The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Robert and Kristen- The Best Is Yet To Come!

My oh my...
That is some kinda beard, Mister Sir.
You look kinda... Gruffy.
 I like it.
A lot.
It suits you somehow more than the polished Edward look...
But the fact remains that you just got off an 11 hour flight
and you still look fantastic.
As in fanFUCKINGtastic.

And who do I spy behind you?
Is it...
Could it be?
Adorable Thomas?
I have to say...
I've missed his face.
The beard suits him too...
Makes him less pretty... more rugged.
Pretty fucking OK in my book.

 See... these pictures are all kinds of delicious.
Robert back in the good ol' USA
(safe from harm)

A mysterious blonde!!
All the bases are covered!
Thank goodness for that.

People had Robert all over the place yesterday.
NY at some concert
which turned out to be Ed something or other
from Gossip Girl.
Sorry... but I NEVER got his appeal
(Is that mean? Oh well)
And to be confused with Robert??
Can I just say...
I'm sure he's a very nice guy and all...
But um...
No real fan of Robert would look at that guy and say
"Oh hey... look... it's Robert Pattinson!"

Just NO.


There has been a lot of blather about where Kristen is as well...
Besides NY with Fake Rob...
(Does that mean there is a fake Kristen, too?)
She has been spotted here there and everywhere.
It is amazing how many people fucking lie on Twitter
Isn't it?

I suppose I kinda get the fun of poking the beast...
(something I enjoy every now and then)
But to lie about seeing Robert and/or Kristen
is a pretty lame cry for attention.


Robert is back in Los Angeles.
So tell me...
Where do you think Kristen is?


Of course he went back to L.A.
He always goes back to her.
They always end up together.

Yeah. Yeah....
It's ALL work related.
Keep telling yourself that.


You shouldn't get upset that Robert can't seem
to stay away from Kristen.
I don't think he can help it...
It's like...
He's always pulled back to her.

So now I sit here with a big ol' smile 
on my face.
Like really Big.

And I'm kinda singing a song...
and maybe later I might even twirl a little.

It's good.
Great even.

Be  Happy!

This post is brought to you by the letter *R* and the number *11*

R for Robert Pattinson
My intoxication level is off the charts at the moment.

And it feels so good.

The number 11
That's how long the flight from 
London to Los Angeles is.
And how many 
Hops, Skips and Jumps
I've done so far...


Bye for now


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SueBee said...

Seriously---think Andy Whitfield would run away with me for at least 10 minutes? LOL


Melinda said...

E- I kinda think that you are the one who will have to carry and deliver so...

Smitty- I don't think you are being mean, it's your house.

SueBee said...

Yes! The makers of Mike's Hard Lemonade make Margaritas too. They are pretty flippin' awesome!

DreamerKind said...


It wasn't hard at 38 but I only had 2. One boy, almost 30 and the daughter.

It's harder now because they are cutting the apron strings, and aren't nice about it. Then when I want my freedom to fly, then try to clip my wings.

But, I could be alone, with no one to battle or love in comparison.

Elaine said...

SueBee-I'm sure he would. And let me tell you...he looks like he could give you more than 10 mins of his time.

Anonymous said...

Is it bad that I've only half listened to whatever my hubster is prattling off at the moment? He's driving through to get dinner, and he's giving me a play by play!!


Anonymous said...

And SueBee, I bet he'd run away with you for MORE than 10 minutes. You'll need more time than that to work him up properly!!

Take your time and savor it woman!

Anonymous said...
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SueBee said...

E- I didn't want to be too greedy. I figured I would request 10 minutes and then beg for more!

(Did I say that out loud?)

Damn lost my TMI filter again


Anonymous said...


DreamerKind said...


That hubster is c-r-a-z-y about you!

Caroline said...
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Anonymous said...

E-you should have a million babies. You are a good person and the world needs more people raised by good mothers.

Melinda said...
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DreamerKind said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elaine said...

Suebee-you kill me woman! I love it!

Anonymous said...

And the interruptus is still there too, I think..

Up to you on that one.

Melinda said...

Glad you saw that- hope I didn't sound rude

Anonymous said...

