The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rob and Kristen- April Fooled

What just happened?

I'm sure by now you have all seen the 'leaked' BD pics...
(and the video... lets not forget the video)

No... I won't be posting them here
But they were pretty fucking hot.
You know it.
I know it.
The whole world knows it now.

Legs. Backs. Necks. Shoulders. Knees. Arms. Hands.
Lips. Mouths. Eyes.
Kisses. Thrusts. 


I'm afraid to look!

So if you were on Twitter last night
You saw it literally explode.
I couldn't fucking keep up.
And then more pics were released 
and more...
and more...

The Reaction is pure fucking gold.
Gold, Jerry... GOLD!

My thoughts?

1. As soon as the pics were being released...
were all over the place.

SUMMIT was releasing them to take attention away from WFE!
Summit is showing Rob who OWNS him!
Summit wants to make BD relevant!
It's a plot to sabotage WFE!!!

Good fucking Grief.

For one thing...
WFE isn't out for a couple of weeks yet...
So if this was a REAL sabotage why not wait a little while longer?
And for the love of all that is holy
Why in the fucking world would Summit want to sabotage WFE?
Does Summit do this to all the people who work in their movies?
Go around trying to tank all their careers outside of Summit?
Are you fucking kidding me with this?
There isn't any competition with WFE...
Breaking Dawn is still in production.
It's not like they are coming out on the same day 
and competing for ticket sales.
Every theory that is thrown out there
is more contrived and ludicrous than the last.

Now its not me?

Theory 2.


Oh hell.
I wish I could say that this is an April Fools joke.
It's not.
People REALLY want to believe this.
Remember when that first still from BD was released and
it was all about Kristen wearing a bodysuit??
So much for that theory.
Now we KNOW that there was nothing but skin on skin.
Of course.
It can't POSSIBLY be really Rob and Kristen.
It HAS to be Rob with Kristen's body double.
Please God Please.
Those aren't Rob's fingers SPLAYED all over Kristen's body...
That can't be his LIPS kissing her...
No No

I know I have called some people Hyenas in the past...
(and yes, the name still applies.)
But recently I'm thinking they are more like...

Maybe if you pretend you don't see... it will go away!

Hiding their heads in the sand...
Not wanting to face the inevitable truth.
If you make believe it doesn't exist...
After a while... I'm sure they believe it.
They HAVE to believe it.
Because they just can't face the alternative.

It actually comes out looking like this...


You come up looking like assholes.

Hmmm... not sure how much I like this.

Theory 3.

There is major clinging to the fact that SM is a bit of a prude.
(Yeah... we all remember FADE TO BLACK, don't we?)
Hoping that since the movies are PG-13 that a lot of these
Pictures won't make it into the final cut.

Who knows?
I do know that I've read that Stephenie was on set for 
most if not all of this movie thus far.
So it's not like she isn't aware of what is going on.
There will be edits and changes...
The movie is still being filmed...
We don't even know what exactly we were looking at.
It was such a montage of pictures and images.
But although you saw a lot of skin...
It wasn't inappropriate skin... if you know what I mean.
I've seen worse on Soap Operas.
Rob did mention how he didn't think it could be PG-13
(and seriously... did the boy look like he enjoyed his 'work'?)
We won't know until the movie comes out what shows up...
But I think we will be surprised.
I already am.
Did you see the video of his back...
Moving up and down over Kristen?
Suggestive as all hell.
*runs off to watch again*

Shut the fuck up.

 Theory 4.

So many Hatestens were losing their minds last night.
Don't deny it.
Thing is...
the pics had been from Bel Ami or WFE
and showed Rob sexing up on someone other than Kristen?
People would have been ALL over that!
See... THAT'S OK.
Rob having sex scenes with Reese... or Uma... or whomever.
That would have been perfectly fine.
(Actual quote from Twitter: *sigh* Rob and Reese would have beautiful babies)
Really? Rob and Reese? The same Reese who just got married last weekend?
And the thing is?
I would have been JUST as thrilled and giddy to see pics from those movies as well.
Because I love Robert Pattinson...
 I LOVE seeing Robert in his movies...
And I don't trash movies of his because they have Kristen Stewart in them.
Do you see how fucked up that is?
I hear howling already about Rob being asked BD questions
while on the WFE junket this weekend.
BD is a project he is currently working on...
And when celebrities are interviewed they are often asked
about other projects than the one they are promoting.
It happens ALL THE TIME.
I don't remember any outrage
when Josh H asked about Bel Ami...
Or Cosmopolis...
Yet... the screeching for no BD is piercing.

Ask yourself WHY.
If you dare.

I know... right?

