob too. Does that make him a bad actor?

Stop stating your "opinion" as an absolute truth and stop spreading lies. Kristen is a fantastic actress for many people, she has been consistently praised by critics, colleagues and fans.

You said earlier that you like her... Bullshit, stop being a fucking hypocrite.

I still have a tiny (really tiny, lol) bit of hope that we're gonna get a joint photoshoot...

Dottie said...

Hi Birdie!

Claire, I'm with you, sister. I'd love for them to do another movie phone interview (w/o SM this time)

I know... let's make a petition!!! LOLOL

OK I'm off ladies. It's been fun!

Freddie said...

Claire - love the idea of a joint interview, but I guess not....

Ladies - it was great to catch up with you all. I'm going to head off now, make a nice cuppa Earl Grey tea, then curl up with some Robkowski. Ha ha. Just joking. Have a nice evening everyone.

Birdie said...

Good night Dottie!

Rhonda said...

Claire- LOL! Yes, I can tell you're not in the least bitter :)

Birdie said...

Not a bad way to end the day!

Freddie said...

Oh Birdie - you're rodent free!!! Congratulations.

Night all.

Rhonda said...

Night dottie & Freddie :)

Melinda said...


Although I love facial hair on men I think the jaw needs to be unhindered by it. It's the 8th wonder of the world you know. Can't keep it hidden. ;)

Annie said...

Back from a tasty cup of tea and........?

I read this somewhere.....
"People always tend to use "in my opinion" to mask their insults towards someone whom they are deliberately trying to defame."

Tea is such a calming beverage. :)

Birdie said...

I wish I could have gotten here earlier, but duty calls and I have another lonnng day tomorrow. Carry on you guardians of truth!

Mary said...


I am so glad you got rid of those pests. With your luck she would have wanted to move them inside for the winter.


Personally, I think a little scruff enhances the jaw. And I totally agree it is the 8th wonder.

It's time for me to go now. I need to soak my aching body parts in a nice hot bath.

Dani said...

Annie, yep, so true...

I'm off too, goodnight to all :)

Melinda said...

Claire- In regards to a joint interview if I'm allowed to be a selfish fan....

I would totally love to see one when the series ends. Hear their thoughts on the whole thing and maybe a little fun with some Q and A's for each other or something like that.

A great way to end the began with them and it ends with them.

Muse said...

Ok, so here I am, just checked there's no full moon!
I was trying my best not to say anything, being a newbie around and stuff but I've bitten my tongue pretty hard and it hurted like h*ll so...
I don't know of any, absolutely ANY actress who cld be Bella - take note I didn't say 'play the role', I said BE Bella, because that's who K is (in the Twi saga). And she can be sooo many more. She was Sarah, Melinda, Georgia, name the movie and you'll see her 'being' them.
I am appalled to see someone who's been here for quite sometime, who's seen how we all feel towards Kristen express herself in such a rude way.
Girl, one may say such actor/actress is not very skilled fair enough, for instance I don't think a particular kid is a good actor (biting my tongue again!) but listen to yourself! How come you say Kris was good in Twi & NM but not in E then you say she's the worst thing that happened to Twi - W T F? This is NOT an opinion, it's a verbal abuse against one of the best young actresses, praised by all of coworkers and reputable directors! *shaking head) What you said about Kristen, the words you used and--of all the places--here? Tsk tsk tsk
A few days ago I expressed my sentiments about K&R vs E&B and I'll say it again: had it not been f/K&R and Twi movies wld be covered in dust in the shelves...
Someone pls hold me!

Claire said...

Mel - I'd be down for that. Not holding my breath though.

*holds Muse*

Aaaaand I'm out ladies. Goodnight.

Dani said...

@Muse, don't hold back, you're doing just fine, lol.

Spot on ;)

Melinda said...

Claire- I know... :( We shall see.

I to am headed out...goodnight anyone who comes along...

olivia said...

Thank you Rose for the wonderful post today.
Am twirling with you and excited about the weeks to come.

Hi and ((hugs)) to all the dear Roselanders that are here tonight. Thoughts and prayers for Robert for a speedy recovery.

Kenzz, am glad that you have your electricity. So sorry about all the trees. It is so very sad to lose even one, let alone several all at once.

Am keeping the boots and umbrella handy for the vilifying foamers and the vociferous nonsense spewers. Their covert and overt rants and raves are so tiresome and malevolent. Enough already.

My two cents:
I feel like Kristen has reached deep inside of herself with a heartfelt desire to create. develop, hone and most importantly, protect the character of Bella. She has time and time again stood up to stay as true as possible to the Bella that we all love in the series. I applaud her for the most wonderful job that she has done. As Freddie mentioned, her passion for Bella is so very powerful. Thank you Kristen. And thank you for your wisdom, strength and inner sense to pick Rob as your Edward.
(I do believe in soul mates.) : D

As Rob has said...Kristen is the linchpin of the series. I wish to add...followed by, in my opinion, an equally important Rob, and surrounded by an awesome cast.

Fio, thank you for the excellent article to which you gave us the link. Wish everyone would take the time to read it. Both Kristen and Rob will amaze us in the years to come with their creativity and intrinsic motivation to participate in and support original and quality projects.