But I loved it :)

I knew you'd get it.. it went straight over his head.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry--Mel you didn't sound rude...nobody did. I'm sorry I'm too stupid to get it right.

DreamerKind said...

Those Mike's Margs sound real good. I had some custom one tonight with Manik tequila (which has been discontinued) and it's giving me a headache.

Anonymous said...

Tracy--I stopped listening to this conversation about a bottle of wine no its not bad.

Elaine said...


I love babies but I don't know if I have the energy. Plus we've been talking about Em and what will happen when she turns 18 and is out on her own. We would like her to stay with us. We have 3 and her would be 4. And right now I'm 35, by the time I get pregnant and have this baby I'll be close to 36 if not more. And where would I put all this kids...we'd have to get a house, a big one just to fit our brood.
Hahahah...imagine me with all these kids!

Melinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Cool beans

Lordy, I think my lips are chapped :( windy tonight at the game.

SueBee said...


We've all had those days, huh?

I'll toast your wine with my margarita!



DreamerKind said...

Yesterday, I never tapped that champagne cause I was a hostage to the telephone.

Maybe now. That's it, get rid of the tequila headache with bubbly.

Melinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm not drinking anything tonight.. with the way my day's gone, who knows what might happen!! Seriously, I can't focus at all right now

See there.. just now? I thought I hit the publish your comment button and nothing happened. It confused me.

Anonymous said...

Melinda, please drop it.. We're good.

Elaine said...

DK-I love champagne. Please open it and enjoy.
My husband kept the wine flowing today...he was "wooing" me all day long :)

Caroline said...

Hi everyone,

I'm just checking in from work during my break. It's a very sad night here at the hospital so I would greatly appreciate it if someone would have a drink (or two)for me tonight. Thanks for the laughs...I needed it.

Take care

Anonymous said...

Who wants to come clean my house? Seriously..

You'd think having only ONE child.. it'd be easier to keep a house clean.. but NOoooooOOOOooooOooo..

Her shit is EVERYWHERE!

Anonymous said...

I don't know E--I can see both sides. And really, if you will end up with E--and I pray you do--than it ight be hard having her and then a baby--and who says it will be a girl right> Seems like you guys make boys.

I love that E will be with you forever though. How long till she is 18?? I hope soon.

DreamerKind said...


Hold tight to that woo.


"Big Hug" and I thank you for choosing to give so much in the service of others, in this world.

Anonymous said...

Where's Rose??

Elaine said...

T-I'll clean yours if you clean mine. Imagine how mine looks. I'd like to take a min to ask who was the childless fool that invented glitter glue...would you happen to know?

Anonymous said...

I've got you covered Caroline.

Anonymous said...

This one's for Liza....
Because I missed talking to you earlier..

Because I have a tiara.. Your argument is invalid.

:) :) :)

SueBee said...

Sweeeeet Caroline---(you know the rest)

I'll have one for you!

DreamerKind said...

So, I know that I usually sound a little batty, but I do know couples who planned for their chosen sex of their children, by having a good time on a certain day of the week. It worked. Just sayin'.

Melinda said...


I hate glitter glue! I think it is men that create it since they aren't around to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

And here's you know who.. being all "tell me tell me" earlier..

I love these pictures.. hehehehe

SueBee said...

You know what Caroline, I think I already did but just to be on the safe side...I'll open another

Anonymous said...


Kinda sorta

Elaine said...


She won't be 18 until may of next we have a bit to go. We're trying really hard to make thist happen. Keep your fingers crossed.
Am I really bad for wanting to get matching tattoos with her? We spoke about getting the word strength. With the E in caps. Watcha think?

DreamerKind said...

Like, men who invent "things" for women to deal with, i.e. Howard Hughes and the pointed nipple bra.

Anonymous said...

All right, all right.. back to the blatant again.

Cause I totally own his ass in the woo department. :)

Anonymous said...

I need to leave this place NOW--okay how do I get his attention because he's being overly polite to these dickheads.

Elaine said...

T-Love all the pics...A and the chipmunks are too cute!

Melinda said...

E- I like!

Anonymous said...

OMG.. E! Tattoos!!!!! Something else to do when I visit!!