5. I don't think this is a theory.
But as much as I enjoyed looking at all those
incredibly sensual, lasciviously sexy pictures...
I have to think about how Rob and Kristen might feel.
I wonder if they like unedited stills and rough footage being released...
I wouldn't think so.
They've been working hard and long
(OK... nice pun)
On this movie...
And for someone to leak ALL of this information
about some of the most integral and most anticipated scenes from the movie?
It has to feel like a betrayal of sorts.
And no matter that I believe that Rob and Kristen are
in a deep intimate relationship together...
Filming that stuff
with cameras in your face
and people watching your every move...
has to be incredibly difficult to do.
(It is a job I would gladly volunteer for... but I digress.)
And I truly doubt that Summit wanted this stuff out.
Not on a movie that is still in the process of being made.
And so much?
I mean... my God.
I could believe a couple of stills maybe...
But all of this.
No way.
No how.

So I find myself loving to look at the pictures...
And I find myself wondering what is next.
Because there is always more.
A lot more.

The 3 Musketeers! All for one and one for all!

I wasn't going to post these pics...
There are fucking EVERYWHERE now...
and seriously I couldn't find a good picture of the 3 of them...
So drunk Tom and Rob will have to do.
And cute Kristen in the middle...
Can you imagine being in a Tom/Rob sandwich?
I can't.
Lucky girl.

And now I've completely lost my train of thought.
Tom and Rob do that to me.

Oh yeah.
The WFE Premiere in NYC (London... Australia)
Kristen has EVERY right to be there.
She's with Rob.
Haven't you noticed the trend?
They turn up all over the place together.
Kristen going to any of the premieres is not only
perfectly acceptable
it's perfectly natural.
Will she show up?

I say keep your eyes open...
Because no matter whether she goes publicly or privately
with Robert to these WFE premieres...
I can guarantee you they won't be separated for long.
Yes. Guaranteed.
10 day limit.

Live it.
Learn it.
LOVE it.

This post is brought to you by the letter *H*

I can't get that image out of my head.

H for Hallelujah!
You think this stuff is good?

I predict FOAMY weather
(Oh dear... what's going to happen when
BD is wrapped and Rob/Kristen still are together?
So much for strategies, theories and plots... oh my)

Bye for now

I almost forgot...



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Mary said...


Thank you for taking the time to address this and I'm truly sorry it came to this. As you said, I don't know Syd other than the persona he projects here and I probably was harsh on judging him. I don't agree with everything Kami has said here as I'm quite positive everyone doesn't always agree with me. But, I do not think anyone deserves to be berated in the manner that Syd used and I would defend anyone here in the same way.

Sometimes a person's feelings are misinterpreted when transferred to written word and I truly think that was the case with Kami's statement regarding trolls. I know for a fact that she was appalled by the things they would say.

Everyone here, including myself, enjoy you and Syd dropping by. I realize this is a somewhat safe environment and I hope you both will continue to use it as such. If I've offended you that was not my intent at all as I truly think you are a remarkable person dealing with an incredibly difficult situation.

Again, I'm sorry this drama was played out in this public manner.

Birdie said...

I stay pretty clear of drama, but feel bad that this all happened. I have sensed that this was a "safe" place for all of you at one time and hope it will be again. In reality it is virtually impossible to live a drama free life, so maybe we all just need to make an extra effort to not cause it or feed into it. Here's to no drama, one day at a time!

katy said...


I prefer not to meddle in this issue, all I can say is I feel bad that has happened. I wish that you guys continue to find 'Roseland' a safe place and that you all continue to come visit us here because we all enjoy very much having you all here.

Wish you and the boys much hapiness.

Take care

Dottie said...

Good morning from LA! It's a gorgeous day here.

Not trying to get into something that has nothing to do w/me but I am reminded of that old saying... something about "walking a mile in another person's shoes." I'm certain we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of what Smitty deals with & if Roseland provides some much needed distraction then I am glad. Just for myself it has been a nice little happy place to visit and get a few laughs. I hope that will continue for all of us. Goodness knows we can all use a distraction from real life from time to time!

Have a great day everyone! Life is good! :)

Rhonda said...


You are an incredible person. I hope you know how much we adore all of you. I'm hoping you will continue to visit from time to time :)


Hope said...

Smitty and Penny,

Thank you to both of you for handling this difficult situation with tolerance, understanding and grace.
I too am friends with Kami, and know that a lot of this was a huge misunderstanding. That being said, hopefully, we can let go, move on, and have fun again. are loved here and wish you visited more often like you did in the 'ole days.

Smitty...continued happiness with everything in your busy life!! Please stay in touch.

DK...some cool music please!!

