The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Robert and Kristen- I Love How You Love Her

Yeah, I know...
Intrusive Paparazzi Pic.
But it has Thomas
With a beard...
all scrunchy and cute.
And it has Kristen
 squished up next to Robert
all smirky and cute.
(She is next to Robert, after all... heh)
And last but not least...
It has Robert.
Need I say more?
Didn't think so.

Yes. More paparazzi pictures.
Let's face it...
90% of the pictures we see of Robert/Kristen
are taken by people who stalk them for money.
I've discussed this before...
But I won't go on any self righteous soap box
about using the pictures.
Of course there should be LAWS against how they get some of the pictures.
The double edged sword analogy again.

The reason I posted the above picture of Robert 



(and lookie there... he still looks annoyed!
And no Kristen in sight. Imagine that!)


I'm trying to be all nice and shit today...
(No Foam Talk)
So I won't even venture into the 


At least not for today.

Pretty Ridiculous
Pathetic Ramblings
Progressive Rabies
Psychotic Ranting
Or not.

Just one thing...

Promoting a movie that hasn't even been made.
That won't be out for another year.
Impressive dedication.

Positively Rolling in the aisles

Robert is TWIRLING!

So much to TWIRL about...



All the lights are on...
But I'm afraid it is a dim bulb...
So they can't see very well.
And they are SO angry right now.

On that note...
I laugh.

Because I'm incredibly giddy and happy today.
I have been for a while now.
But my face is all smiley right now.

Be Happy.

It's more fun than foaming!!!


This post is brought to you by the letters *R* and *K*

I love him
I love him with Kristen.
I love that he loves Kristen.

I love her.
I love her with Robert.
I love that she loves Robert.

And keep smirking...
You have every reason on EARTH to smirk.
I'm smirking with you.

Bye for now


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 330 of 330
Melinda said...

Night Leigh- thanks for setting me straight- thought you were in S. Florida

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Ladies!!!

SueBee said...


I'll hold your hand but I won't sing that song!!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

That's okay SueBee :)

I'll be singing it for the both of us!!!!

(but only in my head... don't want to scare anybody away)

Bren said...

@ DK,

To you my little Leo Sayer partner...

This song "When I Need You" reminds me of Rob and Kristen when they were apart recently....

Cate said...

So BBL was not supposed to be THAT long!

Anybody want to adopt a new MIL??

Hi Susan and Tracy :)

SueBee said...

Goodnight Manjen!!!!!

Have a good day at work tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Cate... I told you to stop trying to pawn the MIL off on people!! Mostly off on me! I've gone one of my own already.


SueBee said...

Hi Cate!

Cate said...

I know Tracy, but sometimes you just want to share certain "gifts" in life. She is one that I would like to "share" with the world :)

How was the game tonight? Did I see a win comment as I was wizzin by the earlier post?

Cate said...


I have got to go back and look at that pumpkin something receipt you put up. I can't bake worth crap, but something about a topping and ohhh it just sounded like all kinds of goodness.

Anonymous said...

Tied 1-1 because officials couldn't agree on rules, and one dude was older, so the younger ref caved in and allowed a goal that shouldn't have been allowed.

The team wasn't happy.. but we'll see how it affects the standings going into the district tournament.

Elaine said...

Hey Cate!

Cate said...


Your still here too!!

Yeah!!! (happy dance)

Melinda said...

Was on a mission and I think it worked- we shall see.

Cate- loved the poem you did for Tracy.

You people are so good at this stuff. Me, not so much. Oh well can't win them all.

SueBee said...


The pumpkin muffins are a tried and true recipe. They are very good. (something about the streusel topping!)

Cate said...

Hi Melinda... little diddy.

Well the nastygram I was writing to Ms. Rocks was not coming out so well. Figured it better to channel the energy into something positive.

I can make a fool of myself pretty well (Big Cheesy Grin)

Anonymous said...

Was it a secret mission Mel?

Did you have to employ any Ninja skills?

Cate said...

Susan, that was it...the streusel topping! God...who doesn't love anything with that on it. Ok...maybe a rubber tire wouldn't be all kinds of good with it. But any baked good is always better with it.

Tracy, districts is a good thing right?

Elaine, did I see you got to see Em today?

