The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Robert and Kristen- The Best Is Yet To Come!

My oh my...
That is some kinda beard, Mister Sir.
You look kinda... Gruffy.
 I like it.
A lot.
It suits you somehow more than the polished Edward look...
But the fact remains that you just got off an 11 hour flight
and you still look fantastic.
As in fanFUCKINGtastic.

And who do I spy behind you?
Is it...
Could it be?
Adorable Thomas?
I have to say...
I've missed his face.
The beard suits him too...
Makes him less pretty... more rugged.
Pretty fucking OK in my book.

 See... these pictures are all kinds of delicious.
Robert back in the good ol' USA
(safe from harm)

A mysterious blonde!!
All the bases are covered!
Thank goodness for that.

People had Robert all over the place yesterday.
NY at some concert
which turned out to be Ed something or other
from Gossip Girl.
Sorry... but I NEVER got his appeal
(Is that mean? Oh well)
And to be confused with Robert??
Can I just say...
I'm sure he's a very nice guy and all...
But um...
No real fan of Robert would look at that guy and say
"Oh hey... look... it's Robert Pattinson!"

Just NO.


There has been a lot of blather about where Kristen is as well...
Besides NY with Fake Rob...
(Does that mean there is a fake Kristen, too?)
She has been spotted here there and everywhere.
It is amazing how many people fucking lie on Twitter
Isn't it?

I suppose I kinda get the fun of poking the beast...
(something I enjoy every now and then)
But to lie about seeing Robert and/or Kristen
is a pretty lame cry for attention.


Robert is back in Los Angeles.
So tell me...
Where do you think Kristen is?


Of course he went back to L.A.
He always goes back to her.
They always end up together.

Yeah. Yeah....
It's ALL work related.
Keep telling yourself that.


You shouldn't get upset that Robert can't seem
to stay away from Kristen.
I don't think he can help it...
It's like...
He's always pulled back to her.

So now I sit here with a big ol' smile 
on my face.
Like really Big.

And I'm kinda singing a song...
and maybe later I might even twirl a little.

It's good.
Great even.

Be  Happy!

This post is brought to you by the letter *R* and the number *11*

R for Robert Pattinson
My intoxication level is off the charts at the moment.

And it feels so good.

The number 11
That's how long the flight from 
London to Los Angeles is.
And how many 
Hops, Skips and Jumps
I've done so far...


Bye for now


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LJ said...

Ok have a good night!

LJ said...

Hi Tracy!! hows it going there?

Anonymous said...

Tracy--will you tell me what Smitty said? Please? They both said it was fine if you told me. They said they wouldn't be mad. In fact, Smitty said to tell you to tell me--she was too shy to say it again herself.

DreamerKind said...


Don't trust Syd!

Anonymous said...

Dreamer--keep quiet you!!

What have I ever done but show you love Dreamer.

Tracy--she said it was fine--tell me what she said!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

This is Smitty--you know how I love to hijack Syd's account and all so I just wanted to tell you that it is FINE with me if you tell him what I said earlier. I am just to shy to say it again but really, Tracy, Liza, anyone else who knows, its perfectly fine for you to tell him. In fact, I would really appreciate it if you told him.

Thanks so much!


LJ said...

Heh heh....nice try my love.

DreamerKind said...


Got it! :x

Anonymous said...

Still at soccer.. trying to do this, read an email, answer a phone call & send a text!

Syd my sweets.. what exactly is the question? I don't want to go back through comments on my

*hugs* Liza!

DreamerKind said...

Bawhaaaaaa and pshaw!

Anonymous said...

Tracy--ITs smitty again. Remember earlier when we were talking about being pervs and then I said something and shocked everyone including Gruff.

Well, I deleted it and I am too shy to say it to Syd myself but I want him to know what I said.

Could you tell Syd what I said. Thanks dude!


DreamerKind said...

:X means "being held hostage" right?

Anonymous said...

YES--you are hostage and there is duct tape on the mouth Dreamer.

Anonymous said...

tracy--really its fine to tell Syd!

Tell him the whole thing--word for word!

I really would appreciate it if you could tell him.



Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone :)

How are we tonight? *waves*

Anonymous said...


Hello this is Smitty on Syd's account. Were you here earlier when we were all talking about pervs??

LJ said...

Hi Leigh!

Anonymous said...

Ummm...for a bit...

Wow, sure are happy to see me??

Anonymous said...

I don't know Syd.. I heard a LOT of interesting things today. Are you sure you want me sharing? Because if I do, it might be impossible to interrupt me.

You know I adore you, so I'd prefer to keep quiet. Don't want to spill ALL my secrets.