And I like the strength idea.. Does she have to be 18 to get it? I know here, it's not legal before 18, even with parent permission.

Elaine said...

1Rosefan-I would tell you but this is a public place :)

SueBee said...


Tell him you left your underwear in the car

It could work!


Anonymous said...

E--that's not TOO long (okay it is but what are you going to say.

I think the tattoo thing sound cool--if it makes you guys happy do it.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. walk up, give him a discreet squeeze and whisper that you're feeling pervy. That'll end any other conversations that he might be having.

Anonymous said...

Haha--why did I ask you pervs that--I cannot say that SUE.
I like your picture--you are too funny.

Anonymous said...



is this where I say "Eat fresh!"

Anonymous said...


start rubbing at your forehead and temples like you've got a mother fucker of a headache every time he looks at you. Try to look ill.

SueBee said...


Sure you can! Just make sure to whisper!

Okay, something non pervy to get a guy's attention...


Elaine said...


Technically she does, but not really. We have a buddie that can help. And totally...another one for the TO DO list for T's NYC visit!

M-You like? I thought it was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Stop you guys--seriously--I can't do anything like that--lol!

Would any of you seriously do any of that? I doubt it--really--who could do it?

DreamerKind said...

Would he read a text instead?

Melinda said...
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Melinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well..... Uhm....


I plead the 5th?

SueBee said...


Trip and spill your drink on the guy?


SueBee said...


Probably not but it made you smile, yes?


Anonymous said...


OOPS! Sorry.. didn't mean to spill my *entire* drink on you douche bag.. Guess that means you're going to want to go.. Awwww... too bad!

And then make a quick exit.

SueBee said...


Hi five! And we have a game plan.

Melinda said...

E- any thoughts on where you would put it (the tat)?

Elaine said...


You doubt us? I once waited for my husband sitting on the table (you can imagine how) and all I said when he walked in was dinner's ready. :)

Anonymous said...

You and me, SueBee.. master planners..

tomorrow? World domination!!

Elaine said...

M-My hip.

SueBee said...

Elaine! Gah! Warn a person!

There goes my drink! LOL

SueBee said...


Yes we are so ready to rule the world

Damn now I've got that stupid Tears for Fears song stuck in my head

Kami said...

Drive by comment I know,but just had to say...Smitty I've sat through more boring ass work dinners, parties, etc...and if it will get my out of one quickly, there's very little I would not do...including being a perv..night all

Melinda said...

E- you sound like my kind of woman!

It should never be boring....

Anonymous said...

Oh lord.. it's a good thing nobody's expecting me to give a serious answer..

I just saw E's comment, and then
M-My hip.

Kind of had a WTF?!?!? moment.

Then I realized.. and calm was restored.

Elaine said...


And I woud literally take my underwear off and put them in his pocket. That shit would get us home in a flash!

SueBee said...

I've been known to trip and spill a drink or two. But that's only because I'm clumsy.

Anonymous said...

DK --his phone is off.

He's almost done. This guy is a douche--I would like to spill something but I shouldn't. Its not his fault he's an idiot and has dog shit breath. AND if he fucking touches my leg one more time I will kick him in the nuts. That's 3 times--dude, get your fucking hands off me. And all three times he said "oh sorry--excuse me"

Anonymous said...

E! Omgod--you are my hero....I could never do that.

Elaine said...

Ladies-Sorry, was that too much? you don't get 3 kids by sitting around watching TV. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, Smitty.. ya know what I'd do. ;)

Just say "stop touching my leg" loud enough for Gruff to hear, and I guarantee that little tete a tete with the douche is over right quick and in a hurry.

Melinda said...


Ewww...a disgusting perv....

SueBee said...

That would do it!

Elaine said...

Rosefan-Spill the drink, do it! WTF! what an ass that guy is.

Anonymous said...

Conveniently he did it when Gruff was either talking to the other guy or the server guy. he's scum.

Do you guys ever just meet people and KNOW right away they are scum. Like I could tell 1 second in the guy was a sleeze and a liar.

He just told us this whole story and I be the whole thing was bullshit.

Melinda said...