Elaine said...

Cate-yup! still here...I see you're quite the poet, I like!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the familiarity. You read this stuff and feel like you know the people here. I just wanted to say after my 2 whole comments that it's nice to see a simple conversation, funny people, little hate and no constant mooning over the subjects of said blog. However, 'speaking' makes me very uncomfortable and regretful so I'm gone.

Elaine said...

Cate-yes, I went to see her today. She wasn't doing so great.

Elaine said...


You are putting my cooking skills to the test with al these recipes. Did I hear you talk about an apple pie? yummmm

Cate said...

Elaine...God no. Ugghhh...I want to do something but don't know what?

Lacey...come and chat. We don't bite...much :) Really we don't!!

Melinda said...

My mission wasn't all that exciting. Found a picture for my avi. Going to have to change it though because I need more sarcastic ones.

This one works for now.

Melinda said...


Feel free to chat. As Cate said we won't bite but watch out for Tracy's shed!


Cate said...


What does it say?? When I click on it it just says your blogger profile is locked?

Melinda said...

It's a picture of a man on a tall horse and it says:

Your high horse-get off it

Cate said...


Oh that is appropriate for today now isn't it?

Anonymous said...


I like it!

Elaine said...


Melinda said...

Well I thought so...

I have to find one that is about crazy people so I can pull it out when I need it.

The other I want on hand is a "blah, fing blah" one for those days when the nonsense gets overwhelming.

Melinda said...

Saw a bumper sticker the other day that said:

If I wanted your lip I would unzip my pants

If I can find it for my avi I might just have to save it for a rainy day.

Elaine said...

Mel-OMG the bumper sticker is too much!! just killed me with that one.

Anonymous said...

Melinda, have you ever seen ?

It's a funny site.

Cate said...


Omygod...Melinda...there are just too many pervy thoughts that go along with that sticker!

Atticus said...

Hi Rose,

We have to earn a spot here? LOL! Rhetorical. If Rose doesn't delete us, then it's good enough, don't you think?

I just have to say how wonderful and romantic it is that Rob high tailed it back to Kristen as soon as she was done with OTR.

Melinda said...

Tracy nope I haven't..guess I'm going to need to do a little browsing...

Anonymous said...

Rose I am loving all the "PR" thanks for a bright spot in all the craziness of this fandom. Lovin Rob and Kristen, and this wonderful Blog thanks Rose

Melinda said...

Cate- it's the best kind of lip service for either party don't you agree...

Anonymous said...


Atticus used FUBAR in a comment one time :)

Loved it!!

Cate said...


Melinda...Totally AGREED!! ;)

Owwww...Damn that gutter comes up quick!

Cate said...

Has anyone else had to ever explain what FUBAR is???

I totes thought that was part of common American slang?

Elaine said...

Good Lawrd, Cate-try to keep it PG's not after hours yet :)

Elaine said...

And BTW I totally for all

Cate said...

hehehe...Sorry Elaine...but have you seen some of what is on TV this time of day. Looks at clock...earlier even??

Melinda said...


Elaine told us once that you didn't get 3 kids by watching tv so maybe she doesn't know what is on this time of night...haha

SueBee said...


Yeah, fubar, it's a kind of candy right?

Just kidding.

It's effed up etc.

Anonymous said...

Oh geez.. late night tv..

There's a channel that comes on here.. it's called Shop Erotic.. Yeah.. I don't see how those girls sit there and talk about their "products" with such straight faces.

"And it comes in navy blue, so it's not 'girly' "


Elaine said...'re absolutely right. I have no clue. I like to concentrate on other activities :)

Cate said...

Tracy...ummm...does the color really matter? Isn't that the point is that they are "girly?"

Your area just really does have bizarre things...LOL...Steel Erection Company...Hung drywall??

Melinda said...

Speaking of late night "adult" shows...

have ya'll ever seen the show "Sex Talk with Sue Johnson" (pretty sure that was the title)?

The woman is like 65 plus years and is really quite frank. I'm okay with the frankness but the image of this older woman and sex was just wrong.

One time she tried to get into a sex was a sight to behold!

Elaine said...

Oh! and I didn't tell you guys...we got hammered at my friends wedding last weekend. I made the mistake of taking a shower before he was nocked out. Next thing I know we were working on baby # 4.

