these pages are purely in fun
please, don't go any further.
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I'm fucking done.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
You're kidding...right?

Monday, December 29, 2008
Fucking Over Thinking...

Saturday, December 27, 2008
I just realized...

Monday, December 22, 2008
Rob back in London

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008
5X a charm!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Note to self.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
I've lost count.

Monday, December 8, 2008
Rob in Paris...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Lots of Robert

*whew* HUGE Rob day today. The Little Ashes trailer came out today (the real one, not just a snippet) and Rob looks awesome in it. I love how he loses himself in this role. I can't wait to see it.
The picture here is from the London premiere of "Twilight". Yes, thousands of screaming teens showed up to show Rob that, they too, can scream and screech at him as good as the Americans! Robert said of his hysterical fans: "It's absolutely mad. I'm in a daze. They're here for the character, not for me. I don't know what to do. I'm terrified of doing the sequel."
I'm wondering how true that quote really is. I'm going to guess that 80% of the tweeners that love Robert right now, call him "Edward". And will probably hate his new movie "Little Ashes" because it isn't Edward at all. I hate to think he's scared of doing the sequels because the screaming banshees have him terrified. Again, I can only imagine how well he is really holding up. It does make me happy that at least he is back home in London, with his family. There has to be a bit of sanity attached to that. I hope he can enjoy his time there to some degree. Kristen was there, too...unfortunately she brought her actor/bodyguard boyfriend with her. His name is Michael Aragano...or something like that. I never heard of him until "Twilight" came out and he was in pictures lurking behind Kristen. He's always lurking behind Kristen. He obviously doesn't have a job. And hasn't for quite some time since he seems to have so much time off to escort his girlfriend around the world. Nice life, I suppose. No offense to Kristen...but it's time to trade up, girl. The boyfriend you get at 16...is not enough for you now. You need someone a bit older...taller...better looking, say....with an English accent. You know who I mean.
On another note. I went and saw "Twilight" for the 3rd time yesterday. 6 other people in the theater. Nice. I also downloaded a version from some movie site...its not the best quality...but I love being able to watch the movie whenever I want to. Never fear, I will probably see the movie at least 2 more times...and there is no doubt in hell I will be buying the DVD when it comes out. I am already on Amazon's Twilight list to let me know when it is coming out.
Other than that...I guess I am done. Time to get some more of Rob. Lots to look at...lots to listen to. Life is good.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Little Ashes

*sigh* I lust after this man. I want to protect him. Conflicting emotions. Scary combination, yes?
OK. As usual, I don't really have much to say today. I didn't get to see "Twilight" today, much to my eternal sadness. We got over 6 inches of snow last night, and it was really blowing and drifting all over the place. Even though after living in Wisconson my whole life, I know how to drive in the snow, there is no need to take risks when not absolutely necessary. I have "Twilight" penciled in for tomorrow afternoon. I really REALLY need to see it again. How's that for scary?
A lot of chatter about the trailer for Rob's next movie coming out this week. "Little Ashes", where he portrays a young Salvador Dali. It is such an interesting and complex role for Rob to take on. It's definitely the polar opposite of Edward. I can't imagine the screaming teenies will want to see Robert in this role. But that's just a guess. As a TRUE fan of Robs, I really REALLY want to see this movie. Rob's acting fascinates me. How he is so willing to lose himself in his roles...how he takes his career so seriously. LOVE that. I'm just hoping that the hype of "Twilight" will let "Little Ashes" be shown somewhere that I can go and see it. And that goes for "How to Be" as well. Rob is so adorable in that one...at least from the clips that I have seen. I find myself searching for other movies of Robs now. But the majority (outside of Harry Potter, of course) were like TV movies made in England, or little unknown indie films. I'm sure that will change now. I hope so. I would like to build my Robert Pattinson Collection very soon.
That's it for now. I need to watch me some Rob. Bye for now.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Casting Twilight

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Poor Robert.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Twilight~ The Movie part 2

Monday, November 24, 2008
Twilight~ The Movie

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Fan or Fanatic?

Monday, November 17, 2008
Twilight Premiere

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday with Robert Pattinson.

Friday, November 14, 2008

But I just wanted to post this picture of Rob.
There is something about his smile...his casual walk...the shades.
Truly...someone put me out of my misery.
OK. Well, Twilight comes out in a week. A week.
I won't be seeing it until the following week (you know, I don't want to be punching some tweeners in the face when they scream through out the movie...which would mean I would be probably punching out the whole theater. Not a good thing)
I can't wait to see it. I get like...butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. In fact, I get butterflies (and birds and pterodactyls) in my stomach just thinking about Robert.
I just reread what I wrote. And it's scary. Not the creepy, stalker, screaming, screeching fanatic kinda scary...but scary just the same. Now, I'm aware that I post this shit for myself. I don't do this in hopes of anyone reading this...and Lord knows I'm not anywhere near delusional enough to think Robert would ever find this and read it...but what would he think? What does he think about all these girls and women who just are throwing themselves at him? After watching him go from one 'planned mobbing' to another...I think he kinda likes being screamed at. I mean...he rather encouraged it. It's quite like a rock star, isn't it? Hell, he's young, gorgeous and probably having the time of his life. And while I realize that most of his fans are respectful, decent people...there are those that are VERY FRIGHTENING. Those are the ones that worry me.
I think I will just look at this picture a while longer....it makes me feel better. Rob makes me smile right along with him.
Yes... feeling better now.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Nothing much.