DreamerKind said...


:0 !!

:X !!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Liza!

I see you are being strong ;)

Anonymous said...

Syd...all she said was for him to bring her a sub and that she needed him to....

Anonymous said...

I am happy--Leigh I need you to post exactly what I said to Gruff that made everyone go crazy. I am too shy to repeat it..

Would you please do that for me? I really want to tell him but I just can't--you know--I am so shy and reserved.

Just post what I said--when we were all talking about being pervs!


LJ said...

It's killing me Leigh.....he promised the good stuff--then took it all away.....ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Bwahahahah!! Yeah right ;)

The Sisterhood sticks together!

Sorry! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Tracy--its me Smitty--

Yes I want you to just repeat what I said to Gruff about perving--what made everyone react so much.

I am positive--



Anonymous said...

How do you guys do this on a phone?!

Anonymous said...

I am so very proud of you Liza. I understand how tough this is ;) Way to take one for the team!

I don't know that I would be able to do the same if I was in your shoes!

DreamerKind said...

(Duct tape being ripped off)


Anonymous said...

Honestly Tracy---the perv--I just need the perv--only read my posts love.

Thank you for helping me Tracy--you are a good friend!


Melinda said...

I'm back and he is still trying to get someone to spill???


Anonymous said...


Duct tape being reapplied.

Yo de lay leigh SHUTUP!!

(I mean that lovingly)--

Anonymous said...

Oh Syd

I could tell you... my battery is almost dead so I don't know if I can get it typed out in time...

She told hi

DreamerKind said...


Syd took me hostage and put duct tape on my mouth, can you believe that? The nerve...

Anonymous said...

Melinda--you too--into the barn!

Anonymous said...

Look...poor Tracy's battery went dead just as she was about to spill the beans...

LJ said...

'Yo de lay leigh SHUTUP!!' ha ha ha ohmygod I actually just spat my drink out when I read that!

heh heh.....I haven't even said anything!

Anonymous said...

Okay fine--I am just going to never come back here then--if I mean so little to all of you.

DreamerKind said...

(muzzled again but trying to speak)

woo-ooo-wwoo-woo-wwooowooo Syd!

LJ said...

You had better come back or I will hunt you down..........ha!

Anonymous said...

Oh know love you! We keep your secrets too!!

Melinda said...


I wasn't around either when she said it but if I was...well you wouldn't get it from me.

I will say that given the recent pervy conversation the title to Rose's post can be taken all sorts of ways! (wink, wink)

DreamerKind said...

Leigh, you got out, come get me! DK

Anonymous said...

Nope--I'm leaving. I feel left out as everyone else is in the know.

Its bad enough I am the only male--how could you all make me feel even more alienated??

Its just one little thing...don't I matter to any of you??

Anonymous said...


I'm from the South...we have ways ;)

It was my trusty Swiss Army knife ya know!

Anonymous said...

He'll be back!

DreamerKind said...


Mexican friends are taking me out to dinner soon.

See you all later.

Sad, Sad Syd & the Sassy Sisterhood

Anonymous said...

Ack! had to steal someone's phone! hehehe

Honestly, I don't remember word for word, but she did us proud.

Melinda said...

Oh please, you wouldn't know what to do without us women, Syd!

DreamerKind said...

Rather, friends are taking me out for a Mexican dinner soon.

Anonymous said...

Adios DK--enjoy yourself. Don't give me a second thought. It was nice knowing you.

Anonymous said...

Don't pout my sweets.. You know we adore you.

I'd tell you if I could remember, but I'm doing a horrible job of that today. I forgot to pack the kiddos soccer shoes for her soccer game.. 0_o

LJ said...

DK just wanted to say before you go you don't half make me laugh, I think your brilliant.

Syd my love you mean everything to me, but I would never betray a friend...........even for the promise of your gentle caress...

Love you Syd ;-)

Anonymous said...

So Ladies

I need some ideas for a work appropriate Halloween costume. I was Amy Winehouse last year so that's going to be hard to top!


Melinda said...

Tracy- you tease telling him you would tell him if you could remember.

Kay said...


Dear Tracy,

Sorry that I missed you when I stopped by for the brownies you offered this morning! I hope you don't mind that I searched through your kitchen drawers and found the key to the shed....and you said you'd moved precious somewhere else! Silly Tracy!! hehehehee

**smooches** Kay

Anonymous said...

Words...words...its all just words.

DreamerKind said...


Your friendship and kind remarks make it so worth losing Syd's esteem, because dear, and I warn you, he is a little FICKLE....

Anonymous said...