Elaine said...

Mel-never seen it. Gosh I can only imagine!

Cate said...

Oh...dear ….sweet lord...Melinda...

That mental image...I don't know if I should be laughing or gagging?

Grandma in a sex swing??? WTF!

LOL...they really will put anything on TV won’t they?

Anonymous said...

But Cate!!

The navy blue product in question wasn't for women!!


Cate said...

Go you decided to go for it? Obviously literally you did...but the 4th kiddo I mean?

SueBee said...


I'll be the one to ask...

What was the navy blue product????

Cringing while I wait! LOL

Cate said...

Oh...Tracy...I'm not sure I get what you mean? hehehehe

Melinda said...

I would like to point out that sexy g-ma was fully clothed at the time...

Elaine said...

Cate-The champagne made me do it :) we'll see what happens. But I'm kind of entertaining the idea.

Elaine said...


Anonymous said...

If y'all can't figure it out, I ain't telling!! But what was worse than that one was the one that "had handles, so it wouldn't get lost"!!!

And these two girls are acting like this is normal every day conversation!

Cate said... careful.

We "thought" about having a 2nd one for less than a week then changed our mind.

After #3 we finally figured we better make up our minds permanently :)

I'm happy for you though!

Cate said...


ohhhh boy...well a handle is helpful for those kinds of things. Wouldn't want to have to go fishin' after that now would ya?

SueBee said...

My eyes!!!! My delicate sensibilitie! My...yeah, I'm not selling the shock am I?

Handles? How...practical

Elaine said...

Handles are good, I think.

Cate said...


Susan...nope not selling that well AT ALL!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah.. I don't think there's anything I can say that'll shock SueBee :)

SueBee said...

My brother-in-law is an ER doctor and he's had some pretty gross stories of what guys put up there that get stuck and need to be medically removed. Seriously---ewww!

Elaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SueBee said...

After the shed, I'm immune to shocking comments!!! LOL

Cate said...

Can I just say the girls aren't much better about their body cavities and leave it at that?

Elaine said...

Cate-yeah, let's leave it at that. My imagination is running wild right now.

SueBee said...


Your imagination has to be running AMOK if you think I'm buying anything like that---even with handles!

Anonymous said...

Nah.. SueBee's not a customer.. she's just been up chatting with me during my bouts with insomnia and I keep sending her messages of OH MY GOSH!! WHAT THE HELL!?! 300 DOLLARS!?

Cate said...

Wait they want $300 for handles!!!I've got some ping pong balls we can attach by some rope, call it a day and make some dough!

Elaine said...

hahaha-I would love to get reception for that channel. I need to see all this stuff!

Anonymous said...

Then I have to explain the randomness of my comments :)

Elaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I think I'm just going to stick to the Cartoon Network from now on when I can't sleep.


Melinda said...

Elaine- LOL! I guess she was making up for lost time.

SueBee said...

You finally got me. I have absolutely no response for that! LOL

My blushes are blushing!!!

Elaine said...

Imagine our faces when we saw what she was taking home!

Melinda said...

It's time for me to jett...

hope everyone has wonderful dreams and a great start to the day tomorrow.


SueBee said...

*putting hands over my ears!!*

la la la la la la la la la

Where's my happy place! Tracy, go ahead and start singing to me again!!!

Elaine said...

Good Night, Melinda

Cate said...

Good night Melinda!

Keep those horse people in check tomorrow K?

Elaine said...

I should go too. Have a very long day tomorrow. Thank you ladies for a fun night. I really needed the distraction :)

Sweet Dreams!

Cate said... blushes are blushing with Susan!

Elaine how did you kept the innuendos in all day?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cate said...

Night Elaine!! time!

Anonymous said...

G'night Melinda!!!


Anonymous said...

Later E!!


SueBee said...

Calling it a night. I need to go splash some cold water on my face! LOL

Anonymous said...


I'm out too.. going into Ninja mode


Did you see that?


Cate said...

Good Night Susan!

*Hugs* and Sweet SueBee dreams :)

Cate said...

Damn...was going to say good night to Tracy but master ninja won't let you catch her :)

Night dear Roseland!