Rhonda said...

I read on MSN that Ann Landers actually promoted April 2 as Reconciliation Day. Ironic, or what?

Penny- Hugs :))

Syd- We need you to spend more time here. I haven't been wooed yet ;)

Back to work now...Bye :)

Rose said...

I really try to steer clear of drama here... I come across it so much everywhere else...
But that being said...

I'm not sure what good it did to dredge up old shit.
I had actually forgotten about all that and was rather enjoying the relative calm here on the blog.

I do want to say a couple of things.
Syd is quite possibly one of the sweetest, kindest
And most thoughtful people I've ever had the pleasure to know. Ever.
He is loyal to a fault, if you find someone who protects and defends his friends as having a fault.
I can say so much more...
But I won't, because he is also modest and humble
And is the farthest thing from an arrogant asshole there is.
I know people were just protecting their own...
I know some harsh words were said...
But its over and done. Let it go.

Smitty? I love how you love him... And how he, in turn...
Loves you.
Syd? What more can I say that you don't already know?

Hello to everyone else...
I hope you all realize how much I enjoy reading your comments. Thank You.


real pr pro said...

Smitty -- true loyalty is a rare thing in this world, and certainly nothing for which one should ever have to apologize. Nonetheless, it was very thoughtful of you to make sure that Syd's loyalty is seen in the right context.

"People with courage and character often seem sinister to the rest." Herman Hesse

"Do what you feel in your heart to to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt

real pr pro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LJ said...

I have typed and deleted so many things in this little box but at the end of the day, everyone here knows how I feel about Syd.

Smitty thank you darling for taking the time to post...beautifully put.

The main thing I want to say is I hope this has been put behind us all now.

Lets move on in friendship, life is wonderful and it really is too short.


real pr pro said...

And now back to As the Conspiracy Turns...

PRC -- your attempt to draw a parallel between the release of Eclipse pictures right before the premiere of Remember Me and the release of BD pictures right before the premier of WFE to prove that Summit is trying to undermine Rob's non Twilight films has a fatal flaw -- well,actually it has several fatal flaws but let's just concentrate on the most obvious one here -- Remember Me was a Summit production.
So they would want it to do badly ... why, exactly?

And no, I don't believe in Santa.

Just in plain old common sense.

Kay said...

People are precious and life is happy, really is what matters most. <3

angelica1 said...

Smitty,I think anyone would be exceptionally lucky to have a friend like Syd,you can't put a price on that kind of loyalty.He's clearly one in a million, as,equally obviously, are you x

reshma said...

have been regular visitor to ur blog for quite some time now......... love the way u write ....... great post today ........ i saw those pics when i was at work and just couldn't stop blushing........ and the video no words to describe the effect of it .I hope most of it makes it to the final cut with all this PG 13 talks i remember when eclipse proposal pics were released and what we saw in the final cut left us hungry for more ........ hope BD will fulfill this :).......

PS have got addicted your blog

Melinda said...

Now that I have come out of a headboard coma....

I'm sorry that the unfinished product has been leaked. A lot of hard work has gone into this movie. I hope that the person who did this faces some type of consequence.

That being said, I did see some of the pics. Even unfinished it makes me even more excited to see it on the big screen. Does seeing leaked pics make me a bad fan (cringing)?

The lunatic fringe is just that, lunatics. After all this time does anyone really care what they think?

PRPRO- thanks for the always interesting insight. To add to what you said this afternoon Chris Weitz was asked would a studio ever release unfinished stills like this and he said no way would they do it. Being a director I think it is safe to assume he knows what he is talking about.

30- I think it's awesome your mom is getting remarried at 66. Kudos to her for living and enjoying life. Hope you have fun at the wedding.

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Saturday (at least it is where I'm).

Unknown said...

For those still following As the Conspiracy Turns....

According to one poster on the IMDB message board for BD part 1, it's been reported that the source of the leaked photos was traced to an IP address in Argentina. Apparently, someone there hacked SM's computer and sent it to a young lady who lives in Australia who ultimately posted the pictures on twitter and other sites; which is how this whole mess escalated.

As Rose so aptly stated in her post, how much sense does it make for Summit to intentionally leak these photos, when BD1 is still in production and more than 7 and a half months from being released in theaters? Think about it.

Super RN Gas Passer said...

ROSE, SMITTY , SYD..and ALL ROSELANDERS...I find it "interesting" that it is National Reconciliation Day..How About That! How TIMELY!

We are doubt..We are emotional and for the most part like Syd and Kami....intensely loyal..I think that is why the clash is so loud..heh..But at the end of the day each one was trying to protect someone...for Syd it was Smitty..for Kami, it was her husband....