Oh Kay...
you don't think I locked that hottie up in the shed do ya?
(well played though... searching the kitchen)

I have a secret lair now.. and I keep that key nestled safely in the bra between the cleavage.

Anonymous said...

Ya know Syd...if Gruff wouldn't mind us telling could ask him ;)

I'm sure he would tell you...hmmm...mayne not!!

Anonymous said...

and obviously that should be *maybe* I can't type tonight

Kay said...


ggrrrrr >:|

We'll see........

Anonymous said...

Okay.. gotta go for a while.. I'm seriously killing my battery.

Be back on in a while!

LJ said...

I'm going to bed now Tracy so I'll speak to you tomorrow.

Night people.

Liza x

Kay said...

Night Liza :)

Anonymous said...

Night Liza!

Melinda said...

Okay I am going to watch Grey's and lurk so I'll be around....

Anonymous said...

Good night Liza

LJ said...

Night darling Syd *kisses*

olivia said...

I am so very proud of all of you, members of the sassy sisterhood. Love Syd, Gruff and Smitty. I especially love how you all had Smitty's back! Syd can certainly be highlarious in a sweet way. : ) Glad that Gruff is catching on to the clever and speedy repartee that goes on in Roseland.
Olivia (TX.)

SueBee said...


Sweetheart, you haven't given up on trying to get the secret yet?

Anonymous said...

Ha--I got the secret out of one of you!! I cannot believe Smitty said that--totally out of character.

Wildhart007 said...

Hi Roselanders,

Just wanted to say ya'll are hi!larious!
Took forever to get caught up. Poor Syd, no one helped him out! He was quite persuasive!
Have a good nite and I'll try to get in sync with Roseland tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue-

No--I finally got it. I knew I would prevail in the end!

LOL--really unbelievable--wow!

Melinda said...

So who caved???

SueBee said...

Like I said before, do I look like I'd fall for that? LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm not telling who my source was but I love her!

Cannot believe it still!

Anonymous said...

Sneaky Syd...sneaky ;)

Kay said...

Shameless, Syd...good try though! :)

Anonymous said...

Look sweethearts--I know what she said. Believe it or not.

And now I have the secret of who among you cannot be trusted....hmmmm....interesting how the tables turn heh?

I'm headed to dinner--you all enjoy your evenings!


Anonymous said...

He is quite the schemer!!


SueBee said...

Okay then, in that case we "the posters" need not ever discuss it since Syd allegedly has a source.

What a relief!

Next topic ladies???

Hi, Manjen!!!

Kami said...

The next topic could always be walking in on people without knocking, or the 5 freebie list

LJ said...

Erm I'm still here and just wanted to say it wasn't me!

Just in case anyone thinks I cracked under the pressure of his swoonsomeness!

Good night!


Anonymous said...

Hi SueBee!!

SueBee said...

Gather around ladies

*whispering* No one told him!

Hoping to divide and conquer and make one of us slip up.

Elaine said...

Oh sweet jesus how am I ever gonna catch up, you guys been having fun.
Hi ladies!

Anonymous said...

No of course it wasn't sweet Liza--she held firm.

But somebody did tell me so I don't care if you ever discuss it again.

I know--and will torture Smitty with it now!

I mean this is EPIC!

Anonymous said...

Manjen--what did you think was the worst part of what she said?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm..the worst part was probably that she didn't like tomatoes on her sub sandwich..

SueBee said...

OMG! Syd, I don't know whether to hug you or smack you on the butt.

Not gonna work!

SueBee said...

Exactly, Manjen. The tomatoes--don't think I'll ever be the same after hearing about the tomatoes!

Melinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


I know..Right? Who knew you could do that?? I am SOOOO going to try it!!

SueBee said...

No ManJen

I think that's illegal in Alabama

Anonymous said...


I'll tell you if it is tomorrow...hey, stay by the phone in case I need you to post bail for me.

SueBee said...

You got it. Friends don't let friends sit in jail!!! (Unless I'm sitting next to you)

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd have my back...that is why I flove you!!


Melinda said...

Hey Elaine!

Elaine said...

Hey Melinda!!! I'm trying to figure out what you guys were doing this afternoon. Have too much to read.

SueBee said...

Hi Elaine


Smitty and Gruff stopped by this afternoon

Smitty told Gruff---a secret not to be told on the board.

The rest was a whole lot of Syd trying to get the secret.


Melinda said...

E- No kidding. Apparently Smitty made all the women proud this afternoon with her epic perviness.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't about tomatoes--it was about something far more pervy than that.

Anonymous said...

Someone fill poor E in so she doesn't have to read 9 comments.

Anonymous said...

*gasp* who told you about the cucumber!?!

Anonymous said...