Thanks for the many shout outs about the Ode! Sometimes the muse is just right.

Leaving the light on....
whispers...sweet dreams

<3 Cate

Anonymous said...

Kami, I'm not looking for a fight. Tracy always leaves a comment saying "I'm not trying to be malicious" directed to me. All the time, plus at the start saying "take my advice", it's patronising and it is annoying.
It's never, "oh yeah kstewrocks it is nice there hanging out", when I've posted a nice comment.

I've told her before to just stop and give up commenting me. She doesn't listen, it's like talking to a brick wall. People have their limits. And she always pushes it, I've told her to stop commenting me, because well I'm not gonna listen. She always bosses me around, well it won't work, and by me telling her to just stop - and she carries on - she seriously finds it humorous and is looking for an argument. You don't carry on commenting someone when you've been warned not to. It's like a little child being not to do something, but they don't listen to their parent.

See, this is what I hate about this blog. You all side with someone who's apparently wise, for goodness knows what. It's unfair treatment. If you actually took the time to reply to my comments, the nice ones - and if I went overboard to you guys again - then you stepped in and said "hey not that talk please". I'd be reasonable. It'd be fair, no issues you know. You expect me all to listen, then how about - stop talking to me when I'm only posting certain comments. For some people, wow I know, amazing. They actually form opinions of someone, and think someone is cool when they're not all the time being bossed around by that person.

Leigh, you, every other user who tried it: said Tracy was cool. What do you all think I am, honestly? Oh right, gullable. Thank you very much for that opinion. Well I'm not. I form my opinions, if Tracy is being pleasant. I wouldn't say "oh take my advice and I'm not being malicious" is cool. I'd say that as "shut up and listen". So quite bossy. Now if she actually replied, and this goes for all who think it's humorous to boss people around here - to my nice comments - then I'd take the time one day to listen.

I won't be ordered around by some stranger, who only pops in to lay down rules as well as tell you to shut up.

Anonymous said...

And no Tracy didn't end it. It wasn't even what I'd call an argument. A disagreement. She thought she was being nice, and thinks I should listen to others who say she's cool. Okay, I'd listen to that comment, IF she actually bothered to speak pleasantly, instead of ordering me around. It's like respect, respect works both ways. She wants respect, she respects me too. I actually went off you know. :)
I do live a life. Studying a media course, and I've got my friends too. So I've got a life. I went to live it.

If Tracy is wise, she'd be respectful and listen.
So if she replies here, or on another post, then things will be settled.

I think it's fair to say I'm not gullable. The only comments I have seen from Tracy, are comments ordering me around. I don't see how she'd be cool. Is that fair to say? I think so. You can't base an opinion of someone being cool, when all they do is order you around. That's only the time they stick around. So Tracy, can you stop doing that please? Because if you viewed last night as a fight, when I didn't, and you think I'm argumentative, please consider why. a) I don't give up when someone starts attacking me - which was you b) I told you once before to stop commenting me in that way - that doesn't just imply for that one time only - it means in a whole. Don't order me around. I won't sit on the floor and be walked all over. Like you seem to think I should, otherwise why get pissed off when I don't believe your friends when they say you're cool. They are your friends. I'm not your friend. I mean if I am, news flash to me. Because we haven't talked one in a nice conversation - the only time you talk is through ordering me around.

Talk nicely to me, and then if I go overboard to you, then you can say "oh hey please not those comments again".

Wise decision. :) But I'm not going to apologise Tracy.
If you're wise enough to settle things, then you in my eyes are wise enough to stick your head in things again and wise enough to comment me over some other things.
If you don't want to settle things, I suggest when you see me commenting - you don't bother repying and starting again with the same comments "take my advice...I'm not trying to be malicious". Be on good grounds first with the person, for that person to listen to you. I wouldn't say we're on a good ground with each other, when you boss me around and that's the only time you feel interested in speaking.

Anonymous said...

So if any of you are friends with Tracy: please let her know and see my comment.

I think most of you always misunderstand me. And you never give me the chance. So you know what, here's your time to give me the chance.