As for HGs....I read all three books within a week this summer....mainly to see what they were like and about. A few of my students had read the first book as an optional reading for one of their English classes. Give the series a 5 or 6 out of 10. I kept thinking the entire time while reading them that they were most definitely written with the big screen in mind.
Will see it mainly out of curiosity. The only character casting that I really envision as spot on is Woody H.

Wishing Rob and Kristen quiet, private moments and an opportunity to hide away and rest before all the craziness of the next few days. My vote is for a scruffy chin on Rob.

Oh, and finally,
I so agree with you my cup of tea!

Hugs for y'all.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.

Rhonda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

IMO Kristen is the heart and soul of Twilight. The franchise would not have been successful without her.

Annie said...

Goodnight to everyone who is out for the night.....sleep well.

W said...

Thank you Rose! Delicious post! Enjoy very much!

So... Marcus Foster "IS THE ENGLISH BOYFRIEND!!!!"???????????????????
The joke of the year!
But this is good... laugh is good... does well ... all the doctors say you should laugh every day, which is good for health ... so I've had my share of laughs for today ... and thinking in this crap makes me want to laugh again ... hahahahahaha!

"...You know she likes to spend Halloween with her family...
Just a thought..."

After seeing Kristen's parents house decorated for Halloween ...
Rose... I bet all my chips in your thought.

And things will heat up and get even better this week, this month ... more these little slip... twirling...twirling...

Barbara Fenwick, agree with you.

Muse, my sis Esme's isle... well done girl! I think the same!

Hugs for all

Anna said...

SOME PEOPLE ARE RELENTLESS!!! I want to say I feel sorry for Kristen. It seems like she has been working really hard lately and these ugly ass haters just won't quit and get a life of their own. But, she's tough and OBVIOUSLY so used to this by now, it doesn't affect her any more. I read an article today where Bill Condon said she was point blank asked to play a superhero's girlfriend and she turned it down because she should be the superhero. Good for her! Anyway, loved the emoticons again! Especially the one with the pink ribbons on head! They're seriously hilarious. Coming read some off ya'll comments. I hope there are no trolls who stopped to visit. Two more days and we get to see two of our favorite people together again! How exciting is that!!!

*I*Believe* said...

Well, well, well...I go out tonight to see this little movie called TWILIGHT and I come back to a blog that is on fire!!!

Not only that but I have to dig out my Wellies!

I understand that people are free to state their opinions but COME ON!!! Lurkers and posters alike know darn well how Rose, and we, feel about Rob and Kristen. So why would anyone even want to stir the pot...I mean come on....does anyone really think they can state ill opinions and not get called out????? Like my dad says, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all...or piss off and go say it at somewhere else!

This is my two cents and by the way, I totally enjoyed the movie...the two main characters have this amazing chemistry between them and I think this little movie called TWILIGHT will do quite well (LOL).

Motherhin said...

Ewww bcaceres30, I'm so sick of people like you. People that want to pick Kristen apart because of the character of Bella. I don't know if you read the books or not but Bella isn't an externally emotional person so Kristen played her exactly the way she was written. I'm sorry if I offend anyone but the way I see Twilight is a fun teen romance, not some Oscar drama that's to be dissected and weighed as a life changing experience. And I agree that the chemistry between Rob and Kristen makes the entire series.

Anna said...

My common sense is telling me Rob is taking very good care of Kristen right now. She's does look pale/tired in the recent photos. I'm sure she wants to get those extensions out of her hair and get her hair color straight before promoting Breaking Dawn. Extensions tend to hurt sometimes.

Anna said...

Who the hell is Jennifer Lawrence. How do you sit through three movies from the freakin Twilight Saga and come up with this stupid shit!

DreamerKind said...

Good morning, it's Wednesday!

Along with *IB*, I went to see Twilight tonight. It was beautifully acted and filmed, I thought.

Kristen's nuanced and subtle performance was mesmerizing. Rob's perfect Edward, showed deep emotion and tightly controlled physicality. Loved it, again!

All is my opinion, of course.

DreamerKind said...

Keep On Keeping On

Curtis Mayfield:

Everybody gather round
And listen to my song
I've only got one

We who are young
Should now take a stand
Don't run from the burdens
Of women and men
Continue to give
Continue to live
For what you know is right

Most of your life
Can be out of sight
Withdraw from the darkness
And look to the light
Where everyone's free
At least that's the way
It's supposed to be

We just keep on keeping on
We just keep on keeping on

Many think that we have blown it
But they too will soon admit
That there's still
A lot of love among us

And there's still a lot of faith
And warmth and trust
When we keep on keeping on

Before we dismiss
One thing I insist
When you have your young
Remember this song
And our world surroundings
Its leaps and bounds
Ups and downs
Is reality

Teach them to be strong
And when they are grown
They can proudly imply
That we were an alright guy
For all the wrong now is right
This nation's people are now
United as one

And we just keep on keeping on
We just keep on keeping on

Keep on keeping on, ya'll
Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on
Keep on, keeping on
(Keep on, keeping on)

We got to move on up, ya'll
(We got to move on up)
Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on

Some years back I remember
Still in my mind so well
My mama made this [Incomprehensible]
And I found it never fails

Never worry too long
(Worry too long)
About what goes on
(About what goes on)

Today it's sorrow
(Today it's sorrow)
Look like joy tomorrow
(Look like joy tomorrow)

Keep on keeping on
(Keep on keeping on)
Keep on, keep on
(Keep on, keep on)

We just keep on keeping on
We just keep on keeping on

Ooh ooh ooh ooh
(Ooh ooh ooh ooh)

We're gonna move on up
(We're gonna move on up)

Keep on keeping on
(Keep on keeping on)
Move on, move now
(Move on, move now)
Keep on keeping on
(Keep on keeping on)

Thank you/Funkonaut

DreamerKind said...