It might sound silly to say I 'love' someone I have never (and most likely never will) met...but it's just that the more I know about Rob...the more I care about him. I want to TAKE care of him. I can't find any faults with him...except the fact that he doesn't seem to have a clue to how wonderful he truly is. He's so beautiful. So God damn beautiful. Jesus.
He takes my breath away.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Random Thoughts

Monday, November 10, 2008
Worried for Rob.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Hidden Rob Devotion

Good Morning. Why do I persist in talking to myself? Not sure. "I dunno", as Rob always says. Well, he's right...I dunno.
Not sure how I feel today. This whole Rob thing is just so damn overwhelming. So...confusing. I took a huge step today, and mentioned "Twilight" to a non-Rob obsessed, non Twilight fan. My BEST friend. You could ask how she could be my best friend and not know about Rob? Well, I realize that 'most' people aren't all wrapped up in a book/movie and its stars. I was going to say most NORMAL people (unless you're a tweenager) just don't get so damn involved in this kinda stuff. My friend had NEVER heard of Twilight. Although when I told her the premise of the movie, she was agreeable to go and see it. I kinda told her that I thought the lead actor was pretty damn gorgeous...but I stopped myself from gushing over him. She wouldn't understand. Well, I know that *I* sure as hell don't understand, how could I expect anyone else to? But at least I get one showing of "Twilight" out of the whole thing. Oh, don't for a moment think that I will only see the movie once. HA! I will be there...alone, if need be...at least 5 times. That's my goal. 5 times. More if it is more than I can stand and I must see it as much as possible. Which is scaring me, because I'm pretty sure, even now, that seeing Rob in all his Edward glory on this huge screen...will be more than I can stand. I'm thinking that I should probably go and see the movie by myself first...to get all the pent up emotion out before I share the theater with someone who knows me. How ridiculously strange I am. We have some theaters nearby that have an ULTRA screen... let me quote the theater site...
The UltraScreens®, with razor sharp three-story tall picture, crystal clear digital sound and comfortable stadium seats are Marcus movie magic at its best.The UltraView® auditoriums, boast a screen 75 feet wide by 32 feet tall.*The UltraScreens® take moviegoing to a totally a new level of excitement that can never be experienced at home. The UltraScreens® are more than 500 times bigger than a typical 19”television screen.
Um...Can you imagine Rob 75 feet wide and 32 feet tall??? *Gulp*. It boggles the mind. And honestly, it boggles a few other things as well!! But anyway, I digress. Local theaters around here are selling tickets for the midnight showing of Twilight, but as much as I would love to see Rob as soon as possible...I truly think there will be so much damn screaming that the movie will lose something. I'm so NOT into screaming, screeching...especially when I am trying to hear Rob's voice. I would hate to have to punch some girl in the mouth for screaming in my ear...just as Rob says "GET IN THE CAR"...or "You ARE My Life Now". Oh, I'm not a violent person at all...but don't effin mess with me and Rob, OK??? So where was I before I lost myself in my latest Rob Rant. I dunno. Heh. Oh yeah, the movie. 5 times. Punching little girls. You know, the usual. (oh God...HELP ME!)
Well, It's about time for me to go off on another magazine hunt. Didn't I tell you? Yeah, I'm collecting every magazine with Robert/Twilight on the cover...or with some layout inside...because I just want to hold the mans face in my grubby paws. Did I mention that I am incurably ill and should probably be locked up for the rest of my life? Well, just another secret that I have to learn to deal with on my own...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I need a break.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Let's see...it's all about Rob.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

This is insane. Truly insane. I just watched the movie clip that they showed in Rome...for the upteenth time. And everytime, when it gets to the end with "Bella's Lullabye"...I feel like I'm about to cry. Yes, Robert Pattinson at the piano is beautiful beyond measure. And the song was wonderful. I guess knowing that he is actually playing the song in the movie...affected me. Big time. There was SO much Rob yesterday...and I tried like hell to take it all in. He was in Rome for a movie festival, so there was a press conference, a red carpet...and there I was watching it on choppy, frustrating video feed, hoping to get more glimpses of Robert. And then the "Empire Magazine Shoot"...OH MY GOD. That is one of my favorite videos thus far. Watching Robert stare at Kristen...watching Kristen steal a glance at Robert (and honestly, who can blame her for wanting to stare at him?). The sexual tension... the CHEMISTRY between them is so obvious. Yes, I saw Kristens BF get out of the car with her in Rome...but seriously...does he even stand a chance? Nope. After watching how Robert and Kristen interact with each other...looking for each other...watching for each other...feeling obvious comfort being next to each other...I say its only a matter of time. In almost every picture that they took together...she leaned into him. So intimate. Sometimes I forget how very young Kristen really is. She is only 18. But she seems mature beyond that...You can tell how uncomfortable doing interviews is for her, because she has a hard time verbalizing what she wants to say. She makes faces...stammers...looks to Rob...
Anyway. Yesterday was VERY emotional for me. Getting all teary eyed at a clip (and not a very good quality clip...but it will suffice for now)...gazing endlessly at Robert...It makes my stomach...hurt. This is ridiculous. This adoration I have for Robert (and yes, Edward. It's the truth, after all) is out of control.
I can only imagine what seeing the actual movie will do to me. I'm kinda scared how I will react.
Lord Help Me.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rob Explosion

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday morning rant.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Disclaimer of sorts.

Ok. A couple of things.
1. I know that noone reads this blog but me...but I feel the need to apologize if I have taken someones pictures. I mean no harm. I just decided to begin each post with a glorious picture of Robert Pattinson. Is that wrong? I didn't think so.
2. Look at this picture. He's obviously quite a bit younger here...and what is he doing? Running those long beautiful fingers through that sexy hair. It makes me wonder how long that has been a habit of his. It makes me wonder how his hair would feel between *my* fingers.