And I won't view giving someone the chance as saying "But you always do this and that", listen and understand where I'm coming from. Because always pinnning the blame on someone, isn't giving someone the chance. It's just a way to make someone feel bad. I won't feel bad though at all, because you always attack me, each and every one of you - then wipe your hands and say "we haven't done anything". You only reply when you want to order me around. Any person wouldn't take that shit.

Some of you have picked up on that I'm young. I am. I am classed as an adult. And since you've picked up on that, I think it gives everyone who is apparently wise, the opportunity to boss me around. And if you think that, then the whole generation thing is fucked up. And I'd question why tutors expect the young to treat others as equals. Because the elderly/middle aged treat the young as just people they give lessons to. Well ordering someone around isn't fair. And if that's all you can do, then you go back into nice conversations with your other friends - then it's pure and simple ignorance. And true, that all you can be bothered to interfere in, is ordering me around.

So Tracy, if you want it settled then let me know. If you don't, that rules out your chances in commenting me but most importantly having me listen to you. Because you know, as I have said, I won't listen to you if that's all you can find yourself in doing.

Anonymous said...

And Kami, SueBee, whoever else is Tracy's friend who thought I was being horrible to her - well I wasn't. I won't fall for that crap, I've got a strong head on my shoulders thanks to how people have gone around already treating me. People thought they could push and push me around - and for me to not be affected. I came out as a stronger, no bullshit type person. So maybe that's where my "argumentative" side is. I think I'm just bold, and don't fall on my knees and let people walk all over me. Some think that strange and have problems when I don't fall on my knees and let people walk all over me. I find it a strong point. I find having people who treat you nice for one particular thing, and me just accepting it is quite a weak thing to do.

For example, you guys said Tracy's your friend and that she's cool. Okay, and?? She started something AGAIN when I warned her before, if that's all she wants to say, then to not comment me. She started it again yesterday. I don't find ordering people around makes that person cool. So what did I do? I didn't believe you all. I didn't go all gullable.

I didn't floor Tracy or be horrible to her. She replied to me, I replied to her, she replied back, I did too - then went off - then she continued it even though I'd gone off. If you think me saying she's malicious is me being horrible to her: well...It's just me once again not falling for that. How can you not be malicious when you've been warned to not comment, but you still do in effect annoying that person and pushing them? How can you not be malicious when you send the same old comment and that's it? When I post nice comments, no response. When I post that first comment which triggered her off because she misunderstood- she then wants to have an argument - if she doesn't - why only select those type of comments.
See, it makes a lot of sense.
So I didn't fall fo it.

I've repeated myself a lot. I do though, when I'm trying to explain my point and get it across.

So who's listened and interested to give me a chance and respect my opinion on the whole thing? Anyone? Because if no one is, then I guess all of you who dare to comment me on the odd occsasion - only look for fights - or someone to order around then wipe their hands of when I reply back and don't take it easily as they expect.

If a friend ordered me around, I'd be fine. If a stranger who wants to attack each time, orders me around, I don't accept that as nice behaviour.

So, please listen and understand where I'm coming from. If none of you do, I still will comment here. I just suggest you don't bother me again. Because I've made it simple as I can: I listen when I'm friends with the person.

Anonymous said...

I probably went overboard with my explanation. So before I go for a long time, I actually wouldn't mind settling things with Tracy. And to let her friends know, I wasn't being mean. Bye though. Have a nice day. (:

Can't wait for your next post Rose. I wonder if Rob and Kristen will be papped again. The drought seemed to disappear at the start of the week, and not one sighting, but two sightings there were. :D It comes in masses.

Atticus said...

Just in case...FUBAR

Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

@kstewrocks...I'm not taking sides but I get where you're coming from. I like all the ladies that come here, except for the sticky one. If you don't mind, I'm sending you a cyber hug.

Elaine said...

Cate-I think I said too much...going to take it off.

Kay said...

Good Morning Roseland :)

I am going to be chuckling about last nights conversation most of this morning - sorry I missed it. :)

(In case you take offense kstewrocks, I was referring to the conversation prior to your messages. I am not commenting on your messages as is my right as an individual. No more, no less.)

Elaine - I am sending lots of thoughts for peace an strength to Em.

Have a happy Thursday everyone!

Unknown said...

Hey all just a quick "POP IN" then I'm Gone for the Night!

