The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rob and Kristen- It's That Simple

Sorry Kristen.

Kristen gushed about Bear, saying, “He’s my child, I love him.” 
She talked about introducing Bear to Bernie, 
and said that “I raised Bear, WE got her when she was like… 
She (Bernie) was emotionally manipulative and really milked it,
 and I got her home and she was like ‘I am fine’. 
She was taking Bear’s stuff, 
I was like ‘you need to slow your roll.’”


 "Oh…hahahah that's so weird. 
They both like me…love me haha…I think in very different ways.
 I think…Bear is literally a child,
 he is like my…he is still a baby.
 And Max is like I mean we live together,
 he's like my roommate. 
And uh, yeah so there is a difference there."

 I thought I would get a dog. 
Then wherever the dog was would kind of be my home."

He adopted Bear, a German shepherd-pitbull crossbreed ("100 pet cent mutt"),
 from a dog shelter in Louisiana: a canine death row.
 "Bear was two days away from euthanasia. 
WE thought he was traumatised by his near-death experience." 

"Thank God that Kristen was with me. 
So WE just adopted one dog. A mutt.
WE called him Bear." 

We adopted.
We called him Bear.

Wherever the dog was... 
would kind of be my home.

Done and fucking done.

Couple of thoughts.

Here are some pics of Rob and Kristen
leaving together on a jet plane to NYC.
It's that simple really...

While the lunatics were busy scoping out how many cars
were in the pictures...
and trying to decipher who came in what car...
Once again they missed the obvious.
Rob and Kristen leaving

It's kinda like when Kristen went with Rob 
while he was taping Kimmel.
Rob wanted her there.
Kristen wanted to be with him.
It's that simple really...

And once more all the lunatics could focus on
was how many cars...
Sure... they tried to gloss over Kristen hanging out with Rob
at Kimmel by saying she was there taping Conan.
But they aren't taped in the same place.
So. They had to refocus on the cars.

** Head-pat**

Kristen did the NYC interviews today...

The Today show.
Live with Kelly and Michael.

The Today show asked Kristen if her and Rob were back together.
Now for the past 3 years personal questions like that are always dismissed...
What did Kristen say?

"Funny you should mention...that...Umm...
I'm just gonna let people watch whatever little movie
 they would like to think our lives are and go for...
you know...
Keep 'em guessing I always say."

I thought that was appropriate.
Rob and Kristen will decide if/when they want 
to discuss something personal in their lives.
They aren't about to get sideswiped on National TV
by three wannabe journalists.

The part that really gets the lunatics is
Rob and Kristen DO talk about their beloved dogs.
They can't comprehend that talking about pets
isn't the same thing as talking about a personal relationship
that already is obsessively scrutinized and picked apart.
Both Rob and Kristen talk about their dogs...
because it is safe. They love their dogs.
And it still gets the point across that they are indeed
without having to discuss it with idiots on couches.

Final thought...

Rob taped Ellen on Monday.
So did Nikki Reed.
Rob's parents were in the audience.
that Rob's parents were throwing 'shade'
at Kristen for being there in the audience for Nikki.
Oh yes...
Because Rob's parents are the type of people 
to 'throw shade'. Right.
Let's not remember that Rob was taping that day...
Let's just throw his parents into the mud
to further serve your sad agenda.
How about you leave Rob's family out of your lunacy?
Or how about when Rob is standing next to his parents...
in their home during Christmas
With his arm around someone other than Kristen?
Then we can talk.

Here's the thing...
The lunatics NEVER liked Kristen.
They spent all day everyday obsessing over her 
every move...her every word.
But now?
Well... now they don't like Rob either.
They aren't even "Nonsten" anymore.
They aren't... anything.
Maybe NONsense?
So I ask you...
Before it was 'We are just here for Rob'
Which we all knew was a blatant lie.
But now they call him almost as many names as Kristen.
Although if anything... their obsession with Kristen
has just blossomed into full blown neurosis.
So why are they here?
Oh right.
To hate.
The only reason they were ever here.
That's all they do... all day. Everyday.
Imagine living your life that way...

