it would be unendurable.
You are the most important thing to me now.
The most important thing to me ever."
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.274
This is still one of my favorite pictures of "Edward". I think Robert really became him in this picture. I know it worked for me!
OK. I was on some "Twilight" site...and it was talking about the Stephenie Meyer/Midnight Sun drama.
It goes as follows:
A leak puts the bite on ‘Twilight’~
“Twilight” fans waiting to read Stephenie Meyer’s latest vampire novel had better not hold their breath: the author is still pouting about her unfinished manuscript being leaked online — and hasn’t touched the book since.
To the chagrin of “Twilight” followers, Meyer has no further plans to resurrect the would-be juicy read. “Midnight Sun,” the fifth tome in the series, was being written from bloodsucking heartthrob Edward Cullen’s point of view.
“Nothing’s changed,” a rep for the author confirms to us. “Stephenie has no plans to move forward with ‘Midnight Sun’ at this time.”
Old news, right? But it got me thinking (run for your life!!). Now, don't get me wrong...I love Stephenie Meyer. She brought me to Edward...who in turn brought me to Robert. Not bad (Who am I kidding? It's fanFUCKINGtastic!). But I'm still so disappointed in this. Because I feel she is punishing her fans...but anyway...
Which also got me to thinking about "Midnight Sun". Yes, I have read the part that was leaked on the internet. Yes, I absolutely LOVED it...mistakes and all. I will admit it, Edward is by far the most fascinating part of "Twilight". BY FAR. And being able to get inside his head and read his thoughts...his obsession...his every feeling...was incredible. More interesting than Bella....
So what would have happened...if they had put out "Midnight Sun" as a movie instead of "Twilight"? Instead of Bella's POV...we get Edwards. We get 99% Edward. His voice over. His story. And with that...we get Rob! More delicious, beautiful, gorgeous Rob. Fascinating thought. Would the tweenies have been more excited by the movie...seeing that it was all Rob/Edward? Or do they like seeing things through Bella's eyes? Bella is so relatable...does that make her version more appealing to women? Wouldn't the Edward version of the movie have had more action...more Cullens...more of an inside look in the life of a vampire? Who wouldn't want that? How could anyone who is a fan of "Twilight" NOT want more Edward???? Obviously Robert has millions of fan who probably would feel the same way as me...and I know that "Midnight Sun" as a movie...would be...fucking brilliant. All Rob All the time. *sigh*
Right now, though, I would just settle for the book being finished and published. I'm dying to see the meadow scene through Edwards golden eyes. I'm sure SM will get over all this. Hopefully sooner than later.
Bye for now♥
OK. I'm in a rather pissy mood (again?). It always comes back to the obsession/addiction to all things Robert Pattinson.
No, it's not because of my obsession that I am being bitchy today. No. I have come to accept this burning desire to wrap myself around Rob. I have to...it's either that or the padded room. But here's the thing. Don't you FUCKING dare try to tell me that I'm wrong for feeling this way. Don't you FUCKING dare try to push your thoughts on me. Don't you FUCKING dare project your shitty pent up bullshit onto me.
I don't fucking need someone getting all righteous and pompous and acting like they are better than me. Fuck that, OK?
See, I am dealing with my Robsession the best way I know how. I indulge myself. Endlessly. And how can being addicted to Rob be bad, when its brought me to Robsessed...and some of the best people I've yet to meet? These girls make me think. Laugh. Cry. And I feel fucking protective of them...
It's all well and good to deal with your issues...your way. But I draw the line when you expect everyone else to follow your lead...and if they don't...well, they must be useless, stupid and weak.
I'm enjoying my Robsession. I am still figuring it out....but it has been a helluva ride so far. I'm not stupid. I can think for myself. And my first reaction when someone preaches at me, and tries to shove their beliefs down my throat? I spit that shit right back out.
Sorry if this is so bitchy. I guess I'm being Dark Rose today.
Bye for now ♥
Mmmmm....dark Edward.
This is just to say that Taylor Lautner has been signed (let me sign!) to reprise his role as Jacob Black in "New Moon". I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I thought that Taylor was PERFECT for Jacob in "Twilight". He was everything I pictured Jacob being (not that I really noticed the character that much...I am deeply in love with Edward, after all), cute, friendly and sweet. In NM...I'm not so sure.
First off...I don't like Taylor with the long hair. He looks SO much cuter with his hair short....but I realize that is a character thing. Can he man up enough to compete with Edward? Jacob didn't really compute with me as anything Edward would have to worry about...until "Eclipse" (my favorite book)...it wasn't until that book that I realized that Jacob could be kinda hot and sexy....Can 17 year old Taylor pull that off? I don't know. I read that they recently did some more screen tests to see if he and Kristen had any chemistry...I suppose that is the important part, isn't it? It's not whether I can see Taylor/Jacob as a possibility...its whether Kristen can act like she really has to decide between Jacob and Edward. OK, obviously in the real world...NO FUCKING CONTEST. But, alas, this isn't the real world, is it? Not even close.
I am happy for Taylor. He realizes how important this role is to his career...and he went after it...gaining weight and working out to show Summit he could handle the part. I hope this is true.
As happy as I am that Summit wants to release "New Moon" at the end of this year (WOW), I don't want a rushed, shitty movie. Do it right, Summit. You fuckers.
Did I tell you how much I love the DARK EDWARD pictures of Rob? I need to go read Wide Awake again. And again. LOVE THAT FUCKING STORY.
That's all for now.