SYD...I want to ASK you if you would..because I beleive that you have it in your heart to do it...consider an apology to Kami and accept an apology from Kami to you....shake "cyber" hands so to speak...and be the "Example" for us all to follow and then..maybe some of the other Roselanders that are "conflicted" with each other...we might all could move forward from today and focus our energy on what we truly came to this blog celebrate the lives and careers of three very special people that mean the world to us..Rob, Kris, and Tom....and of course to applaud Rose with every post she writes..

By "shaking hands" so to speak, you are not in any way saying you condone what you find to be "over the line"..what you would accomplish with such a gesture would be of epic proportions...that you have the capacity to forgive the end you will sleep better at night ...(even if SHE did not return the favor..even though I feel she would if you would)...

Jane said...

The leaked pictures could have been a publicity stunt just to get the fans still thinking about BD. I also saw the pics and the video. Gah...the was like you actually felt what was going on, or at least, I it hot in here?

olivia said...

For Rose, Smitty, Gruff and Syd,
May you all have a lovely day.
Hugs for y'all and for all the dear Roselanders.

"The Glory of Friendship"
Written by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

The glory of friendship
is not in the outstretched hand,
nor the kindly smile,
nor the joy of companionship;
it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one
when he discovers that someone else
believes in him and is willing to trust him.

kristinson60 said...

Another great blog today Rose. I must confess I looked at about 6 pictures when they first came out and there weren't anymore than that at the time and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Rob on top of Kristen and the headboard gripping oh my word I had to go take a cold shower. But after that I didn't want to see anymore even before all the hoopla came out about them and everyone was asked to delete them and not look at them etc. I don't want to see a bunch of pictures and videos that may ruin the movie surprises for me and I kinda felt like I was invading on R & K's privacy.
I can't believe there are idiot's out there that actually believe that Summit leaked the pics to ruin WFE, do these pp; pull this stuff out of their asses or what. And as far as it not being Rob & Kristen in those pictures but their doubles a person would have to be half blind to not see that it is really them it's plain as day. And I'm sure they get enough practice everyday (if you know what I mean)to be able to shoot those scenes without a bit of trouble. I've even heard that Rob was joking about it that it was funny to him filming those scenes.
Well here's hoping we get to see Kristen at at least one maybe more of Robs premiere's for WFE. Have a great weekend. Ta Ta

DreamerKind said...

Short & Sweet for You All!

Happy Sunday!

I'm off to play and may stop in on the late shift.

No songs from me tonight, so maybe the other DJ's will have some musical fun.

Makes me happy to have my lyrics loved. Nice gift to DK, thanks chicka.

You rock the Casbah.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, just sayin'.

Melinda said...

I've gone back and forth on whether or not I wanted to say anything. Obviously I have decided to say something. I've tried to stay neutral with things that have happened here over the last few months.

However seeing the hurt people have caused by their words makes me sad.

This blog has been a place for people to take a "time out" from everyday heartaches, stresses, BS, etc. As 30 said this blog should be fun!

We may not always see eye to eye. I hope that in the future any petty comments that are made(b/c I'm sure it will happen as we are all human) are met with indifference/grace and not angry/harsh words.

As for the other stuff Rose said it best:

"I know people were just protecting their own...
I know some harsh words were said...
But its over and done. Let it go."

I sincerely wish that hurt feelings are mended and sadness turns to happiness once again.

Life can be messy but from the ashes comes beauty.

Kay said...

Well said Melinda...ITA

Kenzz said...

I vote for lighthearted FUN; joyous JAWLINE blogging; and the occassional naughty game of M-F-K for Roseland :) We shall henceforth be a "drama-free" zone, as Queen Rose has decreed! (Cue the trumpets!)

On a more serious note,I wanted to tell Smitty that your words brought a sadness to me as I reflect upon your unique position... None of us here will EVER comprehend your life (nor that of the boys', either)! I hope that the controlled situation you find yourself held within will ease with time, & distance from the "insanity"...The joy you bring to others shall be returned to you ten-fold (if the members of Roseland have anything to say about it!!).

On a final note, lots of love being sent out tonite to all my "friends" here; I toast to each one of you and your loyalty to those whom you hold most special...

Mary said...

I just wanted all to know I have deleted the comment I made to Syd, not because I'm retracting but because I don't think it needs to be kept available for the public eye. It was between Syd and me, he saw it and responded.

If there would have been some way to have that conversation privately it would have been preferable, obviously. Now, as far as I'm concerned the discussion is over.

Dottie said...

"None of us here will EVER comprehend your life. I hope that the controlled situation you find yourself held within will ease with time, & distance from the "insanity"...The joy you bring to others shall be returned to you ten-fold."