This post is brought to you by the nose on your face.

So many people refuse to see what is right in front of them.
I guess Bear and Bernie can lead the way.
Where Bear and Bernie go...
So do Rob and Kristen.

Get used to it.

And of course...
No post would be complete without

Thomas Sturridge.

What do you get when you mix blue and yellow?
Now add a woolly animal.

Until next time.

Bye for now


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DreamerKind said...

Simple Song

The Shins:

Well this is just a simple song
To say what you done
I told you about all those fears
And away they did run

You sure must be strong
And you feel like an ocean
Being warmed by the sun

When I was just nine years old
I swear that I dreamt
Your face on a football field

And a kiss that I kept
Under my vest
Apart from everything
But the heart in my chest

I know that things
Can really get rough
When you go it alone
Don’t go thinking you gotta
Be tough
To play like a stone

Could be there’s
Nothing else in our lives
So critical
As this little home

My life in an upturned boat
Marooned on a cliff
You brought me a great big flood
And you gave me a lift
To care, what a gift

You tell me with your tongue
And your breath was in my lungs
And you float over the rift

Remember walking a mile
To your house, aglow in the dark
I made a fumblin’ play
For your heart
And the act struck a spark

You wore a charm in a chain
That I stole especially for you
Love’s such a delicate thing
That we do, with nothing to prove
Which I never knew

Thank you/DisguisedGoblin

Kami said...

I know I'm really late to the party about this, but just had time to watch Rob on Ellen he and Taylor both were very cute and I loved the part about Bear. Very enjoyable. I love Ellen

Samantha Nkhata said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ali mac said...

@DK so pleased they are home safely and that they enjoyed their trip here :)

@KAMI I agree Ellen was great!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies

See I went to bed early again and figured we would see something good last night instead of twitter breaking again but nope I woke up read a little and in all honesty wanted to punch someone in the face and maybe kick them on the ground after what I read. So I guess we got a little insight as to why they moved from the 1st house and it had nothing to do with paps. I knew the super fans were never fans but to say you are going to throw poisoned dog treats over the fence to kill Bear before and now saying you are going to kill Bernie because what you think killing their dogs is going to break them up? The second Rob acknowledged what the rationally sane already knew - he has 2 dogs - they took to twitter and said they were going to try and find Bernie and kill her - how low do you have to go to threaten animals or to think like that? You think a dog is a Famewhore? I know for a fact you need to be locked away because you are not fit for society, not even fit to live with wild animals.

Samantha Nkhata said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie said...

Morning all.
Ginger: What the hell!
The law should be that as soon as anyone issues any threat whatsoever on any social media outlet, they should be exposed and fucking arrested!
The days are numbered for those who think they can threaten harm to anyone/anything and believe the internet and a moniker guards their anonymity........There are many instances recently where Twitter has been forced to give up the names of these people to the relevant authorities.

What kind of a fucking mind cones up with thoughts like that?
I can only hope that the people who suggested that were reported because animal cruelty suggested, implied or acted on is taken very seriously in this country.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@NjCullen - I died laughing in one of Bill C's interviews he said Rob suggested that the love scene in part 2 he start on Kristen's neck because it is a erogenous zone - like spit my coke out laughing because I just kept thinking oh shit what are we really going to see in this movie - will there be arm pit loving going on?

Karen in NJ said...

Mornin' Ginger!

I was reading some reactions on twitter about this and couldn't believe there are people that actually think that way. What does that gain them - do they think this makes them worth something? It's just sick. These people need to get a life and leave RK and their dogs alone.

I was just telling my sister about the 2 dog thing with RK's interviews and how it was so cute! Then I come on here. She's my movie partner and we can't wait to see BD2!

Hope you have a great day!

Karen in NJ said...

Hi Annie and NJ - just saw your posts!

Annie - I was thinking can they press charges?

Annie said...