I'm sorry again that you feel so targetted & hurt. I know you've told me B4 it's no big deal they can't hurt you, but to make so many posts in a row about it--Well I can't help myself but feel U R hurt.

Please try to understand how my head is meaning things (good, kind thoughts/feelings). I'm NOT SURE it reads with that intent. I just hope your frustration, anger &/or sadness is truly limited to here. If it is U can always walk away from it & go "Oh well". But if (like I worried in my 1st comment to U today--somewhere on 1st pg.) it stems from darkness in your RL then my heart breaks for U & wishes U strength!! Can't get away from RL! So if it is RL then I'll be your sounding board to vent, yell at/to or whatever to give you a release w/out any confrontation!! (Promise :] )

If it's only here I'm not much help. I can only remind U that U can always "walk away". Or U can just take a deep breath & go past any comments U find negative. If U like one "minimally" (can't spell tonite--ugh) discuss things w/them until U get a good feel that person truly understands, then get more indepth. If neg. comments arise on the sides (whether intentionally OR perceived) U can either ignore or simply say "Thanks for your opinion."

I'm sorry I'm not much help. Like I said earlier--we all have confrontations the age doesn't matter. While some (like mine) required an appology (from me)Because of a misunderstanding (how I thought they meant something). Others R just 2 or more Very smart & strong personalities w/differing opinions.

I do wish U a place to express yourself & feel happy. If its here or there (too much Dr. Seuss) I hope U find it!

@Dreamerkind 200+ pt. a shot. Well I think you've earned so many pts even my computer can't keep up! LOL We R all glad UR here :]

@ everyone I'll try to pop back in a bit. My 17yr old & hubby just woke my 3yr old playing some video game! Grrr...

If I don't get back, Love & hugs to all!

Melinda said...


Thank you for explaining yourself. I like the fact that you are generally nice in your comments. You even take on Honey and call her out on her nonsense.

I just want to say one thing. I don't comment back to every single person's comments (both positive and negative) unless I feel I can add to what they have said.

We try really hard here on Rose's blog to keep it free of drama and what is perceived as gossip against Rob, Kristen and Tom (since he is close to them both). Too many other blogs feed on the drama. It's nice to have a safe place where we can celebrate the positives about Rob, Kristen and their friends.

So in the future it might be best to not bring that stuff here. Chances are if you keep your comments positive you won't have people responding to you negatively.

And for the record, we always call out the drama and BS. You are not the only one who we tell to stop.

Now I am moving on from this. It is your choice whether you do the same.


Good morning Roselanders. Hope everyone has a great day.

(waves to Liza)

Anonymous said...


I really don't know what to say to you. I am sorry if you had your feelings hurt in any way. That is never my intention. I also don't think that anyone else here has that intention either.

You have every right to your opinion. We all do. I don't have to agree with it. If I don't agree with a comment--I skip the comment and keep going. I honestly think that Tracy was just trying to give you a piece of advice. Because most of us do feel the way she does. And yes, I DO consider her my friend. I DO think she's a pretty cool chick. I'm sorry you feel otherwise but that is my opinion. I too have the right to feel any way I wish.

So, I guess all I can say is we go forward from here. I will look at your comments like any other. It's up to you what you decide to put in them.

Now, it's Thursday and I have way too much to do. I hope everyone has a great day!

Anonymous said...

Liza...where are you Liza???

Hello Roseland-stopping by to say I hope you all have a wonderful day. Not sure what all the long posts are about but whatever it is I hope all is well and people are happy.


Anonymous said...

I understand where your coming from that being said,this is a r/k love blog that people on here get on along very well but some of dem peeps here tend to be very good friends and leave the rest out of their conservations just a fact:p the thing is every one on here sided with Tracy, had every one been supportive of both parties then things woundn't have gotten out of hand so you just outed your opnion that doesnt call for being bossed around. All am saying is that r/k lovers should be supportive of each other not bossing around b/c no one really needs it. It hurt me that your hurt and that makes mi feel so sad jst reading your posts lets just support each other Alright

Kami said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gwen said...

Good morning ladies!

Leaving you a this song to start the day. Just keep it light and positive. Ok? Lets just be happy and support each other and those people the reason we are here at Rose blog.

Cant wait for your next post Rose! Keep twirling!