KENZZ, I got a lump in my throat when I read this. Perfectly expressed!

Kenzz said...

Dottie: We're all just sappy & sentimental at heart, I guess!

Hope you're enjoying your weekend :) We opened the pool this afternoon, so I feel optimistic that Spring is indeed on its way (FINALLY)

Freddie said...

Hi All,

I hope everyone is having a good Saturday.

Rose, thanks for letting us all hang out in this little corner of cyberspace, so dubbed Roseland. It’s a wonderful place with some pretty special people, so it would be truly sad if that changed. I hope everyone continues to drop in to chat and share a few jokes. Life is truly too short….

I look forward to talking to you all soon.

By the way...wonderful quote Olivia, and hello to all my other Roseland friends.

Unknown said...

As I stated in my earlier post, apparently the photos were stolen from Stephanie Meyer's computer by a hacker, and that person sent them to the individual who originally posted them on Twitter, and that's when all hell broke loose.

In fact if you look carefully, at least one of the photos has Stephanie's watermark embedded on it.

30 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well what is this fuckery. I get a text "READ THE COMET @ ROSE"

It took me this long to figure out that auto correct had turned comments into comet. I was looking for a meteor shower or some other cosmic event!

I'm sorry to see this squabble. Shall we turn the hose on Syd and Kami-?? I will say Miss Penny Lane, who I believe is a good egg, that Syd is many things. He's a slob. He frequently smells. He gets pissed drunk and talks too much. He can't sing. He tends to laugh when he farts and vice versa. He buys houses for women he's never met and enrolls the woman's children in school. He insists on mauling my girlfriend. And you are right, there are many parts of him that DESPERATELY need to be stroked but his ego is not one of them. I believe I retain the crown of most arrogant and I am not about to give it up to that git.

Now everyone play fair and stop this silliness. As for Syd, you all have fair warning. If someone hurts Smitty (or anyone else the boy loves) he will crush you like a grape. There are some character traits that run deep and in him, loyalty and concern for his friends, runs all through.

I hope the rest of you are well. Be happy--trust me anywhere you are tonight is better than where I am--hahahaha.

30 said...

Hello All! I just got home from a wonderful day. I you all are having luck,love and happy times too. :)

Smitty, classy, beautiful Smitty. I loved your post. Just sad you had too deal with BS.. again. And I agree, you have a protective loving friend in Dear Syd. Always cherish that, friends like him are very far few in between.As I am sure you know. I hope Roses blog can come as a escape from real life for you guys. And drama from now on can be left at the door, or maybe left at the PC is better stated. lol

Roseland my daughter is fighting with Sigmund right now he is like her annoying little brother she has a love hate relationship with! LMAO and I am about too ground them BOTH in about 2 seconds.

SueBee said...

I don't know...all I caught was "stroking" and I did a double take.

(Just kidding)

I'm all for everyone chilling out.

Rhonda said...

Hi Gruff- I couldn't agree more. It's time to move beyond all this and get back to the all the fun and happy times that Roseland used to be.

Lol, wherever you are, take care :)

Cate said...

Some things are universal…

Try it…



Freddie said...

Hi 30 and Susan - I hope you are both well.

Susan - stroking huh? LOL.

30 - Ha ha. I'm about to give my cat a time out as well (for different reasons). Good luck with your two.

Gruff - thanks for stopping by. I think people will be in agreement with your suggestion. Have as good an evening as possible.

olivia said...

For Roseland, Rose, Smitty, Gruff and Syd,

An imaginative song and vid called "Comets" by Cocoon, a French pop folk band. Enjoy!

Remember the chorus....

I wish I was a comet to crash on your field,
just to be remembered.

Freddie said...

Olivia - where do you find all these quotes or songs? How perfect.

Hi Rhonda and Cate.

30 said...

I agree SueBee. Gruffs "stroking" comment made me do a double take too! Then my mind went too many different places,places I will not say here. lol

Kay said...

This is just one of the reasons why I <3 you Cate! :)

angelica1 said...

Hi Gruff,clearly you're the voice of reason today, I hope you're not somewhere too horrible!!

30 - It must be a full moon or something, my dogs are INSANE tonight,I've just been downstairs to throw cushions at them,they were chasing each other from sofa to sofa then charging up and down stairs!!

Susan Hmm stroking........

SueBee said...


Perviness is a fine art. Embrace it.

Kami said...

Gruff: AMEN!

real pr pro said...