NjCullen: Morning.
Thanks for the compliment and welcome. :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - it is the same group that keeps sending the inappropriate questions to these Q&A's, the ones that threaten Kristen, the ones that believe they have the right to say what he does or doesn't do, the ones that stalk them both, and the ones that I have legitimate fear will try to do something because they have zero sense of morality or reality. There is freedom of speech and then there is leaping the line. Honestly I get there will always be haters but someone needs to do something about the extreme's before something bad happens. They are a big reason why they are so guarded and my guess only why Rob looks like he is on the edge of cutting a bitch. Does it make me a bad person to say I want to see him go off on ones of these chicks?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Karen - Morning :)

Yup the reactions on twitter worry me because I see people that get disgusted by this stuff actually worry when they normally don't. This is the haters getting mad that they can't control something they had no say in - maybe someone should sick Peta on them bet they would close shop then.

Karen in NJ said...

@ginger - I agree, Rob has almost if not reached his limit. He's been charming, hilarious and happy but he's also put his displeasure out there. I'd love to see him go off to a point. These people need a real slap to the face, kick to the head and foot up the you know where and I'm not a violent person!

I imagine the security for the premieres will be intense. Rob won't let her out of his sight.

Twitter was odd last night. Is it the volume that takes it down?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Karen - no they were having technically difficulties - tweet deck kept dropping so the timelines just stopped - happened yesterday afternoon too

Annie said...

Karen in NJ: I don't know. Social media is a great thing but in cases like this, where Twitter allows it's members to issue threats, something has to be done.

Ginger: There is a line.........It's drawn! They've crossed it!
Those people should get the fuck over themselves!

Karen in NJ said...

@Ginger thanks! You know I'm so technical, lol!

Feeling better by the way. Now it's housework time. Any plans for today?

Nothing on the ninjas leaving NY? Either they are just that good or the paps are slipping. (not that I want them bothered by the paps)

Karen in NJ said...

Annie - I agree. But there has to be limits.

I just can't understand the thought processes of these so called "fans". And to verbalize it where tons of people can see it? Maybe its an attention getter, sick tho it is?

PamH said...

Good morning all

@ Ginger
OMG, I knew these girls were nuts but thats past just hating that's flat out psychotic. I'm surprised they haven't tried invading their property or home like other star stalkers. I wish they could be stoped somehow.

@ Karen and Annie
Waves :):)

@ NjC
We do get silly and have some fun, now you can join in.

I loved Bill C talking about Rob knowing he needed to start at the neck and MF talking about R buying K the mini cute
has anyone seen if they are home yet ?

Samantha Nkhata said...

I really hope that since nothing sinister has happened with Kristen during her talk show rounds with fans (when she's signing autographs outside), rather low-security situations that nothing will happen during the premier.

I'm glad Rob's parents are in town. I'm sure they are a calming presence. And he really needs that right now.

Don't know why fans can't see how happy he is, and just celebrate that.

Annie said...

Karen in NJ: If I were in charge of Twitter/ or any other social media, anytime a threat is posted, that user would be exposed....Full name and location........
Wanna score points by being an idiot then realize that stupidity, bullying, threatening and hatefulness won't be tolerated.
Every social media outlet should be fighting not to be seen as enabling this kind of behavior.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - nothing yet on them getting home. On the fans - they were staking out LF1 (Rob and Kristen's 1st house) which is why most think they moved to LF2 since it is gated. The doll collector sat outside Kristen's mom's house with a video recorder after the shit hit the tabs and I think if they could they would try to break in hence the move to a more secure area. I can't grasp the crazy of the "Misery" syndrome some of these chicks have - I worry they will try to cage him in a basement as well as hurt Kristen to be honest.

@Karen - snow incoming so it is shopping here in a few, house cleaning then maybe some movie time with hot cocoa with the kids later.

@Annie - I think they are hoping they go away with the end of the saga but some of these people need to learn limits in life and they need to learn the hard way. I know they have been turned over to their teams and I know they are all on watch lists but I think they should feel real consequences like jail time or financial consequences for the amount of slander they sling.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ NjCullen - but that is what pissed them off so much more - he is happy - like truly happy and it didn't go the way they wanted to they are getting more aggressive and vocal. Once the movie is out and they see Rob and Kris together happy as ever they are going to get worse but honestly I hope they flounce - no one wants "fans" like them.