Nope--not that either.

really out of here--you guys can talk freely now.

SueBee said...

Yes, but who knew you could do THAT mayonaise?

I have to write this stuff down!


SueBee said...

that was supposed to read "with mayonaise"

Elaine said...


OMG you girls have to fill me in!! hahaha...I can't believe I missed it. I took the afternoon off from work to spend some "adult" time with my husband. Oh man, can't say I regret it...he had me occupied so I couldn't even check :)

SueBee said...


I'll catch you up later


Anonymous said...

Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Mayonaise...Oh MY!!

Elaine said...


I knew she had it in her, that's our girl :)

Melinda said...

E- I missed it as well. And you and I were being the most perverted the other night when she was all giddy and stuff waiting for him to arrive.

Elaine said...

OMG Syd-

You're after that secret aren't you? Don't feel left out, I have no idea about Smitty's epic perviness, I need to find out soon.

Elaine said...


Yeayyyyy...I'm too excited!!! please don't make me wait too long.

Melinda said...
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Melinda said...

Me either Susan!!!

Elaine said...

Mel-I knowwww...I'm just happy she was having fun. Lord knows I was :)

Elaine said...

SueBee-foot long subs? hahahha

SueBee said...


Wellll, technically he did bring home a 12 inch sub!

SueBee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ha--so it was about the subs we are gettng somewhere.

SueBee said...

Syd--you are so sneaky!

Still not telling and your tricks won't work!

Anonymous said...

That's enough to get Smitty going--just the mention of the size of a sub should be priceless!

SueBee said...

Now, now---we were talking about the size of sub *I* had for dinner.

You can even check

Elaine said...

Suebee-Whoa! the 12", god he was packing the subs ha :)

Melinda said...

Hey Susan-

if I email you will you fill me in woman to woman??? Keep him in the dark still.


Melinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SueBee said...


I almost spit my drink on the computer screen!

Elaine said...

Before you think I've gone mad, that's how me and my BFFS chat.

Elaine said...


Are you on FB now? this is killing me woman!

Melinda said...

Tracy was at a game or something. Battery was dying so she said she would be back on later tonight.

Surprised she hasn't shown up yet...

SueBee said...

Speaking of things we were discussing earlier.

Watching Spartacus:Blood and Sand

You think Andy Whitfield would run away with me--for say, 20 minutes, half hour --tops?

Anonymous said...

HA--- texted Smitty and said I heard she really enjoyed her footlong sub today.

You ladies need to understand....this is how we roll.

Gangsta Syd

SueBee said...

E--I'll get on FB if you meet me there

SueBee said...

Syd, don't you listen? That wasn't her--it was me

Elaine said...

Syd-You is the man when you lay it down gangsta style! Luvs it!

Elaine said...

Susan-I'm on it, waiting for ya :)

Anonymous said...

Hey--where are you ladies on FB? I would love to speak with you there sometime. Will you be my friend?

Anonymous said...

JACKPOT!!! Smitty sent back confirmation about the subs!!

Ahhhhhh--it took a long time but victory is sweet.

Anonymous said...


Catching up!

I'm hooooome! And I lurve my laptop.

DreamerKind said...


Are we talking?


I had Chiles Rellenos again tonight. And my Mexican friends were there after all!

Melinda said...

Hey T-

Susan is filling Elaine in on what Smitty said via FB.

Syd is...well being Syd.

DK- that's sounds yummy.

Anonymous said...

Facebook makes for difficult multi person chatting. It can get chaotic when you've got multiple chat windows open, so we mostly talk here.. but hey.. by all means.. look mine up by my email address.
At least you're not 60, living in GA, and have never talked to me a day in your life, and want to help me find God. That was my last friend request I got today.

Elaine said...


Of course we'll be your friends on FB...we'll chat ya up all you want.

Elaine said...


You're here!!!

Melinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ha--no--I'm kidding.

But thanks!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elaine said...

I know silly Syd :)

Anonymous said...

Soccer game was successful :)

Won 2-0. She got a goal and an assist. Ran over a few players, but then got taken out when someone kicked her and hyper extended her knee.

Hi E :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Roseland--

How is everyone??

DreamerKind said...


Having such fun with the Girls and Syd.


Melinda said...

We're good. Heard you were epic today!

Melinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Exhausted! Watching soccer can be a pretty crazy experience. Yellow cards, screaming coaches, some crazy person running up and down the sidelines.. the usual.

Elaine said...


DreamerKind said...

We're gonna make 1000 comments!

SueBee said...



Melinda said...


is the daughter okay? Ouch...

Anonymous said...

Syd--you are on FB???? Since when--rofl!

where are you guys dude? You coming here or what?