E- doesn't bother me...I should tell you what my female doctor once told me..or maybe not...this is a public blog after all.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'll shut up...--

E--you didn't say too much--that's my job (lol)--I mean it though. I could never fucking pull that off.

Melinda said...


of course he did it when Gruff wasn't paying attention. He has no balls.

Elaine said...

Rosefan-He better not let Gruff see him or he'll be in serious shit. Fucking ass...what an idiot. That really gets me pissed.

SueBee said...


Yes! I can usually tell if a person is creepy with in the first 5 minutes

SueBee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh yeah.. I've met creepers like that. You know instantly that he's just a douche.

Maybe next time he does it, pretend to be startled.. loud enough to get Gruff's attention so if he asks what.. say that the guy touched your leg and it startled you.

Elaine said...


Of course you'll drive him crazy with that one.
Come on, bring the sexy on for your man :)

Elaine said...

M-Ohhh sounds like a juicy story...please do tell, it is after hours...right?

Gosh ladies...too much fucking wine's got me going tonight.

SueBee said...

Don't let that dick get away with that! Poor a drink on his lap.

WHat an asshole!

DreamerKind said...

I'd pinch him somewhere, anywhere, really hard, and say, "Oh, sorry"

Anonymous said...

So not me...I can't do that stuff.

You know what's gross..he liked rubbed his finger when he bumped me --I can't fucking describe it but it was just slimy. Like his thumb rubbed my knee. GAG!

I can see once by accident, twice by stupid, but three times he's trying to do it.

He made Gruff call his niece too--just to say hello. cuz that's not too fucking awkward.

DreamerKind said...


God, I wish we were there and could surround him.

Anonymous said...

OH! I got it

Pretend you have something on YOUR phone, and you need him to see it.. and have a message typed out that says "This fucker is touching me and I'm ready to go"

SueBee said...

Ohhhhh! I so hate this guy now! Don't let him take advantage of your kindness.

Spill the drink! Make it look like an accident!

SueBee said...


That is the best idea ever!!!!!! After she spills the drink on his lap

Anonymous said...

K--Tracy--that might work. He's just too fucking polite I swear.

I thought they were done anyway but its like diarrhea of the mouth night with these two idiots and Gruff's too polite.

Elaine said...

1Rosefan-Let Gruff know. That's just wrong. eww...I can only imagine how you feel. Can't you switch seats or something?

SueBee said...

After show Gruff the phone spill the drink as you are getting up!

Elaine said...

1Rosefan-Once Gruff hears about the knee touching I'm sure polite will be out the window.

Melinda said...

E- I was just thinking that. Because that totally crossed the line.

SueBee said...

Okay, so politely spill the drink. Say "Oh, excuse me" and dump it!

Anonymous said...

*keeping fingers crossed that it's working*

SueBee said...

Oh, I so hope the plan is in action RIGHT now.

Elaine said...

T-Me too.

Melinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DreamerKind said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melinda said...

I hope it is working too. She shouldn't have to put up with that.

Caroline said...


I can understand being polite and supporting your guy during a boring business dinner (we've all been there & done that), but this jerk has crossed the line 3 times. I'm sure Gruff wouldn't want you to sit there and tolerate this type of inappropriate touching even on his behalf. I vote for showing Gruff a message on your phone and asking him to politely end the meeting OR you need to fake a headache/ upset stomach/ seizure/ heart attack to get yourself away from this jerk. STAT!

Anonymous said...

that worked...if looks could kill he would be dead.

Meeting is over and we are out of here.

All he did was look straight at the dude and said "this is over" and we left. the other guy has no clue.

Crap--you think he's pissed at me....waiting for the car and he's not really saying much.

DreamerKind said...

Didn't that kind thing end years ago, I mean male chauvinistic PIGISM?

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I don't think he's pissed at you.

I think he's trying to figure out how to get away with strangling the douche bag.

Anonymous said...

Dk--i could tell you stories--no it didn' t end.

Still not a word--great--

SueBee said...


He is NOT pissed at you. He's mad because some guy touched his woman without permission.

He needed to know

Melinda said...

Glad it worked.

I highly doubt he is upset with you.

Maybe not saying much b/c he is upset.

Elaine said...