Annie said...

Hi PamH. :)
Ginger: The question is......Do they have a life?

Just maybe with end of the saga, they'll hook onto someone/ something else........My condolences go out to whomever/ whatever that may be.

Ok......Gotta run.
Have a great Saturday all.

Karen in NJ said...

Annie - I like the way you think!

@Ginger - loving the snow! Women's work is never done, is it? I'm off to the laundry! Yum hot cocoa and a movie sounds good.

@Pam - waves back!

Two days to LA Premiere, can't wait!

parker said...

i love ellen – if ever i was so inclined to watch a talk show taping, it would be ellen.
taylor’s dog is so cute in that luggage.
and love his pic from sharkboy – where he already had a six-pack LOL.

i was gonna say something about “bear, bernie and WE” …
but peeps comments on the loonies thinking such vile things about dogs make me so repulsed !
i’m such an animal lover that i can’t stand hearing it ! so deplorable !
before, i thought it was just easy to ignore them …
but when it becomes a real threat that you’re forced to move !?!
are these ladies not even scared that they’re potentially looking at criminal records?
for what? actors they never have any hope of ever knowing ?!? ruining your life for that?
i hope these people are in some kind of black list already – they are seriously fucked up !

PamH said...

@ ginger
I agree with you on them just getting worse when the movie is completely done and they realize R and K are still going strong...if these chicks are acting this way over people they don't even know I can't imagine how they treat their family and friends ( not that they have any )...I'd be scared to know them
I think they should be traced and made to pay some way too.

Pattybg said...



Pattybg said...




Pattybg said...


PamH said...

There's a really great interview with R and K on Robsten Dreams from the Philippine Star, both chose the ending in Twilight as a memorable moment and Rob definitely wants to work together again.

Hope the happy couple are having some R&R before the big day :-)

I'm twirling away for Monday

Have a good weekend Roseland

Holy said...

Happy Saturday everyone.

The ninnies are losing it big time,and now they're hating R/K dogs.Psych ward is the best place for these people.

@Karen-is everything okay with you?

@Ginger-hey there.

Karen in NJ said...

Hey @Holy - yes, all is fine here. Getting over a cold. There are still a lot of people without power here in Jersey. Could be quite awhile before they get it back. So sad for the east coast, long recovery. We were very fortunate.

How are things with you this weekend?

@Pam - the nonnies need a new story!

Karen in NJ said...

Oops got that wrong! @Holy with the nonnies. I can never keep up with the posts and who said what!

tufenuf55 said...

I keep reading posts about licking armpits but what Kristen actually said in her Vogue interview:
”I love the way he smells. And him me. Like, he loves to lick under my armpits. I don’t get this obsession with washing the smell off. That smell of someone you love – don’t you think that’s the whole point?”
I have always took this to mean the area just UNDER her armpits--not her actual armpits. That really soft area that leads to the breasts. JMO

Samantha Nkhata said...

I actually always thought the same thing too!!! Emphasis being on the "under my armpits" as opposed to just "my armpits". But general opinion seemed to be that it was her armpit, armpit, so I was like what do I know to each their own.But that's just another example of how the media like to take things apart and frame them in the most scandalous ways possible. Plus I always that wasn't even the most important part of the quote. Considering the time in which the quote was said I always thought it gave more credence to her public 'statement' but no one ever seemed to write about that. They just took things from the quote (babies) to put an even more cynical spin on the whole thing.

Anyway it doesn't matter now coz we're just a few days away from the premier (though, I'll only probably get to see the movie in December). And we're twirling, right.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tuff and NJC - I loved the whole statement. If she really said it - how do you deny a physical reaction to someone else like that, it takes it to a whole other level of being comfortable with someone else and to love someone so intensely you want their smell on you. That article came at a time people really needed to lighten up and really move forward. I still laugh to this day only because if my friend told me that I would be like thanks for sharing after saying wow did you just say that out loud you over sharer. I didn't need it to know she loved him but boy was that an epic bitch slap to the haters and to want to have babies with him means commitment beyond the here and now - it meant she wants her future with him.

deb said...