The Power Of One

Donna Summer:

Life can be a challenge
Life can seem impossible
It's never easy
When so much
Is on the line

But you can make a difference
With courage
You can set things right
A gift to dream
And make dreams real
Is yours and mine

The power of one
Begins with believing
It starts in the heart
Then flows through the soul
And changes the world

Imagine how life will be
When we stand in unity
Each of us holds the key
To the power of one

Each of us is chosen
There's a mission just for you
Just look inside
You'd be surprised what you can do

Then one by one
We can make the world
A much better place

It's inside of you and me
Each of us holds the key
To the power of one
The power of one

Thank you/poketamonsta2nd

DreamerKind said...

You Will Become

Glen Hansard:

In time this won't even matter
This story will belong in the past
We'll talk about everything
'till it's easier
Your beauty is nothing compared to
What you will become
In time become

And we talked about
The talk of a gold ring
And you brought me one step closer
To the heart of things

And we talked about everything
'till we laughed about it
Your honesty is nothing
Compared to what you will become
In time become

In time you won't even notice
This chapter will belong
On the grass
We'll talk about everything
'till it's easier
Your beauty is nothing compared to
What you will become
In time become

Thank you/Tuigim

DreamerKind said...

All The Ways You Wander

John Spillane:

All the ways you wander
All the ways you roam
All across great oceans
All across the foam

Through the faraway houses
Through the sunsets on fire
Searching for the island
Of your heart's desire

Where the sun is always shining
And the oranges grow on the trees
You only have to wait
Two seconds there
For every thing you please

In a garden of daisies
In a circle of light
Searching for the island
Of your heart's delight

I'll wait for you
Like a true friend
I'll wait for you
Till the very end

And if you take the long way
If you take the long way home
Down where the magicians
And the dreamers roam

Through the mountains of morning
Through the valleys of night
Searching for the island
Of your hearts delight

I'll wait for you
Like a true friend
I'll wait for you
Till the very end

All the ways you wander
All the ways you roam
All across great oceans
All across the foam

Through the faraway houses
Through the sunsets on fire
Searching for the island
Of your heart's desire

Thank you/xyzetka

DreamerKind said...

So Many Stars

Jane Monheit:

The dawn is filled with dreams,
So many dreams,
Which one is mine?
One must be right for me.

Which dream of all the dreams,
When there's a dream for every star?
And there are oh,
So many stars,
So many stars.

The wind is filled with songs,
So many songs,
Which one is mine?
One must be right for me.

Which song of all the songs,
When there's a song for every star?
And there are oh,
So many stars,
So many star.

The countless days,
The endless nights that I have searched
So many eyes,
So many hearts,
So many smiles.

Which one to choose?
Which way to go?
How can I tell?

How would I know?
Out of oh,
So many stars,
So many stars.

Thank you/jazzysclassicjazz

DreamerKind said...

Starlight, star bright..goodnight.

Rhonda said...


IB & DK- I'm glad you both enjoyed the movie. Do either of you have tickets for the next two Twilight Tuesdays?

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday...

Leni said...

Because I’m newer here than you are, I didn’t want to say anything about your behaviour yesterday and so I just kept on defending Kristen. But I see you came back here over and over again to “just state your opinion“. Well, you already told as your oh so wise opinion about Kristen’s acting – no need to say it over and over again.

Another thing that makes me wonder is that you said you just wanted to ask what we think. You only have to read ONE comment of each and every person around here to KNOW that this place is fiercely protective of Kristen. I think you just wanted to cause a stir.

There are so many blogs out there, why don’t you just search for one that suits you better. A Hunger Games blog or even one of those blogs that, you know, “just don’t like Kristen’s acting”.
You can tell them all day long how she is the worst thing about Twilight – I’m sure you will make great friends over there.

Wouldn’t a joint Kimmel interview be great?! Well, I don’t think that we will get a photo shoot with both of them together anymore :(
Now I’m hoping for an audio commentary on the BD DVD like the one we got for Eclipse. A girl can dream, right?

Thinking about you!
Please let us know how everything went as soon as you can :)

angelica1 said...

Leni - You just said exactly what I was thinking. I had to step away in the end last night as if I'd said what I really wanted to about her malicious,poisonous comments I'd probably have gone too far. I have absolutely no time for people like that.

Morning Rhonda!

Robert - I hope everything has gone well for you :)

Rhonda said...

Leni- That's how I felt about her ongoing "opinion" too. We all love Kristen, and anyone who spends any amount of time here has to know that comments against her would not be received well.

Hi Angelica :)

Robert- I hope you're recovering well...

olivia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
olivia said...

(Oops! My delete. Goofed on the link.)

Good morning Roseland.
Dear Rhonda, Leni, and Angelica1.
Hear! Hear! Well said. I agree with y'all.

A small giftie for Robert. Hope you are doing great, feel fantastic and soon will be on your way home.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.
Hugs for y'all.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.

angelica1 said...