1Rosefan-I don't think he's mad at you. He's probably enraged with the douche.
Thank God you're out of there. I was anxious for you to leave.

SueBee said...

I agree with Tracy. He is trying not to strangle the dude.

DreamerKind said...


He's probably beating himself up because he left you with the wolf.

SueBee said...

You should NEVER have to put up with unwanted advances

I'm glad you are out of there

Melinda said...


I wonder if someone's office will be getting a call in the morning.

Wouldn't surprise me...

Anonymous said...

Agreed SueBee

You shouldn't have to put up with someone touching you when it makes you uncomfortable.

Gruff's not mad at you. Give him a few moments to work through the anger at the loser prick who thought he could get away with it.

Anonymous said...

nope he's pissed.--it wasn't that bad not like an "advance" he was creepy but we were in public.

SueBee said...

Yes, I'm sure he's just controlling his temper. It will be okay!

SueBee said...

It's the thought of any guy thinking they could touch you in any way.

It's an insult to you and as your man, an insult to him

Elaine said...


Give him a few...he's just worked up because of the jerk.

Anonymous said...

Dude is pissed I'm telling you--its cool-he'll calm down. he takes everythng too seriously which is why I wouldn't have said anything normally.

Okay--someone else talk--really--its fine--I'm good. Thanks for the idea--at least we go to leave.

DreamerKind said...

You did the right thing, honey.

Anonymous said...

He'll calm down.. Men handle things SO much differently than women do in situations like that.


My killer shoes shipped yesterday! I should have them by Monday!


SueBee said...

I agree, you did the right thing.

DreamerKind said...


What do you mean by killer shoes, high heels?

Elaine said...

Yeah he'll calm down. It's just how men work, they internalize and work themselves up.

T-New shoes..woot woot.

You guys should see mine for the weeding. 5" heels. they are death traps. I plan on taking flip flops for laters...I am planning to dance until the end. When me and my girls get together like that is crazy!
Two of my best friends are coming from back home. Should be awesome.

Melinda said...

Okay time for me to fly...

talk to everyone on the flip side.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Dreamer, you didn't know???

That Cate talked me into buying shoes the other night while I was under the influence of alcohol.

A pair of Rock & Republic shoes. They called to me.

I had to get them. Give them a good home.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SueBee said...


Sometimes--they call to you and you just know


Anonymous said...

AND.. while I'm thinking of it.. I need to find the info to get a pair of True Religion jeans altered. Kiddo's too short, but everywhere else, the jeans fit. I have a name and number of a lady who the store suggested.. just have to find where I put it.

Someone remind me tomorrow. I'm too comfy to get up right now.

Anonymous said...

Awesome abou the shoes. --

tty guys later--thanks for the good ideas and laughs.

DreamerKind said...


Now I recall that I was going to google them, since I'd never heard of them before. And so I will, right now.

DreamerKind said...



DreamerKind said...


Chin up and goodnight.

Elaine said...

Night Smitty!

Elaine said...

T-You know what jeans have a really good fit. The urban outfitter ones. Those are my faves.

DreamerKind said...


Just wow for the R & R shoes. Getting a half boot, boot, heel, suede, leopard, red or what?

SueBee said...


Good night. I honestly hope your night gets much much better now!


Anonymous said...

My shoes

DreamerKind said...


Say, I can't see anyone's pic either, unless I click on it. So, Tracy I decided to click on yours, and viola, a pair of hot shoes for your photo. Would that be the famous killers?

Guess I have to check into changing my security settings as all I see are white boxes for everyone, even me.

Elaine said...

JFC T-Where are you going in them shoes. I can see you doing some serious damage in those.


DreamerKind said...

Oh, ho, champagne to blame for the "viola" (nice instrument) vs. voila! Chuckling.

Anonymous said...

I plan on wearing those shoes everywhere.
Those are my kick ass shoes.

SueBee said...

Throw on the tiara and sash with those shoes and it will be total world domination!

Anonymous said...


Ultimate champion and ruler of all!

Elaine said...

Yeah T-You are the winner...I wanna see you work the runway, on those shoes for the victory walk

Anonymous said...

Anyone care to explain to me why I have "You make me feel like dancing" on repeat in my head?