HO MY GOD I hope they get EACH AND EVERY ONE of the FUCKERS that said,thought,or tried to get to those dogs.It's like going after your Own kid's. I really hope that THESE so called MOTHER'S (and i use the word MOTHER lightly )don't have kid's them self's just to Know your mother WOULD KILL a dog that is part of a family IS SICK and need to go to JAIL.With that much hate in your family kid's grow up mean and in up hurting other's.WHAT'S this world coming to?????sorry for my runt but it just piss me off that they can get away with this.I'm glad Rob moved now maybe he well see how sick some of the fan's are.once again i'm sorry :( DEB.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@deb - oh he knows - all the threats have been passed to both teams and it is the same few over and over. It takes a special kind of person to take their obsession as far as some of these women have. For them to be saying the same shit for years now they feel like their is no consequences to what they say or do and obviously have their own morality issues they need to deal with before they try to judge someone else. Also yes - some of these hateful creatures have procreated - scary right especially if they have daughters but I have learned most of these people are cowards and have a face for people that see them and one for the internet although the internet one is most likely the one they truly are behind the illusion of anonymity.

Holy said...

@Karen-thank god you and your family are okay.

Karen in NJ said...

@Holy - thank you for thinking of me. There are some they are saying won't have power back until Thanksgiving or better. Just a sad situation. Keep them in your prayers.

Samantha Nkhata said...

I hope you don't think what I said was an affront to you. I was talking about the media and general haters. (That's why hate typing things as opposed to saying them out loud. So many things get lost in translation. So often I find myself saying, "that's not what I meant"). I remember agreeing with everything you said saying to myself "that's exactly what I thought".

It's weird, I remember Kristen saying once that she tends to over share so that is one of the reasons she prefers not to say anything at all. And I guess she was very right.

Ever since Ginger mentioned the K in the colour green, I keep hoping the same. Especially since it's a colour I've never seen her wear. The best thing about her fashion sense is that it's unpredictable. I just hope I get the same 'feeling' I did when I saw her in the red Cannes dress, no matter the design and colour.

LizzieD said...

New pics of Bear & Bernie!!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@NJC - oh not at all - LOL just adding to it all cause she does over share at the oddest times and some of the over shares are so funny and I enjoy watching the haters melt every time - it is fascinating

Yes greeeeeen!

@Liz - Johns brother shares too with the doggie pics

LizzieD said...

Do you mean John's brother, the same John in the pics? Just curious.

I am still worried about those haters. I am so worried that I will be surprised if we see a "normal" red carpet event. And I'm not so sure that I want her subjected to all that. Imagine the nerves on their part.

Ok, I'm "stepping away from the laptop" and twirling to bed, y'all!!!

PamH said...

Thanks for photo link
Good night

I love the pic with the purple sky...amazing
I wonder if John keeps the dogs at his home or theirs when they are away ? It's great they have someone like John that they can trust and who cares about them, by this point I'm sure K loves him as much as her brothers.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - That is not John it is his brother - they look almost like twins but you can tell the brother is younger, I did a double take when I first saw him in pictures with Taylor (Kristen's brother) and Jeff (Rob's assistant). I saw the pictures earlier from the facebook it came from - I think the link just has it posted wrong. He also had Bernie and Bears name listed as Hector and Gozer LOL

tufenuf55 said...

Tickle me, Elmo!!! BD2 premiere is in two days. Faint...Pant...Gasp...Swoon...Twirling with my Rose Blog homies!!!

PamH said...

@ ginger
I guess that does make more sense because John usually goes everywhere K does. I never knew John's had a brother that hangs out with them and helps out. His choice in names is a little funny but if it throughs off some people, I'm game :)

Oneheart said...

Hi everyone. Wow I agree with you there needs to be something done to these obcessed haters on twitter. They have went past the point of no return in their craziness.