Gruff -- is Syd's house and school offer a package or is he willing to do school without the house? You see, I already have a house, but I do meet the other criteria you mentioned -- he's never met me, and I have two boys who could benefit from the rigors of an overpriced boarding school where the absence of centralized heat is thought to build character.
Further, I am willing to overlook unpleasent odors of all kinds if he is similarly open-minded about a thity year age gap.

Rhonda said...

Olivia- I loved it!

Hi Freddie and Cate :)

Susan and 30- Lol, that was a distraction :)

Melinda said...

Cate: This is why I flove you! You find the funniest stuff.

Susan: I flove that you "go there"!

Gruff: Thank you for that. Much needed to be sure. It appears that you are somewhere you'd rather not be. I hope the time passes quickly and you get back to where your heart lies. :)

30- Glad you had a fun time at the wedding. Hold tight to those precious things. One will be gone before you know it. The other will be grown up before you know it.

Hi Freddie, Rhonda and Olivia!

Rhonda said...

Hi Angelica :)

Hi Melinda- How was the game last night?

Cate- Too funny!

Aeden said...

lovely rose,

how are you doing today? i hope you're enjoying the weekend

i thought was going to feel giddy about the "leaked pics", not suprisingly-i feel angry-also @ myself for looking

how could those picture have leaked when it was supposedly a closed set?

and for those posting the pics=please dont.

as much as i would want to see breaking dawn-but not like this

those people who obtained the pics disrespected Robert & Kristen & their privacy and also the beauty of the movie

Breaking Dawn is a beautiful movie
which deserves to be presented in it's entirety- and not w/ leaked pics or screen grabs

Thank you so much to those who trully care about Robert & Kristen-for defending them

and you dear rose-thak you for not posting them- for respecting them

Have a wonderful weekend to all


30 said...

Angelica! It very well could be a full moon. Within 10 minutes Sigmund ripped ALL the toilet paper (got it OFF the roll), then decided too attempt too eat my pillows. On top on that jumped on my daughters lap as she had her lap top there playing her games. And that was it, She freaked.Then I did. LOL Doggie is in a time out right now!

Cate said...

Hi Freddie :) I you *HUGS*

Ooooh almost forgot
30 seriously CONGRATS to your mom!

and HI to anyone popping in while I'm running amok!

Freddie said...

Hey Melinda - very nicely put. Hope you are well.

PR Pro - very good! Clever.

Cate - loved the video. Where is it from? I didn't catch that.

Hey to everyone else.

angelica1 said...

Cate that was hilarious!

SueBee said...


Flove you too.

I do seem to go there a lot...

Rhonda said...

30- Your little Sigmund is adorable!

How did your mom do today? Was she nervous at all?

30 said...

Thank You Cate, :) And Olivia well stated above. A wise man once told me: Time is our worst enemy because it is the one thing we cannot control. The only thing about time you can control is how you spend it.

Melinda said...


For whatever reason I thought you were Angelica and I cocked an eyebrow at the screen thinking "how does she know where I was last night?"

Anyhoo the game was great. Tickets were free which was an added bonus.

This might sound dumb but do you work in the medical field?

angelica1 said...

Melinda - Maybe I do know where you were last night.....

30 said...

Rhonda, she was SO nervous. I stood up for them. So did her fiancee's (now husband) oldest son. It was a small ceremony 25 people then we had a small intimate dinner at a restaurant. It was sweet, the place had a huge skylight, the sun was shinning threw as they read there vows. :)

Rhonda said...

Melinda- Lol, that's okay. I wouldn't mind being compared to Angelica :)

Yes, I do..I'm a nurse :)

Freddie said...

30 - that sounds really lovely. I'm glad you all had a nice day.

Rhonda said...

30- Awww, you've just broke my a good way. That's the sweetest thing :)

Melinda said...

Freddie- I'm well thanks. Life over the past few days seems to be draining me but it should get better by the end of next week. Just really busy work wise.

Hope you are doing well too!

Susan- It's okay. My philosophy is it makes for a happy relash! What man doth protest a pervy woman???

Hello to those who have popped in....

angelica1 said...

30 - That's really sweet,I'm glad she had a good day :)

Cate said...

Melinda, humor is the antidote in life :)

Freddie: It’s the Graham Norton show

Gotta run…
Have a good night ladies!!

30 said...

Hi Freddie! :)

It was a sweet day, humbling. :)

SueBee said...


Makes perfect sense to me!


Rhonda said...

Goodnight Cate :)

Melinda said...

Angelica...LOL...if you did know where I was last night I would find that very interesting...

30- Aww that's so sweet. I hope she and the new hubs have a happy life together.

Rhonda- For some reason I was thinking you were in banking or something like that. Have no clue why I thought that. Saw a comment about you saving lives or something so I was confused.