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I'm home! It's difficult to try to do this on a phone. Text messages going off, phone calls coming in.. people trying to talk to me... AND I forgot to take her soccer shoes, had to go buy new ones because it was quicker than coming home

It's been quite a night.

Anonymous said...

Sueeeeeeeee!! LOL--how are you?

God Tracy--that sounds horrible! Is she okay?

How was your sub Sue??

(Okay I just typed about 5 things and can't do it-lol-so lame)

Anonymous said...

Hi DK,

I was not "epic"--I have no idea what you mean-lol!

It was all Sue and the other pervs--not me!!

SueBee said...

Smitty--my sub was awesome--thanks for asking

How was yours?

Syd is trying to get us to tell him what you deleted but we won't do it!

Elaine said...


You're here!

Anonymous said...

My friend checked her out, she's got a compression brace on it to help reduce the swelling, she's in pain, but she's walking.. which is a good sign. Going to give it a day or two and see what happens with it.. if it starts to get wonky, then my gf is going to fast track her into the doctors office.

But hey.. at least she scored a goal before she had to sit out! :)

SueBee said...


I tried to convince him it was me, but who listens????


Anonymous said...

I'm not on fb--it was a joke.

We'll be there in a bit--our bud is working on a girl here--may have some additional baggage when we come. Is that cool?

Melinda said...

T- glad to hear that it isn't any worse. Still ouch...

SueBee said...


Is she okay?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your daughter Tracy but congrats on the goal.

Elaine said...


I missed you...I spent the whole afternoon holed up in a hotel with ma man!!! Fucking God am I feeling relaxed!

Anonymous said...

It's not the worst she's had.. believe it or not. She's actually cracked her nose before.

But she's a tough cookie :)

She'll be back on the field for the next game next week.

SueBee said...

I don't recall saying anything was epic--at all

Anonymous said...

NOoooooo--not cool at all. Not in the mood. Abort abort abort...

seriously, keep the hook-ups away please. No patience for that tonight--sorry. you guys stay there--its cool--we can just hang.

Thank you all for keeping my secret but it wasn't that big a deal was it. Maybe it was worse than I intended-lol--

Elaine said...

T-Glad she's OK. That must have been scary.

Anonymous said...


Yeah.. that's all I got right now.. My head is kinda on information overload. MY hubster sends me google chat messages as soon as I pop online... won't leave me alone, and he's not even in the same state as me right now!

Anonymous said...

E--seriously?? Omgod--that's awesome.

Good for you!

SueBee said...


I don't think it was bad at all but I didn't want to take any chances in betraying your confidence


Anonymous said...

I told him I'd tell him, but that if I started talking, I wouldn't want to be interrupted....

Anonymous said...

Okay--that could be awkward...I think you and gruff were the bait. LOL!

Elaine said...


I have a question-In the past week my husband has asked me three times if I want another baby. Should I be worried? Should I be GOHD?

Anonymous said...

ROFL Tracy because it would be


I love you!

SueBee said...

3 times---yeah, I'd worry!

Melinda said...


What is GOHD first off?

Elaine said...


Hell had been a week babe...we were dying! And I had been to tired for our 3 am dates :)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elaine said...

M-you know get off his...

Elaine said...

SueBee-I'm starting to. I'm 35, I can't do babies at this age.

SueBee said...



Anonymous said...

No problem Sue--I really don't care right now--lol--pretty mellow tonight.

Syd--that is exactly why I don't want that madness here. really kill that please. Just tell them we are tired and leaving now....which is true. Sorry--is that mean? I just don't want to deal with it.

Melinda said...

Obviously my head isn't working right tonight-that should have been easy.

Anywhoo...I would be worried. How many kids do you have already? Same gender?

Elaine said...

M-maybe you need some rest :)
We have 3 boys...with Em here I think he's liking the idea of a girl.

DreamerKind said...


I had my last at 38 and she's the 22yr old charmer here. (Seriously, I love her so.) Keeps me younger and crazy, so I can keep up on Roseland.

SueBee said...


oh, that's good then.

Anyone ever try Mike's Margaritas?
They are pretty good!

Anonymous said...

Done Smitty--no worries love. Are you guys alone there? Gruff's phone is either off or dead. You might want to call some friends...the stop sign lurkers were there again.
Hey-call me--this is too hard and I want to be sure you are okay.

Elaine said...

DK-Really, that was not hard for you? I mean I have a 3 yr old and he keeps me pretty busy. But I just feel like I have more freedom now...and I like it. Not having to worry about little babies and all.

DreamerKind said...


Like in Mike's Hard Lemonade, Mike's?

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