Threatening to kill someone's animal because of their hatred of Kristen. It's scarey to think these people may have children. Can you imagine having them as a mother. It's only a matter of time before they start taking their hatred out on them if they aren't already.

Kristen owns them that's for sure. She's in every thought they have, everything they do. It's like they have taken on a mission.

They are back and forth...One minute they're talking about their PR relationship and the next they're talking as if they are a couple but it will end soon. Today they are all excited about an article coming out before the LA Premiere. According to them it is going to be the end of their relationsip. Yeah right like Sane people would believe anything a gossip magazine says.

Poor Rob has been shipped with every woman who happens to be in a pic with him. Roll Eyes. It's time they get rid of these cowards who hide behind their computers. Annie you are right..they can find them easily. Even the ones who have their accounts blocked.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Oneheart - LOL is it that article that is like 5 months old? I hadn't seen that one from them yet but if it the same article I have to laugh so hard - if there was some smoking gun in it we would have had it long before now and they just don't get it - it was 5 months old Rob and Kristen are living now. I heard a bunch of them moved their timeline for the end from end of promo to the DVD release today. I swear it is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Holy said...

This is a good one and Bravo to Rob.

"Robert Pattinson Runs Rings Around Savannah Guthrie On 'Today' Show: Method In The Funny - via @theinquisitr

Oneheart said...

Ginger I'm with you..Pets are family and to me they need to be treated as if they have threatened a family member.

It's no longer just petty jealousy or hatred. They have become Sociopaths. They have no conscience, no morals. They don't care if they hurt their victims with their words of lies. They get excitement from it. I studied a little about sociopaths in college and they often will use someone to try and obtain their goal. In this case they have latched on to this extreme obcession with Kristen to try and win the ultimate prize...Rob. They feel if they talk about it, tweet about it, spread lies even though in their warped minds they believe the lies, it will all result in Rob walking away from Kristen and then in their minds they can carry on this imaginary relationship with him.

They honestly believe if he walks away from Kristen they don't care if he gets with someone else...well it won't work that way. Any woman who would ever be with him would be seen as a threat and with time they would find fault with her too.

They claim whatever happened in July is why they hate her so much...No the hate was there long before that, but they used that to build their hopes upon to try and win Rob for themselves. When it didn't work out the way they wanted..we have what we are seeing craziness.

Oneheart said...

Yes Ginger they did move it back today till the release of the DVD..after that it will be the release of something else. It will never end. The article they are so excited about is the old article where Rupig susposedly called her a beautiful Tomboy. It's so funny how they are always late to everything. They're too busy making their naked manips of Rob to know what is happening around them and when they do look up, old news to them is hot off the presses. ROFLMAO

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Oneheart - Hahahaha - yup that is the really old one from way back when. I guess they want to keep living in the past while the sane people are living here and now. If their small minds don't get that he knows what is in that article I don't know what to say for them anymore. I bet there are zero secrets between the 2 and no stone unturned - they know everything there is to know. I read the blurp they had and just like the daily mail article (which I believe their source was in fact a nonsten or just a complete fabrication of their hate ridden minds) - you know everything from the 1st sentence and if they are going to insert mainly opinion or do a real article. That article they are claiming to be something big is the same rehashed stuff we have seen since June - yawn they need to try harder

That timeline they have is free flowing now - they can't even get it straight in their own minds.

Oneheart said...

I have to call it a night Ginger and everyone else. I just noticed it is 1:45 a.m. LOL Time flies. Have a good night.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Oneheart - night sweetie :)

Annie said...

Good Sunday morning all......It's a beautiful morning here.

Ginger and Oneheart:
Rob and Kristen are living their lives, by all accounts happily, together. (We know the haters know this)
The only thing to say to these people is........Let it go. Start living your own lives.
The campaign of hate they've been on for close to five years now, has to be draining, especially for the people close to them.......what a sad life.

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Morning ROSELAND

It's been a busy week and I have yet to see much of any of the interviews or pictures for BD2. I am on call this weekend though and I have had a quiet morning and just finished watching ON THE ROAD !!!!