Gabrielle 'Sunshine'

Made a wish, I can dream
I can be what I want to be
Not afraid to live my life
And fulfil my fantasies
I learnt a lot of tricks to help me live my life
You helped me find my paradise
When you came you were like
Sunshine through my window
That's what you are
My shining star
Making me feel like
I'm on top of the world
Telling me I'll go so far
Reaching out, for new highs
You inspired me to try
I felt the magic inside
And I felt that I could fly
I'm looking at the world in an optimistic light
You made me appreciate my life
'Cos when you came you were like
Sunshine through my window
That's what you are
My shining star
Making me feel like
I'm on top of the world
Telling me I'll go far
You are the calm
I am the storm
You are the breeze that carries me on
When I set adrift
You anchor me
You're there for me
Sunshine (oh yeah)
That's what you are
My shining star
Making me feel I'm on top of the world
Telling me that I'll go far
Sunshine through my window
That's what you are
My shining star
(Sunshine) Making me feel I'm on top of the
Telling me that I'll go far
Sunshine through my window
That's what you are
My shining star
Making me feel I'm on top of the world
Telling me that I'll go far
My star, my star..

Kami said...

Kstewrocks, I've always tried to respond kindly to your comments, because you do have the right to express your opinions and they don't have to match mine. I will admit that I posted a snarky response to you a minute ago, however it was not the right thing to do so I deleted it. I do sometimes feel like you are trying to pick a fight when you respond directly to someone one...however if I have misread your intentions than I'm sorry.

What happened between you and Tracy yesterday is something you two can deal with, I will however say that I find the fact that you accuse us of not knowing you and just responding, funny since that is what you did to Tracy.

Tracy, Leigh and everyone else you mentioned are wonderful people. Kind, caring, funny...and I felt then and I feel now that you were unfair to her, not wanting her to give you rules or tell you what to do, is one PERSONALLY attack works both ways, MUTUAL respect, and I believe that once you actually talk to Tracy you will find that she is a wonderful, sweet, loving, extremly funny person. There is a reason we all like her...and it's not because she's the "cool" one..I'm way beyond High School years where everyone wants to fit in with the popular kids...I like Tracy because of who she is.

Also i want to explain something...Kstewrocks..we've had horrible, vile and repulsive posts lately...from one person...they are disgusting and full of filth and hate..THAT is most likely why Tracy said what she response to those events...but I will let Tracy speak for herself. So I hope we can both know each other a little better now. You are free to express yourself here, but it works both ways.

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to TWIRL today
@kstewrocks pliz dont feel bad i understand you 100% ok sh!t happens just let go we just need to support each other and give positive feedback it all goes back to Rob&Kris cos we love them

Melinda said...


Miss you around here. We are all happy and fine. Just someone got their feelings hurt and people are trying to fix it.

Hope all is well with you.

Kami said...

I would kinda like to say though...I won't call you young, innocent or gullible Kstew if you won't call me elderly or middle aged. :)

Anonymous said...


Hi :) We are fine...just a misunderstanding. We miss you. Hope you are doing well :)


Rose is a Grandma...remember. Don't fight it...with acceptance comes peace! Bwahahahaha!!

I hope everyone is having a great day!!

katy said...

Hello Syd

Hope everything is great with you and company.

Take care

Anonymous said...

@ Kstewrocks
Hope you feel better

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm having to address this whatever it is this morning, but here goes.

No one 'sided' with anyone over anything. There was never a big argument, no battle lines drawn, no war waged. I made a simple, polite request that if she wanted people to stop arguing with her so much, she may want to not post some of the stuff she does. I was not mean, I was not directing any anger towards her and I definitely did not tell her what she could and could not do.

What people reacted to was her calling me names, and accusing me of things that she perceived that I had done to her. I reposted from a time where she actually said I was a nice person. I post here all the time, and it's not just to 'lay down the rules', because the rules are not mine to make. Several people tried to explain that. I wasn't fighting with anyone, I wasn't holding on to anything, and I didn't drag anything out. It was as good as forgotten when I left last night.

All I did was offer some advice. Nothing more, nothing less. If my intentions were interpreted any differently by anyone, then I apologize for that.