Morning Olivia!

Rhonda said...

Hi Olivia- I hope you have a great day...:)

olivia said...

Hi Angelica!. One more peek in while I finish my morning cuppa. ((Hugs)) for you. Sorry you are still having back issues. Hope that you will soon be able to get that resolved. Take care. I'm out the door and off to school.

olivia said...

That should read..
Hi Angelica1 and Rhonda! : )
Ciao and Chao

Annie said...

Good morning Roseland!

Leno, Rhonda, Angelica, DK.......
It would serve people like Becaceres well to realize that posting crap as fact and masking their jealousy infused insults as "opinion" doesn't hold up.
People like her just never learn, do they?

I hope everyone has a great day and I am so looking forward to Rob and Kristen on the talk show circuit this week. :)
As Rose said..........You ain't seen nothing yet! :)

Annie said...

Oh gosh!........
Leno??????? Really?
I meant morning Leni. :)
Morning Olivia.

Annie said...

Oh gosh!........
Leno??????? Really?
I meant morning Leni. :)
Morning Olivia.

Kay said...

Absolutely amazing job defending Kristen and Roseland from the surprisingly patient nonnie troll last were all just wonderful. :)

I fell in love with the books before I ever saw anything about the first movie, so the Bella and Edward in my head now are a mixture of Kristen, Rob and the characters I originally imagined when I first read Twilight. However, Kristen and Rob ARE movie Bella and Edward to me, I cannot imagine anyone else in the roles. Kristen brings a strength and depth to Bella that is part of who she is as an actress, and that strength along with the chemistry between her and Rob are why I love the movies. It is clear to me that they truly care about what they are doing and the characters they portray. That is why I enjoy following them and why I will continue to follow them and watch their movies in the future.

I'm looking forward to all of the exciting things that the US promo is going to bring, but hoping that in this brutal and crazy schedule Kristen will be able to at least have an In-n-Out burger and a little bit of rest before she has to go back to filming SWATH.

Take care, Roseland and sorry for the rambling...I hope all of you have a happy hump day! <3

Oh, WFE was wonderful on DVD last night...Rob really did do a fantastic job in this movie! :)

Claire said...

bcaceres is more than welcome to her opinion on how she views a certain actors ability, I don't agree with it but it's HER opinion.

I didn't go balls to the wall on her because she never got personal. If she had got personal about Kristen's looks, demeanour, or personality then I would have been all over her like a cheap suit.

Although I do find it strange that she has Kristen as Bella in her avi. I know she explained that Bella was her favourite character but I still find it strange.

I hope you all have a nice day :)

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie said...

Deleting previous post because the spelling mistakes are getting to me......Here we go again!
The thing about posting comments on a blog is that you can go back and read from the beginning of a commentator's history.
What I found most disgusting in Bcareces posting history is the "wolf in sheep's clothing"/ "snake in the grass" approach to it. Our take on how an actor takes on a role is subjective at best....... Saying how you feel about a
particular actor's performance doesn't have to be an exercise in let's see how insulting I can get.
Constructive criticism is not what we're talking about here with Bcareces comments.

Annie said...

Deleting previous post because the spelling mistakes are getting to me......Here we go again!
The thing about posting comments on a blog is that you can go back and read from the beginning of a commentator's history.
What I found most disgusting in Bcareces posting history is the "wolf in sheep's clothing"/ "snake in the grass" approach to it. Our take on how an actor takes on a role is subjective at best....... Saying how you feel about a
particular actor's performance doesn't have to be an exercise in let's see how insulting I can get.
Constructive criticism is not what we're talking about here with Bcareces comments.

Claire said...

Annie - It's still her opinion though. She only offered her opinion on Kristen's acting, not everyone is going to rave over her acting. I'll be honest, I can't be bothered to go back and read her posting history. I've never seen her make disparaging remarks about Kristen as a person so I have no axe to grind with her.

Other people may have been offended by her comments and felt the need to retaliate, which is perfectly fine.

People could make comments here about Kristen and Rob being the worst actors they have ever seen and I'll still say that it's their opinion and they have a right to air it. Now if the same people were to tear into them on a personal level then I would have a problem with them, a big fucking problem.

bcaceres from my knowledge hasn't insulted Kristen as a person, so I'm not going to pull her up on something just because her opinion differs from mine, because that's just fucking ridiculous. Like I said, if the personal insults started to fly, then I would pull her up about it.

Annie said...

Sorry about the double phone seems to enjoying the twice is nice approach.

Have to go but take care everybody.

Claire said...

If bcaceres does have a personal dislike of Kristen, then her true colours will show in time, they always do with haters.

Annie said...

@Claire: I'm not tearing her up for her opinion............I'm tearing her up because she felt that way from the beginning and was cowardly in hiding it!
I do not appreciate deceit in any form and I feel strongly that is what Bcaceres did here.

Annie said...

Claire: She started showing her true colours some posts back......... That "fake" flag was waving wildly last night.
You can only ever hide for a short time.

Now I really do have to go.........Take care all. :)

Claire said...

Annie - We're never going to agree on everything LOL

Enjoy your day :)

Sydney said...