Sometimes, there is a nice surprise and IT was waiting for me at the back door when I got home last night...A friend that knows I enjoy my fan blog...she doesn't know the name of it but she knows it's for R and K and T...haha...anyway, she "procured" a copy and I did not ask that she drop it by my house but it's kind of like too much temptation so I succumbed

I'm so glad I did. So here is my review. This is a special movie. You need to be in the right frame of mind to savor this because it is a period piece with a cast of very interesting characters. It will not be the type of movie that people line up for at the box office. But films like this are an absolute necessity.

Every scene transports one back in time to the 1950's and follows one young writers quest to become a writer of relevance in his generation. The subject matter is raw and gets down and dirty. This is not Mary Poppins, Twilight, or Captain Kangaroo. But it is a tribute to the author, Jack Kerouac, and to a time in America between WW 2 and the can feel the restlessness and the desperation of what is referred to as the Beat generation.

I loved the movie and would watch it again. I was surprised by how many famous actors were actually a part of this project. Good for all of them! I haven't seen reviews for this movie but I would expect it to receive critical acclaim. Well done!!!!

PamH said...

Good Sunday All

@ Super
Wow, you got to watch OTR, my jealous :)
I'm sure she was amazing in it. What an awesome friend.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Super - I have seen so many great reviews for OTR and with such a varied cast at that I imagine it is a great movie. Jealous too since those movies I wait to come on DVD to watch when the kiddos go to bed.

@Annie - Like all joking aside - I think some of the haters need serious professional help. When you get to the point of lying and pushing your lies to attempt to ruin someone you don't know because of your jealousy it is time to step back and do some heavy re-evaluating. When you allow someone to consume you so much you have no life of your own you are deep shit. The fact that they honestly don't get that he will never be with them alarms me. One of the real nasty ones is a 55 yr old grandmother - not to crush anyone's fantasies but you have to know that will never happen - right? So just be happy that he is happy. I personally like the smile in their eyes and seeing them look happy - love suits them well and seeing someone make it like that is something to be happy about. Magazines will always print BS - look at Justin Timberlake - on the cover of his wedding picture what is on there - a picture of Britney. Was it relevant or done just to create drama - we all want happy ever after but that doesn't create gossip which generates sells.

PamH said...

@ ginger
Hello, I missed the article discussion last night, but do they believe that after this amount of time it's going to change anything..not sure what they think rehashing old news will do ? I guess they haven't realized R is a grown man and is making his own decisions on his love life and is never going to let other people sway his feelings...least of all the CRAZYS

Super RN Gas Passer said...


It is a beautiful day here...sunny and 68 at the moment.

As for the haters I seriously believe that they all need to live lives of absolute long hard days of labor and be half starved to death so they have something else to fill their days. People have to be beyond pampered and spoiled to carry out these kind of selfish and decisive deeds and definitely have too much time on their hands.

Sometimes something small is really BIG. Kristen's and Toms roles in the movie are small in actual on screen time but they portrayed their characters to perfection...I kid you not!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - it is promo week - I expected someone to try and write bad things just to get attention and low and behold we have it. Nothing new, almost like they are late to the party talking about something 5 months ago to start drama - honestly it attacks both of them for different reasons and was pretty ridiculous but not shocking at all they did it. One is in a mag the other a column - the column one was transparent as you can get - no doubt at all there "source/spy" was a nonsten which makes you roll your eyes. They can write anything they want but it isn't going to change the fact they are together and happy nor will shoddy journalism change that. I say move along sir - find a new subject.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Super - AFI is pushing the Oscar nom for Kristen's role and she is a contender so there is a chance. I heard Tom was really good in it as well as Garrett.

Annie said...

Super: Morning. I am so jealous of you right now! :)
Thanks for the review.

Ginger: I've seen some of those grandmotherly types at Rob's premieres........Oh dear Lord!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - me too and they are usually the ones that disapprove of his relationships the most - the older moms/grandmothers that want to mother him as well as well you know - honestly kinda freaks me out a whole lot - almost feel incestuous - like I want to do the Jim Carey shower scene at the end of Ace Ventura (it is funnier than the crying game version)

Annie said...