Freddie said...

Thanks Cate. I had to go google it - which probably points out how complete out of touch I am. See...Roseland performs any educational function.

Freddie said...

30 - did Sigmund have a role in the ceremony? Like ring-bearer dog or "best-dog"?

Rhonda said...

I would love to stay and chat ladies but, I'm a working girl this weekend so gotta go...

Wait! That didn't sound quite right ;)

Love to all :)

Freddie said...

Night Rhonda - have a good day tomorrow.

Melinda said...

Rhonda- LOL! Have a great night.

I'm off to read. Or at least try to if I don't fall asleep.

Hope everyone has a peaceful night.

Birdie said...

Just a quick hello to all of you. Now this is more like it! Rose's place=happy place. Have a great evening!

olivia said...

Cate, oh my, I agree.....too funny! Have a good evening.

30, so glad that it was a beautiful day for your mom. How very special and full of happiness for all of you.

DK, I read this morning your post last evening where you mentioned the loss of another dear friend. I am so very sorry about her passing.
Hugs for you.

**Waves** to all that are here. I'm off to read for a while. Sweet dreams everyone. word verif. is
.....something I try never to do....
but .....headboards.....oh, never mind!

Will peek in tomorrow morning.

angelica1 said...

Night Rhonda :)

30 said...

I love the way you taste when your warm, creamy, silkiness slips softly between my lips, warming every inch of my body. Perverts!! I'm speaking of my coffee!

Ya all know your minds went too that gutter! LMFAO I saw this on FB and has too repost.

Anonymous said...

I only have one thing.... I'm being called a slob by someone who, for several years believed axe cologne was an adequate substitute for showering!

Anonymous said...

30. Don't care what u r talking about but please just say it slower and with feeling.

SueBee said...


That's gross but funny!

30 said...

Bawwaaaa! Syd.


Old lady goes to a dentist; sits down, drops panties, and lifts legs. He says, "I'm not a gynecologist!" She says, "I know, I need my husband's teeth back!"

SueBee said...


You rendered me speechless!


Good one

Anonymous said...

Lol. 30 that's brilliant.

30 said...

You have Krabby Patties in you're Krusty Krab infested Sandy Cheeks that are in your Bikini Bottom. No guy wants to put their Tentacles in your Squarepants. xD

LMFAO!!! I am not drunk, I swear.

angelica1 said...

30 - Wonderful!!

Freddie said...

30 - LOL - where do you get these from?

SueBee said...

I'll have what she's having

angelica1 said...

Susan, I have to agree!!

Dottie said...

Just getting caught up & LMAO at 30 unleashing the perv!

Hello everyone!

Anonymous said...

Well I was waiting for a friend but it's not to be I suppose.
Hope you all have sweet dreams-

angelica1 said...

Goodnight Syd!

real pr pro said...

A woman gets two dozen long stemmed roses from her boyfriend. When the delivey boy hands her the box she mutters "well, I guess I'll be spending the next few days on my back with my legs spread for these."

THe deliverly boy says, "I guess you could do that, but most people just put them in a vase."

Dottie said...


LJ said...

Morning all,

Happy mothers day!

Aww gutted I missed Syd + Gruff. Hello boys :)

30 LOL!!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

Much love,

katy said...

Hello, Roseland!!

Aww, Gald to see Gruff and Syd were here.

Be happy everyone and have a lovely Sunday.

30 said...

Good Morning Roseland! Sorry I left so sudden last night. Did I give you all blue balls? LMAO

Anyway, here is one for this morning.

2 old ladies sitting in church 1 leans over and whispers to the other "my butt is going to sleep" the other replies "I know I have heard it snore 3 times"

Have a happy Sunday all! Unfortunately my day will consists of me being on my feet all day and trying too sell Michael Kors, INC and DKNY. Bla

Rhonda said...

Good Morning Roseland!

30- LOL! You are too funny!

Have a great Sunday everyone :)

angelica1 said...

30 - You're on a roll!!Have a good day at work :)

Hi Rhonda,Katy and Liza :)

olivia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
olivia said...

(Repost w/guitarist's name)

Good morning dear Rose and Roseland,

I was sitting on my porch this morning having my coffee and reading the Sunday paper as the birds were singing and the clouds were floating by.
I thought about how peaceful the beginning of the day was and wanted to share a calm, lovely moment with y'all. Here is a beautiful and very well performed version of "Drifting Clouds", composed by the Japanese acoustical guitarist Masaaki Kishibe. The name of the guitarist who played it is "classical101-Shuo." Applause for him for the very talented rendition.

Have a beautiful day. Life is good.
Hugs for y'all.

Bren said...