But I won't be painted as the aggressor here. My tone has always been polite and courteous and never laced with hateful and angry words. I do however think it's ironic that someone is getting angry at me for supposedly telling her what she can and can not do, and in the same breath tells me that she 'warned me not to comment to her' before. And attacking me on a personal level as she is accusing me doing to her. I never called her gullible, or any of those types of things, I never said anything personal about her at all.

So now I'm done with this. Moving on, over it, don't want to comment on it again. There's too much fucked up shit in this world to be worried and bickering over something like this. It's a new day, it's a great day, and I just want to celebrate the love!!

LJ said...

SYD!!!! I'm here!!!!

I have been working.....but of course at the same time day dreaming of you my wonderful, handsome, sweet Syd....

....I miss you :-(

All my love,
Liza ❤

Anonymous said...

Its a whole new day so lets just twirl maybe a new r/k sighting will come around am still lost in the bubble

LJ said...

Tracy my friend I am celebrating the love with you!


Hello everyone else! :-D

Anonymous said...

this is my 3rd post i believe,i use to be on a twilight site that was and still is pretty cool/positive and it took me a while to feel welcome/integrated, at first i felt hurt by an impression of being shunned by a community,felt like giving up but all the while it never occured to me to mention my feelings publicly , i tried being positive instead and told myself to stop being paranoid,that maybe i was wrong and so i persevered ,letting them see how truly i love rob/kris/twilight ,and eventually people started responding to me, getting to know me,and me them, striking up cyber-friendship that are still strong 2yrs later,twilight is our lynchpin but we've got so much more in common now!
maybe the same will happen here ,i'm a patient person will see, but i don't post often enough yet ,i'm happy enough to know my comment gets read!
sorry about long post but after scrolling through kstewrocks posts, i have to say its my opinion that constantly bringing up those perceive negative feelings u have are not helping people perceive u differently!
also its hard not to want to agree with those who want this blog to stay the rosy bubble it is as much as possible! this is what attracted me here in the first place after the war zone that is the AT,,etc...

SueBee said...

Holy Mother of Pearl!!! Seriously?

First things first--middle aged and elderly????? That's hysterical! I better inform my family and friends that I have one foot in the grave.

As for thinking Tracy is cool--well, yeah I do, but that isn't what I said. We're all pretty awesome if you ask me.

Don't lump me in a generalized bundle in an attempt to make a point.

I said Tracy is a good friend of mine and quite nice. She is.

As for liking her for being "cool"---I'm neither a senior citizen nor a senior in high school.

My friendships aren't based on who's likely to become the Prom queen.

We talk off board about real life situations and experiences that are beyond anything that is posted here.

If you would LISTEN you would understand that No ONE is calling you out or taking you to task.

I'm sure your pride is hurt by what you percieve as a slight but there are only so many ways it can be stated that an insult was not the intention.

I explained why Tracy said what she did and if you took the time to read it, you would understand.

I'm sure you will write back so you can give a response on being attacked, ignored, or both.

Respect is earned. I don't even know you--so I have no idea why you are taking this so far.

Does it matter??? Honestly?

If you are going to continue to insult and belittle my friends (I can quote your posts so don't refute it) then expect a response.

I'll tell you what though, if it sooths your pride, go ahead, have the last word.

There are other facets of life that are more of a priority to me.

I'm done with this.

P.S. Vote SueBee for Prom Queen

SueBee said...


HI LIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kami said...

New Post...come join us SueBee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Penny Lane,

Thanks for the shout out i am in sc so a bit far for u to come see me. i have a nephew in lansing michigan, unfortunately, he works at a research facility that is developing new laser not exactly what your lookin for!


Thanks also for your comments. I am glad im not the only workaholic out there!


I so enjoyed your post today...thanks a million and I will sure be on the lookout for our sweet girl!

I am getting so excited about Eclipse and am in the middle of re-reading it again for probably the tenth time> I am reading the part today when she wakes up from the transformation...I cant wait to see how that comes out in the movie..wondering if that will be where the second bd movie picks up at>>>>

Caroline said...

Tracy- Here's a little shout from me and The Cufflinks-

"Bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah

Tracy, when I'm with you
Somethin' you do
Bounces me off the ceiling
Tracy, day after day
When you're this way
I get a lovin' feelin'."

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