DreamerKind said...

Where's Syd?

Kay said...

Sweet anticipation of wearing the shoes?

DreamerKind said...


You have it in your head because you did a good deed for the girl who needed it most-a feel good kind of thing. And let's dance.

I'm putting it on youtube for myself.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh Kay! You could be right!


DreamerKind said...

OMG, I pulled up Leo Sayer's version but he is on the Capt. & Tennille show, can't believe it, I may have even seen it back in the day!

DreamerKind said...

Now to listen to Tears and Fears, is it? Off I go.

Kay said...

Tracy - don't forget to call about having the kiddo's jeans hemmed. (I hate hemming jeans.)

Dreamer - do you ever sleep? :)

I think I'd better say goodnight, so goodnight!

DreamerKind said...



I go to sleep between 5-8am until I wake between 1-4pm. I earned it, many years of living, sweets.

It suits me, always has, even as a kid but I didn't have any power of choice back then.


DreamerKind said...


Still multi-tasking? Would you be interested in introducing me to newer music that I haven't heard?

Kay said...

DK - Good for you! Enjoy your night!! :)

Anonymous said...

What kind of genre are you looking for Dreamer? I've got tunes from the 50's til now on my iTunes. No rap or country thoughe

DreamerKind said...

Anything Indie, jazz, blues, new folk, modern, I'm clueless.

Anonymous said...


wanna narrow it down a bit?

I've got over 4000 songs in my iTunes library.

Pick a genre, and then pick an artist you like, and I'll see what I've got that I can recommend. .

DreamerKind said...

OK, I like this Toph Taylor from UK. Glen Hansard. Romantic stuff.

DreamerKind said...

Bagpipers, marching bands, hendrix

DreamerKind said...

Early Union songs of the 30's, protest songs, songs of freedom, Pete Seeger, Paul Robeson

Enough for now?

And I did read your blog, it moved me, I had some troubles along those lines myself.

SueBee said...


Try Paolo Nutini

"Rewind" and "Last Request" are a few of my favorites

Anonymous said...

Do you ever listen to any Ben E King?

DreamerKind said...

Ben E King-I don't think so.

I wrote down Paolo. Tak, girl.

DreamerKind said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

:) You might like Ben E King.

very soulful

DreamerKind said...


Who is this Andy Whitfield that you lust after?

DreamerKind said...

Hugh Laurie and Anthony Hopkins, trip me.

DreamerKind said...

OK, tuning in Ben E. King right now.

DreamerKind said...

stand by me, at this momento.

DreamerKind said...

OMG, did you see that video of Seal and Heidi Klum on Huff Post? Something about I'm your special secret and it is fucking gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Chantal Kreviazuk

I like her too

Oh, and The Weepies

SueBee said...


AW played Spartacus on the Starz series--Spartacus blood and sand


Anyway--how about Otis Redding? "Dreams To Remember" "TRy a Little Tenderness"

Sam Cooke

Nina Simone

Oh!!!! Brandi Carllile!!! I love her!

DreamerKind said...

Damn, Ben E.and Spanish Harlem now.

But Ms. Tracy and Susan, I need to get into the present musica.

DreamerKind said...


Brandi kills me and Nina, I cry when she sings-so real, I adore her.

Have you heard Hana Pestle Need or Michelle Featherstone-Perfect?

Twilight has great music like Sia, Muse, Rob (stupendous).

My musical enjoyment has opened like a flower this year and has saved my soul. Well, you know what I mean.

DreamerKind said...

Sleepy Sassy Sisters?

Anonymous said...

Ooooh.. I like The Swell Season too.

SueBee said...


OF COURSE Rob Pattinson

Wonderful voice--fell in love with the music before I even knew it was him

"Simple Man" Shine Down--Remake of Skynyrd

Ray LaMontagne--"Burn" "Please" "Let It Be Me"

Kings of Leon

DreamerKind said...

Have you heard "Out of my League" TJ McCloud wrote it and played with Stephen Speaks?


Anonymous said...

I just saw Shinedown in concert SueBee :) a few weeks ago.

DreamerKind said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DreamerKind said...

Shinedown-a new one to hear, thanks.

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