Well it's all done now...but I gotta say, someone who goes from: "I just didn't like her in Eclipse, but like her in everything else..." immediately to: "she's a terrible actress and the worst thing about Twilight..." isn't a fan of Kristen at all. Which begs the question...why pretend only to trash her in the end? It's a familiar formula around here is all.

Anyway...Happy Wednesday.

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Happy Wednesday Everybody...

I feel much better and have my copy of WFE...I was pleasantly surprised that WalMart had a huge display set up just for WFE!!!I am going to watch some of it right now:)

CLAIRE...What got to me last night was she kept saying it over and over again...She couldnt just say it once and be done with it...

To Whomever it May Concern..My two cents on Kristen's acting ability...I think she nailed Bella the way SM portrayed her in the books...ECLIPSE..they tried to include too many scenes in the movie, so the scenes were short...thats not Kristens fault...The fact that she was picked to play in Snow White...which I understand to be a very lucrative role...they would not give a role like that to an actress that was not good at her craft. There is too much money invested in these projects. They cant give top billing to an actress that can't act...Yes, people are entitled to an opinion...but this is a fan blog that SUPPORTS the actors...therefore we do not tolerate people coming here that would say the things that BCA said on this blog last night.

Claire said...

Super - That I do agree with. I got sick of repeating myself if I'm being honest.

Fiorels said...

Rose, there should be a "Like" botton on your posts and people should be abled to click on like as many times as they would, well, like LOL
Great post!
Made me smile and also teared up a bit at the end :')

Hello roseland!
haven't read the previous comments yet?
Any news from Robert?

have you seen the BD tv spot "Heartbeat"?
Kristen's face at the end is so impressive.... it's gonna be strange to see her looking so sick for at least half of the movie...

Leni said...

No news from Robert until now - hopefully soon :)

I have seen the spot - the make-up department did an impressive job.. she looks so sick!

Fiorels said...

@Leni- thanks :)

looks like Dakota has been at the apartment as well.
I really like her since she was a little genius child.
I like her friendship with Kristen :) she's a genuine person...

Fiorels said...

Awwww Tom is in Italy *-*

Leni said...

I also like Dakota very much :)
You mean at the apartment in London?

Fiorels said...

Yeah, there are a couple of pics of her getting out of it-

Leni said...

BTW, love your new MMA Flashback video :)

Fiorels said...

Oh thanks a lot :)
it was just to waste some time hehe

Leni said...

whenever I want to waste some time, there never comes anything productive and beautiful out of it LOL

Fiorels said...

Oh well... i just spent the whole day lying in the bed and reading a book so... lol

Claire said...

Fio - That's my perfect day LOL

Gia said...

Hi, anyone knows if Kristen is going to be in any premiere besides the LA one? She's not even listed to be in the UK one...
This totally sucks... no Kristen in the promo and the whole movie is about her character! This is so disappointing...

Fiorels said...

Claire- mine too! haha
when i stand up i feel so useless and it's dinner time already lol

Leni said...

@Fio & Claire:
I love days like this :)

Claire said...

Gi - She has only been confirmed for the LA Premiere.

Fio & Leni - I love it when it's raining outside and I just stay in bed reading or watching DVD's.

Leni said...

Me too, Claire. I love it when it rains and I'm inside. I also really love falling asleep when you hear rain drops against your window.

Fiorels said...

Omg, me too!
And, as creepy as it is, I also like when there's a blackout or stuff like that and you have to light the candle and everything... :) lol

I'm off and back to reading.
night all!

Claire said...

I've just had another gander at Kristen's schedule for tomorrow. Grauman's, Press Junket, Leno, Kimmel, and MTV First. And all of this on top of her travelling after filming SWATH. If anyone says she doesn't work hard they can GTFO. I'm knackered just looking at that schedule.

Leni said...

The press junket is also tomorrow? ..that will be so exhausting for her :(

Goodnight :)

Claire said...

Leni - Some sites are saying they are going to the junket tomorrow and others are saying Friday. It might be a two day junket.

Leni said...

I think so too..wasn't it 3 or 4 days last year?

Claire said...

Leni - I can't remember. Perhaps tomorrow is for the other members of the cast and Friday is for Rob, Kristen, and Taylor.

Leni said...

Could be.
Although I know that Kristen will have a really exhausting day tomorrow, I can't help being excited that we will get to see her pretty face again :) (and Rob of course!)

Claire said...

Leni - The last time we heard her voice was at the Mulberry Fashion Show.

Claire said...

Is that right or have I completely forgotten another appearance?

Leni said...

It's right I think.. tomorrow we will be hearing her and Rob a lot - so glad I have a day off tomorrow LOL

Tigerlily said...

Loved the post Rose... Love that 'we ain't seen norhin' yet! " .. Bring it on, I say!

Hi to all the lovely Roselanders.. Enjoy reading your comments.. I've been so busy lately I haven't found the time to post! But I do check in briefly every other day!

I'm very very excited about all the promo's & cannot wait for BD.. I feel I should put a public notice in the local newspaper apologizing in advance for my soppy over the top reactions during the movie! I honestly think I will cry tears of joy through the whole movie! Ha!

Anyway- disappointing to see the negative poster.. and the unnecessary comments about Kristen!... as the lovely Rob said - Kristen is the linch- pin of the Twilight Movies.. And I couldn't agree more! :)
She is a delight to watch on screen- in my opinion :)

DreamerKind said...

