I actually had a decent weekend.
Because for a great deal of it...
I didn't obsess over Robert.
It was actually kinda refreshing to not always be thinking of him...
his hair...his mouth...his eyes...
well you get the picture.
(and so much for not obsessing...geez)
It was nice to be out with family and friends...
and be IN THE MOMENT...
and focusing on the conversation...
and who I was with...
and not daydreaming about Robert Pattinson.
Yeah...Twilight did come up once...
one of my BFF's daughters brought it up
(of course, she's young and such a typical fan)
And there I was...
acting like Twilight didn't matter to me at all...
FanGurl: Did you see the movie? It was totally awesome!
Rose: Yeah, I saw the movie at the theater.
(oh, I forgot to mention that I saw the bitch 5 times in the theater...
and 100's of times on my computer, oh and how many damn times have I watched that DVD????)
FG: That Robert Pattinson was pretty good as Edward!
Rose: Robert who? Oh yeah...the guy from Harry Potter. He was OK.
(pretty fucking good? He was PERFECTION!!!!)
FG: I already have the DVD!
Rose: Yeah, I would like to have that on DVD.
(Wait...did I forget to tell you I have 3 fucking copies already???)
FG: Edward is Dreamy.
Rose: Stephenie Meyers really knows how to write interesting characters.
(Damn straight Edward is dreamy. And creamy. And....and...fuck...
let's face it...I fucking LOVE Edward!)
FG: I do love Robert Pattinson...but he's a bit old for me!
Rose: *choking on her food* Hahahahahaha....yeah...he's too old for you!
(Fuck me DEAD. If he's too old for you...what the fuck does that make me...
Oh MAN...I don't even wanna fucking GO there.)
That's pretty much how the conversation went...
me listening to this young thing going on and on about Robert Pattinson...
and me pretending that I knew nothing...
Because I couldn't give myself away...
What would it look like if I knew MORE than she did?
That I have memorized his every picture...
Watched endlessly every interview...
Knew all his quotes and words by heart...
Knew his wardrobe...his hats...his shoes...
You understand.
I know you do.
But yeah...
Other than that...
It was a good weekend.
Little to no obsessing over Robert.
and the appropriate question to ask myself here...
Who am I trying to convince?
You? Or Me???
Bye for now
Yeah Rose, I believe you. And I fucking LOVE you!
I've had a few of these conversations myself... It's so difficult to keep the light out of my face... so very hard..
Rose I have been in that situation a few times myself with my daughter's friends (my daughter is not Robsessed - crazy I know!). I have to pretend I don't know much when I'm nearly bursting at the seams to tell them what I know and think. When they get some fact about Rob wrong I have to bite down really hard on my tongue so I don't give myself away - because I know EVERYTHING!
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