Thank you so much for that video.

I put down my guitar years ago, and that video made me want to pick it up

We used to call it guitar picking, (in my day)and to use the capo on that fret with that high pitch, that guy is totally amazing...

Loved it, and I is good.

DreamerKind said...

Nice to be back to funny, witty, charming Roselanders and itself.

Thanks for any and all comments, for I do appreciate them.

Lovely musica and I'll have a listen, after a little nap after so much good food.
Yes, I'm pausing once again, to reflect on a friendship and love, now contained within.

Wildhart007 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DreamerKind said...

Bless This House
(Old-Tyme Inspirational)

Walter Midgley:

Bless this house, O Lord we pray,
Make it safe by night and day

Bless these walls so firm and stout,
Keeping want and trouble out

Bless the roof and chimneys tall,
Let thy peace lie overall

Bless the door that it may prove
Ever open for joy and love

Bless these windows shining bright
Letting in God's Heavenly light,

Bless the hearth, ablazing there
With smoke ascending like a prayer

Bless the people here within,
Keep them pure and free from sin

Bless us all that we may be,
Fit O Lord to dwell with thee

Bless us all that we one day may dwell,
O Lord! With Thee!

Thank you/TearJerker2011

Wildhart007 said...

DK think I finally fixed the computer

olivia said...

DK, so glad you are back. Hug for you. (The baton is officially passed back to you, maestra. )

Linda, good to see you too! Hug.

Wildhart007 said...

Hi! Olivia

Good to be back!

Hugs to you also! Beautiful day here in TN today! Hope spring has sprung!

DreamerKind said...

Good to hear that! I was about to call you since you've been gone too long!

As you will, do as you like, the more music the merrier!

Wildhart007 said...

DK call me any time. (sounds like a song..Blondie I think..LOL)

It has been too long.

Isn't Rob and Reese supposed to be on th CMA's tonight?

I'm from around Music City and never watch it. That may change.

Freddie said...

Hi DK, Linda and Olivia. I hope you are all having a good day. Thanks for all the music ladies. Linda - nice to see you.

I'm just stopping in quickly to say hello, before I head off to get some work done.

Have a good evening everyone.

Wildhart007 said...

Hi! Freddie!

Been outside with my kitten today, who is officially 6 months old now. Mom's cat is doing well also.

Don't work too hard


olivia said...

Hi Freddie,

Hope you have had a good day.

I also am off to do some work but will have the CMA on in the background. Will peek in before I am off to read for the evening.

Take care y'all.

Wildhart007 said...

Olivia enjoy your evening also, and don't work too hard. The reading sounds like a good idea.

DreamerKind said...


Joss Stone:

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore and

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two

Two in love can make it
Take my heart
And please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

Thank you/karla16sg

DreamerKind said...

Have a good time, doing your things.

Hi and good evening to you, too!

DreamerKind said...

Oh, we're getting some loud thunder around these parts.

May have to take a break, if the storm gets bad.

But, I will return.


DreamerKind said...

Where oh, where did my post go?
Guess, it wasn't meant to be.

Watched WFE videos of cast interviews and am caught up in the excitement-it's catching.

Watched CMA videos of Reese and Rob's presentation, and was charmed, for it's charming.

Looking forward to all of your comments tomorrow.

Hugs for all, and ya'll, y'all. :)

DreamerKind said...

Not gonna make it much longer, before the Sandman lures me to his place. Good day and see you soon!

Peace to all.

Birdie said...

Sorry I missed you. I am out the door shortly but will be back later.
All sorts of goodies out there today. I've watched a few interviews and the CMA's. Rob is at the top of his game in the interviews. He looks great and is his incredibly charming self. The interviews with Reese are fun and they have a wonderful rapport. It just keeps getting better!
Have a wonderful day everyone!

30 said...

Hi all!

Roseland Mafia be put on alert, Rob wants the "dicks" who hacked the BD pics found and given a HUGE wedgie! (I added that part):) Oh dear Robert oh I can tell you are pissed! I can't imagine what a stab that was too you all. Now can you imagine if Rob is this mad (and he has a very passive energy) How fucken livid SM and Summit are? I hope that hacker is hiding somewhere in the desert. LOL

In all honesty, I "heard" it was some person in Argentina. Then she emailed them too someone in Australia. Not sure how accurate that info is of course. That's all Twitter BS.

30 said...

Too add, I dont want too make it seem I am joking on the severity of these assholes who hack. I'm not, I just think Rob is hilarious in his ploy! LOL

Tigerlily said...

It is always a pleasure to read your posts Rose! You are a shining light amidst the chaos that sometimes surrounds this fandom .

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