I was just going to pop in and say happy day to everyone before I end mine.
It's so good to see you here and am feeling the same excitement for BD1.

Regards to Rose, Smitty, Gruff & Syd.

DreamerKind said...

Forgot to post this link for anyone who would like to watch the Grauman's ceremony on livestream, as of 9:00 am.

Also, heard that the Robsten Angels have created a cookbook of their own recipes, for Kristen.

They hope to give it to her somehow, when they attend the Jay Leno taping. What a sweet thing to do.

DreamerKind said...

From Robsten Angel crazy4r:

"You can go to
and enter drawing for travel and tickets to BD LA premiere. I believe you have to register by Nov. 6. It will only be our US Angels that will be able to enter."

(See I am back again, as usual.)

Tigerlily said...

Hi there DK- sweet dreams..

Anna said...

Good Morning Peeps! R we all ready for the goodies today! I trust this fandom will get some good videos! I hope work goes fast today!

Claire said...

OMG I've just been reading about Rob's interview on Kimmel


Talking about nipples, probing, thrusting, and ''just putting the tip in''. All of this while his parents were in the audience!!!!!! PMSL

So according to Rob, Kristen was at fault for the R-Rating. LOL

He was also wearing a shirt that he thought might have been viewed as racist. WTF? LOL

Butt modelling Rob? Really? Really?

Word vomit at it's absolute best.

There were also 930,000 applications to see him 0_o

Leni said...

PMSL, I read that too.. butt modeling LMAO

He also signed Kristen's Glamour magazine and wrote "sorry" on it LOL

I can't even imagine what will all come out of his mouth in the next few weeks!

katy said...


God, I love Rob and his word vomit! Can't wait to see the actual interview!! Never ever change Rob.

Find those butt pics...I'll pay.

Happy Thursday

Claire said...

Leni & katy - I hope he never changes. I don't think he will either.

Why did he write ''sorry'' on Kristen's Glamour Cover?

Leni said...

He won't change, I'm sure!

He wrote sorry because someone asked about Kristen and he replied that she is coming the next day and then he wrote sorry on the mag LOL

And he apparently said that the animatronic baby looked like a "cancerous owl" PMSL

Claire said...

Leni - Oh okay LOL

A cancerous owl? WTF? PMSL

I can't wait to watch this interview OMFG

Leni said...

Me neither - they should give it to us already LOL

I hope people outside of the US can see the MTV First..

katy said...

Claire, Leni

Here's the vid where Rob signs Kristen's glamour magazine.


Take care

Leni said...

Thanks katy :)

He is always so sweet and polite!

katy said...

Yes he is...very much.

In the vid, I love that when the fan says 'your girl is pretty amazing...she's awesome' Rob says 'yeah', with a cute laugh. :)

Leni said...

I noticed that too.. really sweet :)

Claire said...

I was in tears watching that, legit tears.

So fucking proud :'''''D

Leni said...

Me too. I felt SO proud of them and I just kept thinking how anybody could ever hate Kristen.. she was just so fucking cute <3

I love how their feet are touching! :''')

Claire said...

Leni - I just knew he'd balls it up somehow LOL

Super RN Gas Passer said...


CONGRATULATIONS ROB, KRISTEN and TAYLOR...You guys looked great!!!


I just got home and watched the video of the ceremony!!!!!!!

Claire said...

Rob's Mum and Dad and Kristen's Dad looked so proud snapping away with their camera's :'')

Kristen's Dad may just be the coolest bloke on the planet. He wears a fedora like a fucking boss.

I was watching him on the stream and he was just chilling out drinking his coffee waiting for peeps to arrive. LOL

Claire said...

Oh and Bel Ami has picked up NA distribution for all you American and Canadian ladies. DuRob is coming LOL

Leni said...

I saw that too.. he is just great!
And Rob's parents are always so sweet and proud <3

Apparently Sam Bradley was there too :)

Fiorels said...

How much I love to see them happy and together :')

Hello everyone!

Claire said...

Leni - Yeah I saw pics of Sam. There to support his buddies.

Leni said...

Read this - you just knew he would mess it up LOL

Hi Fio & Super :)

Fiorels said...

Oh god... is Kristen saying she can't actually wait to get pregnant?

(at the very end lol)

Leni said...

I think so LOL

Fiorels said...

I won't recover tonight lol

Kenzz said...

Loved the handprinting ceremony at Grauman's... loved reading the comments from the presscon... Sooo proud (which I know is silly, but you can't deny what you feel!)

Here's my sappy moment... watching K rub R's side as she had her arm around him... she really looked like she was moved by the honor of this ceremony!! Isn't it great that this will always be a SHARED moment for them?

And last but certainly not least, has anyone heard from Robert since the surgery a couple of days ago (DK??)? Hoping all went well, and we are entertained by his quick wit and loyal support of R&K soon... <3

((hugs)) to all the Roealand regs, and a special thank-you to Rose for her continued snarky, sardonic words :)

To: Smitty & Gruff...sweet days ahead for you... Syd: We miss your irreverent humor!

Kenzz said...

I freaking hate when I mistype a word in a post, but I should be flogged for misspelling Roseland!

Super RN Gas Passer said...

KENZZ...I will forgive your m/s words if you will forgive confess sometimes its just a typo:)

The Robsten Bubble of Special Moments in Time...Hopefully...there will be a lifetime of those!