What's a deprived hater to do........
Between the Savannah Guthrie smackdown on the Today Show, Kristen and Rob both killing it with their appearances/promo for BD2, OTR.
Reports of a very happy couple.
Along with all the positive reviews and now an Oscar push for Kristen's role in OTR........The purveyors of bullshit are in a flux......
Karma is a bitch and comeuppance sweet! :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - it is really sad to watch them try anything even chew off their noses to despite their faces. They still don't even get we are supposed to be fans and we have zero impact in their personal lives.

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie said...

Ginger: I can't imagine that there are many left.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie same ones as that have always been here though a huge chunk hate him now too - plus there are the ones that pretended to like her to fit in but switched full nonnie after July but they hate him now too.

Annie said...

All this hate...... For what?
They will never have a say in Rob and Kristen's life.

This quote seems appropriate:

"The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less."
Heading out. Have a great Sunday afternoon. :)

Super RN Gas Passer said...


What did Savannah Do during her interview with K or was it R?? I quit watching the Today show after they ousted Ann Curry.... She was fantastic and they screwed the crap out of her. I will not forgive them for it. It's not the first time either. They did the same thing to Deborah Norville and eventually to Jane Pauley.

PamH said...

@ Super
She asked K if she and Rob were back together because the " fans" want to know? Kristen basically replied with people chose what movie their life is like any way and she was going to keep them guessing the next day she asked Rob the same thing and he replied by turning the question back on her by asking Who Wants To Know? and is it in her contract to was great how he put her in her place. I don't watch anymore unless R&K are on and after there segment is over I turn it off. What was also weird about it was on K interview it was SG, ML and some other lady but for R and TL it was just SG for them. I'm sure there is vidoe to see them. I agree Anne was the best person on there.

RC said...

@TheSTStyle are filth! I hope everyone is telling them so on Twitter. I can't get on right now but I plan to unload on their a$$es.

LizzieD said...


Does anyone know what time the RC livestreaming will start tomorrow? I'm in the Eastern time zone. I think I read 4:30PST so would be 7:30 here which sounds about right.

I'M TWIRLING, y'all... sorry I can't "party" with everyone today, internet is not reliable and am trying to relax and read instead.

See you later!!!


JMF said...

Hello! I am absolutely giddy over this week. My twitter time line is full of sappiness as I am so excited for premiere, Twilight Marathon on Thursday, (I took the day off!) and my daughter coming home for a week on Friday.
I reported CK, she is trying to get haters in London to do something to Kristen on the red carpet. If we see something we need to report it, no matter if we feel it is serious or not. These people are ruthless and I serious with their threats and I would feel horrible if something happened and I didn't at least feel like I tried to do something to stop it.
Rob and Kristen are RADIATING happiness. OMG it is pouring out of them. I couldn't be happier for them. It may be the end of Twilight, but it is just the beginning of a beautiful journey for this happy couple. I was screaming with happiness after Kristen and Rob smacked down Samatha on Today Show. And I sent them an email on how I felt their interview was unprofessional. Made me feel better!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week, I am so looking forward to it.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@JMF - they have haters at tent city that are being reported as well. I saw the CK thing where she was telling someone to push Kris under a bus. Deep down I want Kristen to hit them in the face with her heels.I figured the asshole would come out swinging hard just before promo since there are so many eyes on what is going on - I can't say this enough - I am glad this is it for Twilight so some of these crazy bitches flounce and flounce so hard they eat shit via a hard face plant.

ladyevenstar22 said...

i like being out of the loop these days, thanks everyone for bits of k and rob interviews answers, never change you two!
love the shirt fan gave to rob, too cute!
i haven't heard the soundtrack yet though i don't have internet these days anymore , financial crisis took it prisoner for the moment but i will be in theatre for premiere night just like every other previous twilight film! its gonna be sad its over but i'm also feeling relief for k/r and cast to a lesser degree

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