CLAIRE...Kristens dad...the cool cat in the "hat"!!! I agree:)

Claire said...

Super - Too cool for school that guy

Kenzz said...

We can see where Kris gets her mojo!!

Hi Claire & Super... great day, and loads more to come, yes?

Super RN Gas Passer said...

CLAIRE...Re: Bel Ami...I will believe it when I see it...I hope it will REALLY REALLY come out the first of 2012...word verif ountommi I think these word verifs are messing up my spelling ability:)

Birdie said...

I have just looked at the pictures and video of Graumans. I was thinking about the other night when everyone was defending Kristen's place in Twilight. All one has to do is look at this beautiful, sexy, cute as a button girl between her guy and good friend and it is so apparent that she is the glue that held this franchise together.
Rob, Kristen and Taylor should be very proud of the work they have done. Oh and yes, Rob looked beautiful,sexy and cute as a button,too.

Claire said...

Super - It's Sony who have picked it up. So I don't think it will have any problems being shown. It will probably get limited release, so people may have to travel to see it. I'll more than likely have to travel to see it.

olivia said...

Good evening Super, Kenzz, Claire, Leni, Katy, Birdie and all you dear Roselanders.

Just got to catch up on the G.Chinese Theatre ceremony vid and most of the LA Con. interviews. What a wonderful day. Rob and especially Kristen must be exhausted. Hope that tomorrow will be a day of rest for them.

So happy that Rob and Kristen had their family with them for the print ceremony. They are so fortunate to have a loving and stable tight circle of family and friends that help to keep them grounded and sane.

Looking forward to Leno tonight and the interviews later this week. Unbelievable that only two weeks remain until we finally get to see the entire film.

Just a quick list of a few of the moments that were a special treat today:
-Seeing handsome Rob and gorgeous Kristen. Her dress was sensational.
-Seeing that she switched into her tennies for the foot prints.
-Oops! Starting to put the wrong date in cement.
-Seeing their friends and family attending the ceremony. Mum and Dad lovely. Papa Stew....such a very cool man. They are all so very rightfully proud of their children. Their love for them shines bright and is beautifully reflected and returned back to them.
-Hearing all the kind words about Rob and Kristen from Bill Condon.
-Oh my, so even the minister goofed on the names? : D
(Too cute!)
-In one of the vids....seeing Ashley and Jackson dance...they are really good.
-The picture of Edward and Bella relaxing on the sofa.
-Happy to read that Rob and Kristen would love to work together again. Have faith in them that they will be patient and a perfect script will come their way.
-Love their strong friendship with Taylor. He is a remarkable young man, a mature and faithful friend and as close and trustworthy as family to Kristen and Rob.

Have a lovely evening y'all.
Hugs for Smitty and Gruff. Always wishing you two the very best! Hugs for Syd. Hope all is well with you.
Hugs for Robert. Be well and happy.
Life is good.

Super RN Gas Passer said...

OLIVIA...I love your eloquent post and agree with everything you said...A wonderful day of celebration for their family,friends and fans. Taylor Lautner is a gem! Shall we twirl ROSE?

Super RN Gas Passer said...

CLAIRE..Thanks for the BelAmi update...I am hoping for a wide release...OMG..the other actors are well known...I dont understand how all that works. PR PRO...Are you out there????

DreamerKind said...

Hello, everyone!

What a delightful day! Oh, those sweet moments of Kristen, Rob and Taylor.

Nirvana is here for a fan named Dreamer!

Songs to come in celebration of the wonder of "Two".

DreamerKind said...

Some Love Instantly

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Roberta Flack:

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the empty skies, my love,
To the dark and the empty skies.

The first time ever I kissed your mouth
And felt your heart beat close to mine
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command, my love
That was there at my command.

And the first time ever I lay with you
I felt your heart so close to mine
And I knew our joy would fill the earth
And last till the end of time my love
It would last till the end of time my love

The first time ever I saw your face, your face,
your face, your face

Thank you/WiggyVideos

DreamerKind said...

Just The Two Of Us

Bill Withers:

I see the crystal raindrops fall
And the beauty of it all
When the sun comes shining through

To make those rainbows in my mind
When I think of you sometime
And I want to spend some time with you

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us

Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

We look for love
No time for tears
Wasted waters's all that is
And it don't make no flowers grow

Good things might come
To those who wait
Not to those who wait to late
We got to go for all we know

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us

Just the two of us
Building big castles
In the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

I hear the crystal raindrops fall
On the window down the hall
And it becomes the morning dew

Darling, when the morning comes
And I see the morning sun
I want to be the one with you

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
Building castles way on high
Just the two of us

Thank you/Panasor

DreamerKind said...


Sam Bradley:

I cast aside my emptiness
With an inability to care
Throw empty words

I drink because Im scared
I force myself to fall in love
They're so unaware
Simulate control
Because Im scared

I run
I fall
Beneath it all
Loves hard Im told

I'm making change
I swear to me
You wont complain
About misery

What do you know
About lonely
You have everyone you need

What do you know
You're happy
My soul is sliced with greed

I genuinely counterfeit
All my conversations
Keep my truth because Im scared

Walked with many miles of man
Talked to many faces
Refused to understand
Because Im scared

I do believe
I will receive
From you
And you
And you

Thank you/samueltube1

DreamerKind said...

Kris & Rob, Hope You Can Do

Let's Get Lost

Chet Baker:

Let's get lost
Lost in each other's arms
Let's get lost
Let them send out alarms

And though they'll think us
Rather rude
Let's tell the world
We're in that crazy mood

Let's defrost in a romantic mist
Let's get crossed
Off everybody's list

To celebrate this night
We found each other
Mmm, let's get lost

Thank you/betttyblue

DreamerKind said...

Eyes Wide Open

Everywhere I Look

Hall & Oates:

We always try to be so honest
But we're so serious
We have an understanding
But that can't carry soul
Far enough

Green flag is rising
And baby green means go
New world on the horizon
And who deserves the love

More than you
More than me
Both of us
Can't you see

Everywhere I look I see
People waking up
So why are we still sleeping

Everywhere I look I see people Shaking off all the old ways
So why can't we follow through

What we believe has got to be more Than the words of our friends
Honey I love the life
But I'd fight for our world
Not to end

Green flag is rising
And baby green means go
There's something on the horizon
And who deserves to know

More than you
More than me
All of us
Can't you see
So why can't we follow through

Thank you/maheller82

DreamerKind said...

Break time for some divine imbibing and salivating.

DreamerKind said...

Been very, very busy with important video viewing, so I'm going to say goodnight/good day. TGIF!

I'll pop in and out, until things slow down-after the Twilight Convention, tra la la.

Claire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire said...

Super - The vast majority of Indie movies get a limited release. If it's successful then it may get a wider release.

New Bel Ami footage and On set interviews on Russian news show


I've just seen Kristen's pics for Vogue Italia. Goddess is all I have to say.

The past 18 hrs have given us so many goodies.

Now off to watch Kristen;s Leno interview.

Claire said...

Okay, that dress she wore on Leno, I want it now!!!! Although it would help if I had her figure LOL.

And that dude who was a guest, he didn't make it awkward or anything o_O

Annie said...

Good morning Roseland! :)

So much adorablility / obviousness from Rob and Kristen yesterday. :)

@Claire: I missed Kristen on Leno last night too and I'm looking forward to watching it.
She looked gorgeous yesterday, just so happy.

Stunning in Vogue Italia!

Leni said...

How awesome was the Leno Interview!? ..well except for the part with that weird dude LOL

Kristen looked amazing.. loved all her outfits.

I read that she had Bear with her at the Jimmy Kimmel Show - she must have missed him so badly <3

Have you seen the awesome MTV First?

Have a good day everyone :)

Dottie said...

Good morning, loves! I still have lots of comments to catch up on but wanted to say hi before real life distracts me.

First of all, CONGRATS to Rob, Kristen, and Taylor on their huge honor! It's so special that R/K were able to share that experience together.

Loved all the interviews and appearances from yesterday. Kristen and Rob just seem so happy!

OK, Kristen's Vogue Italia pictures knocked me out! So beautiful!

Hello to all the regs! I hope you're all well and happy.

Muse said...

Good morning Roselanders! TGIF!

Calliopeblabs said "I'm on info overload" and I cldn't agree more LOL!

Like you Claire, I was in tears, tears of joy and pride for K&R.
How important for them to achieve this award at such a young age! And not only because of the saga, it was for their talent, the saga wld't be this huge hadn't it been for them--ok, ok I'm starting to sound like a broken record *wink*

You know guys, for just one sec, I attempted to be on R and K's shoes (gorgeous, btw!) and 'sense' the emotion they were experiencing in that moment. I cldn't. Even fr out here, it was overwhelming!
And having to bottle it all up in front of the audience--well, you know down here in Isle Esme, we not only know how to party, we're quite emotional too *wink*

Makes me happy to realize they cld rely on each other's shoulders.

And the banter b/w them, their cumplicity, their friendship on top of their feelings for each other? It simply made me giggle.
And how sweet they were to 'the kid', that one shld be their lifetime for being there too... shut up Muse, shut up.

Congratulations, Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson.
Be this moment a big incentive for you to pursue your goals be it professionally or personally.
You certainly have a lot to show your kids and grankids.
We are very very proud of you and, most of all, we are very happy for you.
Hope we're not intruding too much.
God bless you.

Claire said...

PMSL Rob did an interview where he forgot Kristen's birth date, he was only a day off though. Typical man!!!

Muse said...

@Robert - pls update us STAT, we're anxious to hear from you.
@Super - I came across yr comment re my posts, thank you girl, they come fr the heart...
Well, time to step off the soapbox! *wink*

Muse said...

Ugh I detest mispelling & missing words--re the kid, lifetime slave

Hi Claire!
Pls note when I don't mention all names *looking at Freddie* it's in fear of missing someone, ok? So when I say 'yall', I did mean it!
Ok, now it's for real.

wig4usc said...

Hello, Roseland!

I was up late getting caught up on all the fun from yesterday! Caught some of the press interviews, MTV First, the video from Graumann's, and Leno! I thought K was the most animated, I see her trying really hard to relax and enjoy. Glad to see her loosen up and show all what we already see in her!

More to watch today, I just love Rob when he goes off the rails with his comments, he makes me laugh all the time! Congrats to the Trinity, they should be proud and amazed by this all and I think they are!

Have a great weekend, keeping my fingers crossed we'll hear more from Rose!!

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